5 minute read
The laws of matter are responsive to the superior laws of mind, and “miracles”, so-called, do not set aside natural laws but merely show that natural laws are subservient to the superior forces of the Universal Mind.
There are no miracles in the sense of the violation of natural laws. “All things are possible” to the human mind when it learns to exercise and direct the powers of the soul as did the prophets and the mystics of the ages. Then natural laws prove obedient to the superior law, of which they are but effects.
We can overcome many of the limitations of the material body by developing in our flesh a more positive degree of vitality. Affirm again and again: I AM VITALITY. Think vitality, breathe vitality, eat vitality, and know that you are the unlimited vitality of the Creator: thus, you will become a magnet for Almighty Vitality. Think toward each organ of your body: YOU ARE VITALITY. You are so filled and thrilled with vitality that there is no place for disease or decay in you. ALL IS VITALITY.
Keep this up unceasingly and it will make you so positively vital that health and happiness will reign throughout your whole being.
Pathologists tell us that many diseases can start in blood-stasis or stagnation. Health can exist only where there is positive activity or circulation in every part of the physical body. Life is synonymous with activity, and stagnation with death. There is but one agent in the building and repairing of the body, and that is the circulation of the blood. It brings sustenance to every cell in the body and carries away waste matter. The bloodstream is responsible for all bodily building and cleansing, for diseased or healthy tissue. If this is true, then any means, whether mental or physical, that will flush capillaries and quicken the circulation should be considered a great means of cure.
All the circulating fluids in the body are subject to the sympathetic nervous system in this way. All the activities of the body except those of a chemical nature are tubular. Through tubes we breathe, circulate, and eliminate. Bile, blood, air, food, sweat, pancreatic juice, lymph, and saliva all flow through tubes, and the flow is controlled by the involuntary muscles which constitute one of the coats of all the tubes in the body.
By the action of these involuntary muscles we perspire, we breathe, our hearts beat, and our food is carried through the
stomach and intestines. And what makes muscles move? Nerve stimulus, nothing else. Any muscle is at rest until it is compelled to respond by the action of nerve force. The cerebrospinal nerves influence the voluntary muscles, but the involuntary muscles are controlled by the great sympathetic nerves. The sympathetic nerves, then, are the agents of the brain which control circulation, perspiration, digestion, elimination, and all functioning of physical organs.
The spirit of human beings, which is often called the subconscious mind, acts through this great nervous system and all its ramifications to influence vital action. The states of the spirit or subconscious mind are all reflected in physical functions through this nerve pathway. According to the quality of the emotions that the spirit sends through this nerve complex will be the state of vital action. The chemical quality of saliva, bile, and all digestive juices is determined by the quality of the spirit. But here is a very important fact that is often overlooked by those who are trying to be consistent with the above point of view. Anything that weakens the nerve force, such as overindulgence in sense gratifications, or anything that poisons the system (coffee, tobacco, alcohol, poisonous drugs, serums, inoculations, or fermenting foods) is bound to limit and depress the spirit in its physical expression.
The living, intelligent spirit acting through the sympathetic nerves upon the vascular or tubular system, tries to throw off the accumulating poisons, and in doing so, produces an acute disease called by German Nature Curists a “healing crisis” . These healing efforts are great blessings in disguise, whether they throw off poisons through the effect called a cold, pneumonia, or smallpox. The German Naturopaths prove in their practice that any of these acute healing crises are not harmful and leave no bad effects when nature is intelligently cooperated with and allowed to free the body of limiting matter. In fact their value is proved, as they leave the body healthier. But modern physicians and even mental healers do not recognize the great value of this process of elimination, and they try to suppress this healing activity by thought or by the use of toxic serums or poisonous drugs, with the result that the poisons accumulate and bring on a more severe crisis such as cancer, tumors, rheumatism, or other chronic troubles.
The spirit can be aroused to positive activity in eliminating poisons by mental and spiritual means. Since false habits of living, heredity, and other factors have stored cells with useless substances, and since few give the time to attaining that spiritual mastery whereby the flesh is kept subservient to the spirit, it is wise to combine mental and physical means of healing, as long as these means recognize and cooperate with the individual
spirit of life as the great and mighty cause of cure.
Once the body has become purified, and all morbid states of mind are corrected by the knowledge of spiritual truth, the sympathetic nerves become the open doorway to the subconscious activities of the spirit. Then the life absorbed from the Universal Mind by the individual spirit can pour through the Sympathetic, and the body can become a dynamo of energy and power. The pure instincts or feelings of nature will guide one in the knowledge of the quality and amount of food to be eaten, and appetite will be obeyed because it will lead aright. When the temple is purified and the soul is resurrected to know the Source of Power, the white Light of Divinity will shine through all states of nature and reveal the beauty and perfection of the Divine Image in terms of physical flesh.
I feel I am a spirit of life vitalizing the sympathetic nervous system.
I concentrate my attention on the life that is now flowing through the entire nervous system.
I feel life stirring all sluggish currents to positive activity.
I concentrate on this inflowing life force until I feel that every cell