2 minute read
Mental Science has been scorned and ridiculed for many years, but it has gained adherents by demonstrating the power of thought to cure disease. It has been discovered that bad and unpleasant feelings create harmful metabolic products in the body, which are physically injurious. Good, pleasant, benevolent, and cheerful feelings create beneficial chemical products which are physically healthful. It has been found that, for each bad emotion, there is a corresponding chemical change in the tissues of the body which is life-depressing or debilitating. Conversely, every good emotion makes a life-promoting change. Consequently, a noble and generous action blesses the doer as well as the beneficiary. Every thought which enters the mind is registered in the brain by a specific change in the activity of its cells.
Experiments have proven that mere thought or favorable feelings of any sort concerning a food eaten not only assisted the digestion but partly caused it to occur. When people’s minds are busy with things far removed from their food while they are eating, it can impair the digestive process.
One who considers the matter thoughtfully will soon realize that
thought or feeling has the power to cause and also to cure disease. All the secretions and activities of the body are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, and the quality of the feelings that circulate over these nerve pathways, affects every cell in the body.
Grief or anger will stop the flow of gastric fluid. The thought of eating will start the saliva flowing. Greed affects the vital organs in the same way, and when it is habitually prevalent in the mind, it undermines the very teach the Thought of the Creator, which brings so much happiness and health to suffering humanity through their awakening at the present time; and it is our constant experience that pure, loving thoughts are charged with the healing, invigorating potency of the Spirit of our Creator. Everyone who will educate the mind to conform to divine purity and truth will find the power of the Creator, which makes for health and happiness.
Those who have not seen some wonderful demonstration in their own lives, or in the life of someone very close to them, are liable to become discouraged if immediate results do not manifest.
Remember that all the force of your past thoughts is against your new faith, and that you are just beginning to tear down a mental force which runs back through heredity for all ages, and although
the Thought of the Creator is all-powerful, your understanding and exercise of it are to be compared to the efforts of the little child just learning to walk. The obstacles the child meets seem as insurmountable to him as yours do to you; but with the same persistent effort, you will gain control of the powers that are latent in your will and thought, and you will walk upright in dominion as a conquering Soul of the Creator.