10 minute read
No one can truly tell you what your destiny is. It depends upon what you do with the tools and materials the Creator has given you. Only He knows what your destiny is; and if you ask of Him, and keep asking, never being quite satisfied, it will be revealed to you. Turn to Him and ask; but be discriminating as to your answers. To be sure that your inspiration is of the All Highest, you must make yourself pure in motive. None of us is wholly cleansed of self-desires. Spirits of darkness speak to us from within, as well as angels of light. We must judge everything, and base our decisions upon our highest concept of what is good for others and for humanity.
If a voice tells you to go to this place or that place, for there you will find happiness and fulfillment, or wealth, or friends, or ease, or whatever, know that it is the voice of darkness. If one asks of a higher power anything that is for self, even for peace, love, liberty, fulfillment or salvation, he will be answered by spirits of darkness; and if one follows their advice, he will become bound in service to them. But if one asks how best to serve others and do the Father's will, and if he asks how best to give love, faith, peace, liberty and joy to others, he will be answered by angels of light; and in following their inspiration, he will become one with them in carrying out the will of the Almighty. Try to serve the All Highest the best you can, as you are, where you are. Say to the Creator: "My only desire is to serve Thee. I don't know what is best, so I seek Thy inspiration. I will listen for it. But I will not accept without question everything that comes to me. I will judge everything that comes to me, from the standpoint of the All Highest; that is, deciding whether or not it contributes to the good of others and the upliftment of humanity. If a thought or action is hurtful to others, or if it is of laziness or weakness, or caters to a greedy or lustful spirit within me, I will reject it. If I am tuned with Thee, O Creator, I know that I do not have to make things happen as I think they should happen. I do not have to try to swerve or persuade others to a certain course, idea or doctrine. I do not have to continually strive to manipulate my affairs and those of others. I need only try to serve the good of others, and serve Thee, under the present circumstances, whatever they may be; and I will know that Thou wilt guide me in the right direction, and prosper my efforts, and make things work out for the best good of all, thus fulfilling the divine plan in my life."
The Almighty is Ever-Present with us, speaking in our souls. But because we are mortals, living in an unenlightened world, spirits of darkness also speak to us from within. One of the most important things we have to learn on the road to the all-highest truth is discrimination. If one continually asks of the Supreme Being to know how best to serve, it is certain that he will be answered from the All Highest, and will be led in the right direction, and shown how best to use his talents and energies for the fulfillment of his divine destiny.
Change Yourself
May the tones of the Almighty ring through your being from morning to night. Feel His power, wisdom and love inspiring you in all your efforts to be His instruments on earth. You were born to become workers for the benefit of all souls within your reach. You know your own weaknesses, and how they block the way to your reaching the soul attainment and spiritual development you desire. You have the ability to overcome every negative aspect of your mind and emotions. You can apply yourself more diligently if you try. Don't let the actions or words of others disturb you. Let them go their own way. Let them see their own faults and be responsible for their own behavior. This is not easy, but it is a good challenge. You can't change others, but you can change yourself. Do not belittle yourself, for then you are belittling the Creator. Walk as though you know the Creator walks with you. Look at the world through His "rose-colored glasses" and see the beauty and loveliness around you, in nature, and in all the living on earth. Look for the good things, and you will find them.
To be cheerful, positive, kind and compassionate is to be a living expression of the Creator within. We all fluctuate. Bless, Serve and Create Collectively in our degree of attunement; at times open and inspired, and at times, dry and barren. We all move through cycles of greater or lesser awareness until we have reached the etherean state. Here in the higher atmospherean planes we have a clearer and more consistent awareness of the Creator's Presence with us, but we still have our moments when we lack complete attunement. We continue to question our actions and motives, and we continue to review and reflect upon our past performances to appreciate how we may improve As mortals, you have additional burdens with which you must contend, but through the learning process you will be strengthened in special ways that will be helpful to you in the years ahead. Through the work that you do within your spiritual focus, you are brought more objectively into our presence and into our consciousness. Working in many ways that are sometimes quite subtle, we are able to enlighten and inspire you, often planting seeds of wisdom and insight that blossom into valuable fruit which in turn benefits you and those people you contact and help in your world. We know you are often puzzled by what transpires in council, and you some- times wonder about the value or purpose of what you do. We give you insights when we can, but there are many things that are difficult for us to explain because they involve qualities of spirit that are not easily understood by mortals. Just trust that we work to instill qualities into your spirit that benefit both you personally, and those whom we inspire to come to you or those whom you are inspired to meet. It is not always accomplished within the context of your spiritual work, for very often we are able to exert our influence within the more mundane realms involving the work you do in your jobs or profession. Even those who have a more limited contact with the outside world are used in this way and they should maintain an openness in dealing with people whenever the opportunity presents itself. Even the most casual and brief contacts can be very useful to us, and we often arrange them for specific purposes. Be aware of this aspect of the work and when you meet people from the outside world, frame a blessing for them in your thoughts and you will strengthen our links with them through the work that we do here together – your realm with ours.
Find the good that is in a situation, praise it, and give thanks for it. When we grumble and complain, we increase our own misery. When we concentrate upon the unpleasant aspects of our lot in life, we are making ourselves bearers of darkness rather than light, the opposite of what we want to be. Therefore, we cultivate the habit of being aware of Thy Presence, O Creator, and of talking directly with Thee, the all-powerful and all-providing Father-Mother. We see our position in life as being the position Thou hast given us for our development as immortal souls, and as instruments of Thy will, wisdom and love. We have faith in Thee, knowing that when the time is right in Thy Sight for changes, they will come. We try to keep ourselves open to Thy inspiration, discriminating between the many voices we are apt to hear speaking to us spiritually. We know that as we try to serve
Thee, and not self, Thy Voice will stand out clearly, and we will know with greater and greater certainty the path that is meant for us. If we can uplift ourselves and others by thinking and talking constructively, by praising and thanking Thee, Instead of fault-finding, we are fools not to do so. We are happy to be alive, and thankful for the challenges Thou art giving us every day of our lives.
Be Your Ideal
Think of the highest, ideal person you can imagine, and be that person. He or she is kind, loving, joyful, radiant, beautiful! Say to yourself, "I am that. This is the eternal being that I am. It is the Creator's Presence in me." "I am giving forth this beauty and love to everyone, helping all souls to know they are their own highest, ideal person, one with the All Person." Affirm this over and over until you have risen above the dark and negative feelings of the psychic world. Recognize the truth that you are in control. You can have it as you want it. You can be what you want to be!
SUNS TO BE (1989)
The light and love of heaven shines from every soul. Jehovih is Ever-Present. Look no farther than within for answers or the path. All the resources of the universe can be discovered through the doorway of your soul. Within you lies the path to understanding and wisdom. Speak to that vast space that lies beyond the open doorway and you will find a rich and loving response waiting. Be prepared for the light that will come by living a clean and peaceful life. Be simple in your taste for food, possessions and thought. Act with kindness and with joy in your heart. Have dreams and goals and do your best each day to reach them. Smile upon your friends and family. Feel your being as a shining star, vibrant with energy, unique but part of the whole, a sky of suns to be. All this brings you to the doorway and the infinite world beyond and the loving embrace you will find. We wish you happiness and love, and honor you for your courage and respect, all of you who are seekers of wisdom, workers in the light.
We are here with you. We salute you. We see the world, the universe in your eyes. We see the power of the spirit. We see the energy and the excitement of a child. We see the strength of a brave soul. We see the heart of a compassionate person. We see wisdom, love, joy. We see much more that is good and positive, all of which makes you a soul of light. Have no doubts, even though you will have your valleys to cross and climb out of. We all do. You have the skills and the will to reach the next plateau. Let any doubts, fears, insecurities go; release them into the wind.
Look to the "sky" with your heart and the eyes of your soul, while your feet caress the earth. You are a worker in the light, one with the Great Spirit. You are a bridge between earth and heaven that allows the light to flow in either direction. Dance with joy and discover the way in a more objective manner, for you are on the right path and have been for a long time. Jump, dancing warrior of the rainbow, upon that mighty steed that will carry you to many wondrous places and experiences beyond your dreams. Touch the world with all the rainbow hues of your soul of light.
Your Potential Is Limitless
Piercing rays of white light envelop your corporeal bodies helping to protect your spiritual nature. Envision this energy daily pouring down to you and utilize this powerful surge of force to love and heal those in need. Maintain your focus with us throughout your daily routines no matter how mundane they may seem at times. Jehovih's Presence is with you, always ready to lend a helping hand whenever the need and/or desire is expressed. Be the alive, energetic beings that Jehovih desires for all His children. To live a life dedicated to the Creator's will is a wondrous journey. Your potential is limitless. Your corporeal and spiritual bodies are as expansive as the universe itself and the galaxies beyond. Live life to its fullest; accept the gifts the Creator has given each and every one of His children. Growth is forever, unending. Create and enliven your present existence with the blessings of love from the Almighty Jehovih.
Prepare Now For The Dawn
Rest assured that change is in the air. We are prepared to work with you as you become one of our helpers. Despite all the encumbrances the world seems to be heaping on you, you are ready and able to do more with the spiritual work. We have always told you how to ride the crest of this great wave which is sweeping down upon the little red star. You must work hard to maintain your balance. That is a simple fact. You must also work hard to develop, and then maintain, well-established lines of light with the higher planes. This takes dedication, consistency and attunement. You must clear the air in every sense to be able to accomplish this, both on the physical and the spiritual planes. There is a chaos within the different realms, stirred into action by the growing light of the ever-so-fast approaching dawn. Take the time to think of your part. Whether living alone and associating with others at a distance, or working and living together with others, now is the time to trust the light. Now is the time to pull together all your resources and all your faith to make your efforts consistent. The time is now to step up your efforts and prepare for a greater light. Soon, great beings of long experience shall traverse and circumscribe this little star and read the story of every soul. They come to lift and awaken the soul of mankind. You will be there to show what progress this little world has made. You will be a model of change and will demonstrate the promise of the enormous force of energy moving the world into a new spiritual realm along the solar phalanx. The pressure is to be expected. For you, there is greater light; cleanse your spirits, minds and bodies so that this light will embrace you and lift you up. We embrace you, too, with our love. Feel the love and light from us. Have faith and courage to meet the new dawn. We are one.