4 minute read
You see the beauty of the divine Truth, and now you desire to build the temple of your mind after its pattern. You desire to manifest the truth that you now understand. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for.” Faith is a mental energy that you can cultivate. Every time you think a thought of truth you are adding one more word of faith to the mental energy that is building up your spiritual body. Every time you make a strong affirmation of the strength, health and prosperity which are inherent attributes of your soul, you are formulating the quality of mental energy that your soul can use to come into strong, perfect manifestation.
The faith that you have generated in the past has been a negative form of faith. You have not known the wonderful power of thought, and you have allowed various kinds of false beliefs to occupy your mind; consequently, your mind-body, the spiritual body that is formed of your thoughts, has been open to the influences and beliefs that fill the mind of the world, and has not realized the dominion of the Mind of the Creator.
Your mind has exercised a certain negative dominion over the flesh, and its limiting beliefs are the cause of much bodily
discomfort. All the thinking that has formed your present mindbody, which now dominates your physical organism, must be regenerated and transformed into true intelligence, that the power of the Creator within may become manifest as your physical healer. This change of mind comes gradually by the processes of education and growth. There is an increasing power of mind, as the Presence of the Creator becomes more and more visible to the understanding.
You are the visible form of an endless stream of vitality and energy. The love of the Ever-Present broods over you and is willing to give you of Its almighty strength. The Creator is your life. The Creator is your intelligence. The gift of eternal life is yours as fast as you can appropriate it. There is no limitation placed over you by the love of the Creator. You are as unlimited as your Source, and you can think yourself into freer channels of life and expression. You will feel the glowing fire of the divine Presence as it begins its work of regenerating your physical nature, and the thrill of heavenly vitality will convince you that your body is a kingdom of heavenly bliss.
Spend more time daily in thinking and speaking truth for yourself, with confidence that you are cooperating with the Creator in building a divine temple for the Ever-Present to inhabit. Think thus:
I am in the midst of the Almighty forces of the Creator that are all working for my good. All are working for my prosperity. I will with all the power of my mind and soul that all my affairs shall quickly arrange themselves for the demonstration of my prosperity. Love and justice reign supreme in all my world. All is Good. The EverPresent All Good protects, sustains and prospers me, now and at all times. I recognize only the good in all beings. My faith is grounded and unalterably fixed in the Good, and thus my faith will conquer every belief of evil, and I will by my true faith hold myself in unity with the powerful Mind of the I AM.
I am living in the midst of an ocean of vitality and intelligence. “In the I AM I live and move and have my being.” I am breathing this vitality and strength every moment, asleep or awake. My stomach is vitalized and able to assimilate sustenance and strength from all I eat. I love to eat and absorb strength. I am in tune with all nature and with the healing power of the Creator, and all things are giving me of their life and energy. I see and feel that the whole universe is a vast sea of life, and I am a magnet in the midst of it all, appropriating all that I need to build a perfect, healthy body and mind.
I know, O Thou Eternal One, that Thy love holds me in Thy almighty embrace. I am a little child in Thy hands. I trust implicitly
in Thy All-Wise Presence. Fill me with Thy Spirit of Truth, that I may thoroughly know and feel that All is Good; that all fear and care may depart from my mind. I will learn of Thee, that I may find Thy peace. I know that as the Spirit of Thy Truth grows strong in my mind, all mortal errors and fears will vanish, as the mists dissolve and disappear before the morning sun. Thou art the sun of my soul, and in the brightness of Thy Omnipresent Glory my soul now awakens and is filled with the joy of immortal life.
I praise Thy Intelligence, which I see manifesting everywhere. I praise Thy Love, which is present within each soul. I praise Thy Life, which is the omnipotent sustainer of all creatures.