4 minute read
in my body is charged with its vitalizing energy.
I am Life, dissolving away all accumulated poisons and morbid matter.
I am radiating life to dissolve false growths and eliminate all poisons from my nature.
I am consciously drawing life from the Infinite Spirit, and filling this, my temple, with Its healing energy.
I dissolve from my mind and nervous system all depressing and passionate feelings, that Life, all glorious Life, may fill my flesh with strength and power.
Pain and disease in the body are often a crying out from its parts to the soul for more life. The soul is the mighty magnet that can hold the cells and organs of the nature in perfect harmony and peace. But when the mighty polarizing power of the soul is dormant and covered up by material-mindedness, the physical organization is not fed by the spontaneous life of the soul, and consequently cannot carry on its work with the intelligence and skill necessary for the perfect operation of all parts in unity. Where there is this lack of vitality from the soul, discord and inharmony become manifest in the physical economy. The nerves cry out to the soul, “O give us food, that we may carry on our active life;” the cells call for vitality that they may repair the wasting tissue, and the joints try hard to make the soul understand that they are in need of lubricating fluid.
The soul is a power greater and more intelligent than the whole physical nature; it is life; it is creative energy; it is the true physician to the body; it is the Organizer that can bring all things into harmony with its divine pattern.
Under proper conditions the soul can generate from its physical nature any known force that exists in external nature, for the
human form is an epitome of the Creator and Infinite Nature. Does electricity heal? Well, the body is a chemical laboratory, and the action of the chemicals in the physical battery is constantly producing currents that are finer and more potent than the crude product evolved from external nature. Is human magnetism valuable for the cure of diseased conditions? It most certainly is, for the physical organism cannot exist without a plentiful supply of vital magnetic force. The physical atoms but float in these currents, and are carried hither and thither as subjects of their attractive power. They group themselves to form the various organs of the body, as the iron filings group themselves in circles in the magnetic field of a horseshoe magnet.
Let the soul awaken and express through the whole body. The body exists for the use of the soul and should not be allowed to live a separate existence of its own, apart from the soul. Let the soul have its body as its own; then, as the soul finds free, joyous expression through its human organization, it will gather the necessary elements from the food, earth, and air for the healing and reconstruction of every part. It will fill its body with the vitality of the Creator, for the soul is a native of eternal Life, and is on familiar terms with the Great Physician.
The soul will generate a brain full of faith in its own unlimited
power, and a body full of thought force that will sway every energy and organ and atom to the expression of its intelligent will.
The soul must be resurrected, else there is no hope of permanent health or attainment of perfection.
The diseased part may be rubbed and pinched and magnetized and electrified and exercised if it will help to bring back the circulation of life, but, above all, it must be blessed and talked to and infused with soul force before the healing and saving power will manifest perfectly. It matters not how badly paralyzed a limb may be; if you can call the soul to live in the weakened parts, there will be a return of health and satisfying vitality, for lo! the soul is the resurrection and the life everlasting.
themselves to form the various organs of the body, as the iron filings group themselves in circles in the magnetic field of a horseshoe magnet.
Let the soul awaken and express through the whole body. The body exists for the use of the soul and should not be allowed to live a separate existence of its own, apart from the soul. Let the soul have its body as its own; then, as the soul finds free, joyous expression through its human organization, it will gather the necessary elements from the food, earth, and air for the healing
and reconstruction of every part. It will fill its body with the vitality of the Creator, for the soul is a native of eternal Life, and is on familiar terms with the Great Physician.
The soul will generate a brain full of faith in its own unlimited power, and a body full of thought force that will sway every energy and organ and atom to the expression of its intelligent will.
The soul must be resurrected, else there is no hope of permanent health or attainment of perfection.
The diseased part may be rubbed and pinched and magnetized and electrified and exercised if it will help to bring back the circulation of life, but, above all, it must be blessed and talked to and infused with soul force before the healing and saving power will manifest perfectly. It matters not how badly paralyzed a limb may be; if you can call the soul to live in the weakened parts, there will be a return of health and satisfying vitality, for lo! the soul is the resurrection and the life everlasting.