What Happens After You File Bankruptcy? Sometimes bankruptcy is necessary and just cannot reasonably be avoided. We want you to learn as much as you can from this challenge, rebuild your credit and move forward to a positive financial future.
Remember: The Bankruptcy Won’t be on Your Credit Report Forever The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act states how long a bankruptcy can be listed on a credit report. A Chapter 7 can be listed ten years from the date of filing. 15 USC § 1681c. A Chapter 13 can also, legally, be listed ten years from the date of filing.
Remember: Post-Bankruptcy Credit is Not as Bad as You Think There are many misconceptions about the impact on bankruptcy on your credit report/score and life.
Contact Us
Robert Russell Law Office 516 SE Chkalov Dr #49, Vancouver, WA 98683, USA frontdesk@rrlawgroup.com 360-882-8990