Robert Beeny_Architecture Portfolio_2019

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CYCLE HOSTEL University of L iver p o ol Undergraduate ( Ye a r 3 ) 2016

This project , which was completed in my final year of my undergraduate degree at the University of Liverpool, proposes a new cycle hostel for the Liverpool cycle loop line. The design comprises of small inhabitable bothy structures placed at designated points along an existing cycle route. Also proposed is a new public visitor consisting of a cafe, education space and artisan workshops. The principal program exploits the sites qualities, redefining a deep ravine which was once occupied by a train line, into a vertical flow reed bed system.

S O U T H E L E VA T I O N Bothy Cycle Hostel

SECTION AA Pencil on Cartridge Cycle Hostel

SECTION AA Pencil on Cartridge Cycle Hostel


My greatest passion is free hand drawing, i have a great interest in traditional architectural draughting which i like to practice as much as possible. Over the next pages are a sample of some of my personal work which i complete in my spare time.

H A M P T O N WA T E R W O R K S East Elevation Ink on Cartridge

GEORGIAN RUIN Ink on Cartridge Liverpool

D I L A P I DAT E D G E O R G IA N T E R R AC E S Ink on Cartridge Liverpool

E L E VA T I O N S T U D Y Brick corbel detail Ink on Cartridge


Our first term project on the MArch course at the University of Westminster was situated at the pottery studio Rochester Square in Camden Town, where in groups we were tasked with building small 1:1 architectural interventions. My group was tasked with crafting a new out door oven for the studio using the Catalan vaulting technique.

P R O P O S E D S O U T H E L E VA T I O N 1:10 at A2 Pencil on Cartridge Paper

TILE PRODUCTION Te r r a c o t t a c r a n k c l a y r o l l e d a n d c u t t o s i z e 1800 tiles produced

VA U L T C O N S T R U C T I O N Layer One Fabricated over cardboard form-work wrapped in plastic film

VA U L T C O N S T R U C T I O N L a y e r Tw o Tiles Laid at 45 degrees to the prior layer

VA U L T C O M P L E T E Fire lit


Titled “The Fortified City”, this project is situated around the 19th century city wall of Cadiz, where a new ‘castle’ for the local shipbuilder’s union is proposed. The speculative project takes the view that Cadiz (the oldest continuously inhabited city in Europe) is now controlled by the 3000 ship builders, who recently shut down the city centre with a series of protests responding to the Spanish government’s decision to cancel major naval shipbuilding contacts with Saudi Arabia. Their actions forced the government to reinstate the contracts. At the heart of the castle sits a new 3000 seat assembly building which permits the union to gather and discuss matters concerning the industry. As well as the assembly building, a series of lightweight interventions along a new public route is proposed. These interventions while acting as public look out towers also function as political climate sensory stations which with the aid of louvres and movable screens respond to events concerning the union.

SITE PLAN T h e n e w c a s t l e s t r e t c h e s a c r o s s t h e n e c k o f C a d i z e n c o m p a s s i n g a l l i n f r a s t r u c t u r e r o u t e s i n t o t h e c i t y, a t s t r a t e g i c p o i n t s a r c h i t e c t u r a l i n t e r v e n t i o n s h a v e b e e n p l a c e d w h i c h c a n c o n t r o l w h o e n t e r s a n d e x i t s t h e c i t y. At t h e h e a r t o f the castle sits a new 3000 seat assembly building for the ship builders. Binding all of this together runs a new pedest r i a n w a l k w a y i n c r e a s i n g t h e p u b l i c c o n n e c t i v i t y o f t h e c i t y. THE FORTIFIED CIT Y

CASTLE IN IT’S CONTEXT Architecture attempts to appears fragile and delicate THE FORTIFIED CIT Y

CASTLE IN IT’S CONTEXT Architecture attempts to appears fragile and delicate THE FORTIFIED CIT Y

SENSORY TOWERS Developing an architecture which can respond physically to the political climate within the union. The greater unrest within the workforce the more broken and fragmented the architecture appears. “ THE FORTIFIED CIT Y�

SENSORY TOWER IN PROTEST MODE BLO CKADING KEY INFR ASTRUCTURE ROUTES The more unrest and turbulent the political climate becomes, the more fragmented and displaced the architecture is. THE FORTIFIED CIT Y

FIRST FLOOR PLAN Ship Builders Assembly Building “ THE FORTIFIED CIT Y”

V I E W T O WA R D S T H E A S S E M B L Y B U I L D I N G Architecture attempts to appear ephemeral and ghost like Juxtaposing traditional fortification architectural principles. “ THE FORTIFIED CIT Y�

SECTION BB Ship Builders Assembly Building “ THE FORTIFIED CIT Y”

SECTION BB Ship Builders Assembly Building “ THE FORTIFIED CIT Y”

SECTION AA Ship Builders Assembly Building “ THE FORTIFIED CIT Y”

SECTION AA Ship Builders Assembly Building “ THE FORTIFIED CIT Y”

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