7 Most Important Australian Safety Signs for Workplaces
There are mainly six types of safety regulatory signs under the Australian Standard AS 1319:1994 for the occupational surroundings and they are1] Prohibition Signs [Can’t Do] 2] Mandatory Signs [Must Do] 3] Warning Signs [Hurt You] 4] Danger Signs [Kill You] 5]Emergency Information Signs [ Safety First] 6] Fire Signs [Fire Equips]
Prohibition Signs These are the best-known regulatory signs that indicate to people something, ‘You Can’t Do’. These safety signs signal those actions or activities that you’re not allowed to do on-premises usually displaying a universal simple graphic of the action rounded in a slashed red circle. E.g.: No Smoking Signs.
Mandatory Signs These regulatory signs are put in places where you have to follow certain kinds of instructions, ‘Must do’ ones. They are mainly indicated in blue round signs with white backgrounds. E.g., Indication of wearing protective clothing or equipment in Medical Zones.
Limitation/ Restriction Signs Restriction or Limitation signs are used generally in areas of tight traffic flow to limit or restrict certain levels of activity or facilities used for people. These are specified usually in numbers, like the speed limit, hours of parking, etc.
Danger Signs These safety signs are hazard-prone areas potentially warning of the upcoming accident or situations that can be pretty much life-threatening or have the capacity to kill you. The danger signs are usually made in Red and Black headers with the word “DANGER” written inside. Commonly seen along with words like, ‘High Voltage’, ‘Do Not Enter.
Warning Signs These are indicators of caution warning you about situations that could harm you. Warning signs give you a heads up of the potential accidents or hazard zones near you. They usually have a black-bordered triangle with exclamation or ‘Warning’ written inside. These are commonly spotted in ‘Wet Floors’, and ‘Work in Progress’ which alerts us to be careful around the hazardous area to avoid getting injured.
Emergency Information Signs A situation can change from good to worse anytime, when things don’t stay in your hands you need to find emergency facilities or first aid or exits or other safety equipment to save you from the bad situation. The emergency information signs are placed in such places where you can find the emergency facilities or equipment for your save. They indicate to you the location and the kind of tools or items you can find nearest. It usually comes in a green background and white icons. E.g., FIRST AID KIT, EMERGENCY EXIT
Fire Safety Signs One of the critical safety signs which are usually placed on the bright red signboard at places easy to spot. These extremely important safety signs are seen mostly around fire alarms or fire equipment. They usually have White words on red background mostly directed toward a water hose, fire extinguishers, blankets and other safety equipment to save in fire accidents.
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Presented by : Capital Lines & Signs