University City Review Digital Edition- 06-24-20

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City Council passes Emergency Housing Protection Act By Chris Doyl Special to the University City Review


ity Council unanimously passed the Emergency Housing Protection Act Thursday, issuing relief to thousands of Philadelphia renters facing eviction in the midst of the COVID-19 economic shutdown. Challenges against the

EHPA, however, still abound – with one landlord advocacy group prepared to take their fight against the legislation to court. The five bills that comprise the EHPA provide renters impacted by COVID-19 with several safeguards against eviction. They require that landlords offer a nine-month payment plan to pay off back rent; and allow COVID-19

affected renters access to an eviction diversion mediation program, set to be established by the Mayor’s Office. The bills also set harsher penalties and higher restitution for illegal lockouts, prohibit certain late fees, and extend the coronavirus eviction moratorium, currently set to expire July 10, to August 31. A sixth EHPA bill, which would have imposed tempo-


rary rent control, was voted down in committee earlier this month. West Philadelphia Councilmember Jamie Gauthier, one of the three cosponsors of the EHPA, said the package was coming at a critical time for the city. In a statement to The University City Review, Gauthier said the EHPA would help the thousands of Philadelphians already suffering from un-

JUNE 24, 2020

Cobbs Creek Neighbors – Filling a void, engaging a community By Nathaniel Lee UC Review Newspaper


hese are tough times. The nation is experiencing what is perhaps the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression, over 2,275,645 people afflicted with the covid-19 virus with 27,616 new cases as of June 22nd and over 119,923 deaths in the US with 308 new deaths since the 22nd, not to mention protests against police brutality and subsequent riots and looting which destroyed Cobbs Creek Neighbors getting together to take care of the community and enjoy one another’s some local businesses, and, one could say, we have plenty company. Photo: Submitted by Cobbs Creek Neighbors. of challenges in our communi- Cobbs Creek Neighbors, a ago as a result of the meeting ties. group formed some four years of two neighbors, Larissa MoThen there are groups like

gano and Monica Allison, who were concerned about their community and decided to do something about it. Whether it’s helping seniors, providing fresh food to those in need of assistance or providing a place for West Philadelphia residents to stay informed about planned development or zoning issues in their neighborhoods, The Cobbs Creek Neighbors has been the bridge between those in need of services and information and those who provide the services and information needed. “We don’t really have a physical location, but we generally have our monthly

continued on page 4

Artist Ken McFarlene & The Barnes Foundation Celebrating June 21 . It was presented by African-American Fathers and Their Journey artist Ken McFarlene from the st

Belmont section of West Philadelphia. “If we can tell our own stories,” explains Ken McFarlene. hat a wonderful “We can encourage and inspire weekend for fathers the next generation to live how and their families we hope that they will live. So, who attended this empowerI’m just not snapping pictures, ing event titled “The Root I’m reclaiming our natural from the Fruit: WE Fatherrepresentation and I’m prehood, Portraits of Black Fasenting our people in their full thers and Their Children.” humanity. If it speaks to you, With all the civil unrest then you know that we were and protest, it was a beautiful all craving it. And we need event capturing the essence to honor that craven and tellof fatherhood at The Barnes ing our own stories and that th Foundation at 20 & the Benway we can predict our own jamin Franklin Parkway in the future.” City of Brotherly Love on SatThanks to this young man urday, June 20th and Sunday, By Jim Brown Community Contributor


Family photo has Raymond Monroe and wife Tracy with their family. Photo: J.B.

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precedented public health and economic crises. “The unanimous adoption of the Emergency Housing Protection Act constitutes a major win for Philadelphia’s renters,” Gauthier said. “Now, renters struggling as a result of COVID-19 will have the time they need to recover from the crisis without the threat and trauma of homelessness hanging over their heads.” Vikram Patel, an attorney at Community Legal Services, testified in favor of the EHPA at the Thursday council meeting. He told the UC Review that the legislation would provide much needed protections to both Philadelphian renters and landlords. “We were about to see an unprecedented level of eviction filings,” Patel said. “[This] way, none of these renters have their lives thrown into chaos, get thrown out of their homes, while also making sure that landlords are still able to get all of the rent that they haven’t been able to collect during the pandemic.” Despite the unanimity with which council passed all five EHPA bills brought to the floor, and promised benefits to property owners, some landlords have remain staunchly opposed to the act. A landlord’s association, known as Hapco, has advocated against much of the EHPA since it was introduction in May. In the intermitting weeks, a handful of moderating amendments have been passed, seemingly designed to apX and the EHPA pease landlords, control bill was voted down outright. Nevertheless, members of Hapco have only taken a more antagonistic stance towards the legislation. At an emergency June 11 board meeting, Hapco authorized an attorney x to file suit Page against the city in the event the EHPA is enacted. CHRISTENDOM Paul Cohen, a lawyer for Sebastian Hapco, wrote a letter to City Barry may Council warning members not be exactly of potential legal action. aSpeaking household to UC Review, he name here inthat all the EHPA maintained America... continued on page 4

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On June 18, the U. C. Review was invited to celebrate West Philadelphia’s Ms. Mary K. Rhodes... Page 9

POLITICS.....................................3 NOTES ON MUSIC..........................7 FUNDRAISER................................8 CLASSIFIEDS..............................11



Class of 2020 Survey: Half of Graduating Seniors Change Plans for After High School Due to COVID-19

Changes include delaying start of college, working for money, and switching career plans, according to research by JA and PMIEF oughly half (49%) of Class of 2020 graduating seniors say their plans for after high school have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new survey by Junior Achievement (JA) and the PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF). Of those whose plans have changed, more than a third (36%) say they will now work, nearly as many (32%) expect to delay their start date for college, and almost a fifth (16%) changed the career path they wish to pursue. The survey of 1,000 U.S. teens graduating high school in 2020 was conducted by Wakefield Research for JA and PMIEF in support of new educational initiatives by the two organizations. Survey findings in-


clude: • Forty percent of graduating seniors say they work. Of those who do, nearly half (49%) say they or their families depend on their income for living expenses. • Four-in-ten (40%) say COVID-19 affected their plans to pay for college. • More than a third (35%) who are planning to attend college now say they are less excited to go. • Of those planning to attend college, their biggest concerns are the impact of COVID-19 on classes and academic quality (58%), dorm life (53%), athletics and school-sponsored events (44%), and dining halls (40%). “It’s not surprising that the Class of 2020 has been reconsidering its plans in light of COVID-19,” said Paul Kappel, President of Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsyl-

vania. “I think what is surprising are the types of life-altering decisions being made now without a clear idea of what the coming weeks and months will bring. That’s why it’s imperative we get as much information as possible to teens to help them navigate these uncertain times.” To help meet that need, Junior Achievement and the PMI Educational Foundation have teamed together on two educational initiatives to help teens better plan for the future. The first is the JA Economic Resources website to help students and adults become educated consumers of economic information, featuring resources and information from PMIEF. The second is Project Management 4 All, a new online game that introduces teens to the concepts of project management and planning. A video that showcases project management careers comple-

ments the game. According to the survey, three-in-four respondents (74%) say they would be interested in a career that fits the description of project management. Most respondents (94%) believe that they excel at traits that align with project management, including problem-solving, teamwork, organization, and multi-tasking. Two-thirds (66%) say they would be interested in exploring a career in project management because they would be able to prepare for and work in the profession even in light of the realities of COVID-19’s impact on the economy. “We’ve witnessed the widespread effects of the pandemic on everyday life, and the situation makes clear the critical contributions of project managers in helping us navigate the unexpected,” said Jeannette Barr, Executive Director of PMIEF. “We’ve relied on their expertise to rapidly

JUBILEE SCHOOL 2020 ONLINE SUMMER PROGRAM Responding to our Times Through The Arts Classes will be

devoted to skill-

building, health and wellness, identity, community and equity.

DATES: July 6th - August 14, 2020 Group 1: Pre-K to K Group 2: Grades 1-2 Group 3: Grades 3-5 Group 4: Grades 6-12 COST: $600 for 6 weeks of classes

For more information, go to GROUP 1 (Pre-K to K) GROUP 2 ( 1-2) Host: Zoom Invitation sent by individual teachers

Host: Zoom Invitation sent by individual teachers Days & Times: Monday to Friday - 10AM to 11AM, 11:30AM to

construct hospitals, deliver medical equipment, and even revamp grocery supply chains. All of these projects point to the importance of learning project management at an early age. PMIEF and JA know helping youth build these competencies prepares them to pursue the career of their choice, and many may choose to become project managers so they, too, can give back to their community in a meaningful way.” Survey Methodology: The JA COVID Grads Survey was conducted by Wakefield Research (www. among 1,000 US Teens Graduating High School in 2020, between May 21st and May 29th, 2020, using an email invitation and an online survey. Quotas have been set to ensure reliable and accurate representation of the US teen population graduating high school in 2020. Results of any sample are subject to sampling variation. The magnitude of the variation is measurable and is affected by the number of interviews and the level of the percentages expressing the results. For the interviews conducted in this particular study, the chances are 95 in 100 that a survey result does not vary, plus or minus, by more than 3.1 percentage points from the result that would be obtained if interviews had been conducted with all persons in the universe represented by the sample. About Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania Junior Achievement is the world’s largest organization dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in a global economy. Through a dedicated volunteer network, Junior Achievement provides in-school and after-school programs

for students which focus on three key content areas: work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. Today, 122 individual area operations reach over four million students in the United States, with an additional 5.8 million students served by operations in 123 other countries worldwide. Locally, Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania impacts over 34,000 students. To learn more about Junior Achievement programs in the eight county Southeastern Pennsylvania Region, visit http:// About the PMI Educational Foundation PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF) is a 501(c) (3) supporting organization of the Project Management Institute (PMI), the world’s leading not-for-profit professional membership association for those who consider project, program, or portfolio management their profession. Founded in 1990, PMIEF cultivates long-term relationships with nonprofits across the globe to help them integrate project management in their youth programs and to build their own project management capacity. The foundation achieves its mission to “enable youth to realize their potential and transform lives through project management” and its vision for “inspiring youth to achieve their goals, making dreams a reality” by investing in high-quality organizations that exemplify a commitment to preparing young people for 21st century success and an appreciation for both the societal application and value of project management. Visit for more information.


City Provides Update on COVID-19 for Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Releases reopening guidance for activities permitted to open Friday, June 26 he Philadelphia Department of Public Health today announced 219 additional confirmed cases of COVID-19 novel coronavirus in Philadelphia. That brings the number of confirmed cases to 25,335. The Department of Public Health noted continued progress in congregate settings, including nursing homes and the Department of Prisons. Current and cumulative totals of both symptomatic and asymptomatic positive cases in Philadelphia prisons are now posted on the testing and data page of the City’s COVID-19 website. The Department of Public Health confirmed 37 additional fatalities in Philadelphia. This brings the number of residents who have succumbed to the virus in Philadelphia to 1,563. The larger number is due to database


matching with the state. Additional cases and deaths have now been identified as Philadelphia residents. Of the 1,563 deaths, 802 (51%) were long-term care facility residents. Reopening Guidance for New Yellow Phase Activities: While the Governor authorized Philadelphia County to move to “Green” effective June 26, based on local targets for progress, City officials will not allow Green Phase activities to begin until at least July 3. A limited number of activities will be able to resume on June 26, while the city is still in the Yellow Phase, including: • Residential swimming pools and private swim clubs • Zoos (outside only) • Personal services such as salons, barbers, and spas • Small indoor social and religious gatherings (up to 25 people) Guidance for these activities has been posted on the City’s website. Re-

opening guidance for the industries that will resume operations during Philadelphia’s “Reopening with Care” or Green Phase will be available later this week. Fireworks Warning Issued: City officials today issued a reminder about the dangers of setting off fireworks in neighborhoods. The City has received many complaints about fireworks going off at all hours–disrupting sleep, causing anxiety in people and pets, and generally interfering with residents’ qualityof-life. “While we’re not certain why this is happening, we are certain that fireworks are incredibly dangerous,” said Managing Director Brian Abernathy. “Fireworks can cause catastrophic fires and devastating injuries, such as the 9-year-old Philadelphia girl who suffered life-altering injuries and a 12-year-old boy who lost a finger after playing with explosives. We understand the absence of in-person

festivals may cause some to crave the excitement of an enormous fireworks display over the river. But the simple fact is that these are extremely dangerous products and the risks far outweigh the momentary excitement of the explosions.” The Philadelphia Code historically banned the use and sale of fireworks within the City, but state legislation from 2017 forced Philadelphia to legalize consumer fireworks. Nevertheless, Philadelphia can and does substantially restrict fireworks in certain ways: • The Philadelphia Fire Code bans the use of consumer fireworks within 150 feet of occupied properties. • The Fire Code also prohibits people from setting off fireworks on public or private land without permission of the owner. • High-explosive fireworks known as Class M, such as M-80s, are illegal in the city and, again, are incredibly

dangerous. • It’s also against the law to sell fireworks on the street without a license. Residents should call 9-1-1 if they see someone selling fireworks illegally on the street or in a tent. Residents who observe high-explosive fireworks or fireworks close to occupied properties, wish to report a late-night noise violation, or witness sales of fireworks, can dial 9-1-1 or call their local police district. Residents should keep in mind that enforcement is difficult, particularly since the folks setting off the fireworks have usually left the area by the time officers arrive. Testing Site Map: A testing site finder at helps people find a free COVID-19 test in Philadelphia. Anyone can search for a site by address, click on a map location for specific site information, and filter by day of week and by drive-thru or walk-up. COVID-19 Resources: continued on page 8

Op-Ed: New Legislation Could Mean the End of Our Business


here’s no question our neighborhoods are hurting from the economic and cultural impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Business owners are fighting to keep their doors open and to pay their employees. Employees are hoping to hold onto their jobs and provide for their families. The very fabric of business corridors across Philadelphia is in danger of being ripped apart. Some of these same small, minority and/or black-owned businesses have been looted and burned. Many business owners, including myself, agree that employees need paid sick leave. However, a mandate from City Council with no exemptions for small, micro, and other distressed businesses would be devastating. Neighborhood and family-owned busi-

Blane Stoddart is the President and CEO of BFW Construction Project Managers and a member of the PHL Neighborhood Growth Project Coalition.

nesses would be forced to close their doors. On Monday, June 22, 2020, City Council [hosted] a

committee hearing on legislation to mandate that all businesses provide employees with 14

days of paid sick leave if a COVID-19 emergency were to recur. This legislation will do more harm than good. Many small businesses like mine are doing all they can to stay open and continue paying our employees, but we do not have the extra funds available to immediately pay workers a lump sum if Philadelphia again declares a state of emergency due to COVID-19. We have 15 employees. We received a Payroll Protection Loan in April 2020, which was exhausted in eight weeks, and on top of that our business has been down as much as 40 percent. But we have not laid off one person. Our average salary is $25 - $64 dollars per hour plus full benefits including 23 paid days off. We pay a living wage, the kind of wages that City Council supports, but we cannot survive if the City

continues to impose unfunded mandates on small businesses like us. For me, like so many others, being forced to make a payment of $68,000 would mean the end of my business. City Council should be prioritizing legislation to help small and microbusinesses stay open and continue to provide jobs and opportunities



218 South 45th Street

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for our neighbors. Join me in voicing your concerns about this legislation – call your Councilperson today. Humbly Submitted, Blane F. Stoddart



continued from page 1

bills, except for the one pertaining to illegal lockouts, are unconstitutional or in violation of preexisting and superseding landlord-tenant law. Cohen specifically argued that the bill requiring the provision of payment plans, as well as the two bills mandating eviction diversion mediation and extending the eviction moratorium, exceeds council’s legislative powers. He said the bills encroach upon judicial authority and violate a landlord’s right to access the courts as established by the Pennsylvania Landlord Tenant Act. Cohen further alleged the three bills, along with the bill prohibiting the assessment of certain late fees, amounts to an ex post facto nullification of a contract – this, Cohen said, violates a landlord’s rights under the United States and Pennsylvanian Constitutions. “There was a contract that was entered into between the landlord and the tenant,” Cohen said. “It’s illegal for the gov-

ernment to come along after a contract had been entered into between two parties and interfered with that and change the nature of the contract and what was bargained for.” In addition to accusing the legislation of being unlawful, Cohen said it was not economically feasible. He said that delaying the fully payment of back rent, or the eviction of a delinquent tenant, could preclude rent collection for months, putting too great a financial strain on small landlords. “Eviction is the last thing a landlord wants, eviction is very expensive for the landlords,” Cohen said. “On the other hand, where a tenant wants to take advantage of the situation and just not pay, then yes, a landlord does have a right to evict that tenant -- what else are they supposed to do?” “You don’t go to grocery store owners, and say ‘ hey mister grocery store owner, you have to provide free food to these people,’ it’s not how society works,” Cohen added.

Deana Gamble, a spokesperson for Mayor Jim Kenney, declined to directly comment on Hapco’s threat of legal action. She did, however, tell the UC Review that the EHPA bills are currently being reviewed by the city Law Department. She also said that the mayor is expected to sign the bills into law. In addition to the EHPA, a series of other city and state relief measures have been made available. For a five-day period in May, Philadelphians could apply to receive aid from a $10 million COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance fund. Three to four thousand Philadelphian households received aid, while the rest of the roughly 13,000 households that applied were denied, owing to the exhaustion of available funds. More relief will become available June 29. At that time, eligible renters in Philadelphia and across the state will be able to apply for rental assistance from a $150 million fund administered by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.

Rowhomes-JDonges- News by PHL Council

The EHPA and the impending legal action against it, as well as other relief measures, play against the backdrop of an economy cratered into deep recession by COVID-19. Approximately 2.1 million Pennsylvanians have filed for unemployment compensation since March, and around 646,000 more have filed for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance under the Federal CARES Act, according to posted state data. These economic straits have routed Philadelphia onto a path leading to mass evictions, with over 5,000 filings set to be processed once the eviction moratorium expires. This rash of coronavirus evictions would spread over a rental landscape already blighted by housing insecurity. More than half of all renters were considered costburdened by housing costs in 2016, meaning they paid over 30% of their income on rent – and more than a quarter were considered severely cost burdened, meaning they paid more than half their income on rent.

Black Philadelphians will probably be disproportionately affected by a wave of coronavirus evictions. According to a 2017 Reinvest Fund study, Philadelphians residing in predominantly Black neighborhoods are more likely to face eviction, even when controlling for income. And with Black Americans nationwide being less likely to have jobs for which they can work from home, racial inequality is liable to have widened during the governor’s shutdown order. Members of Philadelphia City Council and affordable housing advocates believe that protections for vulnerable renters, like those established by the EHPA, can help narrow this inequality. “As the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact progressed, more of our neighbors have been at risk of eviction – Black and brown communities hit the hardest,” Councilmember Kendra Brooks, who also sponsored the EHPA, said at the Thursday council meeting.


development, we would be one of the Registered Community Organizations chosen by the councilmembers office to convene those meetings for public feedback.” When a shoe store on 52nd street was purchased and the owners wanted a zoning variance for a new sign which exceeded regular dimensions, the Cobbs Creek Neighbors organized the meeting between the store owners and residents to get community feedback. “We also host monthly

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meetings at the Cobbs Creek Blanche A. Nixon Library at 5800 Cobbs Creek [Parkway],” said Larissa Mogano, one of the founders of Cobbs Creek Neighbors. The group is a Registered Community Organization says Mogano. “We cover a lot of the zoning meetings so if there is someone in the community who asked for a zoning variance for a particular property or a

“As someone who has seen housing insecurity firsthand, I know these protections will have enormous impacts on Philadelphia families.” Patel added that he believed the EHPA could be a starting point in creating a more equitable post-pandemic Philadelphia. “Having the protections that were passed in these bills will be one step in the many steps that are needed to address systemic racial inequity,” Patel said. Editor’s Note: City Council’s above mandates have been imposed upon Landlords without remuneration from the City except for Resolution No. 200308, previously approved: A Call on the PA General Assembly and the US Congress to provide municipalities a comprehensive relief package to stabilize the local rental housing market and assist property owners, including large-scale rent subsidies for landlords to make up for lost revenue. We hope to keep you informed on the outcome of this resolution. – R. Christian meetings the first of every month,” she said. Or, at least they did until Covid-19 swept through the country and Pennsylvania instituted its Social Distancing guidelines that put a halt to in-person gatherings. The pandemic changed the way Cobbs Creek Neighbors engaged the community, but it didn’t stop their engagement. “We did just have our first online meeting on Zoom” said Mogano Far too often commucontinued on page 6



Successful ‘Read to Succeed’ summer program goes virtual Registration for rising kin- mer slide” this year for dergartners through third students whose schools grade is extended to June 25 were shut down to curb the spread of COVID-19 hiladelphia and had a delayed start schoolchildren, is to virtual instruction. going virtual this “We know that stuyear. Online sessions will dents who don’t read begin on July 6, and the during the summer risk registration deadline for falling behind,” said the four-week program Sen. Hughes. “Read to has been extended to Succeed keeps children June 25. engaged during these Pennsylvania State months at home to meaSenator Vincent Hughes surably improve their created Read to Sucreading and analytical ceed in 2012 to engage skills.” students who are enHe added: “Children tering kindergarten come from very different through third grade in backgrounds and have literacy over the summer very different resources, months. The program’s opportunities and supgoals of promoting litports outside of school. eracy and preventing COVID-19 has forced the phenomenon known those differences and as “summer slide” have disparities to come into been expanded to invivid view. That’s why clude countering the Read to Succeed is so “COVID slide,” this critical to many of these year’s loss of school inchildren and why this struction time to the pan- year’s efforts are particudemic. Education leaders larly essential given the are already bracing for a state of our world.” more pronounced “sumStatistics show that 65


percent of School District of Philadelphia third grade students are not reading at grade level. Summertime reading loss accumulates an achievement gap of 18 months by the end of sixth grade. Read to Succeed has made a difference. In the 2019 program, 479 students were registered. Of the 222 students who were tested on the San Diego Quick Assessment before and after the program, 62.7 percent increased their scores, 37.3 remained the same and none regressed. “As I have said many times before, education is the anchor that opens up the door to success,” said Tobias Harris, star forward for the Philadelphia 76ers and one of the program’s more prominent funders. “And perhaps during these incredible times, this investment in young readers is more important than ever.” Since he signed with the

76ers, Harris’ philanthropic focus has been on promoting literacy and supporting teaching. This summer’s program offers students one-hour group sessions (9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. or 12:30 p.m.) each day from Monday through Thursday for four weeks. These live sessions will be recorded for additional viewing on the Read to Succeed website. Week 1 focuses on fluency skills and reading strategies. Week 2 will incorporate math into the readings. Week 3 will include writing skills, and Week 4 will incorporate science. All sessions feature fun and engaging activities for students. Classes are taught by literacy instructors and monitored by literacy specialists and an instructional content leader. Each registered student will receive a kit

Successful ‘Read to Succeed’ summer kindergartners & aren’t program goes virtual we fortunate to have him


in our community? n the last day the last afternoon of the of school, June school year. Cheers, everyone, & 12th, John Teacher Hartzog is stay safe. Hartzog packed his quite a role model for his –Diane C Adler bike with goodie bags destined for his 20 kindergartners at Penn Alexander School. Then helmeted & masked, he took off to deliver a colorful bag to the home of each of his students. Shown in the picture with Teacher Hartzog is 6 year old Lucas Pagan in front of his University Mews home. Isn’t this an amazing teacher? And... this was his second excursion to his student’s homes via bike! Included in the goodie bag were a journal and pencil, tiny capped containers for collecting interesting specimens during the summer, big balloons, a whirly-gig, a water tube, a packet of flower seeds, a colorful umbrella hat & the makings of ice cream which were to be done in the virtual classroom on Teacher Hartzog is with 6-year old Lucas Pagan

District of Philadelphia, which serves as a fiscal manager for Read to Succeed. “Senator Hughes’ that includes five books, program is a big step in literacy activities and helping young students supplies. There will be catch up for the fall and contactless drop-off for beyond.” all students. The classes, Read to Succeed is via Zoom video, require a Philadelphia nonInternet connection but profit funded in part can also be accessed via by the William Penn smartphones. Foundation, Waterman II Parents may choose to Fund of The Philadelphia enroll children for some Foundation, Tobias Harsessions or the entire ris and individual donaprogram at www.readtions. 2succeedphiladelphia. ABOUT THE FUND com/register. The R2S FOR THE SCHOOL program will also host DISTRICT OF PHILAvirtual Family Literacy DELPHIA Workshops weekly durThe Fund for the ing the summer and School District of Philamonthly during the delphia identifies, coschool year. ordinates and connects “Research has already philanthropic resources suggested that by Septo level the playing field tember, many students in local public schools. will have fallen behind The Fund’s partnership where they would have with the School District been if they had stayed in of Philadelphia seeks to classrooms,” said Donna promote equity, safety Frisby-Greenwood, Presi- and improved perfordent and CEO of The mance. Fund for the School

Board Meeting Thursday, June 25, 2020 Location:

The Board Meeting will take place via Zoom Time:

5:00 PM Southwest | 6:30 PM West is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Global Academies Southwest Board Meeting Time: Jun 25, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 541 066 550 Password: 201294 Topic: Global Academies Southwest Board Meeting Time: Jun 25, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 848 5928 2945 Password: 213182 One tap mobile +13126266799,,541066550# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,541066550# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Find your local number:



ing closed or relocated, neighbors needed to be continued from page 4 informed. And during their first Zoom meeting, nity meetings are unpro- Cobbs Creek Neighbors ductive gatherings filled didn’t disappoint. “This was the day bewith a lot of idle chit-chat fore election day, so we where you leave with had a friend of Cobbs not much more inforCreek Neighbors, Emma mation than when you entered the conversation. Tramble [founder] of My Family Votes and she was Not so at Cobbs Creek Neighbors. Mogano and giving us all kinds of Allison are serious about helpful, up-to-the-minute information on how eleckeeping neighbors informed and empowered tion day was going to and the speakers at their be carried out,” Mogano said. meetings reflect this. Mogano said Tramble “We had a guest speakprovided information er from the Revenue about where to vote, how Department who spoke to submit mail-in ballots about things like tax or where to cast votes in information, senior tax person as well as other freezes and Homestead essential information Exemptions and things voters needed for this like that,” she said. unprecedented election This first Zoom meetseason. “That was really ing happened to have taken place the day prior helpful.” Tempest Carter, directo primary election day tor of Community and and with mail-in voting being approved and economic Development for the nonprofit group many polling sites be-

Achievability, was also a guest on the Zoom meeting and added even more practical and timely information during a time when such information was needed most. The secret to how Cobbs Creek Neighbors could manage to do so much lies in the vision and passion of Mogano and Allison who recognized that the West Philadelphia area didn’t have much representation in the city’s 2035 blueprint and they wanted to organize neighbors to see that their interests and concerns weren’t overlooked. “I was born and raised in Cobbs Creek and in our conversations we recognized that they didn’t have an RCO [Registered Community Organization] and 2035 plan was coming to this area and they really didn’t have any representation, especially for the seniors,”

Cobbs Creek Neighbors getting together to take care of the community and enjoy one another’s company. Photo: Submitted by Cobbs Creek Neighbors.

seniors were able to eat. Especially after the riots because they weren’t feeling comfortable going out to 58th Street [the local shopping center] to get supplies,” said Allison. Not only have Cobbs Creek Neighbors joined with other groups and residents such as African Episcopal Church of Saint Thomas to collect but also distribute food to seniors and others in need but they also compiled a list of resources and services in their Resource Guide. The Resource Guide lists places where food, clothing, shelter, programs and a host of other services can be obtained and in tough times like these, this guide is published monthly. “We were calling it a newsletter at first but it is really more of a directory of services so it has the supermarkets and when they will be open and delivering, curbside pickups, Covid-19 testing sites and where testing is done; where moms could get diapers and distribution sites, everything we thought was an urgent need as well as distribu-

tion sites around West Philly,” said Mogano. The Resource Guide is available online and encompasses the 3rd District area of West Philadelphia. Cobbs Creek Neighbors not only brings people together physically but inspired some to create a virtual community online. “It was a way of bringing folks into conversations about what’s going on in the neighborhood and also a way to keep them informed about programs that are available, especially within the city, like rent rebates and all kind of things,” said Allison. “From there it morphed into something else. It has really become a forum where neighbors have been able to participate.” The online group has grown significantly since the pandemic says Allison. For more information about Cobbs Creek Neighbors, visit them on Facebook or call them at 215-720-1452. Emails can be forwarded to:

rick, Dante, Rob and Jeff were able to support me continued from page 1 in this magnificent way,” explains Mr. McFarlene. (Ken McFarlene) with “There are two stories a camera and a vision going on here, brother. along with his passion to There’s a story of these tell the stories of African- photo series and the fact American fathers how that I’m at The Barnes, they felt as fathers he the real story is that these portrayed in his installbrothers lifted me higher ment that was seen on than I thought I could the walls of The Barnes go. And they showed me Foundation for all to see what was possible and I some Black fathers in a have to honor them for different light than they this and as fathers.” are often perceived by This was the second others in our country. installment of Ken’s “Wow, I’m very hum- portraits of Africanble that DeWayne, DerAmerican fathers on

a day which, prehaps, didn’t seem so special for some dads, now, has a renewed vision thanks to Ken’s empowering messages from these fathers portrayed this weekend. For the two (2) day event, there were over 350 hundred people who came out to enjoy a great day to show their support for Black fathers with social distancing in place and wearing masks. The Barnes Foundation on this Father’s Day entertained tourists and Philadelphia resi-

said Allison. Seniors, said Allison, weren’t inclined to attend meetings at night. “So, we formed Cobbs Creek Neighbors as an RCO so that neighbors could be represented and we could take back, on their behalf, what they felt was needed in their community,” she said. The results were tremendous. Today, the services of the group have grown significantly. The group helps maintain the Blanch Nixon Library’s garden and during the aftermath of the protests and riots which followed the death of George Floyd who was killed by police in Minneapolis sparking nationwide protests, Cobbs Creek neighbors moved quickly to ensure the well-being of senior residents of Bernice Arms Senior Apartments located 60th and Baltimore. “After recent events, we partnered with the African Episcopal Church of Saint Thomas which is actually at 63rd and Lancaster and they were able to provide us with meals for the seniors and so we’ve been taking meals back and forth to make sure that


continued on page 10



alletX gets our week of entertainment off to a fine start with their regular series of Wed. virtual Artists Spotlights on June 24, a visit with choreographer Rena Butler along with a viewing of her new short film, “The Under Way”. 5 p.m. at  Art Basel closes its online viewing rooms on June 26 so until then, viewers can admire a range of works from some 281 leading galleries in 35 countries and territories.  How about an aural visit to Coney Island? Here’s a chance to listen to New Yorkers recounting their experiences at the beloved amusement park and beach. Any time at  The Women in the Arts Museum suggests a virtual tour of Texas artist Delita Martin’s exhibition “Calling Down the Spirits”, with the artist herself guiding viewers through her portraiture and explaining her work’s meaning. Any time.  A reminder that the Philadelphia Orchestra’s highly admired free At-Home Gala is still on view through 11 p.m. June 25 focusing on six great guest artists, Maestro Yannick Nezet-Seguin and a group of members of the Philadelphia Orchestra with everyone involved performing in seclusion in their homes or studios, a last chance for an unusually upbeat and technologically amazing experience. A highlight is Valerie Coleman’s commission “Seven O’clock Shout” and a final drone-enabled look at our city from the air.  Pennsylvania Ballet continues its weekly series Front Row Festival giving us a chance to spend time with this very much missed dance

treasure and enjoy full length ballets, rehearsals, interviews, and time with Artistic Director Angel Corella as he works on getting his gifted dancers ready for a future return to local stages.  Here’s a most handy address to enthrall you “by making the most of your time indoors, better understand the world outside”, by going to the NY TIMES virtual gatherings, free with new events added daily. timesevents.nytimes. com  Two fun shows for kiddies and their families. The esteemed Paper Bag Players make stories out of cardboard and paper, inspiring young ones to do the same. Weekly video installments offer clips from past performances and projects like how to turn a box into a car. Funicular World Music has classes and skits introducing children 9 and under to a variety of global cultures plus music videos, online activities, recorded performances. funikijam. com  Theatre Exile’s enjoyable series “Conversations in Exile” has two sterling guests on June 25 at 7:30 p.m., actor/director Matt Pfeiffer and actor Akeem Davis, both Exile regulars. The company also has a virtual new play development series. Studio X-Hibition on June 29 at 7 p.m., focusing on playwright Alexandra Espinosa’s “Homeridae”, a Pay What You Wish event.  A reminder that fans of Koresh Dance Theatre can spend a fun 90 minutes each Sunday with founder/director Roni Koresh who suggests a shared glass of wine. June 28 is the next one from 6 to 7:30 p.m.  Philly POPS at Home presents Schools at Home, “free music education” every week for

all ages with the motto “Create. Listen, Play” provided by next-generation student artists, instructional workshops for all, and Notes from a Master celebrating artists who have inspired, among them local jazz organist Shirley Scott.  Opera fans who can’t get enough of streaming opportunities will be glad to know that so many world houses are now streaming, usually free, from their websites. The latest to hop on this popular bandwagon is Dallas Opera. Also on the list is London’s Royal Opera House currently offering a complete updated presentation of Mozart’s “The Magic flute” with others to follow. #ourhousetoyourhouse  Amici Opera’s second presentation since their recent return to live performances is Mascagni’s “L’Amico Fritz”, not done too often these days and filled with beautiful music sung to piano accompaniment by young operatic voices. Social distancing is guaranteed, hand sanitizer will be available, Bring Your Own Mask. June 28 and July 5 at 3 p.m., Redeemer UMC, 1128 Cottman Ave. 215224-0257.  Here’s a choice moment in French culture: “Moliere in the Park”, a livestream of Richard Wilbur’s translation

of “Tartuffe” starring Samira Wiley and Raoul E. Esparza, a 90-minute version with subtitles in French and English, followed by a conversation with cast members and the production team. 2 and 7 p.m. on June 27. tartuffe-online.  The Metropolitan Op-

era’s free streams of full sumptuous productions with the world’s greatest singers provide nightly enjoyment at 7:30 p.m. through 6:30 p.m. the next day. June 24, Saint-Saens’ “Samson et Dalila”, June 25, Massenet’s “Manon” starring Academy of Vocal Arts tenor Michael Fabiano,

June 26, Donizetti’s “L’Elisir d”Amore”, a golden oldie from 1991 starring Cathleen Battle and Luciano Pavarotti, June 27, Massenet’s “Cendrillon” starring AVA mezzo Joyce DiDonato, June 28, Mozart/s “The Magic Flute.” 


Charles Clary: Be Kind Rewind An immersive solo exhibition of new work by Charles Clary Exhibition Dates: June 26 – August 8, 2020 Virtual Opening and Artist-Led Tour: Friday, June 26th at 5:30pm EDT


aradigm Gallery is pleased to announce Be Kind Rewind, an immersive solo exhibition of new works by Contemporary artist, Charles Clary, opening* on June 26, 2020 and remaining on view through August 8, 2020. Presented as an immersive video store installation, Be Kind Rewind is comprised of 1,000 new paper relief works from Clary’s ongoing VHS series, making it the largest showing of VHS since its inception in 2016, and explores the cathartic power of shared nostalgia. VHS is a reactionary body of work to the pass- complicated relationship ing of Clary’s parents, with growing up. As both of whom he had a they were often absent

during his childhood, movies acted as a surrogate babysitter. Clary

Celebrate our 32nd Year with us! A FUNDRAISING APPEAL Name: Address: Method of contribution:  Check (Please make checks out to either Philadelphia Free Press or University City Review, and mail to 218 South 45th Street, Phila., PA 19104. Phone 215.222.2374)  Credit Card Name on credit card: Address: Credit Card Number: Expiration date: Security Code: Billing Address: If it is different from your address

You can also go to and search for “Keeping Community Papers Alive in Philadelphia”.

began thinking about how his nostalgia for a happier childhood could be translated through his work and used as a way to channel his grief. A pop culture fanatic, Clary began to notice cheap, 50 cent VHS tape copies of his favorite movies at his local thrift stores. Analog and carelessly discarded, these films held a lot of emotional significance to Clary, who saw them as “beautiful scarifications”, a traumatic moment healed by a film. Clary sourced every one of Be Kind Rewind’s massive number of works at thrift stores or garage sales, with a large number being old copies of horror movies. A self-described ‘horror nut’, Clary always felt a kindred spirit to the final person standing in


continued from page 3

• City’s COVID-19 homepage: covid-19. • COVID-19 resources translated into multiple languages. • Greater Philadelphia

a scary movie - surviving through the trauma. Not wanting to take away from the cover’s imagery, Clary will design around what he feels is important and then will carefully cut and layer 15 pieces of paper into the slipcase, salvaging and elevating the artifact with a newfound intricacy and depth. Viewers will recognize old favorites like Tron, Labyrinth and Dark Crystal, movies that have become synonymous with Clary’s childhood cinematic history. Lovingly handmade, Be Kind Rewind reimagines a mom and pop video store where visitors can take coordinating tabs to the register to “rent” a tape, making it an immersive and joyful experience. From a first date to the surprise

twist ending of a thriller, watching movies has become a communal human experience. Be Kind Rewind reminds us of our collective human spirit through the power of nostalgic connection and in doing so, brings us all a little bit closer. Virtual Opening and Artist-Led Tour: Friday, June 26th at 5:30pm EDT Join us as Charles Clary guides us through his solo exhibition and immersive installation of 1,000 pieces of artwork made from VHS sleeves. A live artist Q&A will follow the tour. Tickets are limited. Click here to reserve your spot. In-person hours TBD* info@paradigm-gallery. com / 267-266-0073

Coronavirus Helpline: 1 (800) 722-7112. • Residents can text COVIDPHL to 888777 to get updates sent to their phones. • Find out more about testing for COVID-19. • Businesses with questions about the applicability of the

new Safer-at-Home Order’s guidelines to their operations should email • The PHL COVID-19 Fund continues to solicit donations to aid nonprofits that are on the frontline of the pandemic.


Family and Neighbors, in West Philadelphia, will form an Auto Caravan to much to celebrate! celebrate the 100th Birthday of Mary K. Rhodes She and her husband, By Claudia Christian Associate Publisher


n June 18, the U. C. Review was invited to celebrate West Philadelphia’s Ms. Mary K. Rhodes, affectionately known to her family and friends as “Ms. Mary,” as she turns 100 years young! In honor of her birthday, her neighbors will be lined up their cars in a “Ms. Mary’s 100th B-Day Parade” that pulled off at 5:00 pm, from 49th and Market Streets, and headed out to Ms. Mary’s home, on S. 50th Street, where the birthday girl was being greeted by well-wishers, from her chair, on her decorated front porch, at the house where she has lived for the past 60 years. In fact, only one other family, the Watkins’, have lived on the block longer. Helping Ms. Mary on her special day, and coordinating the parade, is her son, Louis Rhodes, Jr, who attended West

Left to right: Louis Rhodes, Jr, Ms Mary son and Ms Mary celebrate her 100th birthday. Photo: C. Christian

Catholic High School, when he was young, and who, to this day, says his mom is a “living saint.” Some well-wishers drove by, honking their

car’s horn, or walked by, waving and shouting birthday wishes, while many joined the parade and celebrated the life of Philadelphia’s newest centenarian.

Ms. Mary was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the youngest of eight children. Philadelphia proudly claims her because she has lived in our city for 80 years.

Grab and Go meal sites for the elderly


hiladelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA) is continuing to provide meals through its Grab & Go meal sites operating out of senior centers. This is especially important now, as many older adults remain affected by the closure of grocery stores in the wake of recent civil unrest. While senior centers remain closed to participants through the city due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Grab & Go program provides meals for pick up or delivery for older adults. Seniors over age 60 or married to someone over 60 can receive either or a combination of cold, frozen meals and/or shelf-stable meals through the Grab & Go program. PCA currently provides Grab & Go meals

to 25 sites that are open to all eligible seniors and 10 senior apartment buildings. The senior centers are working collaboratively with Easter Outreach and several other providers to help deliver meals to the homes of seniors who cannot get out to grab and go sites. In total, Grab & Go programs are serving more than 3,000 older adults per week. Grab & Go is a temporary program aimed to keep older adults nourished during COVID-19. It operates in place of congregate meals that were served at senior centers during weekdays, prior to the pandemic. Adults, 60 and over, should contact their nearest senior center or call the PCA Helpline at 215765-9040 to arrange meal pick-up or delivery. More

information on PCA’s meals programs can also be found at pcacares. org/meals. Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA) is the first place for older Philadelphians, and adults with disabilities, to turn for information and services to help maintain or improve the quality of their lives. Established in 1973, PCA is a private, nonprofit, nationally recognized Area Agency on Aging. One of the region’s largest nonprofit organizations, PCA contracts with more

than 200 community organizations to deliver services aimed at helping older Philadelphians and adults with disabilities achieve their maximum levels of health, independence and productivity. Through its work, PCA touches the lives of more than 140,000 individuals each year. PCA is funded primarily through federal and state sources. For information on PCA’s services and programs, call the PCA Helpline at 215-765-9040 or visit

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She remains outspoken, lucid, vibrant, engaged, and especially enjoys talking with young people. Ms. Mary has much to be proud of…we have

the late Louis G. Rhodes Sr., had four children. And though Mr. Rhodes, Sr. passed 39 years ago, all of their children carry the mantle of being productive members of society. Whether it’s her presence in the neighborhood, or the work she performed as a Philadelphia schoolteacher, for over 30 years, Ms. Mary has been a giver her entire life. While she currently attends St. Cyprian Roman Catholic Church, she has strong ties as a former member of Our Lady of Victory and St. Malachy churches, as well. On this special occasion, the family also wishes to acknowledge and honor Lois, who has been a great and true friend to Ms. Mary, for many years. Ms. Mary is still impacting the lives of a host of people in her neighborhood and the community. She may be turning 100, but she’s not tired yet!! SOURCE Millennium 3 Management Inc.

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BARNES continued from page 6

dents with a hologram to celebrate these Black fathers from Philadelphia. Celebrating fathers in this way is what every father would want for America to see with his family and the gentler side of being a provider, educator and protector of his family. 3rd district Councilwoman, Jamie Gauthier visited to see McFarlene’s work. Here’s what she told the U.C. Review: “I was really excited that this is happening,” says Councilwoman Gauthier. “I was real excited to be here. We’ve been having a conversation across this country breaking down institutional racism and I think one additional piece of that conversation is kind of burying this myth that fathers are absent. That they aren’t loving to their children and so, I couldn’t think of any better art installation at this time (for black Fathers). It’s just perfect for the times.” We were able to talk with Mr. Raymond Monroe and his wife Tracy, who’s son Lucas “Randy” Monroe is a basketball player at the University of Pennsylvania and dad talks about what fatherhood means to him and his family. “I think it’s a great event,” says Mr. Monroe. “I feel so good about it. My wife Tracy asked me about coming down here and when I saw the pictures (on the wall), there were a lot of families that I knew and it reminds us of how viable (black) fathers are.” “What Father’s Day means to me,” explains Mr. Monroe from Huntingdon Valley. “It’s about love, it’s about tradition, it’s about my children and the people I love for the rest of my life. I don’t want any gifts. I don’t want anything. I just want to be around my kids and my family. I think Father’s Day is probably the only holiday besides maybe a birthday that’s personal to me that I care about. It just means a lot to me to have people around me that I love.” “I saw a lot of friends,” adds Mr. Monroe, “and I was saying ‘Happy Father’s Day’ to them and I

Restaurants opening for outdoor dining


rom the largest outdoor dining spot in the region at Morgan’s Pier, to the charms of the outdoor patio at Positano Coast in Old City, Group photo with Dante Leonard, Derrick “Bub” Pratt, City Councilwoman to the shaded cafe of Jamie Gauthier, Artist Ken McFarlene, DeWayne Drummond and Rob Kaplowitz Photo: J.B. Pistolas Del Sur on East Passyunk, to Center was thinking about how ist back in the day,” states City sidewalk views of Tradesman’s and BRU many great Black fathers Ms. Wong. “Which was that I know. I was think- really progressive during in Midtown Village, to ing about how they don’t his time. He was an avid the beer garden vibes of Germantown Garden publicize that. They learner and he wanted in Northern Liberties, publicize some of wrong to find ways to really things that happen in make a difference in the the list below includes places across the city in Black lives. And I said, community. Dr. Barnes ‘I must know the wrong was about social justice, the most notable food Black father because all equality and fairness. He neighborhoods. of them are great fathers.’ employed many people Some top spots for All of them raise their of color and women.” outdoor dining started kids, they take care of Fathers were beaming June 12th their kids and all of them with pride and lookdo the same things that I ing very appreciative of do. I will live and die for what Mr. Ken McFarlene 1) Morgan’s Pier 221 N Christopher Comy children.” showcase for them and lumbus Blvd, The Barnes Foundacelebrated with them tion held this event, lead about the importance of Philadelphia, PA 19123 by the Mantua Civic being an African-Ameri- 215-279-7134 Association’s president can father in America. Reservations: DeWayne Drummond, “WE need to control Derrick “Bub” Pratt, Sr. our own narrative,” exArtist of the project Ken plains McFarlene. “What cities/pha/morganspier?date=2020McFarlane and the Direc- these images and what tor of Community Enthey represent is the full 06-15&seats=2 gagement, Ms. Barbara humanity of our people. Open? Outdoor Dining, Curbside Pickup and Wong, showcasing Mc- Because we’re tired of Delivery Farlene’s images into an getting a fraction of huMonday - Sunday, enormously great show manity because of the of African-American faimages that are shown of 12:00pm - 10:00pm Seating aiming for 250 thers on the Parkway. us, or how we move or seat to start with room “The Barnes Foundastories being told about for expansion. tion’s motto is: Art is for us from people who are Morgan’s Pier will everyone,” explained Ms. not representatives of reopen for the summer Barbara Wong, Director who we are.” for outdoor dining this of Community Engage“This is not a pretty ment at The Barnes art show,” states Mr. Mc- week and will be the Foundation. “You don’t Farlene. “We’re bringing largest permanent outhave to have a certain this conversation into the door dining venue in the background or educaworld. We embrace Black region. Large wooden tion to appreciate art. As fathers with the hope, so picnic tables with oversized umbrellas are I said before, Art brings that we can better our perfect for groups for us together. We can look community, strengthen 6 to 10 guests. Smaller at art together and share our community so that metal tables will be the things that we love we can show the wonand share the things that derful things that exist.” available for single diners to 4 guests. Opening we see differently and WE Embrace Fatherweekend we will have a have a conversation and hood is: Artist and AcDJ Friday 5-9 PM, Saturthat’s what brings people tivist Ken McFarlene, day 1-5 PM and 5-9 PM together.” DeWayne Drummond Dr. Albert C. Barnes (President of the Mantua as background music. It will be table service. (1/2/1872-7/24/1951) Civic Association), Derwas a physician who rick Pratt, Jr. (Founder of Take Out still available to go. Ample signing will became known as an art PC Radio Live), Dante be available throughout collector and for creatLeonard (Commercial the venue to remind dining an antiseptic named Corridor Manager for Argyrol, which was a PEC), Robert Kaplowitz ers of social distancing and other rules. A poster mild silver protein anti(Tony Award winning will be posted at entry infective compound for Sound Artist) and Jeff along and all disposable mucous membrane tissue Sugg (Multi-Award menus will have rules (eye infections) for babies winning Projections and restrictions. and infants. He amassed Designer). Show love his fortune with this inon social media with vention and always had #WeEmbraceFatherhood 2) Harper’s Garden 31 S 18th St, a love for the arts. and #BlackLivesMatter. “He invested in art that Email: jbrownthefans- Philadelphia, PA 19103 267-886-8552 was created by Black art-

Morgan’s Pier Reservations: https:// harpersgardenphilly. com/reservations Monday - Sunday, 11:30am - 10:30pm Best of Philly Winner Harper’s Garden Philadelphia’s all-season, plant filled al fresco oasis in the heart of Rittenhouse neighborhood - will open on June 12th and will nearly double the outdoor capacity with an expansion that will take-over the adjacent outdoor property to the South. Reservations for Harper’s are available now on Open Table. Seating for up to 50 to start and then they will expand by July with a new dining section next door. Ample signing will be available throughout the venue to remind diners of social distancing and other rules. A poster will be posted at entry along with a reminder on the menu. Table service, full menu, look for the summer seasonal menu to debut this week. 3) Germantown Garden 1029 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19123 267-214-0086 Reservations: https:// germantown-gardenphiladelphia Reservations Only through OpenTable (starts Thursday) or email Seating - looking to get 50 seats to start will maybe add more later Tuesday-Sunday, 4:00pm to 12:00am This urban oasis in the heart of Northern Liberties will re-open in time for outdoor dining this weekend - this is an entirely outdoor restaurant with table seats, full bar, full food menu, plants and flowers, beautiful

lighting and an escape without leaving the city. They will utilize current space now and they have much room to grow with extra tables later. Menu to start will be appetizers, sandwiches, burgers, wings, bar favorites and entrees and elevated dishes from “standard” menu will be added closer to July. 4) Le Virtú 1927 East Passyunk Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19148 215-271-5626 Reservations: https:// le-virtu Hours: Monday through Thursday, 5:00pm to 10:30pm, Friday 5:00pm to 11:00pm, Saturday 4:00pm to 11:00pm, Sunday 4:00pm to 10:00pm Le Virtu will be one of the largest locations for outdoor dining for East Passyunk - Philadelphia’s restaurant row! Il Campo (Le Virtu’s outdoor spacious and lush garden and outdoor space) plus Le Virtu’s patio are available on OpenTable NOW for seatings beginning on Friday or you can call 215-271-5626. Dine with the backdrop of Abruzzo on the giant mural behind! Full menu will be offered. ALSO they are restarting Caviar this week and takeout with most of the entire menu - that part starts today June 10th. They will look to get dozens of socially distance seats with a final count coming closer to the weekend. 5) Dim Sum House By Jane G’s (Rittenhouse only at this time for outdoor) 1930 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-563-8800 Reservations Only by

continued on page 12



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To cover local stories and community meetings in Center City and University City. Please send resume & cover letter to Bob Christian, Editor at

HELP WANTED Sales Associate

We are looking forward to the days when we will all be able to come out of quarantine and are back to work! We are looking for an exceptional sales person to sell ad space for both our print and digital publications. You’ll work, primarily in Center City 3 to 5 days a week visiting shops, restaurants and businesses helping them regain customers by advertising in-print and online, and promoting them on websites. You’ll work for the Philadelphia Free Press and the University City Review, two door-to-door and online community newspapers. We pay the best commission in the City. We are looking for special people, honest. Friendly, hard working. If you have an interest, please email at



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Saturday and Sunday, 11:00am to 2:00am (kitchcontinued from page 10 en stops 1:00am) Outdoor seating will be socially distanced Phone with extra precautions Time Limit of 75 Minutes and span from Bru During Peak Times across U-Bahn to TradesSeats: 20-30 to be determan’s creating a minimined restaurant row with sideTuesday - Sunday, walk dining on Chestnut 12:00pm - 9:00pm Street - with up to 20-30 Dim Sum two ways seats pending final ar- all day - and now outdoors! Dim Sum House rangement and party sizes. The menu across in Rittenhouse will all three properties will open back up today in preparation for outdoor be the same - dishes from BRU, Tradesman’s dining on Friday - they will offer nearly 2 dozen and some bar favorites from Finn McCool’s - in seats socially distanced time for this weekend apart with their entire the BRU and Tradesfull menu of Dim Sum man’s offerings will favorites plus Chinese greatly expand from the specialty dishes. current limited menu to much larger. 6) Finn McCool’s Table service. Specials 118 S 12th St, will also begin for Philadelphia, PA 19107 weekly food dishes and 215-923-3090 special drinks. 9) Positano Coast by Open? Outdoor Dining Aldo Lamberti and Takeout 212 Walnut St, 2nd Floor, Monday to Thursday, Philadelphia, PA 19106 4:00pm to 11:00pm 215-238-0499 (kitchen), 2:00am http://www.positano(drinks) Friday, 4:00pm to Reservations: https:// 12:00am (kitchen), 2:00am (drinks) positano-coast-by-aldoSaturday, 11:00am to lamberti 12:00am (kitchen), Monday-Thursday: 2:00am (drinks) 11:30am-10:30pm Sunday, 11:00am to (Closed Mondays from 11:00pm (kitchen), November thru April) 2:00am (drinks) Friday, 11:30am Finn McCool’s will open back up this week 11:00pm Saturday, 11:30am for take-out, delivery and now outdoor dining 11:00pm Sunday, 11:00am-9:30pm with an estimated seat Positano Coast by count of around 16-20. Aldo Lamberti will ofSeating recommended fer beautiful outdoor time limits will be 90 views above the streets minutes for parties of 6 of Old City District or less and 120 minutes -with outdoor and cafe/ for 7 or more. Reservations are available on the patio seating with their phone by calling Trades- full menu, bar and wine-beer-cocktail list. man’s (267) 457-3994. Positano Coast by Aldo Table service. Lamberti offering Italian 7-8) Brü Craft & Wurst, inspired Cuisine with a seafood-focused menu, Tradesman’s (*Plus in and breathtaking openfront of U-Bahn) air dining plans to re1316 Chestnut St, open with outdoor dinPhiladelphia, PA 19107 ing this Friday. That will For all properties one include a sidewalk cafe phone is being used: and back patio seating. Reservations (267) 457Tables will be spread out 3994 as well as Open between 6 feet or more table and will be taking safety http://www.bruphilly. precautions. Employees com/ https://tradesmansphl. will be wearing masks and taking extra steps com/ Delivery:, for sanitation. There will, seamless. be between 40-50 seats available along the sidecom, Open? Outdoor Dining, walk cafe while bigger parties will be set up at Takeout and Delivery the back patio. Monday to Friday, 3:00pm to 2:00am (kitch10) Sancho Pistolas en stops 1:00am) 19 W Girard Ave,

Philadelphia, PA 19125 267-324-3530 Delivery: https://www. Open? Takeout and Delivery and now Outdoor Dining Seven days a week Noon to 11:00pm Pistolas Fishtown location will offer sidewalk cafe seating in the heart of Fishtown with socially distanced tables - aiming to get 12-16 seats. This is a recommendation not requirement - parties will be encouraged during first two weeks and during peak time for 90 minute estimated stays. Full menu. Table service. Specials coming soon.

etc. 13) SLICE 1180 S 10th St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 215-463-0868 http://www.slicepa. com/ Delivery:,, grubhub. com Open? Outdoor Dining, Takeout and Delivery Monday to Thursday, 10:00am – 10:00pm Friday, 10:00am to 12:00am Saturday, 11:00am – 12:00am Sunday, 11:00am10:00pm Set between the Italian Market and East Passyunk Avenue, dine outside with a view of Capitolo Park - with around 12 to 16 tables pending party size. Order inside and food will be brought outside. Full menu. Social distanced tables.

Rosy’s Taco Bar

Sunday,10:00am - 8:00pm Reservations are able to be made by calling the restaurant or on OpenTable. Reservations are strongly suggested but will take walk-ins if there is availability. If there is a wait, grab a frozen margarita at one of our brand new slushy machines. There are 4 kinds of frozen margaritas to choose from.

11:00pm Sunday 11:00am 9:00pm Jerry’s Bar is a cozy neighborhood bar with craft beer, specialty cocktails, fine wine and really great food in Philadelphia Northern Liberties. The Northern Liberties hot spot will aim for 11) Pistolas Del Sur 20-30 seats with a com1934 East Passyunk Avbination of two and four enue, tops. Glass partitions Philadelphia, PA 19148 were installed to make 267-519-2329 16) Urban Village Brew- private spaces for each https://www.pistoladeling Company dining party and 14) Hawthornes Beer 1001 N 2nd St, ing all other precautions Delivery: https://www. Cafe Philadelphia, PA 19123 as issued by state and 738 S 11th St, 267-687-1961 city. The Northern Liberlas-del-sur-19349 Philadelphia, PA 19146 http://urbanvillageties hot spot will aim for Open? Takeout and De- 215-627-3012 20-30 seats with a comlivery https://www.hawthornReservations: http://ur- bination of two and four Seven days a week Noon tops. Glass partitions to 11:00pm Reservations: https:// reservations were installed to make Dine outside under the or call for reservations private spaces for each shade and on the beauti- hawthornes dining party and followful seating outside East Delivery: https://www. Monday - Sunday, 12:00pm - 9:00pm ing all other precautions Passyunk’s Pistolas Del hawthornesquicksip. They are aiming 15 as issued by state and Sur. Take in the Avenue com/ tables for seating up city. views and sidewalk 16-20 seats to 100 people pending scene and enjoy tacos, Time Limit: 1 hour and party size - in their beau- 18) El Camino Real Resentrees, margaritas, cock- 15 minutes tiful outdoor patio and taurant tails, wine and beer. This Wednesday - Sunday, sidewalk seating in the 1040 N 2nd St, is a recommendation not 10:00am - 8:00pm heart of No Libs on 2nd Philadelphia, PA 19123 requirement - parties Reservations are able Street at the Piazza. The 215-925-1110 will be encouraged dur- to be made by calling tables will of course be http://www.elcamiing first two weeks and the restaurant or on socially distanced full during peak time for 90 OpenTable. Reservations menu - table service 11:00am to 10:00pm estimate minute stays. are strongly suggested extra cleaning and prekitchen, with bar until Parties of 4-6 people are but will take walk-ins cautions. They will be 11:00pm - seven days a strongly encouraged if there is availability. using a new app Up N week during peak times. Full If there is a wait, grab a Go to pay by check on They will open their menu. Table service. Spe- frozen margarita at one cials coming soon. of our brand new slushy phone to be contactless. sidewalk seating in the They will be offering middle of the open-air machines. There are 4 their famous Froze that picturesque Liberties 12) Rosy’s Taco Bar kinds of frozen mardebuted at the Pod Park Walk with beer garden 2220 Walnut St, garitas to choose from. last year - which was the style seating where you Philadelphia, PA 19103 If you can’t find a table order from stations and 267-858-4561 and would like to cruise, most popular drinks of the summer for the enthey will bring food out https://rosystacobar. Wine Dive is open for tire park in 2019 - this is to the tables. Full menu com/ people to come in and a big welcome addition! of food, with lots of froReservations: https://ro- shop along with more slushy machines there as Call for reservations 267- zen cocktails for the hot 687-1961. weekends coming. First Monday - Sunday, well. come, first served. No 12:00pm - 10:00pm 17) Jerry’s Bar reservations. When orRosy’s Taco will close 15) Tio Flores 129 W Laurel St, dering must wear mask, off the adjacent parking 1600 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19123 social distancing and folspots to make room for Philadelphia, PA 19146 267-273-1632 lowing all guidelines as additional sidewalk and 267-687-2220 http://jerrysbarphilly. given by state and city. space for passerbyers. https://www.tioflores. com/ They will be serving froThis will allow them to com/ Reservations: https:// zen pineapple margariutilize the entire sideReservations: https:// walk for dining tables tas in fresh pineapples jerrys-bar-philadelphia this weekend in addition - they will aim to for 60 tio-flores-philadelphia Wednesday - Thursday to our regular speciality seats. Full menu. Table 16-20 seats 2:00pm 9:00pm cocktails. service. Frozen and stan- Time Limit: 1 hour and Friday 2:00pm - 11:00pm dard cocktails, full bar, 15 minutes Saturday 11:00am wine, beer, beer to go, Wednesday -

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