4 minute read
The great prayer that is arising from souls incarnate is the prayer for more vitality. It is the speechless prayer of the whole world; the unuttered longing and desire of every heart for that which will enable it to overcome limitations and find satisfaction.
Scientists of today are searching as tirelessly for a life-renewing elixir as did Ponce de Leon for the fountain of youth, but their stimulants, tonics, and serums will not renew the creative impulse of vitality which produced the organism and which lies latent within, always ready to revitalize, renew, and heal every part of the physical nature. It is not medication that will save the sick and suffering, but the opening of the human nature to this divine influx, which is health-compelling and harmony-producing to every nature that finds it. Many are becoming conscious that a heavenly, healing vitality awaits them, and nothing can hinder their search for the immortal vigor that will save their beings from disease and pain, and evolve a new type of humanity. They shall become fearless and dauntless, healthy and happy in the conscious possession and understanding of the vital principle within them, which is the manifestation of the Life Ever-Present in humanity.
Matter and body cannot create, because they are effects. They can only manifest the energy infused into them by their cause. Vitality is not a material force; it is spiritual force. Vitality is cause. Vitality is the creative energy of the love and intelligence of the I AM which holds in its embrace every atom of sentient substance.
It is the vitality of the Infinite Mind that we see manifesting in bird and beast, tree and flower, and this same vitality is at this moment giving you all the life that you have, and the Infinite Mind can give you as much as you can individualize and express.
Your lack of knowledge of the possibilities of your own nature keeps you from growing out of your weak or sickly condition. Knowledge is power.
All nature is enlivened by the omnipotent vitality of the Infinite Mind, and the human mind must seek its vitality from this source, for vitality is a mental energy which can be appropriated to an unlimited degree. According to how it is recognized and expressed will it overcome all diseased and depleted conditions of the body.
New ideas entering the mind bring with them an influx of vitality. The thoughts in this book are overflowing with vitality and health, and the more you study them the closer your mind will get to the
Fountain of Life, which will renew your body as your mind is renewed with living thoughts from the Divine Mind. If you want to live and be healthy you must not think or talk about disease or death.
There is a Source of unlimited vitality, strength, and energy which has been given too little recognition, and from lack of knowledge of this vital impulse the race has suffered much. This knowledge was denied out of mortal understanding, but it is again being resurrected in the mind of humanity.
The souls of mortals “cannot live by bread alone”. They must be fed on the manna of Heaven, which is the thoughts that flow out from the Mind of the Creator, before there can be the harmonious union of the human and the divine in all of humanity. Only this will guarantee their health, happiness and prosperity while on the earth.
You, no matter how poor, sick or miserable you may be, are living in the midst of Divine Forces which can generate a new health and strength in your body, weave prosperity and success into your destiny, and make your whole life divine and harmonious. The forces that contribute to success are within the reach of every mind, waiting to be polarized and individualized.
Intelligent and powerful thought forces interpenetrate space, even as magnetic and electric currents flow through space, and these potent forces can intelligently control all the operations of natural law. It is still more wonderful to know that these forces are obedient to our minds and are ready and potent to operate everything for our good if we will but recognize our God-given dominion. We can establish this awareness by thinking the thoughts and speaking the words which embody our faith in the Almighty Presence and cause it to manifest for our benefit.
We may have a wonderful mental power, and preach the highest truth, but the power that harmonizes and heals is ours only when our minds have entered the pure ocean of bliss and been magnetized by contact with the positive pole of Divinity. Then are we endowed for the time being with the power of the Cause of causes, and all causes respond to the one who realizes this mastery. Again and again must one retire from the world and overcome the conflicting vibrations of the world-mind, for the soul is constantly in need of the omnipotent Power that abides with our Creator.