3 minute read
We are mental creatures, and our life is in our mind. Our happiness depends upon our state of mind. Our physical conditions exhibit our frame of mind, and we can progress in life and create a proper destiny only as we cultivate the thinking which is common to the Mind of the Creator.
Mind is positive and negative. Mortal mind is negativeundeveloped. The Supreme Mind is positive-developed in wisdom.
Whatever thoughts we listen to or speak, or whatever thoughts we allow to remain in our minds, will bear fruit. Condemnation, envy, prejudice, and all the thoughts and words of mortal mind, are negative. They are nothing and lead to nothing, which is dissolution. The words of truth will gain the mastery over all the beliefs and expressions of error, for these are negative conditions which the positive thoughts of truth overcome.
Beliefs of sin, sickness and death are also negative. We can free ourselves from these thoughts by denial of them, and we can place our minds in unity with the positive pole of life and peace by the affirmation of truth. We are one with the almighty
goodness of the Creator now. Our minds live in and draw their life from the Mind of the Creator, and we can and will grow out of our negative beliefs and conditions by the recognition that we are manifestations of the Ever-Present Life. We can think the thoughts of the Creator, and thus grow into a conscious knowledge and realization of an Infinite Presence and Power.
While we are thinking the thoughts of the world, we are living in mental and spiritual darkness, and in this state of mind we cannot hope to enjoy life or peace or prosperity from the Creator, for all real enjoyment is in the Light of Truth. An abiding satisfaction flows into our minds as we charge them with thoughts based on the truth of infinite goodness and love.
We have no power or substance or intelligence except through the Ever-Present Life within us, and this is true of all beings and all things. This is the saving truth that frees and heals. All life is good and full of healing power.
All intelligence is good, and can manifest perfection. All substances are good, and will reveal more and more that they are intelligent, as the truth about them is recognized.
Energize these thoughts in your mind by repetition:
I am living the life of eternal peace, for my life is one with the life of the Creator, which is peace. I desire to think only the thoughts that tend to life and peace, thus uniting myself with the divine Source of all wisdom and love.
I know that I am the Mind of Truth expressing, and I think and feel that Almighty Goodness now dominates all my world.
The Spirit of Goodness is omnipresent. It includes all that I need or want.
I do not place any thoughts or conditions between myself and the Creator.
Every claim that I make which is opposite to the Spirit of Goodness is a negation of my eternal life with the Creator, and hides the Creator from me. The Creator can do all things for me if I am true to the Ever-Present’s Inspiration, and have unwavering faith. An all-abiding faith is the affirmation of the Power of the All-Good.
I am Life. I am Health. I am Joy. I am Prosperity. My love is of the Creator and for the truth, and I constantly fill my mind with positive thoughts of truth, which create good and harmonious conditions for me.
There is only One Mind, the Mind of the Creator, full of divine life and intelligence for all, overflowing with healing love and uplifting light.
I lift my mind from all appearances of limitation to the consciousness of the one Omnipotent Power, and affirm that I am the recipient of all Its goodness and love.
I negate from my being all the feelings and thoughts of the world, and individualize the thoughts based on my unity with the I AM, for I am the spoken word of the Creator, and I manifest the EverPresent’s intelligent goodness, now and forever.