Quick Start Presentation: RooWifi: Wi-Fi Remote for Roomba

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Quick presentation RooWifi: Wi-Fi Remote for Roomba March 2013


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Content WHAT IS ROOWIFI? ....................................................................................................................... 3 HOW IT WORKS? ............................................................................................................................ 3 ADVANTAGES................................................................................................................................. 4 AVAILABLE DOCUMENTATION AND SUPPORT FILES ..................................................... 5 MANUALS AND MEDIA ....................................................................................................................... 5 CONTACT INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 5



What is RooWifi? “RooWifi is the easiest way for software developers to develop applications for iRobot Roomba using a simple WiFi connection” RooWifi is a simple development board for developers who don’t want to waste their time designing a hardware circuitry and want to develop applications through their Home WiFi Network keeping in mind the Internet of things and multiplatform philosophies. The development is not platform or programming language restrictive: C, C++, C#, Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript, xCode, … From iRobot Roomba Serial Command Interface (SCI) Specification:

“Versions of iRobot® Roomba® Vacuuming Robot manufactured after October, 2005 contain an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify Roomba’s behavior and remotely monitor its sensors. This interface is called the iRobot Roomba Serial Command Interface or Roomba SCI. Roomba SCI is a serial protocol that allows users to control a Roomba through its external serial port (Mini-DIN connector). The SCI includes commands to control all of Roomba’s actuators (motors, LEDs, and speaker) and also to request sensor data from all of Roomba’s sensors. Using the SCI, users can add functionality to the normal Roomba behavior or they can create completely new operating instructions for Roomba.” Page 2 (Section SCI OVERVIEW) This text is captured from page 2 – Sci Oveview in this link: http://www.irobot.com/images/consumer/hacker/roomba_sci_spec_manual.pdf

How it works? “Connect your App using a simple TCP/IP Socket and let’s play with your Roomba” After the RooWifi is plugged to the robot the developer could control Roomba’s actuators and request Roomba’s sensor data using a lot of alternative methods:     

Simple TCP/IP Socket connection. Reading sensor data using JSON on-board file. Reading sensor data using XML on-board files. Send Button commands using GET AjaxRequests. Send specific commands including the JavaScript on-board file (.js) in your web development.

You could refer our User Guide to learn more about it or if you have any question, please contact with us without any inconvenience.



Advantages “RooWifi allows the development of Apps for all devices without platform restrictions and works through a Home WiFi network” 

Small footprint and on-board connector: Quick and easy installation. When the development time is finished, the developer could unplug the board simply.

Automatic baudrate configuration: The developer doesn’t need to configure anything related to the SCI baudrate. Transparent means transparent at all.

WiFi connection: The developer could connect his RooWifi to his Home WiFi Network using DHCP or not and every time that he should program or test his development don’t need to do any special connection.

5 step easy Home WiFi configuration: (See Home WiFi Configuration document) RooWifi is smart enough to remember the last correct network configured and tries to connect automatically every time that it loses the connection or is unplugged.

Embedded Web Server: The development board RooWifi includes an example of application using simple embedded web server on-board with user/password authentication and includes the WiFi and Network Configuration Settings too.

Easy to Restore: If the developer forgets user/password or any IP parameter, RooWifi has a restore button, 5 seconds pushing down and the default configuration will we reloaded. (Network settings and Authentication).

Multiple choices for developers (Multiplatform): The developer could program his own software using Python, C, C++, Java, xCode (iOs), Javascript, PHP, C# and any kind of programming language or environment that enables TCP/IP communications or remote URL calls for Ajax Requests, XML or JSON parsing. For example: web application.

Internal Flash: RooWifi always stores the last correct WiFi configuration and allows the developer to change it when he wants.

NetBIOS Name Service: With windows systems the developer could access to RooWifi using a name, don’t need to know the IP address.

External UFL antenna connector: The developer could increase the WiFi signal gain adding a standard antenna with UFL connector.



Available Documentation and Support Files All manuals and guides of RooWifi are currently available in English, Spanish, and are being translated to Russian and maybe in few time to French.

Manuals and Media User Guide: http://www.roowifi.com/wp-content/uploads/RwRemote_User_Guide_v2_rev15.pdf Home WiFi Configuration Guide: http://www.roowifi.com/wp-content/uploads/HWCG.pdf Official RooWifi website: http://www.roowifi.com Blog for developers: http://www.roowifi.com/category/developers/ Sample Codes using Gateway Mode: http://www.roowifi.com/category/developers/examples-applications/ Last news about RooWifi: http://www.roowifi.com/category/roomba-wifi-remote-v2/ YouTube’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqFfy31jJd7Hy5HDp2FWbA RSS Feed: http://www.roowifi.com/feed/

Contact Information If you want to contact directly with us, please send an email to this email address: info@roowifi.com


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