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Innovation Modules

Innovation Modules


The university experience is shaped through a partnership between staff and students. This partnership offers many opportunities to improve curriculum design, delivery and the overall student experience. By working together with shared priorities in mind, we help to ensure that our students grow as individuals, become more resilient and ultimately succeed in their studies.


There are several mechanisms in play through which students are empowered to share their views for continual process improvement. One such mechanism is Student School Officers, responsible for coordinating enhancement projects alongside senior staff and for acting as a key point of contact between staff and students within individual schools.

The revised role is, in itself, a creation of the student and staff partnership; both RGU Union and the university are committed to developing the role further. Student School Officers will hold accumulated influence from students – about their academic interests – at school-wide meetings, with heads of schools and in university committees.

Every year, RGU Union and the university agree upon objectives to work in partnership towards. Last year, the partnership looked to explore students’ expectations of their online environments, and how to involve students as cocreators in the design, delivery and appraisal of our campus services.

By working together, an upgrade to CampusMoodle was delivered with a fresh look and feel. In addition, a new institutional student welcome space was created which took into account lessons from students. These collated insights will continue to support strategic ambitions in future.

Concerted steps have been taken to include students in the design and delivery of services, including the creation of events and resources to support resilience and well-being, and input into the development of new mobile-friendly applications such as timetabling and MyRGU.

The next objectives will be launched in semester two following the annual review of courses and services. As such, it is an important time to continue empowering our students to share their views so that the coming objectives work for both staff and students and help make the university a great place to work and to study.

Your Student School Officers

Celda Tyndall Gray’s School of Art

As Student School Officer, I want to be able to develop a peer support mechanism to allow each individual to feel accepted, reduce their stress and feel listened to. University life can be difficult, but when you have the right support it’s amazing what you can achieve, no matter who you are.

Monika Radoslavova Creative and Cultural Business

My project idea is to create some sort of mutual mentoring programme for students within SCCB, so older students (stages 3 & 4) can help younger ones or at least be a point of contact for them, especially regarding placements and study abroad.

Callum McChesney Architecture & Built Environment

After meeting with my head of school and pitching that feedback from the students to staff and above gets there a little too late, I proposed that more regular and informal feedback could help get a steadier flow of understanding about each course and modules within the school. We agreed that this would be my main project.

Emma Berrill Nursing & Midwifery

Myself and Roz are working on a project together and it is focussed on creating a peer-support system for nursing and midwifery students while they are on placement. The aim is to have placement reps for each area where all the students who are on placement can feed back their experiences to, as well as any concerns.

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