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From the CEO
Accor Hotels Antipodes Argosy Property Limited Argus Fire Protection Asahi Beverages B & G Barfoot & Thompson Bellingham Wallace BEP Marine Ltd Catalano Shipping Services CBRE Check Point Clean Corp Compass Communications Datacom Ecostore Edu Experts 36 Degrees Brokers Ecology New Zealand Emirates ENL / Furuno Ezi Car Rentals GOfuel Hikvision Hick Bros Construction Integrated Marine Group JC McCall Plumbing Kennedy Point Marina Martelli McKegg Milford Asset Management Negociants Panasonic Propspeed Rayglass Boats Spark New Zealand Southern Spars Suncorp New Zealand Teak Construction Thos Holdsworth & Sons VMG Clothing Westpac Yamaha
We have just completed our 36 Degrees Squadron weekend, and as with so many things at present, it too was disrupted. The team made a wise and well supported decision to race up to Kawau on the Friday night and back on the Saturday. This was followed by a smaller party at the club than the usual Kawau Island extravaganza.
The club (like all of us) has certainly faced many challenges in the past two years, but I am proud to say we have shown our agility and adaptability to do the best we can, given the situation. Our members must also be acknowledged with their ongoing support. Financially, we are frankly “doing it tough” right now, with reduced trading income, and significantly reduced events of any scale happening.
This has also been trying on our own team of staff with a lot of uncertainty and timing bringing change to a few members of the leadership group.
I would like to thank Kim Bond, who has looked after membership for many years now. Her friendly face and helpful attitude will be missed by all.
Sarah Dance, as Commercial Manager moves on after joining us at a time when we had many oppose such a role. The reality is the club needs commercial sponsorship and events to enable us to offer member benefits and sailing at much subsidised rates. I am proud to say Sarah has been superb for the club in this area.
The Food and Beverage team also sees further change with Cat Stanton choosing to broaden her career after many years in many roles at the club. A very big thank you and I know the club will remain close to all of your hearts.
With change, though, also comes opportunity and the General Committee with the staff leadership have reviewed structure and costs and asked ourselves what could it look like in the near future. As we now do on an annual basis, we held a strategic planning session recently.
This year we chose not to focus too much on the long term, but more on the shorter term and have come up with more of an annual workplan. The reason for this may seem fairly obvious in the current climate, but our vision to be the leading local and international yacht club remains.
In summary, membership strategy will be reviewed with priority focus on closer alignment with motorboat owners, other clubs and stakeholders; better use of technology, both in-house and on the water; and alternative revenue streams.
We squeezed in our 2021 AGM in December with a packed house, in person and online. We were in fact on track for the fastest AGM ever with the new committee voted in and a great financial result. The General Committee is elected by members and I am very thankful for their effort and time they put back into our club.
I welcome Matt Cole and Rod Marler to the new group and I am sure they will bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the club. Both are active members with different backgrounds, so will be great for our group.
But the 150th AGM will actually go down as one of the longest in history due to the open discussion around the 37th America’s Cup and, in particular, venue discussion. All views were heard and Grant Dalton shared details of Team New Zealand’s proposed budget.
Whilst all may not agree, ultimately it is the team’s responsibility to run a successful event and campaign for the club they represent, as they have done for more than 25 years. Although no resolutions could be proposed at the AGM, it was a great opportunity for members to get a complete and full update enabling members to gain a far greater understanding and reality check of where things are at.
Whilst on the America’s Cup, the RNZYS is also happy to have formally accepted four challenges and remains hopeful of more. The club continues to work in harmony with our team as Trustee and legal defender. As we get further down the track, I am sure the club will also play a significant role, particularly in the Youth and Women’s America’s Cups.
Closer to home, club sailing continues with our busiest months of summer. The 36 Degrees Brokers Commodores Cup, Doyle Sails Wednesday Series, Havana Club Rum Racing, and the Three Kings Offshore race are all happening, so there is plenty of yachting on the calendar. The CBRE Auckland regatta is also just over a month away, so I encourage you to enter and get involved in the Auckland’s premier keelboat regatta.
With six months left for me at the helm of the RNZYS, be assured we will be doing all we can to ensure the club remains as a world leading yacht club. Challenges are continually being thrown at us, more than ever before, but with strong and supportive members and a great team, we will continue to flourish. Make the most of summer, see you on the water.
Aaron Young Commodore

Thinking of selling your boat?
As a result of a big sales year, we continually require new listings. Our sales team has a great record of success and is standing by to provide professional and attentive service in marketing your vessel. Ask about the RNZYS member discount.