6 minute read


The mental healer works upon the theory that All is Mind; that every object in existence is an individualized form of the Universal Mind in one degree or another of development or evolution; that the human mind is the highest type of evolved intelligence, and that it can express more and more of health and perfection through appropriation of the qualities of the Divine Mind, of which it is a self-conscious expression.

The healer is consistent with this premise in regarding the body as mind also, negative mind to be sure, but a substance potent with vitality and intelligence, every cell of which is capable of manifesting a degree of perfection and of acting in harmony with every other cell for the healing and perfecting of the whole.


This places the human being in the aspect of a living battery of mental energy, the thought power being the positive pole and the body the negative pole. Through the constant action of thought power, the individual is polarizing the thought substance from the Universal Mind, and the body responds to the thought power and organizes the cells to conform to the characteristics of the mental qualities individualized. In other words, the character of the individual is expressed in every cell of one’s nature, because


the character of mind polarizes and qualifies the bodily cells.

It is the constant action of the mental forces of the human magnet that produces all the involuntary actions of digestion, breathing, heart-pumping, etc., and holds nature in active organization. When either pole of the battery is injured the whole being suffers in consequence.

The mental healer understands that diseased conditions of the patient are often visible expressions of discordant mental action. These are the embodied effect of some of the patient’s thoughts and feelings, and through this thought power, which is transferable from one battery to another just as electric impulses are sent through space without wires, the healer seeks to inspire the patient’s mind with thoughts that will counteract the effect already produced. The objective is to cause a new physical effect that will result in a more perfect character.

All so-called matter is a storehouse of potential life and energy; it is the intelligence and power of the Universal Mind crystallized and at rest; it is the embodiment of the mighty forces and energies of the All Mind; it is the negative pole of the battery of life, and every power and quality of the Divine Mind will be found expressed to some degree in this visible nature of the EverPresent Creator.


All is Mind, and all thoughts seek embodiment in organized form. Disease germs are at most but negative forms of unconscious or undeveloped mind, and they can be entirely overcome by the positive thought of the mind that recognizes its own power.

The mental healer applies a positive thought force to the mind of the patient, and through the Mind this force acts on the patient’s mental organization; whereas the physician applies a drug, a negative form of thought, to the body, from which it reacts on the Mind. One works on the positive pole and the other on the negative pole of the individual, and both get results equal to the intelligence of their efforts.

Natural and spiritual methods both have their place and are good and serviceable in the development of the individual. The best results will not be accomplished by flying to the one extreme of looking to the Spirit and ignoring the needs of the body entirely, nor by going to the other extreme of applying the natural physical element needful for the healing, without recognizing the mind which organizes these elements and produces the perfect result. By natural elements I do not mean drastic or destructive drugs or serums, but only those elements which are found in the physical composition of the body, and are needed for its natural maintenance and well-being.


The human being is a composite entity, being a body, mind, and soul related to the Body, Mind, and Spirit of the Universe of the Creator, and one must use discriminative knowledge if one would keep oneself balanced and in harmony with the Whole.

When the human mind is consciously in unity with the All Mind, and illumined by the principles of divine knowledge, every fact that has ever been discovered will glorify the Creator and reveal the action of the All Mind in every sphere of existence, and in every atom of so-called matter. When viewed from the exalted standpoint of the One Great Mind, all the facts which the scientific investigators have discovered will coincide and agree with all the revelations that have dawned upon the intuitive perception of humanity.

Humanity will evolve to a condition of mastery over its physical nature where it will escape all the ills of the flesh and many other ills besides, when it gains the knowledge of its unity with the Divine Mind, and realizes that it can individualize the potent qualities of mind which image forth the likeness of the Divine Being; that it can have perfect health and perfect happiness only by having a perfect character.

Humanity must understand that the currents of its thinking qualify


the blood and nerve currents, which control and feed every organ, muscle, and fiber of its complex physical organism, and that there lies within its mental grasp the power to control every action of its nature. Through its wonderful action and reaction of its positive and negative mind, backed by Universal Intelligence, the processes of life have been going on unconsciously, and the human mind has not yet realized that it was the cause of discordant conditions, and could just as easily cause harmonious conditions.

The body, the negative pole of the human battery, is responding every instant to the thoughts and feelings that are generated by the positive pole, and as the mind becomes more intelligent and more conscious of its power, it will grow more positive and infuse the flesh with its positive intelligence, giving it vitality and strength to overcome diseased conditions.

Humanity is not only ignorant of its unity with the Universal Mind, but it is also busily engaged in thinking thoughts that do not conform to divine ideas, nor express the qualities which characterize the Thoughts that emanate from the positive pole of the Divine Mind; it is generating thoughts and feelings of lust, hatred, condemnation, fear, malice, selfishness, revenge, cruelty, jealousy, and envy, which come into physical expression as a host of abnormal bodily conditions. All such thoughts and


feelings are mortal, and tend toward disease and the disintegration of the human magnet. They produce currents which cross with the currents of life and health and destroy the human organism, while the thoughts of the Divine Mind (purity, love, praise, courage, power, joy, freedom, success, and goodwill) are immortal and filled with Life eternal; they are most positive and have the power to convert, transform, and reorganize all the mortal and negative thoughts and their resultant conditions into health, harmony, and happiness.

As all space is filled with electricity, which becomes manifest only through the dynamo that generates it, so in beneficent healing Thought of the Divine Mind which will come into action by being polarized to the positive pole of the human magnet.

This mighty Universal Mind is manifesting Its love, wisdom, and power throughout the whole of Its vast creation. It is individualizing Its thought wherever there is form or life, and inspiring all creatures with the great vital impulse which causes them to progress along the onward and upward movement of evolution, from the negative pole of undeveloped Mind to the positive pole of conscious life and intelligence.


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