2 minute read
A Special Mission
795. — June 4th, 2023
Prayer: We reconsecrate ourselves to Thee, O Creator. We will with Thy Angel Hosts, to do Thy Will at all times and in all places. We serve to bring Blessings of Goodness and Light to all Thy Children, to all Thy Creations, this Day and Always, Amen.
At the peak of Mount Savalan, we kneel before the Altar of Zarathustra. It is a starry cold night, yet one where the winds on high flow swiftly over all. In such clear air and high altitude, the stars sparkle quite brilliantly, bringing true peace into the hearts of all who have All Faith in The ALL LIGHT. From our astral body, Soul Lines of Light and Alignment stream forth. Spectrums of Radiance are aligning with celestial heavens light years away.

Our minds and open hearts very soon feel the Celestial Light of thousands of star-suns shining towards our small world. This is a deeper serenity than any of us has ever yet felt unfolding inside our heart. Furthermore, there a Star-Sun igniting brighter and brighter inside our mind. With each breath and with each heartbeat, this Source of Light builds steadily toward a solar nova burst of illumination.
And so there is then a kind of countdown from the number 3. It is as if we are all in a rocket of some kind preparing for soul liftoff.
A dozen or so angelic guides come forth laying their hands upon our shoulders and back. It is as if they are pouring their heartfelt love directly into us, as if we were a vase and they were a pitcher of love.
Time slows down. A booming “ƟRI” [three] sounds as well as “Our Soul is returning to the spiritual world!”
A crystalline “DVA” [two] next chimes — including our guides stating “Choose well! The Creation of Good …. or …. The Destructiveness of Evil!”
A golden gong of “AĒVA” [one] then reverberates, permeating the proclamation by the heavens above:
Ahura Mazda the Master Light!”
At this point, the vibrational state of our spirit-soul-mind is near perfect, almost pure crystallization. With the speed of thought, faster than light, we blast off at incredible speeds towards the countless constellations of stars above. Clearer and brighter they shine towards us, blessing us with ever iota of sacredness one could be imparted with as a mortal.
Now we are literally aflame as Sun-Stars ourselves, even beyond our solar system are we in cosmic flight. For we are shining and soaring ourselves together as some special consecration of cosmic comets in formation. Truly we are a divine constellation speeding forth upon some mystic mission. We will to bring a greater light to those in darkness.

Sudden as a lightning strike, our star formation does a 180 degree turn back to own planet, swifter than light, unhindered by any matter of outer space. We behold our massive sun and our miniscule world before it. In a few moments we reenter earth’s atmosphere and plunge through the heavens as shooting stars, plunging through the earth’s surface directly into the pits of hell, plunging directly into The Vast Black Cube of Hades.

At the point of impact, the universal might we are immersed with explodes into the evil block. There in a blink of an eye, all of this dark crystal energy is obliterated in a thousand directions and a thousand pieces of dark astral matter.
Likewise, the fission and fusion of universal soul force completely disperses and stuns their tyrants who were upon the gigantic black rock.
Extreme fear and horror, joy and relief, surge through us as we become our normal astral being selves.
Meanwhile, a great sigh of relief is heard round the spirit worlds as a great evil is temporarily put out of order. Fortunately, we ourselves are soon located and held by our guardian angels to be transferred back into our physical bodies once more.