2 minute read
This treatment will place you in touch with the healing streams which flow from the Celestial Presence of the Creator.
Sacred names each have a spiritual quality and a relationship with a center of consciousness, and the name Jehovih, which means the Ever-Present Great Spirit, relates the mind to the holiest state of the Divine Mind. The mind becomes united through this name with the state of infinite peace wherein abide the holiest and wisest angels of the Ever-Present, and through this telepathic sympathy, receptive minds receive vibrations of holy, peaceful, healing emanations, which harmonize all mental disturbances and bring the peace that passeth mortal understanding. This name may be used effectively whenever and wherever peace is desired, for self or for others.
Retire from the world when you can, and contemplate the healing power represented by the Creator’s potent Presence. When you desire to inbreathe the emanations which come from the use of this celestial name, put all mortal thought aside, and in the utmost meekness and humility of mind, bow down before the Majesty of that Mysterious Power which resides within all the angelic spheres and also within the inmost recesses of your soul,
and your spiritual poverty will be supplanted by the unlimited fullness and boundless love of the Creator. Praise be to Thee, Jehovih!
From the meek and subtle chamber of your soul there bubbles forth the ethereal waters of peace. There is a region within you akin to that essential realm of Jehovih, where the crystal Sea of Truth is stirred by the vital breath of the Infinite One, and the murmuring waves whisper words of peace and everlasting serenity.
Your soul now listens to the voice of omnipotent Peace, and the ethereal peace of the Spirit infuses your whole nature with the harmony of heaven.
The crystal Sea at the root of your soul finds your mind meek, responsive, and receptive to its waters of peace which gently flow into your mind and harmonize your thoughts with heavenly rest.
The ethereal potency of the peaceful Ever-Presence is now permeating your whole being, and all the atoms of your body obey this law of peace and harmony.
Healing, soothing peace is the only Presence and the only
Power. You are saturated with the healing glory of Jehovih, and there is no cause for mental or physical friction in the midst of that Presence.
You are now in the peaceful glory of this Infinite Presence, and there cannot be anything in you or around you but boundless peace and love and harmony.
In this Presence: There are no mortal minds at war. All is infinite Peace.
There is no bondage to lust or love. All is eternal Harmony.
There is no vanity or pride, for the essential Meekness reigns supreme in all.
All the cells of your nature rejoice in the free light of boundless Peace, and inbreathe the peaceful vitality of Eternity.
Glory to Jehovih for the healing Peace from the exalted spheres of heavenly, harmonious Love.