29 minute read
Chapter Eight: The Light of Oahspe Dawns……Page
from Betrayed! — Wayne A. Sturgeon — (2009) — [Oahspe-Spiritualism-Mysticism –Anti-Religion-Anti-Cultism
by Robert Bayer
CHAPTER EIGHT: The Light of Oahspe Dawns
“Knock and the door will be opened.” The verse said. I needed to learn about the Heavens and the Hells and if they’re even be such a thing. Margie and I wrote a document that was called the “Second Passover”; it was about the Bible where Moses saved the Israelites. The writing was with the intention of making people see that there was only one God and that was what we called “Our Creator” and there were no other Gods. The document contained fifty-seven scriptures taken from the Old Testament that said “There is but one God and I know of no others.”
It was along this same thought that all the fifty-seven scriptures had. Why was the Old Testament not good enough for man I thought? Why did Jesus have to get His nose in all of this? There were a lot of questions that were not answered to my satisfaction in the Bible. I had the original copy in my hand and about ten copies that my friend photocopied for me. I went out the door of his shop, it was late at night and I wondered if what we got was proper.
I needed a sign that what we were doing was right. I would only accept it if there was some sign given to me. I looked up to the west sky and there was a brilliant shooting star or a comet. It was just magnificent. My friend and I both saw this, and there was no doubt any more about this document; it was proper and justified. It also was a document that
would not; it was proper and justified. It also was a document that would not be readily accepted by those that we sent it to namely family.
The Last Passover was written by Margie and was channeled through me. Gabriel was the one behind it and I was not going to argue about it. For several evenings there would be a book from the Old Testament quoted with the number of the scripture given. After the session was over we would write up the notes and check out the scripture and soon we found that this So Called Gabriel was a whiz at the Bible. After several weeks we put together the Last Passover written in our own words and made about ten copies of it. Little did I know that even an angel was using me at this time. Gabriel no doubt was that great Ark Angel that is so often heard of in the Bible. I was not going to question the authority of an Angel. I was going to do just what we were told.
Final. Gabriel was only one of the entities that used me to express their voice. There were others too, such as The Searchers and the ones that used just numbers for names. Yes, there were many of them. We learned a lot from some of them but the most important lesson was this. Can Angels be trusted? Not anymore than the writers of the Bible.
What Happened to Wayne?
This is a true story of an incident that happened in the summer of 1994.
I went to sleep about 10:00 p.m. During this sleep, which lasted until about 1:00 am the next morning, the following happened: Now this started in a dream-like condition. I was with my wife; Marjory and we were both in spirit. At this time there were two Angels that came to us and said, “We have a few things to show you”.
We were taken into a tunnel, and the Angels held us arm in arm, all of us together. We seemed to increase our speed and there was a certain chill that encompassed us. We accelerated with such speed that when there appeared a door at the end, I thought that this would be our end.
Somehow we went through this large door like it was not there yet. It had the resemblance of a heavy oak door with heavy metal hinges and locks. The Angels then said, “When we want to travel in the spirit world, we just have to think where we want to be then we will be there instantly.” This was new knowledge for me. The Angels seemed to have a slight sense of happiness about them. They were always smiling, and they were getting quite a chuckle when we would experience these events. Like a man teaching his child to ride a bicycle, then soon the child is riding without knowing that the father is no longer holding on to the bike. Everything now seemed to be in order. There was a sense of safety with these Angels and I started to appreciate their humor. They said that they want to show us a place of interest. “Hang on!” They said, and we were taken again arm in arm to a strange place. It was like a desert with sand and rock. There were pyramids with the tops flattened.
As far as I could see there were these pyramids, by the thousands. It was not very bright as the sky was somewhat dimly lit in amber. I don’t know if there was a sun here. It seemed a little bleak and desolate. The only scene that I can relate it to is somewhere in a desert, perhaps on some other planet.
Again the angels smiled and said, “Tell us what you see.” I said, “I saw pyramids.” They said to go up a little closer. I then walked up to about 100 ft. from this one pyramid that seemed to be the closest one. Smiling they said, “Now tell us what you see.” I said, “I saw a mantle about half way up on this pyramid.” It looked like a mantle that you would see on a large stone fireplace. They asked, “Is there anything else there?” Then I walked up a little closer. I would say that I now stood about 20 ft. from the base of this pyramid. There was something else there underneath the mantle.
To my amazement I saw some kind of a plaque. It had a strange writing on it like Russian or Hebrew. Now the Angels had a hard time not to laugh out loud. They seemed so excited with what I saw. They said, “You will not understand what these words mean, so we will help you to understand”. Then a bright light shone so brilliantly that I could hardly open my eyes. The message was revealed to me in English. It said Wayne and Marjory, sons and daughters of Jehovih. I was crying then and the Angels had such a look of happiness, because of what I saw written. I was astonished by this event. It was tears of happiness and
relief that all my prayers were heard all these years. This event has left me in an emotional state to this day.
They took us, arm in arm again, and said there are more things to show you, so hang on. Each time they held us closely as if to comfort us and make us feel safe, as these were quite strange experiences for us. This time we were taken over some rooms. We could see into these places, as they had no roof on them. This was so interesting as I saw some people that I recognize from many years ago. One was a teacher and there were two others that were nuns or sisters, and I just recognized them but couldn’t remember their names. The man, though, I did know his name, as he had been a Christian Brother. He was a teacher in my Old Catholic separate school for boys. There were two of these rooms. The dimensions were about 30’ x 40’. There were some tables with chairs around them and each room had windows. Now from these windows you could only view the grass that was there, a lawn I think. It seemed that these people could not see the sky or the light that seemed to be there.
While visiting these rooms, it was easy to see just by the expression on their faces that they were in a very troubled state. The Angels explained to me that these people could leave these rooms any time they want to. All they had to do was to change their opinions. They were free to go, but had to change their way of thinking. I could understand immediately
what the Angels had explained to me. These rooms were their own individual hells. It was just like I had been for so many years. I was unable to change my opinion about matters, especially religious matters. They then said, “There was yet another place to visit.”
As before, they took us arm in arm and in an instant we were standing in space. At least I wasn’t aware of any floor or walkway. Here we were in the Heavens somewhere in the galaxies. The sky was, as best as I can describe it, velvet black. There were stars and planets that were different and multi-colored. Some had rings around them, like Saturn, and others had moons and seemed to be like planets. I had such a feeling of awe that it is hard for me to describe it. It was just like pent up emotion that was ready to burst. It was like being happy and lonesome at the same time.
There was a great feeling of peace that came over me. The Angels stood back and told me to listen to this very carefully.
Then it happened. I heard a voice that seemed to come from the other side of the universe. It became so strong that I thought my eardrums would burst. It seemed that this voice was rebounding and echoing off of all the planets stars and moons. I stood speechless and had such an overpowering feeling of my Creator come over me, that it left me in a trancelike state for some time.
The Voice said, and I don’t feel worthy to quote the voice of Jehovih but here goes anyway. “Wayne, if you ever want to make a decision and not know what to do, then listen for my voice. My voice will be the one that starts out to be a small tiny voice, but it will ever increase until it is the loudest voice of any and all other voices.” I only wish that I could relive that experience one more time. The Voice said the following to me. “Wayne the Green book that you have in your possession, is the way that you will START to learn about Me.”
At that moment I was aware of something important happening in my life. When I woke up, I was in a fetal position lying at the foot of my bed. My head was tingling and almost hurting. The hairs on my head were standing straight up. I lay like this for about twenty minutes trying to absorb what had just happened. Finally I got up and went to the bathroom where there was a mirror. I fully expected to see all my hair had turned white, but it hadn’t. The green book was called the OAHSPE. The Oahspe was in my possession at this time, but I hadn’t realized it. Yes, it sat on a shelf for a few months. The reason being that I thought this was a book of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I was not really interested as I had been through with the Christian Religion for some time.
On the previous April 18, my friend died suddenly. This caused me great pain, sorrow and sympathy, so much so that I would get into crying bouts. Sometimes I would cry for hours at a time. He and I had been very close friends for several years. We both had an interest in
67 found that it was just a fascinating experience. It was, by chance as I stated earlier, that I had come to realize that I could achieve a selfinduced trance state. This was quite a surprise, as we now were able to channel entities from the spirit world. These sessions would last from a few minutes to up to an hour or more. It soon got to be easy to enter into a trance-like condition by doing some very deep breathing. This would cause a feeling of fainting to come over me, after at which time I would not have any recollection of what happened. At these sessions my wife Marjory and my friend would always be there to ask questions of the spirits. Usually there was a tape of the session or Marjory or my friend would write down what was said.
In the beginning, it was fun. For a while I would listen to the tapes after each session. Soon I lost interest because of the time needed to hear them. This out of body experience was the first contact that I had to any heavenly plateau. It was the spiritual abduction, as I explained earlier, that gave me some very plain information about God, the heavens, the hells, the voice from within and the Angels. The whole scheme of things now was starting to make sense. I had asked and I had received an answer by that visit in the spirit to the heavens and a message was clear and concise.
I had achieved a major turning point in my life, because of that powerful out of body experience. Everything was different now and my spiritual appetite and thirst was being quenched. Religion was rapidly
being put on the back burner and was not a major part of my life at this time. The Oahspe that I had was a large book, like a Bible or a history of mankind. It had about nine hundred and eighty pages. There was an index and a method of reading suggested by the author. I never followed the suggested reading of it. As usual I started to thumb through it where my fingers would open it. Soon I was amazed with it. This book called the shots about religion and did not mince any words at all. Religion it said was the cause of the problems of the world. The sword established religion and the four major religions were nothing short of the four beasts. It sounded something like the book of revelation in the Bible. All my innermost feelings were expressed in this book, in words, that I could understand. The religions were corrupt and did not practice what they preached. The ministers lived off the wages of the parishioners and this was wrong. In my opinion there was never a book that was written with such meaning and surely was not the words of man. It is a wonderful book and I respect most of what was written within the covers. At least, at that time, I did.
The Oahspe is the most up-to-date book yet to be received by man, in my own humble opinion. There was none other like it to my knowledge. It became the final word for most of my life for the next ten years. It told of how mankind had become a carnivorous being and had his blood charged with the flesh of dead animals. It told me that we were under the direct influence of the lower grade spirits that roamed the earth seeking whom they could devour by causing addictions. I learned
about the organization of the Heavens and the Heavens on the earth, called the lower heavens. It told me so many things in a scientific way that helped me understand many of the scientific principles in a new light. The race of man was described in great detail about how man came into being and it knocked out the old Bible story of Adam and Eve as nonsense. The story of the great flood now came together in a sensible fashion. With new light being shed on the sinking of the mysterious continent of Pan (Lemuria), (Mu) sometimes it is thought of as the lost continent of Atlantis.
This book is a complete history of man and the history of heaven and earth for the last twenty four thousand years. It was a great comfort and the book had become a great possession for me.
The Oahspe told us that it was man only that was given freedom. It told us that the animals and the birds were not free at all. It reasoned itself to me, by examples. A robin, no matter where in the world it would build its nest, it will always build the same kind of nest. A beaver, no matter the continent builds the same beaver dam. The spider weaves the same web no matter where it resides. Yes, it was only mankind that had true freedom. This freedom is what I am learning about even to this day. It is a treasure for man that is fit for a God. The thought of a diet change now came to me because of this book (and also with my weight problem) that I had I tried a vegetarian diet. After a few weeks on this
diet it was noticeable that our moods changed and we were less irritable towards one another. This was especially noticeable when we worked together as we did a lot of times. Another observation was that we were able to see many times the kin spirits that are with people and some of the spirits that come with the badness displayed in children. I was out cutting the grass when I saw the ghost of my deceased brother in-law. It was so plain I was startled by it. He said to me somehow; “You are doing just what I was doing when I had my heart attack”. Now this was strange because I knew that he died from cancer but I just found out a couple of years ago that it was the heart attack that got him to the hospital and that is when they found the cancer.
Soon we purchased a property in the Bancroft area and we were building a cabin on it. We were well on our way to perfection; at least that is what we thought. We had ordered a few Oahspes and we gave them to our friends and those interested. Every week we would gather at my house and study the Oahspe and the principles it gave to us. We had found the most wonderful book ever handed down to mankind. And it has changed my life to this day. We were eager and zealous with the new way. A spiritual road now lies before us. We worked on our cabin on the weekends and I continued with my repair business. Now I took my youngest son into the business with me so he would have an opportunity to get skilled in this fork truck business. It was good for both of us. He got the basic training that he would use for his future.
Something was happening all this time that I did not believe. I was becoming a sick man and a very sick one with a heart that was in need of repair. My energy levels were reaching all time lows and the tightness in my chest, which I ignored, I put down as just getting older. I worked many long hours and had to do a lot of traveling every day, winter and summer. I traveled each day to where I could find work. I was no longer a young man and the work was hard for me, as some of it required the lifting of heavy fork truck parts.
The signs were there; that pressure in my chest that stayed for such a long time. Not me, I said to myself, my heart is good, but I ‘m just a little tired. There were three trucks to be checked that day. I finished the first two and started the third one. The chest pains were like kind of a pressure that gave me problem breathing. At lunchtime I thought I would feel better after lunch. I wanted so bad to finish the third truck that day, but that did not happen. I drove home and felt pretty good in the van. The trip was about a two-hour drive or less depending on traffic and road conditions.
I arrived home and had my supper then planned to retire early for the day and get an early start for the morning. A hot bath would be just what was needed. It was hard for me to get upstairs, much harder than usual. I took my bath and came down stairs and sat in my chair for a while. My chest was pounding and my heartbeat was very irregular. I told Margie that I was going to go to bed but I never told her of the pains and the
pounding. I laid there for a couple of hours and then Margie came to bed later on.
I sat on the edge of the bed and I told her the problem. She said to get dressed and get into the car. We arrived at the hospital about a half hour later and they checked me in. The next thing I knew I was in the intensive care unit at the Brockville Hospital. I was stabilized quickly but had to remain there for three days.
“Tell them I have the flu but don’t tell them that I had a heart attack.” I said. This was a risk now for my business. I was a sick man, and I knew it now. I finally was let back to work with a supply of medication to keep my arteries open and I was able to function with this medication for a year or so. There was an angiogram scheduled for me in Kingston and that was the only way they had to explore my heart. The next couple of years now would see me in for tests on a regular basis. There were stress tests and x-rays combined with ever increasing doses of nitro so that I could function. I did function and the angina was a good thing to regulate my activities. As soon as that pressure came then I knew that I had to slow down. The signs were there that my age and health were affecting my business. I was no longer able to compete like I used to. It was a young man’s work and I was rapidly declining in my strength.
By this time I wanted to get my son into a job that had some future, as I
knew that I would soon have to close my business. It was Friday afternoon the first week in January. I got a call from my biggest customer in Alexandria. The voice said that my services were no longer required as they have contracted with another large fork truck dealer. My heart sank and the dreaded end of it all was coming close for me. I finished up some contracts with a Brockville company and gradually phased out my business. During this time we had just enough material to complete the cabin. We were behind a month in our mortgage and some of the bills were piling up. That was it. The decision had been made for me. I was no longer able to work. The cabin was a job that now would be completed by my children and their friends and Marjory being the one that did so much. I was not able to do much at all it was an effort to walk across the front lawn. I did any work in little spurts of energy. I was not able to walk up the hill to our cabin without stopping a few times. Margie was the person to dig out for the footings and I helped a little when I could.
Spirit Mountain is what we called our little place. It sure gave us some very spiritual enlighten many times. It also was a place that we learned some very important lessons about life. It was not easy to build on a property so high up the mountain and one this one evening; it was a hard lesson for the kids and us. We were bringing up the last load of building material to the cabin. This was around 10:00 p.m. at night. I used my industrial trailer to do it, as it was large enough to carry a big load. It had rained there and the road up the hill was slippery. It was
also narrow. The van pulled the load slowly up the hill but just a little too slow. The wheels began to spin and it got bogged down on the first hill by the smallest rock that jutted out just that much too much. I just could not get over it at the speed I had to go. What a mess, it was dark and raining and we were stuck, badly stuck on a hill with a trailer.
The material had to be unloaded from the trailer and set on the side of the hill. It took several hours before the trailer was light enough to make it up the hill. Finally, I gained enough speed to drive it right up to the cabin. All the material now on the side of the hill had to be loaded into the van a little at a time and after several trips all the material was near the cabin. My oldest son, who was behind us in his car, left his lights on so we could see just what we were doing. It was such a blackness that enveloped us that we couldn’t see our hand in front of our face. Well, naturally as it seemed our luck was running, his battery gave out before we were finished. So that was just another little chore we had to deal with. Ah, yes, such is life. It certainly was a night to be remembered by the whole family. I am sure my children must have thought that we were out of our minds and somehow I partially agree.
During all this work and the seeming struggle of the hill, Margie never complained once about it. Most women would have left this idea as a lost cause by a loser. This is what destiny had for us at that time. It was
important to both of us, and a lesson well learned. The cabin was well insulated because I knew that the winters here could be cold and cruel. An insulated floor doubled the costs but proved to be worth the little extra. Now, God, Jesus, Mary and Joseph were on the shelf for now.
The Great Spirit was somehow a name that we used for sometime. It consoled us to think that the Creator was part of everyone and everything. Somehow we were given the strength to pursue our ideals. With the help of Margie and the kids, a cabin was forming. It was a great place for the grandchildren when they came to visit.
My business now was dwindling and I was finishing up the modifications started months before. I knew that I was just not healthy enough now to continue. The decision was very easy to make when the bank failed to give us any help for the slump we were in. Our beautiful home was for sale now and the bank foreclosed the mortgage. We moved our furniture up to the cabin and sold those items that would just not fit in properly. There were tears flowing inside Margie and I, but we kept up a good front. We didn’t owe enough money to file for bankruptcy. We just closed the business and the bank confiscated the amount of money owing the company. The worst thing, I think, for Margie was the beautiful grandfather clock that we got for our 25th wedding anniversary that had to be sold. I think it broke her heart but, again, she didn’t complain.
Our dreams somehow turned into our worst nightmare. It had turned to riches to rags story. Humiliation now was at every corner and office. This was not fair for Margie, I knew, but she clung to me as a loyal partner and stuck with me where most women would have been long gone and justly so. It was early November and the bank had the locks changed at the house. We were locked out in the cold. Anything that remained in the house was the property of the bank. Yes, they owned it all now. All my personal books and my equipment was the banks possession. But I did have the two vehicles and there was no way for the bank to claim them, because they were paid for and not collateral. They were necessary for us to get to the cabin. The trailer was emptied out as was the van and the suburban was at the cabin with the woodstove in it. The van we now left at the bottom of the hill at the road. The cabin was far from complete. The roof was finished even though it could have caused the death of the two of us. The month previous we were up at the cabin and finishing up the roofing. It had been raining all that day and only one half of the roof were complete. When we got up to the cabin that day and went in we saw there was at least an inch or more, of water all over the floor. No problem, I said, I just drilled a hole in the floor to let the water drain out. But, low and behold, for us such a simple idea just was not allowed to happen. All the sawdust on the floor would clog the little hole. Margie would just go and clean it out. No problem but a problem for about 500 hundred times until she gave up.
This left about half an inch or so of water that had to stay there.
The roof was a low slope roof for the purpose of being able to walk on easily because I knew that the chimney would need cleaning frequently during the winter. A clean chimney was a safe chimney.
It was getting dark and the rain was now a downpour. We had no choice but to stop the work. I thought, no problem, a plastic sheet would cover the side of the unfinished part. The wind was strong and I was not. The plastic had to be stapled down to prevent it from blowing off. One of us had to walk to the edge of the roof with the staple gun. It was not going to be me. I was too heavy and the plastic was unbelievably slippery. There was just no safe way, but it had to be done, as we had no choice. That was where we were going to have to sleep that night. The side with the new roofing was not slippery and I had a good grip. I had traction on the part of the roof that was completed, so, nothing else to be done, Margie had to put the plastic sheeting on the roof. I held her small legs as she stretched her body down the side of the roof. If she had slipped she would easily have been killed as that side of the house was quite close to a cliff. But, as always, she was game. She was small and easy to hold and she clicked the stapler every few inches to fasten the plastic firm. It was suspense at each click. Margie was not a very strong person and had to use two hands to work that stapler. Oh God, I thought, how my priorities have changed now. We were in a life and death situation
and her life was in my hands. My grip was very firm and I held her all the way to the end. Her legs at the ankle were marked by my handgrip and my hands were aching from holding her. The plastic had been conquered and that was going to keep us dry. At least that is what we thought. It was raining very hard now and we were both soaked to the skin.
The kerosene lamps were lit and we were preparing for our first sleep in the cabin. The wet floors had been swept clean, but remember now there was at least two inches of water all over the floor from the very hard rain that was coming down. It had filled rather quickly. But again, there was no problem. I had everything under control. We laid a sheet or two of plywood down to put our sleeping bags on. The lamp flickered and her face was looking at me from deep inside the covers. I could see a tuft of her hair flitting with the breeze that was blowing through some of the unfinished walls. She said softly, “I love you, Wayne. There was not a doubt about this, I knew she did and I loved her too. Soon we were sleeping to the sound of the pelting rain on the roof. We slept for about an hour. We were exhausted. Drops of water spattered on our sleeping bags, which, of course, woke us up. We were getting wet again. The roof was leaking in a way that it seemed like some kind of an evil entity had taken possession of the whole property.
The wind had blown the plastic from the roof and it was leaking badly. We were able to move the sleeping bags over to the drier section before they got soaked. Several holes in the floor soon would dry up the remaining water from the floor, we thought. I asked Margie if she wanted a cup of coffee. She answered through her chattering teeth, “God, please.”
We got up, lit the stove, and I could hear Margie walking over to the camp stove with her cup. She was squishing with every footstep. Feet wet, socks wet, coats wet. We were sopping. She hung our socks up on a nail to dry overnight along with our coats. In the morning it was raining lightly, our clothes were just as wet and dripping as when we took them off. Nothing else to do. We had to put those bitter cold, wet socks and coats back on. Our body heat finally warmed them a little, but it seemed to take forever and Margie said she didn’t think she would ever feel warm again. She said, even my bones are cold and had I ever noticed when you were cold and wet that you had to go to the bathroom constantly. I had to go seven times last night, she said, and if it wasn’t bad enough that I had to climb out of the sleeping bag, I also had to go outside in that damn rain. I thought for sure we would both catch pneumonia, but, thankfully, that, at least, didn’t happen. We continued with the roofing and soon we had a roof that was able to fight the rain.