Portfolio Robert John Corley HND Distinction in Graphic Design / Advertising Duties Graphic Design Branding / Brand Standards / Branding Strategy Marketing Customer Liaison
Personal Information Date of Birth / 18th September 1980 Place of Birth / Wrexham, North Wales, United Kingdom Citizenship / British Passport / British Languages: English / Welsh Design Software, Mac & PC Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign
Branding, graphic design, web design and the rest...
Tubostugar Manufacturer
Tubostugar is a manufacturing company that specialises in the production of hoses and small machinery. Based in Barcelona, Tubiostugar began life in the Canary Islands and has quickly become a major supplier throughout all of Spain and further afield. Tuboistugar has a new brand identity and online presence that is helping to expand the business into new regions. RCDesign redesigned the logo and branding, giving the technically-minded company a new international appeal. The style consists of a metallic blue derived from the company’s original blue and introduced a new logo and typeface to compliment the company’s market place, giving the brand a sophisticated and professional presentation.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYX 1234567890!”$%^&*() ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYX 1234567890!”$%^&*() ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYX 1234567890!”$%^&*() ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYX 1234567890!”$%^&*() abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyx 1234567890!”$%^&*() Tubostugar Manufacturer
SERIE AC: Tubo de alta calidad especial para circuitos de refrigeración SERIE ACE: Tubo flexible estándar de EPDM para radiador SERIE ACS: Tubo flexible de silicona para radiador
Tubos Especiales Para Industria Y Automoción
SERIE SIL: Tubo de silicona azul para conducción de aire o agua a presión a elevada temperatura SERIE FA: Funda anti-rozamiento para protección de tubos SERIE FV: Funda de fibra de vidrio especial para protección térmica de tubos de combustible y cableado en los vehículos SERIE FT: Funda termo-retráctil para protección de cableado en los vehículos SERIE A: Abrazaderas SERIE TAPS: Tapones de sobrante de inyectores PRESENTACIÓN DEL PRODUCTO EXPOSITORES DE TUBO DE COMBUSTIBLE
Tubostugar Manufacturer
SERIE TS: Tubo especial gasoil con refuerzo trenzado exterior de color gris perla con distintivo azul. Alta calidad
Tubo de alta calidad para sobrante de inyectores de gasoil
Epicloridrina (ECO) recubierto con trenzado de fibra de algodón y poliéster
DIN 73379-1 TIPO B
Presión de trabajo:
10 bar
Resistencia de temperatura:
-40ºC / +125ºC, en continuo. Punta +150ºC
Características especiales:
Altamente resistente al gasoil
mts. Manguera 3,2 x 6,9 TS
50 M Rollo
Resistente a la abrasión y a los agentes atmosféricos
mts. Manguera 3,2 x 6,9 TS
20 M Carrete
Especial inyectores de vehículos de gama alta
mts. Manguera 3,2 x 6,9 TS
2 M Bolsa
Especial para uso en talleres homologados de bombas de inyección diesel
mts. Manguera 3,2 x 6,9 TS
10 M Bolsa
Equivalente al tubo de sobrante original de Mercedes
Tubostugar Manufacturer
TEL: +34 922 178 310 FAX: +34 937 985 004
TEL: +34 937 992 524 FAX: +34 937 985 004
Tubostugar Manufacturer
Website & Colours
Dear Sir/Madam
JON GREEN MANAGING DIRECTOR jongreen@tenertodo.com +34 611 608 000 www.tenertodo.com www.tenertodo.com
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy n ibh euismod t incidunt u t laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse m olestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu f eugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent l uptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber t empor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum c laritatem. I nvestigationes demonstraverunt lectores l egere me lius quod i i legunt saepius. C laritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium l ectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum c laram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima e t quinta decima. Eodem m odo t ypi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum. Nam liber t empor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum.
TenerCoche.es Car Website
TenerCoche.com is an online car comparison website company that deals specifically in the Canary Islands. It has been established for almost 10 years and it was due time for a makeover. With the task to totally redesign the current website. Reorganize and structure, bringin simplicity and usability to allow faster and more streamlined access to the site for car dealers and users. Alongside the website, posters, name cards and stationary were created to further enhance the branding of TenerCoches.com
TenerCoche.es Car Website
Website design
TenerCoche.es Car Website
Website design
TenerCoche.com ahora presenta su buscador para vehículos nuevos:
¡Por fin! publicidad que solo pagas cuando es efectiva.
También regalaremos un iPod a todos los que compren uno de tus coches a través de TenerCoche.com ¡para aumentar aún más tus ventas!
Anunciate en nuestro nuevo buscador innovador de vehículos nuevos y solo pagarás cuando funcione
Cuota Mensual: 0€ Comisión por venta confirmada: 200€
Cuando, y solo cuando, tienes una venta confirmada a traves de TenerCoche.com, pagarás una pequeña comisión de 200€. Nada más
Más información: 611 608 000 - clientes@tenertodo.com
TenerCoche.es Car Website
Para agregarte; entra en TenerCoche.com y pincha en ANUNCIAR En menos de 5 minutos tendrás tus coches nuevos en el medio más usado de Canarias, ¡sin pagar ni un duro!
Poster & Website design
Green Banana Guide Discount Club
Green Banana Guide was established in Tenerife in 2003 Since and since then have expanded to Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Salou & Mallorca. Throughout the past 10 years GBG have developed long standing contracts with main UK tour operators including TUI, Thomson & First Choice and continue to supply all of their clients with Green Banana Cards onsite in resort. In charge of the task of making Green Banana Guide an online business driven by Smartphone apps and website, RCDesign hired app developers and online specialists to develop the online business of GBG, accompanied by a revitalization of the brand and corporate design throughout.
Green Banana Guide Discount Club
Green Banana Guide Discount Club
Green Banana Guide Discount Club
Presentations & Banner ads
Bin Harmal Travel & Tourism
Bin Harmal, is a family name given to the establishment of Bin Harmal Group. A successful Arab company based in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. One of the sectors of the company is Travel & Tourism. The brief, to completely redesign and develop their brand identity for the Travel & Tourism sector. The brand was to be modern, fresh, stylish and unique against their local competition.
Bin Harmal Travel & Tourism
Bin Harmal Travel & Tourism
Bin Harmal Travel & Tourism
Bin Harmal Travel & Tourism
Al Rajhi Projects Construction Industry
As major players in the middle-eastern construction industry, Al Rajhi Projects desired a new, adventurous look that projected a daring and different image. An exciting yet industry related colour scheme was employed in unison with an abstract, computer generated fractal design concept to achieve this. Demonstrating an endless growth in a mathematically correct process, fractals are the equation used in galaxy formation, snowflakes and costal lines, looking random but precise and calculated.
Al Rajhi Projects Construction Industry
Logo & name cards
Al Rajhi Projects Construction Industry
Al Rajhi Projects Construction Industry
Forms & Power Point slides
Al Rajhi Projects Construction Industry
Al Rajhi Projects Construction Industry
Al Rajhi Projects Construction Industry
Vacon Global AC drive manufacturer
An intensive programme that included visualization, creative graphic design, production of large format posters and backdrops and the actual building of a temporary exhibition and conference area for hundreds of participants at the prestigious Plaza Athanee, Bangkok. Menus for Gala events, dinner boat trips and itineraries for daily activities. Hotel name drop cards, team-building booklets and programs.
O2xygen Trends
Selling fresh air to the young and hip. O2xygen, a brand that provides oxygen as a fashion statement. The bright green colours draw attention to the brand and the clean leaves and water look gave a fresh look in more ways than one.
O2xygen Trends
Logo & air
O2xygen Trends
O2xygen cans
O2xygen Trends
Fact sheet
O2xygen Trends
O2xygen Trends
O2xygen Trends
Mist spray
Hype Magazine
Hype, a magazine aimed at the party scene of Bangkok with articals on music, fashion, travel and leisure. The look of the magazine was heavily designed orientated, won a lot of respect in the nightlife arena and was regarded as the “in� magazine of its time.
Hype Magazine
Headline pages
Aisawan Resort & Spa
Re Branded and transformed into a luxury hotel and spa. The hotel industry, dependant upon quest satisfaction, has to reflect modern trends in an ever changing environment.
Aisawan Resort & Spa
Aisawan Resort & Spa
RCQ Projects Project managment
The RCQ logo is in the symbol shape of the unity. A chain linked together with the handle on the left side of the logo. The handle being the letter “r” and the link being the “c” and the letter “q”.
RCQ Projects Project managment
RCQ Projects Project managment
Business cards
Conrad Hotel & Resort
A luxury hotel that exudes style, comfort and professionalism in the heart of Bangkok. Brand awareness and maintenance is crucial to Conrad, and is reflected in every item they produce.
Conrad Hotel & Resort
Advertising for vehicles
Titanium Ice Bar / Club
A bar made of ice in a country that lies near the equator? Titanium has one and guests can almost feel the cold as they approach. Even being cold can be fashionable when the signage and advertising campaign send out the right kind of signals to a very well targeted audience.
Titanium Ice Bar / Club
Magazine advertising
Rembrandt Hotel & Towers
A partial rebranding has livened up the image of this busy hotel as all collateral, advertising and brochure were carefully redesigned and updated. A new message was delivered that portrays Rembrandt in unison with Warwick international hotels as a truly luxurious solution for discerning travellers.
Ramada Resort, Phuket
Ramada Resort, Karon beach, Phuket has quite simply reinvented the concept of family vacations in Thailand, setting new standards for family resorts everywhere. No other resort offers such a comprehensive range of facilities and activities for families with children of all ages. We undertook the project of redelivering the Ramada brand standards and giving them a new lease of life to accommodate the new Thailand beach resort destination.
Ramada Hotel & Suites
Ramada Hotel & Suites. An almost empty old fashioned apartment block was refurbished and modernized to international standards. Re-branding comprised of website, brochure, advertising and in-room collateral graphic design and production. Consistency with the worldwide Ramada brand in terms of style and appearance in addition to an efficiently utilized booking system has since quaranteed high levels of accupancy.
Ramada Hotel & Suites
Restaurant menus
6.0” / 150mm
9.0” / 229mm
No. 32351
No. 32351
0.5” / 12mm
hello@coral-tools.com coral-tools.com
No. 51351
3.0” / 75mm
3.0” / 75mm
No. 51351
hello@coral-tools.com coral-tools.com
Coral Coral Tools Ltd
hello@coral-tools.com coral-tools.com
Coral Tools Ltd
An ‘international’ range of decorating products e.g. paint brushes would be rolled out to initially 24 lines. The packaging was designed to be easy to read, neon inks to jump out at you and a new typeface to accommodate all the languages. Many icons, suitable for an international audience, was also designed to allow customers to understand the product they were buying and the grades involved.
Coral Tools Ltd
No. 41651
hello@coral-tools.com coral-tools.com
Coral Tools Ltd
No. 31350
hello@coral-tools.com coral-tools.com
1.5” / 38mm
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYX 1234567890!”$%^&*() ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYX 1234567890!”$%^&*() ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYX 1234567890!”$%^&*() АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1234567890!”$%^&*() АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1234567890!”$%^&*() АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1234567890!”$%^&*() ك ق ف غ ع ظ ط ي و ـھ ن م ل د خ ح ج ث ت ب ا ض ص ش س ز ر ذ ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ ك ق ف غ ع ظ ط ي و ـھ ن م ل د خ ح ج ث ت ب ا ض ص ش س ز ر ذ ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩
Coral Coral Tools Ltd
Typeface and icons
Website Design
A newly designed website for the popular production company of the Canary Islands, ‘Film! Canary Island’. The redesign and rethink of the FCI website was made to revitalize the look of Film! Canary Islands. Showing off the amazing photography, hi-tech equipment and production staff being used to achieve such fabulous creativity and style within FCI. Introducing a scouting page, allowing users to build up location story boards using the vast amount of photography available form the site allowing users to build up an idea of the locations, terrain and ideas based on the islands.
Website Design
Website Design
Website Design
Website Design
Website Design