63 minute read
The Goblet of Life
Some never understand are
Wisdom and Faith
The two principles of life
That lead to the secret itself:
THE PEN (2011)
The Pen
Slim and powerful a weapon to behold
From ancient day's it has put it's
Mark on paper of various kinds,
It's message of love
Or warnings of things to come
Books are filled with the
History of years gone by
Young men sit and study its pages
To learn of things long past
Their lives shackled to
The future it may prescribe
King's and Nobles are there within
Their deeds laid bare with truth so rear
Politicians seek to destroy
Celebrities seek its written pages
Their glory as fleeting
As the driven snow.
Life is full of endings and of beginnings too.
Life is always passing, yet life is always new
springing up replenished when winter's course has run
Life, a brimming goblet of wine warmed by the sun.
Life can never finish-It can only change-
into something different, wonderful and strange.
Perhaps like the Butterfly
Nature points the lesson. Nature gives the clue-
when the hedges quicken and the green thrusts through.
"Absolve thyself in this Great Sea of the Waters of Life”
Dive deep in it until thou hast lost thyself.
And having lost thyself,
thou shalt find thyself again,
And be one with Me.
Then shall the glory of Myself, which is thy true self,
Be mirrored in thee"
Man tread softly on the Earth
What looks like dust
is also stuff of which galaxies are made.
The green of Earth’s great trees and simple grasses
is the same music played in red
Throughout our trunks and limbs....
O Earth, living, breathing, thinking Earth
On the day we treasure you
As you have treasured us
Humanness is born.
And throughout all Light
A Radiance leaps from star to star
Singing: A Son is born:
Ken Mills.
A simple thing so cheap to buy
The Candle (2007)
Its use is wide and meaningful
I've used them to light my way
The darkness they do chase away
The Church has them all a glow
A child is calmed before their glow
In colors varied that inspire
They come in size small or large
They seem alive when lit
They even come in fragments
That enhances their smell
No wonder I am forced to tell
That the light will embrace you
One and All.
Ken. 26 Jun. 07
Reason (2010)
Without assuming there is an actual 'true' religion, it's safe to argue that all false religions will exhibit one or more of these five manifestations:
1. The requirement to proselytize
Any God who is too powerless to reach his or her creation directly must not be a true God worthy of being followed. Humans are the worst vehicles for broadcasting knowledge when you consider two people who see the same exact event will tell two different stories about it, not to mention when they're asked to tell second and third-hand stories told them by others. False religions are easily exposed when they send out their members to make more followers for their impotent deity.
2. The requirement to pay a tithe
Any God who cannot afford to support his or her believers in their chosen doctrines must not be a true God worthy of being followed. If God created everything, then God certainly doesn't need his followers to pay his way. Why would God ask us on a date and then make us pick up the tab? False religions can be deftly divined when they start asking you for money.
3. Being founded by a human prophet
Any God who relies on fallible human beings to speak on his or her behalf is not worthy of being followed. Using a human only leads to different interpretations and understandings, which is why there are no major religions that have not splintered into contradicting congregations. False religions can be quickly culled from the pack when you find out they were created by a human prophet.
4. Fear-based decisions
Any God who uses the threat of violence against humans if they don't follow
his or her word is not worthy of being followed. The threat of violence removes free choice and creates an inability to know if a follower really loves the God or merely feigns love out of fear of the afterlife. False religions can be immediately identified when they threaten you with eternal torture for ignoring their message.
5. Reward-based incentives
Any God who must bribe people to follow him or her is not worthy of being followed. What kind of God needs to rely on the selfish motivations of humans to get them as his or her followers? What kind of God needs to use payoffs to get people to show their adoration? False religions can be overtly ousted when they try to entice you to follow their beliefs with promises of rewards and prizes.
In summary, if your religion or faith-based system of beliefs exhibits one or more of these characteristics, you can be sure it is man-made dogma and most certainly is a false religion.
A New Year's Day. (2006)
With a promise of joy
For some it will be true
For others they wait
What or who is it
That decides our fate
Can we behold such a power?
Many give thanks to this unknown
While I ponder the source
But give thanks for each day
I share the wonders of life
Some despair while others
Find joy in this quest of joy
For myself I await the great day
When we all can find joy in each day.
Life’s Course (2010)
The course of human life is like
that of a great river which,
by the force of its own swiftness,
takes quite new and unforeseen channels
where before there was no current – such
varied currents and many changes
are part of life’s purpose.
Life is not an artificial canal that is
confined within preset channels.
Whence once this is clearly seen
in our own lives,
then we shall not be able to be misled
by any mere fabrications.
My Secret Garden (1997)
I would like to tell you a story that not many have had the privilege to know yet it is open to those who care to seek.
I must take you back in time so as you can better appreciate the secret. Most of you would like me have spent your early years in a Town or maybe a City where trees were not plentiful other than in a local park like surrounding. Then you would not be able to enjoy the majesty of the huge forest that are situated way out of town for most people. On my travels around the world I went through many such forest and was always impressed by the power they seemed to give of.
It was only when I came to live in New Zealand that I came closer to these giant outpourings of nature in their raw state. When you leave any town or city in this country you automatically drive through roads that cut their way through these giant forests with trees on both sides and often high enough to cut out the sunlight there are many favorite parts that seem like entrance to a Cathedral or a special sanctuaries created by nature. I am sure many of you have swung your arms around a tree and felt that bit closer to their power.
I was also involved in my work building the machinery that cut this wonderful specialism into planks and onto furniture and timber for homes throughout the world.
At times this involved going to the Timber Mill to assembly these dangerous machines that have giant saws that cut these logs and travel at high speeds that let sodden chips and sawdust fly all over you, it is the final end for these once great living species of Nature.
Now when I came to Whakatane to live I was even closer to the Forrest and my back garden is alongside one of these Forrest. I have always no matter where I lived even in a high rise in Toronto thrown out bread and tit bits for birds and any other animals that were around. I continued this practice daily here in Whakatane and slowly more and more animals came to visit and trust me, it was as though a message went out to all kinds that one does not normally see. Then I began to see shapes appear among the trees, I could not at first distinguish them but slowly they took shape as little people, well I had always believed in the Fairies but they only live in the big gardens where they are waterfalls and pools and loads of pretty flowers, so I was amazed to see these little folk appear. Can you begin to imagine the surprise and wonder that I felt?
Well it took time and patience to communicate with them, first because they did not speak as we would but uttered sounds and much display such as dancing around in circles, there did not seem to be any leader but there was some kind of order that of course I could not understand but all at once they would disappear as though there were some danger and then maybe reappear though I could never bank on it of course.
After a few weeks I began to see more and more of these little people as I like to call them, now maybe they are Elves I am not sure if they are the same. But they display a strange aura when they gather round the trees and dance at
least they is what it seems to me they are doing but on the other hand it could be a ritual of some sort for they certainly seem able to communicate with the trees. Here in New Zealand the Maori easily accept that the River, Lakes, Mountains the Trees and Land all have spirits. They always offer prayers whenever they take anything from these natural resources and in fact at the moment we have a very important discussion on these very resources concerning this Maori understanding.
So I see no problem with these little people among these giant trees and maybe they are only seen among the forest as it protects them.
Here in New Zealand there is strict control over the replanting of timber so as to keep our forest green and living. The question I would have to ask is that we see the continued destruction of the forest in many parts of the world and wonder if that contributes to the seemingly regular flooding around the world. Well it’s time to visit the feeding bowl I have set up and see if they approve of my telling this little story.
Love to you all. Ken.
Impressions (2003)
A recent posting by LesLee regarding the failure or otherwise of Dr. Newbrough.
I wonder if there would be any value in a few or all of us submitting our
personal view of Oahspe and its personal impression on each of us.
So far we have statements regarding sections of this book and nothing as to the impact on the individual. Over the years several readers of Oahspe have for one reason or another departed or choose to remain silent, a few appear to stay firmly entrenched in at least agreeing with the stated confines of the rules or conditions laid out in Oahspe, others wish to see a different future outlined in this book. Maybe because we all come from different backgrounds of Religious experiences and their confines this is understandable.
For a start I will offer my views on this courageous effort by an individual to make his mark, I speak of course of Dr. Newbrough and his book Oahspe and later the Shalam Colony.
I had only a light attachment with the Anglican Church in so far as going to a School attached to this glorious building. The odd prayers at certain times left me with only a glimpse of a God who was in command of this wonderful Universe I was born into and was about to discover.
I had a longing to learn more of this life and set about buying books about Travel, Psychology, the Mind seemed to me the most important part to study and understand. I joined several Societies that promised to reveal the secrets I was searching for, each provided many rules and practices that were said to help open these doors of knowledge but failed to any great extent. I was lucky to obtain from the BBC in England a collection of Cassette tapes outlining all known Religions, plus a personal contact with a Rabbi to interpret the Bible from a Jewish viewpoint. I also went to various Churches and meetings that also discussed this important subject that has set man against man for so many years. So I did have a reasonable idea of the views and actions that
attracted people to the various faiths.
Then after many travels around the world I came to Canada in 1958 and started to go to an open meeting in the Castle Loma in Toronto where later after several weeks I was asked if I would like to learn more about the book that was always on the table and used often to answer questions or opened at random to start a discussion on the contents.
I agreed and we then met in a round room, one of the Turrets of this Castle, Neil Carmichael was the leader and seemed to have a wide knowledge of this fascinating book. We also met in private homes for mediation and further discussion.
I enjoyed this very much and felt that I had at last found a place suitable to apply my Faith. This also led me to be in touch with several of the group in England and I formed several good friendships. While that had formed themselves into a Church with a building set up on the same design, there was a great deal of good work done by Archie Frost and Greta James to name just two who were in regular contact by letter answering question I put to them and they both wrote several good articles and booklets.
Later we moved again on my travels and ended up for a time in Australia and I had contact with the groups and several individuals in the USA. Thankfully I still have many of those friends.
Still later I arrived in New Zealand and carried on my contacts and also became involved in the Spiritualist Church and later became a Minister and entered into the deeper formalities this position carried. I was asked to speak and take services around N.Z. and also took part in groups that travelled
around N.Z. where we offered various aspects of religious learning of talks on subjects that would lead to higher understanding.
I enjoyed those events plus many private classes and study groups.
At some stage I began to feel that I was not being truthful regarding my talks, while I spoke many times about Oahspe and its views I knew that most people were only interested in the Clairvoyance later in the service. I felt that I was wasting my time and after much thought and the feeling I was neglecting these people who looked up to me I decided I had to follow my heart.
The teachings of Oahspe had changed my outlook and I knew that if I was to proceed along the path of discovery then Oahspe was to be my guide. A sister in-law that had suddenly opened up to a search into her spiritual background and asked me several questions and instruction regarding other practices, then decided to go into Buddhism and eventually has become a full blown Monk with shaved head and now teaches special children here in N.Z.
I started to think more deeply as to what drives a person to such a great change in life.
In the meantime of course we now were able to correspond directly daily via the internet and the discussion on the Oahspe site were becoming more divided regarding the rules and conditions set out in Oahspe and Myself along with a few others looked at this part of Oahspe more seriously. As I was never one that liked taking orders but rather giving them? My nature, I took great exception to being told I must follow someone else's ideas as to my spiritual future and the way or method I used. Having witnessed the many rituals and practices followed by many other religions, which I could not or would not
follow, I was determined to be free from such practices.
While I may be wrong in my view I am sure that we can see today the damage caused by such blind obedience to another's description of Heaven and Hell in the Middle East where two different views are still unable to live in peace.
I feel there comes a time in one’s
life when one must choose their own description of heaven, as surely that is what we will inherit regardless.
For me my two copies of Oahspe will stay on my bookshelf, as it is so valuable a tool in offering answers that no other book can and for this Newbrough regardless of his human failures must stand out as a man of all time.
Oahspe may not be the final answer but it is a doorway through which we can all enter and learn.
Ken Mills
Excellent Advice (2003)
This is a beautiful one - read and enjoy
The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coiffed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.
Her husband of 70years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready.
As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window.
"I love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.
"Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room. Just wait."
"That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied.
"Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.
Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it "It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do?
Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away just for this time in my life.
Old age is like a bank account: you withdraw from what you've put in?
So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories.
Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank. I am still depositing.
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
As a Ray of Light (2002)
I would like to consider the quote above, which is a part of a quotation from Oahspe, the book we are concerned with here tonight. The full quote is "Thou are as the end of a ray of light from My Person"
The whole of my thinking in regard to this Universe we abide in and the many
questions that this Life pose are tied to the one statement that all Life is made up of Thought and so the above quote is very relevant as I can then except quite readily that I am a part of this whole process and therefore should do my best to advance its course into the glory set before me.
There are, as you know many questions that come to mind and each possible answer will raise more questions so that we will never it seems come to a final conclusion. I ask should there be a final answer and I have to say no, as then life would have no purpose in continuing its journey into a future, and I am positive that without a future life would be meaningless.
Now as I have traveled this journey for some 80 years and at the stage when like most in my golden years feel they at least have some foundation to base at least a part answer to a few of the questions we ask of this life.
One question that is always prominent is that of Re-Incarnation, the same life continuing into another person on and on until some state of pure light is reached. There are many cases on record that are hard to refute, yet the thought that there is need for such a system is abhorrent to many and I refuse to indulge in such a thought as its main purpose is to give some feeling of importance when otherwise the person may feel less worthy.
Never the less there is a reasonable explanation to this idea, apart from the idea being used many years ago to give some satisfaction to those unfortunates being used to create wealth of one kind or another for the few which in part continues today in India that made them feel as though they were at least on the road to greater things in a future life.
Be that as it may I am sure the better view would be to advance by service to
others and just as importantly service to one’s own personal Light, one’s own possibilities. I am sure like every flower and shrub we too have a blossom to produce if cared for and fed properly by both nourishment and right thought.
My other encouragement in this life is that we are as the quote said an extension of the Ray of Light from the original Source whatever the form might be.
To hold this thought gives one strength not only the feeling of being a part of the whole and therefore have a place no matter how small in this Universal plan, it also enables a communication between the cells of all living things, just think of that for a moment, it opens up all manner of creative possibilities and potential to each of us. Of course a few have used this for their own good and caused great harm for which they must surely have to repay at some stage, and yes life does continue but not I fear in the same condition as here on this Earth life but in a more subtle form.
This is where the suggestion that all life whatever form it may take is no more than Thought Vibrations just as the Light is self, which we are an extension of. A brain cell in a Universal mind.
Blessings Ken Mills.
Disaster (2008)
One can describe our world at the moment
With the same epitaph
We all hope not but the stage is set
No individual can change this
But the combined efforts of all can
Make the difference
The question is
Whom will speak the first word
For a spark is required to start the fire
Of renewal and birth of the new world
Free from the greed and perversity
Of those few:
In My Sight (2010)
The latest writing of Wayne’s ended with a question, "Is the Creator forever to be in Disguise"
I find this an interesting question to put one’s mind to, yes an invaluable item in this old body is the mind as without it, life would certainly be empty.
My thoughts on this is that I have always seen the Creator in all the beautiful things, like the Butterfly, the Bee and the flowers they serve each in the own way.
The Sun Set and the Sun Rise each become more beautiful and wonderful each day.
The rolling serf down at the beach indicating the power of the unseen yet potent force.
The smile from my neighbor who is slowly but surely dying from Cancer but has mind to live.
The many people who give their time to help others with little or no reward other than Love.
Those who offer to help in times of need when all is lost in the many disasters we face around the world.
Yes I can see the Creator in so many things if one cares to look and forget those dreadful words in the old bibles of a hard and vengeful God, those writers saw only the negative aspects that anyone can see in all things if they choose.
At this moment in our history we need more and more of the positive sightings of a loving Creator.
Blessings, Ken
Jewish Story (2003)
I offer this old Jewish story as told by Jacobus as a guide to our own encounters through life, some of you may recall your own and then perhaps know the difference. As with Vernon’s piece on Remorse I feel it pays all of us to take stock of our encounters past and future. Ken
"I recall a story someone once told me about Jewish philosopher Martin Buber that illustrates the difference between experience and encounter. A tragic event gave him a clear understanding of the difference between experiencing another person as an object and encountering a person in a relationship. Buber tells the story of the turning point in his life. He was seriously involved with spirituality, mysticism, and meditation. One day, he was meditating in his room, and he entered into an incredible state of mystical ecstasy. Suddenly he heard a knock at the door. He was so high, he wasn't sure he had heard it right, so he waited a few moments. Again, he heard the knock at the door.
Buber had to tear himself away from his ecstatic experience in order to answer the door. He opened the door and saw a fellow he didn't know, a stranger. Of course if Buber had had malhus [Malchut] consciousness, he wouldn't have perceived anyone to be a stranger. But, he relates, he stood there looking at this stranger who obviously wanted something.
Now, perhaps you've had the experience of dropping in on someone, and when he or she opens the door, you realize, 'Oh my gosh, I came at the wrong time.' You feel awkward. Just so, this fellow realized he was interrupting Buber, and he felt really awkward. Of course, if he had netzah-hod consciousness, he would have known that there's no such thing as bad timing. Everything is perfectly timed. In any case, he said. 'I'm sorry, Mr. Buber, I must be disturbing you. Let me come back another time.'
Buber, being a gentleman, said, 'No, please, come in, it's fine.'
So Buber let him in and had him sit down in his salon and tried very hard to listen and to focus on what his visitor had to say, but most of his mind was still absorbed in the high he had just experienced. The visitor stuttered and stammered and obviously did not feel comfortable sharing with Martin Buber what was on his mind or in his heart. Finally, the fellow apologized, excused himself, and left. And Buber returned to his room and tried to get back into his ecstatic state of consciousness.
Later, Buber heard that this fellow had killed himself. Buber was devastated. He realized that the man had come to him because he desperately needed help, and Buber wasn't there for him because he was so absorbed in his spiritual experience. That's when Buber realized how fake a mystical high can be. If it doesn't open one up to hearing the call to duty, if it doesn't increase
one's ability to respond, it is an empty experience.
Many people want to have a so-called God experience. The name for that is spiritual materialism. Just as some people like to amass cars, clothes, and big houses, other people like to amass spiritual experiences. But that's not what a relationship with Hashem is all about.
A true encounter with Hashem means seeing, hearing, and responding to Hashem in your life. In Hebrew this is called teshuva, a word often mistranslated as "repentance," but really meaning "answer." To do teshuva is to answer hashem's call.
In that light, we can understand the oft-used biblical expression, 'stiff-necked people.' What's a stiff-necked person? Someone who, when called, does not turn to listen, just keeps going. Teshuva means turning to say, 'Yes, I'm here. What can I do for you?'
In the stories of the Torah, Hashem initiates a dialogue with Abraham by calling, 'Abraham, Abraham,' and then waiting for Abraham to respond, 'Hineni. Here I am.'
That's teshuva, turning to hear the call and to respond to it. When I look at nature, I realize that everything's on call. Everyone in this world is on call. And every event is purposely designed as a scene within the drama of life."
Ken Mills
Knowledge (2010)
I feel the following has been my guide to understanding truth in all I read and discuss with others, as it is the direct light form Jehovih that guides me. I have found that at times it's reasonable to change under Jehovih's guidance.
As of now I can see that I have been side tracked by the writings of so many authors who either by greed or their own foolishness in following what they also read may have missed the truth of being one in Jehovih, that there is another entity called satan who also rules his own kingdom.
We need to fully understand this if we are ever to gain the All Highest.
I am also of the opinion that there are many books or Bibles that hold the codes hiding the truth, the reason being that there were and still are only a few that perceive the Light we need to be careful of dismissing these other writings too easily, just as many dismiss Oahspe, so it pays us to be more circumspect of each other and the words that come from our pens. Ken.
The Book of Ben is one of those writings that hold the codes of truth.
Book of Inspiration. Page 799. CHAPTER XI.
SEEK not to force My gospels, and entice followers unto this, or that, saith Jehovih.
2. Neither go about preaching, saying: Thus saith Jehovih!
3. Let all men hear Me in their own way.
4. No man shall follow another.
5. I will have no sect.
6. I will have no creed.
7. I am not exclusive; but I am with all My living creatures.
8. To those who choose Me, practicing their all highest light, I am a shield and fortification against all darkness, and against all evil and contention.
9. Thou shalt not establish Me by man's laws, nor by the government of man, saith Jehovih.
10. Nor establish by man's laws or government any book or revelation, saying: Behold, this is Jehovih's book.
11. To keep man from interfering with man, this hath been great labor.
12. To teach man to comprehend liberty, especially as to thought and as to knowledge, this hath been a great labor.
13. For he falleth easily under the inspiration of his surroundings, and falleth under the teachings and persuasions of his brother.
14. Because he cometh from My hand into the world in innocence, a helpless
15. And his elder brothers take advantage of his innocence, and teach him their own knowledge, instead of directing him to Me.
16. And his elder brothers were in darkness themselves, and their elder brothers before them.
17. I said unto man: Be free! Learn to know liberty! Think for thyself! Study thy
Creator in all things, and in thyself in particular!
18. Turn thou away from thy elder brothers, come thou to the All Highest Fountain.
19. Be not confounded with abstruse reasoning's; cut all things short, Godlike; learn thou of the Creator and His creations, there is nothing more.
20. Thou art one of the seeds of Jehovih, and wert planted by His Hand. Be thou free from all the world.
Man’s Unknown Journey (2003)
We are all on this fabulous journey into the unknown, each have their own blue print or roadmap to lead them to this Promised Land. Mankind is at the moment the end product of an evolving cosmic scheme and not a creation of some anthropomorphic God. Religion in its truest sense is a part of life and we all respond to it one way or another.
Many of us followed a dogmatic creed based on a man-made
God who threatens those who do not obey this creed. There was also in this picture a rival deity who had equal power.
Thankfully many of us have found ways of escaping this picture and discovered a better understanding of the original cause of life and to some degree feel free, however many then got caught up in another type of dogmatism.
How do we find this true freedom we all seek and be sure we are on the right path, it seems that the Way is open to all if we only seek this knowledge and test it by the Inner Self that connects to the Cosmic Consciousness which we all have regardless of any outer influence.
The Mind cannot exist apart from the Divine creative Mind of the Universe therefore we are an integral part of Gods mind or this creative force we so name.
We like the Universe are complex and beyond our full understanding in our present evolvement.
Sages old and modern give encouragement to take part in this journey for the promises are great and delightful if only we care to take part. Therefore be careful of thy every thought for it has wings. That there is a purpose for the mind to take this journey is clear when we start to unravel the constant barrage from without and listen to the mind within.
Socrates discovered, knowledge and understanding come from within, by deduction a pupil may be led by his teacher to reason the answers for himself and thus increase his mental consciousness.
If we were to understand the inner secrets of the Christian Bible by using our heart and inner consciousness we would discover many truths hidden there. These have been denied us with the dogmatism of the Church leaders.
There is an ancient science as taught by Pythagoras of Samos in 470 B.C. it is the study of Numbers and the Alphabet symbolism. The ancient wise men were skilled in their mysterious acquaintance with profundities. Lao-tzu. 604 B.C. Well take what you will it is my offering to this journey of understanding.
Ken Mills
My Vision (2004)
It has always intrigued me how a name of a place or person can invoke memories, our heart and minds can be changed in an instance and so I wish
to report this story of mine a short but vivid state of mind this morning.
I awoke this morning very early yet wide-awake and an impulse to get up and sit before my simple alter and receive whatever but sure there was something in the wind. The sun was up and a wonderful day beckoned.
I had not been in my meditation long or so it seemed when I was surrounded with a multi colour cloud and lifted up slowly and gentle and also along a ray like a roadway of electric Blue a most beautiful colour that made me feel attuned to all that was around be.
I seemed to travel some distance to a scene where there were various paths leading into a haze and with the feeling that I had to choose my path, funny when I think of this as I have been searching for my path for years and each time have been directed to another after a time.
Anyway I chose the path that was lined with tall trees I think they were Norfolk Pine and always feel at peace when in their strong trunks.
After some distance a huge door appeared, when I say huge I mean beyond comprehension and it too looked solid and above all sense of proportion when compared with the giant trees I had travelled through so my mind was at a loss to fathom this scene with my mortal intelligence.
As this cloud that I am still enveloped in drifted to this door it started to open, ever so slowly and beyond was this hall of equal proportion to the door. I began to wonder what other surprises lay before me. Along this hall on both side appeared what was like a moving film of people. All of them I recognised well some of them as those who had been great Musicians, Scientist, Doctors,
Authors, Artist and those who had created inventions and other matters that had helped mankind. I did not see any faces of those who had done mortal harm.
The ceiling that was of great height seemed to be a revolving range of the Big White Fluffy Clouds that inhabit the New Zealand Skies and from where the name Land of the Long White Cloud arose.
Here and there without any special sequence there appeared streaks of the electric Blue I had seen earlier. As I moved slowly along the hall I had the feeling that at some point I would meet or see something that would change my life, though why I should be chosen to view this beautiful and strange scene I could not at the time bother to think about in fact was not even conscious of any earthly impressions other than wonderment.
After a while the hall narrowed and several other more normal doors began to line the walls, each seem to have a number though I could not see what. Outside each door was an Angel at least that is the only way I can describe the figure of beauty. I began to wonder which door I might be entering, so after some fifty or more doors the cloud that surrounded me dropped away as if I had taken my coat of, before me the number on the door was 000. I could not help but think of its meaning, at least to me with my understanding of Numerology.
The Angel opened the door and away in the corner stood a large desk and a man of large size sat with a pen in hand and a book before him. I suddenly felt the first pain of fear and yet I could also feel the flow of love and friendship flowing from this man.
I was offered a chair and then after pause the man asked who I thought he was, well apart from my father who I have always hoped to meet again someday I had only one other man who had stayed in my thoughts for many years and I said Mr. Newbrough. There was a period of silence and then a hand was offered to me which took and felt a strange energy run through my body. As I write this I have to wonder what this may mean to others, but for me it is a turning point and the energy is I know the drive I needed to do what I have to do without any feelings of remorse, resentment or other feelings we tend to get when embarking on something we feel the urge to do.
Dr. Newbrough asked if I felt the need to cry, I could not fully understand why he asked that other than it might release some hidden feeling, but I said no I would rather laugh as I had not been doing much of that of late.
He then explained that I might inform others that while many had strange thoughts about parts of Oahspe, it was a natural response and no one should worry about that but that we would be better to concern ourselves in the continued promotion of Oahspe in any way possible and that its keys would be turned in an even stranger way than the book itself.
I felt a deep sense of love coming from his voice and also privileged to have this experience, but could and still cannot understand why me.
I would like to say more about this but at the moment that is all I can recall, as there was no fancy exit, just after I bade farewell and passed through the door I found myself in a daze and feeling very tired.
Ken Mills
Ancient Prophecy (2004)
Mohammed was just one of many a proclaimed of inspired messages, he and all others in many different countries and from different backgrounds had a desire I am sure to touch the essence of "God" to approach him and deep in their spiritual psychic soul were calling out for a sign.
Now the question arises, who was this messenger from heaven that speaks to these prophets, more importantly from which of the many planes did the messenger come. Could they have all come from the same source?
While each gave forth a message to inspire others to come forward and follow a particular call, each call differed and henceforth leads to a wide range of thought expression and indeed some to an unholy end.
Some of the ecstatic raptures that occurred with these messages are recorded, though like all history more so in the spiritual events, much may have been added. However it is apparent that each was under some kind of spell or trance.
Who and why were these people chosen to perform this mission, certainly not because they had spent years in meditation or other spiritual exercise.
In all cases the sayings became less inspired, less spontaneous, and more like productions of reflection and consideration.
There utterances were at first because of the spontaneous event, only remembered by the person themselves or later on by passersby and later
Another important common factor was that there was always the imminent judgment and the exhortation to repentance. Most all indicated a saviour was imminent.
Now with the instigator of the Book Oahspe are we to look upon Newbrough as a Prophet, or as a writer. He at least set out to find better teaching and because he gave time and effort to his search he too may have caused the event and became under a spell of sorts though in his case over a longer period and at a set period of time.
So far we can see that in the case of the Muslim religion Christianity as well as the Jewish religions all have had their share of disasters and upsets. Why if they were the word of God who is so perfect do they fail to bring peace?
Were these people who brought about such divisions throughout the world in any sense abnormal, were they contacted by evil entities.
Or as Oahspe points out by false Gods.
The Great Work (2006)
It has come to my mind recently that I can no longer follow the "Great Work," a path I was introduced to perhaps 50 years ago, I was inducted into this craft and have done my best to follow its teaching. Now at my age and situation I can no longer put it into practice. However the memory of the encounters and people that I met with are always there to revisit.
Just what is the Great Work? Well apart of it is to understand as best one can, Nature and its relationship to mankind, not to control it but to blend with it in the few short years we share in this world.
That there was a plan or blue print as with all structures and any weakened link would be fatal, so it is with Earth.
Many think that regardless of their personal position that they are important in this Planet Earth and its
Particular role in the wider scheme of things. However as we can vividly see with the recent events of flood, storm, drought and fire of ever increasing degree we are at the mercy of Nature and its own role in the building of this Planet Earth that is far from finished.
It is a pity that man had not realized how important it was to keep a balance between what was abundant for his use in the beginning of time, and maybe those early people did, but certainly over the last hundred years or so man has turned toward his own wants and ignored the warnings that are so obvious.
As the plan of this Planet and its path in the wider Universal scheme cannot be altered then man will suffer his own downfall because of his greed. Man is simply a viewer of Natures work.
Yes Nature in its full glory is the master not a man type god. It's hard to believe after the biggest promotional scam of all time.
I am not sure if you can agree with this small output of mine to attempt to draw you toward a personal attempt at making a difference.
The Journey In Response Trance (2004)
There is no doubt in my mind at this stage of life, that each and every one tend to travel to their own individual mountain and each with its own set of dangerous places as every mountaineer knows he will face regardless of his training that may lead to his failing to reach the top.
Many try several times before they succeed in their quest, likewise each of us must keep trying regardless of the mistakes and setbacks we may face, many of us we are not conscious of climbing a mountain but simply trying to get through another day, and each day has its perils to face just like the mountaineer.
Every mountaineer planning to climb his mountain, every sailor who plans to sail the vast oceans and the flyer who desires to launce into space must read their manual to learn all the rules and save guards about his particular journey by whatever type of transport if he hopes to succeed and arrive safely back home.
I feel this is what Wayne and his recent message was saying regarding our individual method to find God regardless of the name we may choose.
We can aim for the mountain top itself and sit there in isolation waiting for inspiration as to enlightenment, or we can deal with all that the path to the top represents by life itself offers us on a daily basis and deal with it from a constructive viewpoint. Remember we are spirit first then human, not the other way round. The journey is to improve our spiritual soul not the body.
As I understand it we are instruments in a vast plan, while we may not be aware of this plan or even its final outcome, if we allow spirit to communicate to our inner being then we will follow our part in the plan and our journey to the mountain top will be that much more fulfilling.
We live in a very important period, one can recognize the changes that have already occurred and almost sense the changes that are about to come. We are witness to the greatest separation between the evil of war and the desired peace in all of history. The consequences have never been so dramatic and will cover the whole of this tiny planet earth, it is a life and death struggle for all mankind, not just one nation against another regardless of who takes part; the end result I feel will touch each and everyone.
While we may differ on the correctness of the contents of Oahspe and its
method of output, let us use both methods to bring about the peace we all desire.
To be sure there are covenants as dear friend George keeps telling us, they would be worthless if not carried out with deep understanding of their deeper meaning and intent, but we certainly do need to work as one regardless of the differences.
Blessings from Ken
Greetings and a Happy New Year (2004)
In response to your quest for how one first found Oahspe.
I was living in Canada, Toronto about 1958 and used to attend a weekly meeting called from memory an Open Forum, this was held in Castle Loma, a castle brought from Scotland brick by brick and reassembled on a hill in Toronto. We met in one of the rooms, which had a large table, and chairs set around, people from all walks of life attended and the only item on the table was a book.
This turned out to be Oahspe but it was never explained in detail only used as a tool I guess and the leader of the group must have been keeping an eye and ear out as to what people said or how they reacted.
It was up to every one to share whatever they felt like, and we used to hear all
kinds of stories, and each meeting there would be different people come along some once only, and some were quite memorable people including one I always remember very clearly as his eyes were the clearest Blue I have ever seen, he only came the once but made quite an impression as it must have been to have encountered Jesus, at least that was the impression I will always remember.
Any way when, which was not very often the talk slowed then the person leading or holding the meeting would open the book at random and relate a passage from which we would then make comments on.
After several months I was asked if I would like to attend an inner group, as I had always been interested in secret matters and groups, I would not have been at this meeting if I didn't but I still did not know what the group was or what there were about. It turned out that they held the meeting a room in one of the turrets of the Castle, which was Round in shape.
I remember we sat at a large round table, which was covered with many symbols, that you find in the Tablets described in Oahspe. We would read passages that we found interesting in Oahspe and comment on them, we also held various types of meditation and other methods of sharing what we felt or saw in these periods. These meetings were held every week though I could only attend every two weeks due to my shift work.
We became a very happy and closed group I guess and after a while we were told to leave the Castle as they said we were with the spirits and funny things were happening, the Castle was used for many different types of public group activity, so we started to meet in our homes. I remember these meetings very well and the fellowship that developed, I left Canada for the second time to
come back to New Zealand but kept up correspondence for many years until each one died and passed into spirit.
I used to have contact with many students of Oahspe around the world by tape and letter and also used to keep a stock of Oahspe at home as people would arrive from all over to seek to purchase one, plus I had a lot of other Oahspe material collected mostly from England from my old friends Archie Frost and others in the English group. I had contacts in England, Holland Australia, Africa, U.S.A. Iceland and here in New Zealand.
Over the years I have held meetings and spoken of Oahspe and many got to know me up and down the country and I was always amazed at the number of times someone would say they had a copy of Oahspe at home or the parent did and so it was not as strange a book as one might have thought. During those years, there were several people who bought and sold Oahspe and encouraged others to read or study, when Archie Frost died, the Fellowship that he used to activate seemed to die away with him.
I have tried many times to get the Kosmon group to develop something like he did but to no avail. Perhaps through your efforts on the Internet we may reach a wider audience and spread the word. Even though you and others have discovered many flaws, as we can of course in every other spiritual teaching, I believe the information in Oahspe is very much for this and future times and has great good. I am happy to exchange e-mail with others if they wish. May I advise others to read chapters 11 to 17 on page 46 - 47 Book of wars against Jehovih. Blue edition or page 424 - 425 Green editions.
Yours sincerely. Kenneth Mills, New Zealand
My Story for Today (2003)
It’s is 6.30am and I have just woken up from a deep dream, one of those when you are doing all kinds of physical things and a Siren is blaring away, I am not sure if it is still the dream or that there may be a fire. I gather my thoughts together and find I am really awake, so slip on my dressing gown and race, well stumble to the front door.
Yes it is a fire, but in old Dan’s backyard where he has lit yet again another rubbish bin that got out of control. It is well that Dan’s shack is out of town so little damage other than to his bin.
The weather is as good as it gets, sunny but not yet too hot so everyone can be busy with his or her various chores. Mine are so few that I spend most of the day sitting on the porch reading the odd book or picking a few weeds out of the garden.
Elisabeth who lives to the right is always good for a chat at least twice a day and Fred on the other side often pops over and we share a beer or two. This arrangement is fine with us and we get on fine, borrow a cup of sugar or a slice of bread if one runs out.
This is how life should be though from what we read and see on TV life is not so comfortable for a great many round the world. When you look back in history as I often do it has always been the same, one country attacking another for either more space or for minerals of one kind or another.
Of course I have also worked for many years and know the grind and problems every one faces. I have had my share of ups and a few more downs in life, but as I said life now is much sweeter even though the income does not allow travel overseas as I certainly did my share so have no regrets on that account. I often wonder just where I would venture if I and the good fortune to win the Lotto, there are not too many places one can really feel safe, and not as friendly as when I traveled in the past.
I often feel how strange it is that there are millions around the world who follow a religion of one kind or another that speak of the basics of life peace unto all men, equality for all and freedom of speech, yet there has never been a period when these were practiced by most of the masters of these Religions.
Each religion strives to gather more souls for their particular type of freedom, though in practice many demand untold obedience to their rules and observance and only promise hell and damnation of you disobey. To be sure there is a nice feeling when in a group and singing the hymns that speak of the good things, it is nice and satisfying to read the holy words of scripture to drop a few coins in the ever present box light a candle and return to the outside world of reality and feel the inner content that you at least are on the right path after fulfilling your daily or weekly visit to worship.
Why do I think these things when I have no personal problems in life other than the concerns of what to have for breakfast or dinner? Well to be truthful it is that inner feeling that things could be better for the many millions of souls that have no home or daily bread, have no future no matter how hard they work, they are conditioned to a life without hope. Above all why is this pattern of life for so many when the world is rich beyond belief yet just a few have more than they can spend and most have so little.
The view is that the gap grows wider rather smaller, the system seems to foster anger rather than love, there is no agenda in the market place to solve these problems of inequality and I can only ask why.
There was a time when I too was much younger and felt like using the gun to create the balance, but as we can clearly see today that has never worked and never will as it only breeds even more anger and more discontent. Perhaps the words in the Old Testament and eye for an eye and all the other warlike words has something to do with the trouble we are in.
Of course on the bright side there are small groups of people who do live by the good book and practice helping each other and sharing with others. We can never have full equality as we are made up of many different types both to race colour and creed, though the latter is, I feel the biggest problem. Why do we need a faith or belief in a supernatural entity, perhaps it is because we can never know how the universe and its wonderful manifestations came into being and those ancient wise men came up with this grand idea of a Creator, though the how and where this God came from was never explained and the religious concept arose from that thought.
I have never been able to accommodate that simple explanation as it is too simple and only leads to more discussion and of course has led to the terrible wars and problems we suffer from more and more rather than peace.
This story can go on and maybe it will. While I have done what ever in the past and could have changed course I guess but I feel we are all led along a path or I prefer to call it a journey and at times we face a crossroads as to choice.
At times we do get a little voice saying do not and at times a stronger voice saying go ahead and do whatever at that moment is in our thoughts or being asked of us, this I feel becomes like a scale of good and bad, I like to think that we can balance the scale as we become more aware that even though we get away with some bad deeds later on in life we come to regret that bad things. Of course I write this at the age of 80 or so and have learnt many lessons, as I understand LIFE is for that very reason.
Regardless of my often-cold approach to Religion and its teachings by the various denominations I have the hope that this life is only the beginning of a far greater experience that lay ahead.
The Tree of Life (2004)
The Cabala the origin would be hard to really define as like most teachings it contains both the past and the Ray of Light of the Day, but the word Cabala was established at least in the traditions that were handed down by word of mouth: as distinct from written scripture: it is harder still to date the time when secret or mystical knowledge was established as such. We do know that the group known as Essen's were around long before Jewish lore as we know it, and others and I feel a great respect for this group in passing on much of the higher knowledge.
They were responsible for the Dead Sea Scrolls found in 1948, which shows
secret lore, as some of us know it as. At any rate in the 2nd century; the "MISHNA" a Rabbinic collection of religious lore attests the existence of two subjects that should not be taught in public and were therefore considered esoteric disciplines for initiates only: The subjects were: The work of Creation from Genesis, chapter 1. The Work of the Creation and the mystery of the Divine Throne - from Ezekiel chapter 1. It was because of the dangers the soul encountered on the ascent that the secret lore came into being:
The Tree is composed of ten numbers placed in compartments each containing aspects of the Creator which in turn are within each of us to different degrees, That is how we use Numerology and how to some extent Astrology is also shaped from this theory. The tree grows downwards and we see three parts on the left the female, on the right the male. The middle mediates between them to harmonise these aspects and make up the Godhead, which in spite of its complexities is essentially one. We can see the balance that we would all like with these separate powers by the joining lines.
The earlier Gnostic system consisted of hundreds of such aspects but I feel ten is enough for us to contend with and it is up to the individual to let his own consciousness expand as it can to reach out into this ever increasing knowledge of this cosmos or universe, this after all is the purpose of the symbol, as with all symbols it is unrestricted and UN-limiting. Unlike our orthodox teachings that tell us when where and how we can find God in a confined path. The system is concerned with man's soul journey towards heaven through the cosmic spheres. It requires individual discipline to develop the powers to forge through a passage into the higher elements of consciousness.
All reality is composed of letters and numbers this came from Merkabahr (The
Throne of Glory) 32 elements of the universe, the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and the first ten numbers. Not by chance we have 22 Trumps Major in the Tarot Cards.
The un-knowable God was called "En Sof" the Infinite. In effect this God does not exist, for the God spoken of in the Bible is manifest revealed, which is impossible in the case of God Infinite.
The Kabbalah teaches emanation rather than creation, emanation is something, which has flowed out from its source, as distinct from something, which has been created or made by a maker. The universe is after all the creator and therefore cannot become individualised.
The Tree begins with the supreme Crown of God. No I "Kether" each Sefiroth has of course considerable range of symbolism and imagery, some are more important than others. Number 5 is a case in point as it is the centre of the ten numbers or compartments, it is all things and yet is nothing, it contains all that is in 2 and 3, which brings it to the centre, like the heart of things. Yet it is also the middle of everything and needs to relate to all the other numbers to be good. Without them it can be totally negative.
The number 6 is beauty and compassion of God. It is the building number. The centre between the human and the divine. We can also divide the tree into four Elements, which in turn can be enlarged of courser but in the cabalistic cosmology, these are Asiluth the Divine world - Beriah - the Sub-Divine world Yesirah the world of Heavenly spheres down to the moon. Asiyyah - the sublunar universe. And so like a book we can open it up and read at any level in any context, according to our individual degree of enlightenment at any given time. Unlike a book its power to increase knowledge and understanding is
The sixth Sefirah Tifereth (Beauty) is the central Sefirah. It functions as the hub and pivot of the whole system. In the dynamic exchange in the give and take of power, the six receives the power and influx of the higher potentsies and harmonizes them, and passes them on to the lower ones.
Standing at the lower end of the symbol is the number 10 Malkhuth-The Kingdom - like a receptive womb becoming the bride, Moon and Queen. As it acquires the active creative ruling characteristics in harmony, it also becomes the Mother, much as we say Mother Earth, which receives its energies and substance from above.
We have two paths to the understanding of God. One is to accept in blind faith, and to spend one’s life in worry if such a God exists when he fails us - or to set out and discover God Manifest in all things and to really understand his many moods and aspects.
Many of you will have made a study of Yoga and the Chakras. Mostly keeping to seven chakras. Like the "Tree of Life" there are many more. Just the same it is with enlightenment and understanding that we can learn to accept more as we go along and each of these centres while being a part of the whole, is a centre, which has its own part to play. It is the duty of the Yoga practice to bring all of these charkas into harmony and into the state known as Samadhi Nirvana, Liberation an experience of the I AM.
Now the question will be raised by many, that’s all very well, but how do we know when we have this experience of reality. Well my friends, the I AM Consciousness is very clear in its expression, for at the back of all and any
experience is the act of feeling. There is nothing that takes the place in our lives, which does not have a sense of feeling.
It is the degree of feeling that mediums sense that drives them on to express what they see hear or feel or just plain sense which is more often the case. When we read a book hear a lecture see a film or any other experience with our senses, physical or psychic there is always a degree of feeling as to how you feel about it.
So my friends it is this gut feeling this heart feeling, or head feeling, no matter where it takes place remember you are an individual and must find your own way of connecting into the vast cosmic computer through which you will find answers to your many questions and learn to trust it and to keep it switched on at all times. It has been my experience that symbols, nature, prose, music, and paintings act as keys to different parts of cosmic knowledge, which awaits us if we care to seek it out.
So let me once again list for you the following:- There is a great mystery in the fact that your personality is exclusively different from that of any other human being.
That your I-AM consciousness of identity is exactly the same. You are really one in consciousness with all human beings and with all self-conscious creatures who have ever lived, or who will live in and on all inhabitable worlds, within this great universe.
You must realize the inner voice is saying I, AM I to every living self-conscious being in the cosmos. Pretty hard to take I guess but if we believe in the Godhead of the great divine force then as per our acceptance of that idea so
shall we become aware of this cosmos. "Do unto others as you would they would do unto you" takes on a greater meaning for you would be injuring your own self or Divine Soul.
The deeper the feeling, the closer the communion and then a closer understanding of each other. You see you have feelings about what you see, hear and feel, moved or unmoved by what you hear or taste and you feel repulsed by what you touch or smell, you feel drawn to or driven away by the ordure. Feeling is the universal language and when we learn to rely more upon our feelings we will have greatly extended our awareness of this beautiful universe we are destined to live on for eternity.
Thank you. Ken Mills.
Wise Words from Ken
Dear Friends.
I read the recent words of Wayne's and am reminded of the words that say Everything in its time; Everything goes round, A beginning and an ending.
It seems we are but dots in the great landscape we call earth and on which we dwell for a second or two. Some men try to dominate it, some try to change it others do their best to destroy it, yet it remains as tolerant as ever to all these intruders.
I wonder at times if life is perhaps a testing period for each of us to see if we have the makings of what is required to take our place at some future time in another realm that maybe very different to this period when this planet has travelled through this present roadway and starts to travel a different direction, I am sure you all remember what wonderful stories we read in that great book that drew us together.
I simply have to believe that things are meant to be different than they seem, that the reality is different if we can only see with a different sight, hear with a different ear, and even touch with a different feeling.
Each of us have seen heard or felt a sense of what we call spirit, if we deny this experience than we have truly nothing we can hold onto that takes us beyond the evil that pervades the earth today, there has to be another way not just for us but for those coming after us.
Dr. King had a dream and I feel we must also dream a dream.
Your Presence (2012)
Before you came into my life, Words of tenderness and ecstasy Flowed endlessly from my pen, Like water gushing from a faucet.
Now that you are here, The ink in my pen has run dry.
Your Magic (2012)
In the comfort of your embrace, I feel a deep sense of contentment. In the magic of your presence, The rainy night That is usually long, dreary, and cold Brings a semblance of Peace and warmth.
In the passion of your kisses, My whole being melts.
In the fire of your touch, My soul soars to the high heavens, Where only poets and lovers abound.
West Minister Abby Just Letting Off Some Steam. (2012)
I wonder how many English folk know of the contents within and even outside the glorious structure of West Minister Abby in the city of London.
There are countless people buried under its floors, in the many isles among the elaborate stone monuments, many decorated with poetry or other chosen words, some to the past work or endeavors of the person entombed. The list of people are all related to the upper class structure as established over the centuries. Not one of the common man is noted. Many associated with the Abby had even paid for the privilege.
While there are many other such Religious buildings throughout world all with their respective history, and I have had the good fortune to visit many of them they each also carry much that is never mentioned namely the bloodshed in the years leading up to the various take overs of the different religious factions.
Another truth that is never mentioned is that all religion came from Pagan begging’s and still practice many of their rituals. What is this story leading up to, well the simple fact that all religion is the biggest scam ever forced onto the world’s people?
The Catholic Church spread its early Pagan teachings around the world by sheer brute force, than was handed the simple story of the young man we call Jesus and built it into the Christianity of today. Of course there was the big division when King Henry the 8th split from Rome so he could marry yet another wife, or nearly so as its hold it still very strong due to the soul
destroying fear of the penalties it imposes on those who steer from its teachings.
The history of the Catholic Church is and is still one of the biggest scandals among the history of man. Many could buy indulgence from their sins and no doubt can still do. Not only is it the wealthiest of all business but one of the most corrupt.
Its power runs throughout most governments and prayer will surface in the most unlikely places. Another aspect associated with this is the many Royal Families? Scattered around the world all claiming something called Royal Blood lines. This also is only brought about by force and in England we have the greatest of them all The Windsor Royal Family. No matter that they are made up of the biggest mixture of nationalities you can find, just so as they maintain this corrupt blood line?. They like the practice of religion have spread out like the Octopus with so many defunct bodies that are supported by the tax payer.
Yet a much older fallacy that is also a part of though maybe less seen or understood, is the couple of early Jews who decided in those very early days that the Jewish race were Gods Chosen people. They have suffered ever since. On the other hand they do control most Banking and therefore the world.
Well I do not mind if you spread this around as I feel the story should be told
A Walk in the Forest (2012)
The Forest.
When walking through the Forrest one day I glanced upon a small mushroom its future to be eaten by man or beast. This is the plan of things that await us all in some form. Live life to its fullest as we know not the day or time our end may come.
The sun is a beauty to behold, the moon our friend does shine.
The forest tends to hide these sights at times its foliage so dense above.
But wait there is much more than timber here, its floor does house many insects and animals galore. The music of the birds the smell so pure and if you but take your time your heart beat will decline, your mind will regain the vigour of yesterday so please wait awhile.
Man has worked this forest for many ends, and the replanting is important if both man and forest if they are to survive.
So when the opportunity arrives stop and take a stroll in this nature bowl of goodness and take a rest.