4 minute read
People have been taught for ages that evil is a self-existent force; that there is a conscious power, or devil, working against the good of humanity.
This is a negative belief arising from ignorance, or a partial knowledge of the Goodness of the All Intelligence.
Positive knowledge reveals the truth that the intelligence in humanity, bird, beast, and all created things is good; in fact, very good. All created things are the intelligence of the Creator, manifesting and evolving through the successive steps of progressive life. All are growing continually from negative to positive through the grades of developing intelligence, and will finally reach the stage of development which will enable them to grasp the positive knowledge of eternal Truth, and work consciously with the one Intelligence, the Father-Mother of all created things.
All is good. Every step is good, even though it is a misstep or seeming mistake; for through their mistakes, the Creator’s children learn which paths do not lead to happiness, and thus they advance in knowledge.
This faith that all is good can become the salvation of each and every one from all the erroneous, devitalizing beliefs of one’s culture.
We should learn to recognize that all life is truth on its own plane, and that in evolving and progressing, minds live in the experience of truth negative before advancing into the realm of truth positive. This will give us the patience of the Creator with all the ideas and creeds of mortal mind which past cultures have evolved as they progressed through negative mind or nescience:
All is Good!
This is positive knowledge. This is the faith in the wisdom of the Creator that overcomes mortal thoughts and beliefs. This is the revelation of Truth that heals and harmonizes all elements of mind and body.
There is no real, or positive, evil, only developed and undeveloped, ripe and unripe, enlightened or unenlightened.
All so-called evil beings and actions are in and of ignorance and lack of development.
There may be cultural thoughts, or cultural beliefs, that have grown positive through ages of existence and universal acceptance; nevertheless, they live in and belong to the negative sphere of Mind, have no real principles of reason or truth to substantiate them, and have no real power. On the other hand, thoughts of Truth are alive with the positive force of the Spirit of the Creator, and the mind that expresses them is in rapport with the minds of angels and archangels and every healing, illuminating potency in the universe of the Divine Mind.
Every mind and every condition of ignorance can be developed into the more positive condition of knowledge and health through the omniscient power inherent in the thought, ALL IS GOOD.
Everything, no matter how evil it appears, is undeveloped in the Creator’s plan, and will grow and progress to a more intelligent condition under the fertile recognition that all is good.
Nothing, nothing can turn against one who lives in the positive recognition and avowal of this ever-potent truth. This one statement of absolute Good, that one’s reasoning powers can glory and rejoice in for weeks and months, will prove itself the voice of Omnipotence by making all of one’s mind and world good and prosperous, and it will glorify one’s whole nature with the exhilarating life that comes to those whose minds are wholly
in tune with the Infinite Good.
Much of the pain, disease, and poverty of a patient is the manifestation of negative beliefs. In order to make a convincing impression upon the mind of the patient, the healer must be conscious of the power of thought and be thoroughly imbued with the knowledge that all is good. The healer’s mind must be so enthusiastic in this knowledge of truth that it will be positive to the patient’s negative belief that some evil exists and possesses the power to harm.
Holding the patient in the power of true thought for a space of time, radiating its light through their mind and directing its forces into the parts of their body in need of education, the healer will carry the conviction of the Spirit to the patient and restore the body to a more positive state of health and peace.
This supreme positiveness is the highest development of healing thought, enabling the goodness of Truth to assume command of the negative mind and remodel it after its own pattern of perfection. In the treatment, the whole mind becomes so devoted and concentrated to healing thought that there are times when it loses itself in the thoughtless, wordless consciousness of Power, becoming the instrument of the miraculous healing influence of the Life Ever-Present.
This is the wonder-working law which healers have occasionally fulfilled. When those desirous of healing for self or others have fulfilled this law, either consciously or unconsciously, the results have been all that could be desired, the healing perfect and complete.
We shall grow more perfect in the power to heal as we lose our mortal misconceptions, as we forget all thoughts of a mortal, material world of evil in the contemplation of the truth that we stand face to face with the living Soul of the grand universe, expressing its vital energy in every atom of this splendid cosmos of manifested Intelligence.