5 minute read
The transcendent force called thought links the human organism to the inmost source of power, and endows the human soul with the ability to overcome the limitations of matter. And whence the birth of this wonderful force of thought? It is born in matter.
We gain a new concept of the latent Ever-Present Power crystallized in matter when we realize that matter is the mother of thoughts. The forces of Mind become involved in matter before matter evolves thought. Matter is the mother, Spirit is the father of thought. “Mother Nature” gives birth to intelligence, the seed of which is from the Creator.
All so-called matter is a storehouse of potential life and energy; it is the intelligence and power of the Universal Mind crystallized and at rest; it is the embodiment of the mighty forces and energies of the All Mind; it is the negative pole of the battery of life, and every power and quality of the Divine Mind will be found expressed to some degree in this visible nature of the EverPresent Creator.
In the history of the evolution of the world we read that the nebulous fire-mist crystallized into a planet of solid rock. Through
the eons of time the solid rock evolved from its substance all the forms of life and all the forms of intelligence with which the planet is graced at the present time. Think of it! From the rock, humanity’s form has come, and before that, from the stars. All the glory and beauty in the world were stored as a possibility in that ancient granite sphere. Does it not awaken within us a new sense of the presence of power, of Omnipotence, to think of the vast possibilities of life stored within the simplest lump of clay? We call it dirt. We tread under foot, with a feeling of repugnance, the mother of our physical forces and faculties, and do not recognize her unlimited possibilities as the negative nature of Omnipotence, of the Creator.
Truly we are waking to a wonderful vision of the presence of the Creator, as all and in all. Even materialistic science has begun to recognize that what was believed to be dead, inert matter, crystal or metal, has the attribute of rudimentary sensation. So, the truth long promulgated by Mental Science, that All is Mind, is now being demonstrated as fact by conservative, materialistic science.
Thought is matter in motion. Thought is the most refined, the most potent activity of matter. The organism of mankind is the product of the progressive evolution of matter, inspired by the indwelling Presence of the Infinite Spirit; from this most complex
organization of mankind is born the sublime product called thought, that imponderable spiritual power which transcends the laws of negative existence.
In humanity, matter houses a life-form that is self-conscious and intelligent. Omnipotence has evolved a creation of self-conscious maturity. The utmost capacity of mortal understanding cannot comprehend what the deific principle, Omni-active, has already accomplished. How shall we grasp the wonders that lie before us in the unfolding future? We now know that matter is undeveloped mind; that the attributes and potencies of the Creator slumber in matter.
Through the ages of evolution every type of animal has demonstrated a little more development of the brain substance; we are gradually increasing our thought-producing capacity. The brain is of finer texture and the nervous system is more complex in the human than in the animal form. The force generated in the brain and present in all the nerves is the thinker and the doer, the personality.
Every active creature is a demonstration of the power of mind over matter. The lifting of the hand is the revelation of the power of thought over matter. We have been exercising dominion over our flesh without being conscious of the fact, and without
realizing the possibilities of conscious control in that very dominion. The body is an electromagnetic battery for the generation of mental energy.
Having come to the recognition of the truth that I am all mind, that every cell of my body has the capacity for intelligent action and is responsive to my will, I desire to cultivate this latent mind of my flesh so that my will shall be done throughout my whole mental organization. How shall I proceed?
The animal is an undeveloped and transitional form of the mind that reaches a higher state of development in humanity. Now that we have attained to maturity, with self-conscious understanding of our possibilities as mental creatures, let us lay aside the propensities and the selfish habits of animals for the full enjoyment and expansion of our mental powers. Until humanity has gained conscious dominion over the animal propensities and turned all the sexual force into mental power obedient to its will, it has not become initiated into the real enjoyment of life nor has it made conditions for the permanent health of its body. Perfect health of body, as well as the continual regeneration of the tissues, to the sublimation of old age, is possible for all by the application of this principle of the conservation of vital energy, along with the conscious control of the organs by the will.
The brain is not limited to the cavity in the skull. It extends the ramifications of its structure through the whole organism. As the mind of an animal may be developed in intelligence, so may these centers of mental energy within the body be developed to a degree of intelligence equal to the main center in the head. We can direct the intelligent force of our thought to any organ in the body and cooperate with the intelligence in the organ to stimulate its renewal in strength and restoration to health.
We have established that we have the ability to direct an intelligent force within us which is capable of reorganizing the substance and structure of the flesh. As a result, we can so infuse the body with thought force that its latent intelligence will be developed. With the awakening of new intelligence in our flesh will come new vitality and new power, until the will has the vast majority of its cells so responsively obedient that it is almighty in its organism, and discord and disease can no longer enter.
Every center will be sensitive to thought, and will generate sufficient thought to carry on the work of its department perfectly. All the senses will be attuned to a new octave of vibration, giving birth to clairvoyance, clairaudience, and psychometry; and so spiritual will the whole mind become that the intuition of humanity
will be able to partake of all the wisdom stored in the omniscient Mind.