Books of author robert a kaiser

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Author Robert A. Kaiser and his books The Dingus Migration How do you save your species by secretly integrating selected entities into an alien culture on a distant planet by peaceful means? This is the formidable task facing the Dingus civilization as they cope with the inevitable destruction of their home planet. The host star of their fragile system is in the last phases of becoming a red giant thereby enveloping their rocky habitat with searing heat that will destroy all existing life forms currently residing there. Their only hope is to find an alternate home capable of providing the environment suitable for sustaining their life form. The planet chosen is a non-descript ball of rock and water known by the inhabitants as Earth

It's the story of mankind's initial venture to the stars and the challenges the brave colonists face during their mission to become the first humans to settle outside our home solar system. Share their reactions to both the physical hazards and mental conflicts posed by interstellar space travel and the conclusions drawn regarding the fitness of homo sapiens to travel to the stars. Available now in both hardcover and paperback editions.

The Horny Paradigm is a spoof of all previous attempts at presenting "tough guy" detective stories in both written and "film noir" venues. It

features detective Dan Francisco in the exciting adventures he encounters while solving the case of the Horny Device.

The book is a story of a couple's struggle to overcome some trying circumstances detrimental to their marriage and early life together. The essential facts of the story are based on actual events that occurred during the 1960's through the early 2000's. However, the names of places and persons have been changed and the details of the events are the creation of the author. It includes both their joyful experiences and their somewhat bizarre personal encounters while they strove to establish a secure family home in the San Francisco bay area. And although there are severe challenges and setbacks, their loving commitment to each other and their family sustains them through both the good times and the bad.

About Author Robert A. Kaiser a retired Chemical Engineer who worked for over 35 years for a large San Francisco engineering firm. The majority of my project assignments were in the field of uranium/plutonium processing of both civilian nuclear fuel and government weapons-related materials. I worked on a variety of projects at the Department of Energy's nuclear weapons development laboratory at Livermore, California. The Dingus Migration is a fictional story of the possible peaceful migration of alien life forms to the planet earth.

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