2 minute read
Return to Innocence
789. — April 26th
Prayer: O Creator, we strive to recall our highest moments of attunement, with You, and with the heavens above. Has it been so long ago since when we felt absolutely one with all that is good and righteous? Perhaps during our childhood, almost every day, for hours at a time, we felt our communion with You so deeply that it was as natural as breathing. Yes, we were born One with God Almighty. Only the darkness of society’s round us, spirits and peoples in conflict and not at peace, can at times take us if not completely away, at least take us to a state of mind less pure and noble than is where we are capable of being.
We would stand alone on the Monument of the Sacred Four Directions. Not that any of us are ever alone but let us be alone when we stand before the judgment seat of The Great Spirit of The Universe. The Suns of the Four Directions are slipping behind the horizons in grandeur and high nobility.
We clench our fists and close our eyes tightly to this lovely beauty, not to shut it out but to find the way back to a higher standing of mind where we live and live only for The Great Spirit, Tirawa.
Sins and personal darkness, fears and anger, we can recall many missteps and stumbles, if we will. But we would do more than just regret the past errors. we would make amends by turning our thoughts to the goodness that always covers the hemispheres of the heavens. As the winds of the heavenly skies, as the waves of the heavenly seashores, so would all our thoughts and focus flow! We would honor the guardian beings of this sacred ground. We would honor The Great Spirit Eternal! We would honor this sacred place, Monument of the Sacred Four Directions. We would honor all tribes and nations. So we clap our hands together powerfully one time above our heads, reach upward, and yell our sacred battle cry all at once together, resonating our sacred will power in all directions!
Our deafening cry goes on and on with each huge breath we take. In response, pebbles, stones and boulders begin to fall from the towering cliffs near us. The Suns are still shining at the horizons but there is thunderous lightning cracking overhead round the monument. Showers of large white icy hailstone begin to fall. They strike us many times, but that only makes are cries go even louder! We are determined to not stop till we change ourselves by igniting our spirit inside with the Power of The Sunsets!
Networks of bluish-white lighting strikes roar round us, blending cosmic energy directly straight into our aura and soul. Empowered anew, we begin to levitate into the air. Our arms and legs outstretched, we scream the louder our battle cry.
Something is happening to us. Something magnificent! All our self-made barriors to The Great Spirit are being destroyed. We continue to rise to the top of this monument tower. As a new focus of attonement is being created inside our mind, our spirit-soul crystallizes. Each of us begins to see our visions of persons we know, or have never met, but all of whom need some help now.
As we think of each person with newfound, deepening Love, that transformational energy whisks off to that person, no matter where they may be. We see their bright faces. We understand their needs. We are as if we have become guardian angels for this world, even if only for a short time. For the Power of The Almighty is now at our command!
Upon the colorful, vibrant Sacred Four Directions plateau, we drop down onto it with holy grace. We envision the faces of our newly beloved brightening, much as ours do now on this side of the world. With One Great Shout of Victory, we send forth Irresistible Love Mighty into each one of those we shall surely succeed in assisting.
Good Will, Good Love, shall not be denied.
We once again feel the overflowing bursting feelings of Immortality’s Unity! With all our radiant love and marvelous vitality, we overwhelming bless our mortal receivers