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Key Sites

As part of our work with the Glasgow Bio-Enhancement Programme we are working on two Key Sites – Dawsholm Park and Hurlet Hill. These are pilot projects to demonstrate the impact of an increased focus and investment by supporting volunteering and work beyond the basic GCC maintenance regime.




Through our work at Dawsholm Park and the Kelvin Walkway we have been able to increase local interest in volunteering. This has allowed us to work with 38 volunteers on this site alone and we are in contact with several Friends of groups to continue this trend.

“It is physical activity with a

purpose.” Dan, TCV volunteer

On this site we have, so far: • Cleared 2,480m2 of invasive species • Collected 43 bags of litter • Planted 31m of hedgerow • Improved 21m of path • Planted 730 native trees In the existing LNR at Dawsholm TCV also have planned work: • Removal of invasive Rhododendron • surveying and clearing the ponds • Meadow creation on the old red blaes pitches • Removal of beech saplings • Path maintenance

“The last time I was out with TCV, it really energised me for the next few days. Helped me get through all the stuff I just had to do.”


On this Key Site, we have been prioritising work along the Kelvin Walkway to build a wildlife corridor from Dawsholm Park to the Maryhill Canal. There are many aspects to creating this wildlife corridor, such as removing invasive species, sowing new wildflower meadows, and creating homes for nature.

Below is a map of the Kelvin Walkway Wildlife Corridor. The work agreed with GCC is numbered with notes on what is completed and what is still planned.

1 Scrub clearance and large tree planting – planned 2 Meadow creation and maintenance – planned 3 Removal of invasive species Snowberry –


4 Removal of invasive species Snowberry –


5 Hedgerow planting – completed

Meadow creation and mainentance – planned 6 Removal of invasive species Snowberry -completed

Clearance of view for under bridge access to make safer – completed 7 Removal of invasive species Snowberry– planned 8 Scrub clearence and increasing the viewing access to make the area around the path more visible – planned

Meadow creation and maintenance – planned 9 Maintenance of meadow areas – planned 10 Cutting back access along this pathway – planned

hURleT hIll lnR

Hurlet Hill is the second Key Site identified. While engaging with the local community, work on this site will begin as part of the 2022/23 Bio-Enhancement Programme with the entrance to the LNR being the priority.

We have plans to increase the access to this site by cutting back vegetation around the entrance, as well as sorting out the drainage and flooding of certain sections of path. Other tasks will include: • 24th March 2022, pond maintenance and surveying • Forest management • Path maintenance • hedgerow planting • Clearance of old tree guards

Hurlet Hill – Path to be improved.

Hurlet Hill – Future work to include pond maintenance and clearance of old tree guards.

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