HFA Virtual Tours (Posters and DIY Guide by EDGE)

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Avi r t ualr e al i t ypl at f o r mf o re xpl o r i ngHo l yFami l yAc ade my -anywhe r eandanyt i me ,f r o m anydi gi t alde vi c e !

Lear nf r om st or i es, i nt er vi ews,i mages,and vi deosshar edbyHFA st udent s,t eacher s,and st af f .Exper i ence“ adayi n t hel i f e”ofHFA st udent s.

Expl or ecl assr ooms, l abs,andshar ed spacesi nt heHFA mai n bui l di ngandot her par t sofourcampusi n 360degr ees.

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Useourmobi l e appt oexpl or e al lHFA vi r t ual t our scr eat edby EDGE,vi si tour websi t e,Twi t t er , Facebook,and mor e!

Pl ayt heEDGE mascotgameon ourcompani on appt oear npoi nt s andwi napr i ze!

Whati savi rt ualt ourofHFA? Ourvi r t ualt our spr ovi deaf ul l360degr ee exper i enceoft hespaces,t hepeopl e,andt he l ear ni ngt hathappensatHol yFami l yAcademy -anywher eatanyt i me,f r om anydi gi t aldevi ce. Foraf ul lvi r t ualr eal i t yexper i ence,useVR goggl esand/ort r yourSoci al VRt our sofHFA -avai l abl eonourcompani onapp! Exper i enceHFA’ svi r t ualt our sat : ht t p: / / t i nyurl . com/ hf aedgevr1 ht t p: / / t i nyurl . com/ hf aedgevr2

Expl or e Super vi sor s:Robert aBrandao& Marl eeFl ahert y

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EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Youvisit Tour Where should I begin? (*) If you see an asterisk, you can consult the glossary at the end of this document.

Surveying If time allows, survey your clients and users to find their needs/wants for the tour. Details are very important -- and don’t be afraid to ask questions! Here are examples of what you could ask your users: ● What are some locations that are very important to be included? ● What are some media hotspots(*) - such as images and text - that you may want to include? ● Do you want the rooms to be active or empty in the tour? ● Do you want audio, text, or both? ● Do they want it goofy or not? ● What are your key needs for the VR(*) tour? ● Do they want to add any website URL’s? ● Do they want to make it like a game (adding questions, easter eggs, stories, etc.) ● Do they want it to be entertaining and not just informational? You could also consider creating a ​Google Survey​ to ask your potential audience (users and clients) without having to meet with them to find out what ​they​ want! Another platform that you might want to use is ​Survey Monkey​.

Storyboard Planning As you plan for the tour, you should make a storyboard(*) and add notes about each individual space in the tour. Some people find a paper ​Storyboard Template​ useful to organize this stage of the project. Your notes can include, but are not limited to: ● Information about sounds ● Notes about the people in your photos or 360 panos ● Game-like elements (such as easter eggs - we added our mascot to panos to make our tour more fun and encourage users to go to every room) Be sure to make your tour interesting. Add your rooms in the order you want your viewer to explore them in your storyboard. Your storyboard needs to capture the viewer’s attention. Always consider that you storyboard will show your tour from the user’s point of view as they will see the spaces using VR goggles.


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Youvisit Tour

WorkFlow Recommendations Naming and labelling rooms is important to help the user take your tour. After all, if you don’t know where you are, it may be difficult to explore further! If you need to, you can describe the functions of the rooms, and even explain when things take place or who uses the space. Transitions (such as doors) and hotspots (such as images and text) are an important thing to use to get from one segment to another in your storyboard.

What 360 Photos Should I Capture? If you’re having trouble deciding what you need to photograph, ask yourself these questions: ● What should be included? ● What is important to show for this space/location? ● What is and isn’t accessible to photograph? ● Can it benefit your tour? ● What audio do you need to capture?(If you want to include it)

Media Hotspots Make sure all images and panoramas, are small. Remember, your Virtual Reality tour will be showcased on a cellphone screen. Image resolution is estimated to be 640 by 320. Also, the audio has to be under 30 seconds!!!

Audio Capture ● ● ● ●

Your audio should help the user fully experience the space you are showcasing. You can use the built-in mic on your laptop (after installing the a ​ pp​ from Chrome extension) to record directly from Youvisit. However, we recommend that you use a recording device such as the ​Zoom H4n​ audio recorder. You will need to transfer the audio (through your drive/files) to your laptop. We also recommend using a editing program such as ​Adobe Audition​ (paid) or ​Audacity (free).

360 Images/Panoramas ● ● ●

Capture 360 panoramas for your tour (take one panorama per space). Proper lighting is crucial (dark panoramas will be hard to see) and so is proper height of the camera (it might be like the Goldilocks effect, not too low not too high). Do not attempt to crop a 360 photo in crop, it will distort the image.


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Youvisit Tour

Regular Images/Pictures ●

We recommend that you also capture pictures that aren’t panoramas so you can add more detail and information to your 360 panos.

Text You can also use text to add descriptions to your panoramas. Here are some text hotspot examples: ● Label statues ● Describe landmarks and buildings ● Describe people in the panorama

People Your users will enjoy seeing people in your tour. Here are some types of people that you may want to include in your panoramas and regular pictures: ● Workers, staff, or students (Depending on your tour) ● Administration/supervisors ● Mascots

Best Practices on Teamwork with Social VR​ (division of labor) Different roles participants can assume: Audio recording and editing​ - Nobody likes to read paragraphs of text, so the audio option really helps. Try to summarize the purpose of the hotspot and let somebody record themself using the information you wrote. Photography​ - VR photography and regular photography is very important to building the atmosphere of the tour. You may want to think about what locations you need, such as around a jobsite or school campus. Don’t let it just make a huge jump from one floor to another, let people in the rooms! Remember transitions are very important to add. Builder​ - Building the tour itself is the most important part of your tour. Using your desktop or laptop, go to ​Youvisit.com​ and go to the “Create Free Account” option. This will allow you to have your Youvisit tour saved under an account without it being lost. Writer​ - Yours truly. Without a guide or proper documentation, the tour cannot be replicated! I hope this guide is helping others create their own virtual tours.


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Youvisit Tour

How do you use Youvisit? Your Options Youvisit gives you various options for tour making, and many functions to make the tours themselves. Here are the options it gives you: Background/Hotspot​ - When you click the button “browse” in the middle of the screen, your drive opens. That is where you will be able to pick your panoramas or images. After choosing one, it will become your background for that stop. For the record, using a panoramic as an image hotspot will look very weird, so I would suggest using it as a background if you intend to use panos. Remember not to crop the bottom of an image, it would mess the photo up making it look unprofessional. Icons​ ​- ​If you tap the “+” symbol, it gives the option to add a stop. This is self explanatory, but adding a stop allows you to go to another room. 360/Image View​ - ​Below the words “Drag & Drop to Add Featured Media” in the middle of the screen, you can see a button that says “Browse”. If you hit that button, it will make you pick a picture. You can choose a panorama or an image. The chosen panorama will be in 360 and the chosen image will be a regular image, no 360 will be added to the image, only the panorama. Pictures of the Steps(In Order: Down and Up) ​- These pictures are the steps in order from looking up the website to saving your Youvisit tour


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Youvisit Tour

Glossary​: (*)Media hotspot: In Youvisit, a hotspot is an area that has additional information (for example: when you see an image, hover over it and the picture will enlarge) (*)VR: Virtual Reality (*)Storyboard: A sequence of drawings, typically with some directions and dialogue (*)​Easter Eggs​: A fun way to hide messages in VR (*)Goldilocks Effect: Too much, too little, just right (*)Zip. File: ​A computer file whose contents of one or more files are compressed for storage or transmission


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Social VR Tour

Where should I begin? (*) If you see an asterisk, you can consult the glossary at the end of this document.

Surveying If time allows, survey your clients and users to find their needs/wants for the tour. Details are very important -- and don’t be afraid to ask questions! Here are examples of what you could ask your users: ● What are some locations that are very important to be included? ● What are some media hotspots(*) - such as images and text - that you may want to include? ● Do you want the rooms to be active or empty in the tour? ● Do you want audio, text, or both? ● Do they want it goofy or not? ● What are your key needs for the VR tour? ● Do they want to add any website URL’s? ● Do they want to make it like a game (adding questions, easter eggs, stories, etc.) ● Do they want it to be entertaining and not just informational? You could also consider creating a ​Google Survey​ to ask your potential audience (users and clients) without having to meet with them to find out what ​they​ want! Another survey tool that you might want to use is ​Survey Monkey​.

Storyboard Planning As you plan for the tour, you should make a storyboard and add notes about each individual space in the tour. Some people find a paper ​Storyboard Template​ useful to organize this stage of the project. Your notes can include, but are not limited to: ● Information about sounds ● Notes about the people in your photos or 360 panos ● Game-like elements (such as easter eggs(*) - we added our mascot to panos to make our tour more fun and encourage users to go to every room) Be sure to make your tour interesting. Add your rooms in the order you want your viewer to explore them in your storyboard. Your storyboard needs to capture the viewer’s attention. Always consider that your storyboard will show your tour from the user’s point of view as they will see the spaces using VR goggles.


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Social VR Tour

WorkFlow Recommendations Naming and labelling rooms is important to help the user take your tour. After all, if you don’t know where you are, it may be difficult to explore further! If you need to, you can describe the functions of the rooms, and even explain what things take place in the room or who uses the space. Transitions(*) (such as doors) and hotspots (such as images and text) are an important method to use to get from one segment to another in your storyboard.

What 360 Photos Should I Capture? If you’re having trouble deciding what you need to photograph, ask yourself these questions: ● What should be included? ● What is important to show for this space/location? ● What is and isn’t accessible to photograph? ● Can it benefit your tour? ● What audio do you need to capture?

Media Hotspots Make sure all images and panoramas, are small. Remember, your Virtual Reality tour will be showcased on a cellphone screen. Image resolution is estimated to be 640 by 320. Also, the audio has to be under 30 seconds!!!

Audio Capture ● ● ● ●

Your audio should help the user fully experience the space you are showcasing. You can use the built-in mic on your laptop (after installing the a ​ pp​ from Chrome extension) to record directly from Social VR. However, we recommend that you use a recording device such as the ​Zoom H4n​ audio recorder. You will need to transfer the audio (through your drive/files) to your laptop. We also recommend using a editing program such as ​Adobe Audition​ (paid) or ​Audacity (free).

360 Images/Panoramas ● ● ● ●

Capture 360 panoramas for your tour (take one panorama per space). Proper lighting is crucial (dark panoramas will be hard to see) and so is proper height of the camera (it might be like the Goldilocks Effect(*), not too low not too high). Do not attempt to crop a 360 photo in crop, it will distort the image. Put the camera in the center of action


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Social VR Tour ● ● ●

Place the camera a few feet away from from your subjects (people or environments) to keep things real. Share it worldwide. WIRED magazine,“How To Shoot in 360” by ‘Paul Sarconi’ made May 2017

Regular Images/Pictures ●

We recommend that you also capture pictures that aren’t panoramas so you can add more detail and information to your 360 panos.

Text You can also use text to add descriptions to your panoramas. Easter Eggs can be a fun way to add text as well. Hotspots, specific interactive areas, are another way to add text to your video. Here are some text hotspot examples: ● Label statues ● Describe landmarks and buildings ● Describe people in the panorama

People Your users will enjoy seeing people in your tour. Here are some types of people that you may want to include in your panoramas and regular pictures: ● Workers, staff, or students (Depending on your tour) ● Administration/supervisors ● Mascots ● Customers

Best Practices on Teamwork with Social VR​ (division of labor) Different roles participants can assume: Audio recording and editing​ - Nobody likes to read paragraphs of text, so the audio option really helps. Try to summarize the purpose of the hotspot and let somebody record themself using the information you wrote. Photography​ - VR photography and regular photography is very important to building the atmosphere of the tour. You may want to think about what locations you need, such as around a jobsite or school campus. Don’t let it just make a huge jump from one floor to another, let people in the rooms! Remember transitions are very important to add. A good transition can make the difference between a user continuing with your tour or moving to another task! Builder​ - Building the tour itself is a crucial part of the process. Using your desktop or laptop, go to ​socialvrlab.com​ and go to the “Editor” option. This will allow you to drag and drop the


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Social VR Tour panoramas, images, or audio you want to include in the tour. To view the imported picture, move the scroll/mouse in the direction you want it to go. Remember to save your progress! Writer​ - Yours truly. Without a guide or proper documentation, the tour cannot be replicated! I hope this guide is helping others create their own virtual tours.

How do you use Social VR? Your Options Social VR gives you various options for tour making, and many functions to make the tours themselves. Here are the options it gives you: Background/Hotspot​ - When you drag a panoramic or image, it gives you the option to make it the area’s background or an image hotspot. For the record, using a panoramic as an image hotspot will look very weird, so I would suggest using it as a background if you intend to use panos. Remember not to crop the bottom of an image, it would mess the photo up making it look unprofessional. Icons​ ​- ​If you tap the “+” symbol, it gives the option to add a room, add text, add audio, add an image, or add a door. Most of these are self explanatory, but adding a door allows you to go to another room. Why I mention this specifically is because if you have a doorway to a room, you need to go to that room and place one that leads back. 360/Image View​ - ​On the right of the words “Social VR” at the top, you can see a sphere. If you hit that sphere, it changes from a picture view to a 360 view. It does not affect the panoramic itself having it one way or the other, but it may make it easier for some people to navigate and build that way. The Menus​ - ​On the left of the words “Social VR” at the top, you can see three white lines. If you hit those white lines, you can have an overview of the entire project. You can see all your rooms, and tap each room to switch back and forth, as well as see each icon that is inside of the room. If you go to the two gears (settings option) you can save your project as a .zip file, and drag it back in later. Pictures of the Steps (In Order: Down and Up) ​- These pictures are the steps in order from looking up the website to save your SocialVrTour.


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Social VR Tour

Saving As mentioned, the project saves as a .zip file. If you are on a Chromebook, you need to move this file from your drive into the downloads file, allow it to download, and then drag it onto Social VR. The .zip file allows you to hold more inside of a compact file, almost like a present.

Downloads If you are using a Chromebook, not only will you need to put the .zip file into your downloads, but all of your audio, panos, and images too. This is because Social VR is not (currently) able to take files straight from the drive yet, but that function is coming in the future. If you add something using downloads and delete it from the downloads folder, it still saves inside of the tour.


EDGE’s Guide to Making your own Social VR Tour Glossary​: (*) Media hotspot: In SocialVR, a hotspot is an area that has additional information (for example: when you see an image, hover over it and the picture will enlarge). (*)VR: Virtual Reality (*)Storyboard: A sequence of drawings, typically with some directions and dialogue (*)​Easter Eggs​: A fun way to hide messages in VR (*)Goldilocks Effect: Too much, too little, just right (*)Zip. File: ​A computer file whose contents of one or more files are compressed for storage or transmission


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