SELECT Part Store User Manual

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DPM Field Manual

JULY 2016



Enrollment Process 3

DPM Checklist 4 Dealership Visit Checklist 4 How to assess dealership performance 4

Demo IDs 4-5

Reports 6-8

Fleet 9-17

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


User How To’s 9-18

Login and Placing Orders 9-10 Road Choice Catalog 11 Import Parts List and Saved Orders 12-13 Using Promotions 14 Integrated Cross-Reference 15 Stand Alone Cross-Reference 16 Account and User Management 17

General Administrative 18-26

Administration How To’s 18-26

Tutorial Videos Overview 18 Promotion Set Up-Brand Line Code Mapping 19-20 Road Choice Catalog 21-22 Cross-Reference 23 Bypass Account Registration Setup 24 User Profile and Account Setup 25 Report Training 26


The DPM takes the primary lead enrolling dealers on the SELECT Part Store. This includes reviewing the platform’s features, advantages, and benefits to gain their commitment to participate and working with them after the installation to train and gain adoption of dealership and customer personal. The contract and paperwork associated with the SELECT Part Store enrollment process and the technical elements are handled by WHI Solutions.

Enrollment Steps

1. DPM shares the features, advantages and benefits of joining the SELECT Part Store and gains a commitment from the dealership to join. There are several tools available to aid in the discussions: Presentation, Website, Tutorial Videos, 2. DPM contacts WHI Solutions representative to begin the enrollment process; see representative list below. 3. WHI will contact dealership and get the required paperwork signed. 4. Once all the paperwork has been signed by the dealership they will be scheduled for an installation. The installation date will be weeks, and likely months, from the date the contracts are signed. 5. Installation typically takes a week and WHI will send an individual to the dealership to complete the integrations, setups and dealership training. DPMs are encouraged to participate in the installation. 6. DPMs are responsible for ongoing follow up and change management at the dealership.

Keys to a successful SELECT Part Store • • • • • •

Dealership Management must be committed to integrating the SELECT Part Store into their parts sales model. Dealership Management must set clear goals, measure performance and hold individuals accountable to achieve established goals. Each dealer location should have at least one expert on SELECT who can navigate the Administration and set up new accounts. OPSs should be equipped with tablets so they can demo the tool during each visit. Hint – OPS’s must have a solid understanding of how orders are placed. SELECT Promotions should be reviewed with fleets during each visit and email to fleet accounts monthly. Parts Department pay plans should be aligned with goal to grow SELECT. It is recommended that OPS’s be compensated for their accounts who participate on SELECT.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.

WHI Solutions Team Andy Schuurs 949-463-1514 Territory: California, Texas

Tom Hagger 203-655-3370 Territory: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island & Vermont Dan Thomas 440.882.6877 Territory: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia & West Virginia

Ron Larson 801-859-4069 Territory: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah & Washington Lauren Thigpen 732-690-3604 Territory: Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey Dave Young 801-520-0452 Territory: All of Canada, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin & Wyoming


DPM CHECKLIST Dealership Visit Checklist How to Assess Dealership Performance Introduction to SELECT

Before you talk to a dealership or fleet about the SELECT Part Store you must become familiar with its purpose, functions, capabilities and limitation. SELECT is a web based interface that gives fleets the ability to order parts from their Mack and Volvo Trucks dealership 24/7 all with real-time inventory and custom pricing. Each fleet login credential is specific to an individual relationship between a fleet and dealership group. If a fleet wants to access multiple dealership groups’ inventory they must obtain login credentials from each dealership group. Tutorial Videos

SELECT Part Store Dealer Presentation

SELECT Part Store Fleet Presentation

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.

DEMO ID’S Fleet Access

Visit to demo the fleet side of SELECT Part Store. This site has full functionality but orders cannot be placed. Login Password vmselect-1 vmselect-1 vmselect-2 vmselect-2 vmselect-3 vmselect-3 vmselect-4 vmselect-4


Admin Access

To visit the administration demo site go to . Login credentials are case sensitive.

Login Password DPMTest DPMTest1 Note – Do not change the password as it is shared with the entire field

The SELECT Administration menu will allow you access to the various functions.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Dealership Visit Preparation •

• • • • • •

Review Monthly SELECT Dashboard to identify performance trends, improvement or detrition performance • Drill down as needed • Identify 2 or 3 areas of focus and improvement to discuss with the dealer team • Compare performance vs. dealership goals Review Monthly SELECT Promotions Prepare discussing new SELECT features or enhancements Review SELECT DOS scoring Encourage dealership to develop their own SELECT promotion Set dealership commitments for upcoming month Ask as many OPSs as possible who they signed up on SELECT last month, what their SELECT sales goal is and how they are performing against that. Follow up as needed.

Every Minute Of Every Day.


REPORTS Corporate Reporting Each month you are sent a report that helps you evaluate how your Region, District and Dealers are performing with SELECT. There are 4 tabs to the report and each provides more detail about SELECT sales. This report should not be send to a dealer for any reason, as the file contains information from many different dealer groups. If a dealership wants the information to use for their internal use it is recommended that the requested information be printed to a PDF. Each tab of the report has Top 10 lists and trending information at the top. The main body of the reports consists of sales dollars, ticket averages, number of orders and stock check information. This should provide a picture of how SELECT sales are trending.

Dashboard Report

The highest level report and quickly identifies overall sales trend for the Nation, Regions and Districts. In this report, there are Month over Month, CYTD and PYTD sales comparisons, PYTD and CYTD ticket average, monthly and YTD orders along with the number of Stock Checks and Stock Check Ration (average number of Stock Checks before an order is placed).

The Parts You Want.

Regions and Districts can be expanded by clicking on + or – next to Region or District.

When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


Management Group Report

Look at a single Rooftop’s SELECT performance and provides more trending information about the selected Rooftop. Use the Dealer Location selector on the left side of the report to change the report data to the desired rooftop. Hold down the “Ctrl” key to select multiple dealers. By clicking the all selected rooftops will be released.

Management Group-Rooftop Report

Best report for individual dealership discussions. Displays SELECT performance for a single Management Group and all of their rooftops. Use Dealer Locator to select desired Management Group.

Managment Group-Customer

Highest level of detail and can be drilled down to an individual customer. Similar metrics and navigation as the previous reports.

Dealership Reporting within SELECT SELECT Administrators have access to a number of reports that help them manage their eCommerce business. All reports are accessed by logging into with their Administrator credentials.

Distributor Reporting

Most detailed report a dealer can access about their SELECT performance.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them.

Daily Activity

Details daily sales information

Every Minute Of Every Day.

Account and User Activity

Details sales information by Accounts and Users


Lost Sales Report

Tracks which parts are “Stock Checked� and not purchased. The aggregated results can provide a lot of insight into what customers are attempting to buy. Note - It is important to review the report periodically so there is visibility into lost sales opportunity, the reason why, and how many customers wanted a particular part. This information can be used to phase in inventory to support your online sales. This information is not captured by the DMS.

Clicking on the blue hyperlinks will display additional detail about a part category. The image is of the SELECT accounts that attempted to order the same part.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


Inactive Users

Tracks how long it has been since a user has logged into SELECT. You can select several different time frames to help target users. This is a great tool to identify and follow up with accounts that have stopped using SELECT.

FLEET USER HOW TO’S Login and Basic Use Visit and enter the User Name and Password provided by your dealership administrator. Click “Login”.

Select “Stock Check” tab (if not default page) and enter the part number(s) and quantity needed in the open fields. Click “Stock Check” to check price and availability.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them.

The results of the stock check are displayed. Note – SELECT requires an exact part number match of the DMS inventory to recall a positive response. Anything short of an exact match will result in an “invalid part number” message being displayed. Contact dealer parts personnel for information about the inclusion/ exclusion of spaces/special characters in their part number sequence. Click “Add to Order” to place desired parts into the shopping cart. 1. Part Description 2. MSRP or List Price 3. Fleet sale price 4. Dropdown for additional inventory locations and Lost Sale description. Inventory locations with a “-“ next to the name indicate view only.

Every Minute Of Every Day.


Click on the shopping card icon in the upper right corner to view your order. 1. Enter Purchase Order 2. Change Ship to Addresses 3. Save this order so it can be re-ordered quickly. 4. Place Order

Placed orders will generate an “Order Confirmation� that will be sent to the designated dealership personnel and ordering company.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


Road Choice™ Catalog The Road Choice Truck Parts Catalog is now available to your SELECT Parts Store B2B site and is pre-loaded with parts and images. 1. Hover over the Catalog Tab then click the Road Choice Catalog


Next, select the Category or you can use the Smart Search; and use the Add buttons to place in the cart.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


Import Parts List and Saved Orders Import Parts List

The Import Part List function is a helpful tool for large order or creating stock orders through the saved order process. Before you begin you need an Excel file that contains part numbers and order quantity. Important - If you have a computer generated order or export file make sure any information below the last part number and quantity is deleted. If this precaution is not taken there is a risk that unneeded information will be imported into SELECT.

Then click on the “Import Parts List” button.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them.

Follow the steps below.

Every Minute Of Every Day.


Once the “Stock Check” has completed; place orders as normal.

Saved Orders

Saved Orders is a tool that allows frequent orders to be saved for quick recall and ordering. To create a saved order, perform a stock check of the parts needed and place them in the shopping cart. From the shopping cart, locate the “Save Order As” box and enter a title for the saved order and click “Save Order”.

To recall a “Saved Order”, click on the “Saved Order” tab and select the desired order by clicking on the hyperlinked Description field.

The Parts You Want. Any recalled “Saved Order” can be edited/modified before it is submitted.

When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


Using Promotions

Utilizing SELECT Promotional Codes Utilizing SELECT Promotional Codes

Every promotion has associated codes established to facilitate the discount being taken at time of order submission. The promotional discount is only valid if eligible items are purchased via Select and promotional code is submitted at time of order. Finding Active Promotions All active promotions are contained within the “Promotions” tab. Additionally, a rotating banner at the top of each Select screen will identify active promotions. “Promotions” tab disappears if no promotions are active.

Promotional codes must be entered after eligible product is placed in “Order Review”. Note: Only one promotional code can be used per order. To take advantage of multiple offers a separate order must be placed. Once the code is successfully applied, a message will be displayed and the discount will be shown.

Apply Promotional Code

Example of a successful application of a promotional code in the Order Review screen: Order Qty 72

Ship P/L Qty 72


Part Number RMC9046731


Sell Price

Extended Sell Price

Your Price

Core Price





SAVE BRAKE CLEANER Save $1 $1ON on BRANDED Volvo Branded Brake Cleaner


RMC9046731 Total Sell Price

Pack Extended Qty Price


163.44 91.44

Total Order Value 91.44 Total Promo Savings 72.00

Order Comments:

Promotional Code: RMC9046731 Your promo code "RMC9046731" has been successfully applied. A $1.00 discount has been applied to each RMC9046731 part number purchased within this order.

Note – Quantity limits for each promotion are by user. Once a user reaches the max 14 quantity they are done for the specific promotion.

Integrated Cross-Reference




Stand Alone Cross-Reference



Account and User Managment


GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE HOW TO’S SELECT Part Store Tutorial Video Overview SELECT Part Store tutorial videos that are available in the SELECT Part Store section of the Trucks Dealer Portal. Each title is hyperlinked to the video and by clicking on the title will initiate playing the video.

General SELECT Part Store Tutorials Dealer Testimonial

High level overview of the SELECT Part Store Dealer and Fleet testimonials

Dealership access to SELECT’s admin site Overview of key administration functions

How to display PREFERRED Pricing Cause and corrections for common pricing errors

Identify parts sales opportunities in MAPP Customize SELECT to target fleets

How a dealership makes the initial request for a fleet’s access to Fleet IMPACT Setup for Fleet IMPACT in SELECT Troubleshooting Fleet IMPACT access issues Updating fleet VINs for Fleet IMPACT

Where to find reports Overview of each key report

Overview of what is needed to create a dealer funded SELECT promotions

Highlight different ways of communicating SELECT promotions

Reset user names and passwords

How To Use SELECT Administration Site

Display PREFERRED Pricing

Using MAPP Data to Boost Sales IMPACT Parts Catalog

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.

Running Report

Creating Dealer Promotions Publicizing Promotions Username & Password

Republic Services Tutorials

These tutorials are to be used to train personnel who sell parts to Republic Services. The process outlined in these videos is the only way to ensure purchase orders from Republic Services ePro system are generated. Republic Services – Account Setup

Initial setup of a Republic Services account in the SELECT Part Store

Explanation of why a Power User is needed How to properly setup a Power User in the SELECT Admin How to use the Power User function

How to login as a Power User Switch between users as a Power User in the SELECT Part Store Create a “Saved Order” How to combat parts that are re-sourced to other vendors

Explains how Republic process orders after you create the saved order General overview of next steps

Highlights common errors and corrections

Highlights the Republic side of the parts order.

Republic Services – Power User Setup

Republic Services – Placing Orders

Republic Services – Processing Approved Orders Republic Services – Tips and Troubleshooting Orders


Republic Services – ePro SELECT Part StoreTM Orders


Follow these instructions to ensure your SELECT Part Store is properly configured to accept SELECT Part Store promotions. The full configuration must be performed prior to any SELECT Part Store promotion be accepted. Promotion Set-Up | Brand/Line Code Mapping 1. Login to Administration ( 2. From the Administration menu select “MVSelect Brand Line Code Map”

3. Select Brand/Line Code Assignments

4. From the Brand Configuration screen you will have the ability to activate or deactivate the Brands that you stock. All active Brands will display with a (√) and all inactive Brands will display with a ( X). • To assign a Brand as inactive, click on ( √) next to the Brand and it will change from an active brand ( √) to an inactive brand ( X). • To assign a Brand as active, click on the ( X) next to the Brand and it will change from an ( X) inactive brand to an ( √) active brand. • When all changes have been completed, click on “Save”

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.

5. To assign an active/inactive status for each Brand and Location, click on the Branch Configuration link next to the Brand.


6. From the Branch Configuration screen disable the Brand for any locations where it is not carried. • To assign a Branch as inactive, click on ( √) next to the location and it will change from an active location ( √) to an inactive location ( X). • When all changes have been completed, click on “Save”.

7. From the Brand Configuration screen select “Brand Line Code Config”.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


8. Within the Brand Line Code Configuration screen assign all source/line codes available within your DMS to each Brand. • To assign a source/line code to a Brand, enter the line code & click the “Add” button. You can add as many line codes to each brand as needed. • Example = Karmak is called Vendor Code and ADP is called Source Code • Click “Save” when you have finished entering all source/line codes for all brands.

Road Choice Catalog To manage the Road Choice Catalog, follow the instructions below: 1. Login to and from the main menu select “Distributor Configuration” 2. Go to field “Catalogs Available to Users”, click on the “Manage” link

3. Within the Available Catalogs screen, you’ll see the “Road Choice Catalog” when you can re-sequence, etc. 4. Click “Add To All Users” and check the box to the right.

The Parts You Want. 5. Additional configuration is available but should be preset by WHI within link in the main menu.

When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


1. Hover over the Catalog Tab then click the Road Choice Catalog

2. Next, select the Category or you can use the Smart Search; and use the Add buttons to place in the cart.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.



Overview The SELECT Part StoreTM is introducing an integrated part number cross-reference tool which provides end-users with the ability to search for alternative part numbers that may fit the same application. The tool leverages Motor System’s industry leading FleetCross and combines Mack Truck, Volvo Truck and Road Choice part information to create a custom cross-reference tool. By combining the custom cross-reference database in an integrated eCommerce platform we are offering a superior eCommerce experience that significantly reduces the difficulty finding part numbers in the Heavy Truck part space.

Upon initial activation, all dealer locations and customers will be active in the cross-reference by default. The steps below outline how to make changes to the cross-reference settings. 1.

Log into your Dealer Administration site


Go to the Administration menu and select “Distributor Configuration”

3. Within the Distributor Configuration, locate the field “Enable Cross Reference”. The selection made within the "Enable/Disable" drop down will activate/deactivate the FleetCross part Cross-Referencing functionality on your site.


To enable/disable FleetCross, select the corresponding drop down box.

5. If the "Add to All Existing Accounts" button is selected, it will overwrite the existing "Cross Reference" setting for all existing accounts. Note: You can override the Enable/Disable setting for each account within Customer Maintenance.


Click on the “Manage Locations” link to view/edit the FleetCross Cross-Reference availability at each of your locations.


Within the “Manage Locations” screen a list of all of your locations will display and identify the locations sponsored by SELECT. The “Location Status” will display a green check mark next to all locations that are enabled and a red check mark next to all locations that are disabled. This is where the Dealership SELECT Administrator can disable a dealership location/rooftop should they wish. NOTE: End Users will have access to Cross-Reference based on their default location and account "Enabled" status. If an accounts default location is “Enabled” within the Manage FleetCross Locations screen they will have access to CrossReferencing. If it is set to “Disabled” they will not have access to Cross-Referencing.


Bypass Account Registration Setup


User Profile and Account Setup

   

4. To edit the “User Level” assignment click on the blue arrow next to the user.



Report Training

| Dealership Reporting within SELECT

SELECT Administrators have access to a number of reports that help them manage their eCommerce business. All reports are accessed by logging into www. with their Administrator credentials.

Distributor Reporting

Most detailed report a dealer can access about their SELECT performance.

Daily Activity

Details daily sales information

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


Account and User Activity

Details sales information by Accounts and Users

Lost Sales Report

Tracks which parts are “Stock Checked� and not purchased. The aggregated results can provide a lot of insight into what customers are attempting to buy. Note - It is important to review the report periodically so there is visibility into lost sales opportunity, the reason why, and how many customers wanted a particular part. This information can be used to phase in inventory to support your online sales. This information is not captured by the DMS.

Clicking on the blue hyperlinks will display additional detail about a part category. The image is of the SELECT accounts that attempted to order the same part.

Inactive Users

Tracks how long it has been since a user has logged into SELECT. You can select several different time frames to help target users. This is a great tool to identify and follow up with accounts that have stopped using SELECT.

The Parts You Want. When You Want Them. Every Minute Of Every Day.


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