Build a Belief & Re-Right the Future

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Chief Belief Officer I've spent the last 25 years of studying with the top experts in personal development, spirituality, neuroscience, physicists while achieving a BA, MA, PHD and License to practice psychology. All the while I created a wellness framework not just to EDUCATE you, but help you learn through experience and application, acquire a life long skill set so you know how to create and maintain an ongoing life of fulfillment.

Robert C. Irwin, PhD

BUILD A BELIEF Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to trust this process. Congratulations for caring enough about yourself to take action toward living an even more fulfilled life. All of the athletic achievements, all of the scholastic accomplishments, and all of the relationship successes you desire are available to you – and it doesn't have to take years and intense practice. When you start the BUILD A BELIEF Training program, you are taking a leap into something so remarkable – and scientifically proven – that most us can't even wrap our brains around. But it's true and it works! You are being asked to step out of older, limiting beliefs and into a new way of experiencing success! The BUILD A BELIEF Training program can change your life… Many have “tried everything” with little success. Most coaching programs don’t work because they do not address the way in which our brains learn and retain the new information they’re given. This is the “secret” to the lasting success of the BUILD A BELIEF Training program.

Your brain needs training too… We are always attracting stuff into our life based on our thoughts and beliefs. The truth is simple and uncompromising: People will always attract whatever they believe to be true about themselves and the world around them. What many fail to recognize is that perceptions dictate reality and we can re-create our realities! We apply the latest cutting-edge scientific research and modalities to pinpoint the exact time requirement for creating your new, empowering beliefs. Through the BUILD A BELIEF Training Program, this easy to follow 12-week plan has a “quantum leap” effect on everyone who participates. Whether you’re seeking maximum performance, emotional healing or spiritual awakening, by the end of this process, you will have “trained your brain” for tremendous, permanent success! May you all succeed beyond your wildest imagination……..

Mind, Set, Match EXPECTATIONS Coaches who have high expectations of certain players and players who have high expectations of themselves significantly raise their odds of success. The Rosenthal Effect (also known as Pygmalion Effect or Teacher-Expectancy Effect) is named after the American psychologist Robert Rosenthal. Robert Rosenthal performed extensive research into the way in which one's beliefs, biases, and expectations can have an influence on behavior and results. What would you do if you had no limits? Rosenthal and other researchers conducted a series of experiments that looked at this idea… HYPOTHESIS: Teacher expectations on student performance are consistent with actual results.

STUDY: An IQ test was given to students from 18 classrooms. It was disguised as a test that would predict, “intellectual blooming." Researchers randomly selected students, and then informed the teachers that these particular kids were “entering a year of high achievement”. At the end of the school year, all of the students were retested with the same IQ test. RESULT: Students labeled as “ready to bloom” showed greater gains than those who were not labeled as “entering a year of high achievement”. What does this mean for you? It means your chances of higher levels of success are greatly influenced by beliefs. Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want. More importantly, have the courage to create a team of people that expect something better from you, for you; and expect better from yourself. Lets shift our hopes to expectations.

Good luck!

Day 1

Day 2

“If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.”


~ St. Clement of Alexandra


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement

The (un)rest of your life…

It may feel weird, funny, scary, exciting, or even fun – depending on your attitude and circumstances. Get past your amygdala (the part of your brain that’s responsible for learning emotions & emotional reactions) telling you to stick with the status quo - and move forward anyway! Trust the process and commit to invest in your life. The rest will be taken care of by your subconscious mind.

“DESIRE is the beginning of all creation. In allowing your desire to come to you, you not only gain the satisfaction of having received it—you also gain a whole new perspective from which to desire more.” ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks, The Teachings of Abraham


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement

Day 3

Day 4

Change your reality àchange your life. Choose this reality today:

CLARITY Be clear!

I Am ___________________________.

The brain is at it’s best when presented with clear messages.

I Can ___________________________.

Once your brain is working for you by you taking a clear and proactive direction, Goals are reached more automatically. You may even have a hard time remembering what it was like before you reached your goals!

“Reality is above all else a variable and nobody is qualified to say exactly what it is. With a Firm enough commitment, you can create a reality that did not exist before.” ~ Margaret Halsey



Take a minute and visualize yourself achieving your goal. What do you see? What do you hear? What can you touch? What can you taste? What can you smell? How do you feel?



What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement

Day 5

Day 6

DREAMS WORTHINESS Connect the VCR – Visualization Creates Reality (Trust us… it becomes HD quality over time!)

Deserving Vs. Entitled Vs. Earned

Ever wake up from a dream that was so real that you feel like it really happened?

Entitled = “I have the right to… _____.” Deserving = “I am worthy of… ______.” Earned = “My effort affords me the ability to… _____.”

The non-conscious brain cannot distinguish the difference between imagination and reality. Therefore, the objective is for you to consciously create the reality of what you want in through your affirmations - allowing your brain to build new beliefs.


Live your dream and you’ll create your reality.


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?

These exercises are literally the fertilizer new neuron growth in the brain.


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement

Day 7

PROGRESS: It’s been a full week since you started the B n G. This means through your focused effort: YOU HAVE CREATED NEW NEUROLOGICAL CONNECTIONS….!

FIRE TOGETHER AND WIRE TOGETHER… Think about the first time you learned something difficult – you may have thought, “There’s no way!”, or, “How am I going to do this?” However, with continued effort, exposure, practice (and failing) - your brain becomes conditioned - it becomes easier to do that once difficult thing - push-up, pull-down, or finish that math homework. Your brain can be trained, and you are the trainer! Discomfort means you’re on the right track. You are going to feel uncomfortable and have hesitation at times with some of the challenges presented. You choose to accept them. You choose to avoid them. Just know, generally speaking - The bigger the resistance (from you) the more powerful your results will be provided you push through.

Day 8 ATTENTION Time for some science! Attention is the means by which people actively process the infinite amount of information that is available to the senses, the stored memories, and other cognitive processes at any given moment. “Attentional capacity” refers to the maximum amount of information or number of stimuli that the brain can attend to at one time. An example of attentional (or storage) capacity is Miller's "Magic Number Seven," which refers to the maximum amount of units one is able to retain in working memory. During wakeful consciousness, our sensory systems are continuously stimulated by what is going on in the environment around us. This massive amount of raw sensory information is far more than the brain can perceive and interpret simultaneously, and most of it is not important enough to justify any allocation of our limited cognitive resources. Thus, only a relatively small amount of stimuli are attended to at one time; the rest of the information is either lost or processed too "weakly" to be available to conscious awareness. BUILD A BELIEF 1.

What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement

Day 9 GIVE YOURSELF A THE GIFT OF THE PRESENT Regret = Worry about the past Pressure = Worry about the future. I spoke to an old client and he said that he just had the best day of golf he had ever played and I asked him, “What do you think the difference was?” He said, “Focus”. I took it further and asked him, “Focus how? On what?” “I didn’t get down on my mistakes”, he said. “Normally, I think about my mistakes and his score and how I could have had or how I will finish amongst my friends. This time, I just played the ball where it was and I shot my best game ever!” Disappointment. “Getting down on my mistakes” = worry about the past. Pressure. “How will I finish?” = worry about the future score. Present “Played the ball where it was”. Stayed Current. Stay Here and now. What is Available Being present = “best game ever”

Living in the present is POWER. The process of stating who/what you are and affirming your goals is the way you start living in the present. The affirmations you’re doing serve to improve your present to make what comes later “better”. Focusing on the here and now frees you to focus on playing the ball where it lays – whether it’s in the rough or on the green. Take into account your surroundings, your feelings, where you are, and what your thoughts/feelings may be. Work to separate yourself from what is happening; “even though I am nervous, I am still okay”, “I can’t stand playing from behind, but I would rather be playing than not”, etc. Acknowledge the present AND play the game. FundaMENTALly sound.


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement

Day 10

Day 11

BREAK THE MOLD This BUILD A BELIEF Plan is to help you break the non-conscious “robotic” mold. Know this: Every time you do something new you are growing new neurons. So this BUILD A BELIEF Training program is about growing not just your brain, but growing – and stretching – you. You’re doing something new and a little uncomfortable, but then we bombard your brain with repetition to ensure the success of those new neurons to grow long, lasting pathways. It is through repetition & environmental bombardment that you’ll break out of the “robotic” mold and into your BUILD A BELIEF mold.

You Can Do More to Evolve that Brain.

We’re giving you a little homework today. It may seem like a lot at first, but to repeat what we’ve been telling you for the last week, after a little time this will all become automatic.

Remember: Repetition, Association and Environment help grow your new pathways.…… Create a large certificate, plaque or write your B&G statement and place them in high traffic areas (room, car, etc.) (Environment) • Talk about your Declarations 2 or more times a day (Repetition) • Create a “tag line”, a little rhyme, or a catchy tune out of your B&G so that you sing it all day long. (Environment, Repetition) • Create a vision board with you creating a mural that represents your destination (Association, Environment) • Plan and follow through with 1 or more action steps per day that supports your new goal (Association, Repetition)


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement

Day 12 ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE In the movie The Secret, there’s much talk about having “an attitude of gratitude”. Whether you’ve seen or liked that movie or not, what they are saying here comes from neuroscience. Gratitude is just another way to fertilize the brain, setting the stage for what it is that we really want. Without gratitude, there is no room for the new stuff to take root. It may seem silly at first, but gratitude is often overlooked in many coaching programs. But it is an essential part of “training the brain”; it readies us for our dreams to be realized. We become the things we think of the most, so let’s be grateful for what we want to sustain.


What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement

Day 13 A scientifically-proven plan that can be done in only 5 minutes a day. We have 65,000 thoughts per day. 95% of those thoughts are the same thoughts we had the previous day! Clearly, we are creatures of habit. Research shows that those who participate in a “daily” routine are many times more likely to stay on any given plan rather than those who participate less than seven days a week. Because of this, we created a system that will guarantee the growth of new neuron pathways in your brain that will soon become your predominant belief and then automatically create awesome, positive new actions and results – the results you want. Right now you have habits and/or beliefs that keep you from your NEW life. We need to proactively plan it. You will never be able to make long lasting change until you change your belief system. This plan starts at the seed level of creating new habits that work for you verses chiseling away at the top of the iceberg thinking you are making a difference to the whole (head) of the Iceberg. BUILD A BELIEF 1.

What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief?


What is your 90 Day Goal?


Write out your “B and G” statement

Day 14 THE POWER OF YOUR WORDS Our words have deeper meaning than their dictionary definitions. The basic premise of the discipline of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is that the words we use reflect an inner, subconscious perception of our problems. If our words and perceptions are inaccurate, they will create an underlying problem as long as we continue to use and think of them. Our attitudes are, in a sense, a selffulfilling prophecy. A neuro linguistic therapist will analyze every word and phrase you use in describing your symptoms or concerns about your health. He or she will examine your facial expressions and body movements. After determining problems in your perception, the therapist will help you understand the root cause. The therapist will help you remodel your thoughts and mental associations in order to fix your preconceived notions. These preconceived notions may be keeping you from achieving the success you deserve. Your B&G is like your own, personal version of NLP. It will help you get out of these unhealthy traits and replace them with positive thoughts, and patterns that promote wellness. Did you write your B&G 5 times today? “Appreciation is the secret to life. Become a person who appreciates, and you will thrive; you will fulfill your reason for being.” ~ Esther & Jerry Hicks, The Teachings of Abraham




What is Your New BUILD A BELIEF Belief

What is your 90 Day Goal?

Write out your “B and G” statement

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