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Campbellton Baptist Church 8660 Campbellton Fairburn Rd

Friendship Baptist Church 6090 Cochran Mill Rd www.friendshipbaptistchatthills.com

Interfaith Fellowship at Serenbe www.facebook.com/ groups/1964824926878340/

New Hope United Methodist Church 7875 Atlanta Newnan Rd

Providence Baptist Church 6402 Campbellton Redwine Rd., www. pbcrico.org

Rico United Methodist Church 6475 Rico Rd

Rivertown United Methodist Church 9325 Rivertown Rd

Sardis Baptist Church 8400 Sardis Rd., www.sardisbaptistch. com

Southside at Serenbe

915AM & 11AM at One Mado. We'd love for you to join us and invite your friends and family! for more info contact Cathy Gailey at cgailey@ remax.net or 404-456-6347.

Southern Crescent Unitarian Universalist Fellowship www.facebook.com/SouthernCrescentUUFellowship/

Vernon Grove Baptist Church 8440 Vernon Grove Rd.

Sweep the Hooch Volunteers

The recent "Sweep the Hooch" event in Campbellton Park, Chattahochee Hills GA, had wonderful volunteers that include: Clifford Blizard, Roland Alston, Sarina Krisel, Pichaya Denton, Chip Denton, Jesse Krisel, Camille Lowe, Pat Lesko, Joe Schoofs, Aaron Krisel, Erica Krisel, and Howie Krisel. Photo by Chip Denton

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