2 minute read
The body is held in active organization by the mind. The mind is the positive pole and the body is the negative pole of the human battery. The food elements taken into the body are of the negative mind of the Whole, the substance of the negative pole of the Universal Mind; and the individual mind assimilates from the food taken into the body and from the atmosphere elements like unto itself, which it organizes into the visible expression of itself. The negative pole of the human battery is just as important as the positive pole, and must be cared for and supplied with the proper elements in order to form a perfect battery for the production of thought power, just as the battery which produces electric force must be fed with proper chemical elements to ensure a current.
It must be borne in mind that the positive mind is the organizing power, and every cell in the body is a particle of mind substance, held in obedience to the polarizing power of that positive mind. The cells that compose the flesh are bodies of thoughts. Every cell of the body is thought incarnated, and the organs, which are 65
made up of great multitudes of cells, can be trained by the positive mind of the individual; they can be infused with positive thoughts, so that the cells and organs will progress in intelligence and manifest more of life, health, and perfection, as the mind becomes more and more conscious of its wonderful organizing power.
The progress of the individual toward self-mastery is real only to the degree that one brings the negative mind into a higher realization of Consciousness, and causes each particle of one’s physical cosmos to evolve and show forth the divine intelligence which has been appropriated and individualized around that person’s positive I AM center.
Negative or base thoughts and desires fill humanity’s nature with a consuming fire, which poisons the blood and burns out the nerve centers. This causes disease and pain in the body, and weakness and discouragement to the mind, hindering the human organism from enjoying the peaceful, vitalizing influx which flows from the soul life. Joy and satisfaction are attributes of the All Mind, and the soul, as an individualized expression of the OverSoul, contains all the essentials of happiness within itself, and can impart the only true happiness to its human mind and body to the degree that it can gain full and free expression through the positive and negative poles of mind in which it is organized.
Through pure and righteous thinking, or knowledge of the AllGood, the mind becomes the conscious thinking instrument of the soul. The thoughts are filled with the positive light and joy of the soul. In this way the soul, through education, gains dominion over the various faculties of the mind, and inspires the will to hold the lower realms of the body consciousness in subjection, until all thoughts and desires are educated and transmuted into positive, pure intelligence, like unto the wisdom of the EverPresent Creator.