16 minute read
Marietta College Greek Life - In Our Own Words
In Our Own Words

Alpha Xi Delta

Lambda Chi Alpha

Chi Omega

Greek Week Olympics 2019

Alpha Tau Omega

Sigma Kappa

NHPW 2018

AFLV Central 2019

Alpha Sigma Phi

Delta Tau Delta

Greek Week 2018 Lip Sync

Greek Week Tug-o-War

Greek Life Spring 2019
Dear Marietta Community:
Fraternities and sororities have been a part of Marietta College since 1855 — 20 years after the College was chartered — and have played an important role in the lives of our students and alumni since then.
Marietta College’s administration strongly supports the activities of Greek Life on campus, because we believe it contributes much to the campus community through their involvement in other student organizations, educational programs, service and philanthropy projects, relationships, and social activities.
Being a member of a Greek organization provides students with opportunities to be active within the campus community, as well as the Mid-Ohio Valley. It is not uncommon for Greek members to participate in activities that include academic organizations, student government, clubs and organizations, athletics, social projects, and many others.
It is great to see how our Greek community provides a home away from home for students during their collegiate years and beyond. It’s also a great way to connect with alumni who can serve as mentors and provide information about internships and jobs.
I also have first-hand knowledge of the impact of Greek Life, as I am a member of Kappa Sigma from the University of North Dakota since the early 1970s. Those experiences and friendships are still some of the best in my life.

William N. Ruud, Ph.D. President and Professor of Management Member, Order of Omega
WHAT WILL I GET OUT OF JOINING A FRATERNITY/SORORITY? You will be amazed at what you will get from your Greek experience. Joining a fraternity/sorority rounds out the college experience. We often say that you get a complete education in a fraternity/sorority. Greek Life offers lifelong friends, leadership opportunities, academic support, social events, sporting activities, and networking opportunities when looking for a job or an internship.
WHAT IS THE FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TO JOINING A GREEK ORGANIZATION? Each organization is different, and with that comes different costs for membership. Each chapters page includes approximate costs for members and new members per semester. Ask each chapter for a breakdown of expenses, so you can see how the dues are used for your benefit as a member/new member.
WILL JOINING AFFECT MY GRADES? Ideally, yes! Our Greek organizations hold the top GPAs of all organizations on campus semester after semester! The fraternities and sororities can offer support in time management, tutoring, scholarships, and class assistance. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to earn good grades, but our chapters can help quite a bit.
WILL I GET HAZED? Hazing has no place in our Greek community. You absolutely should not be hazed. You should never participate in any activity that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you are ever in doubt, contact Robert Marias in the Greek Life Office for more information or clarification. (The Anti-Hazing Policy is included in this guide for reference).
HOW DO I KNOW IF MY SON/DAUGHTER IS BEING HAZED? Keep the lines of communication open with your son/daughter and make sure that you ask what activities they are participating in. If your child hesitates or says that they cannot tell you, probe a little further. Except for the ritual, your child should be able to describe everything. Some signs to look for: missing class, overly tired, and regular communication habits change significantly.
1. Attend as many of the scheduled recruitment events from as many different chapters as you can, so you can get a feel for which chapter you have common ground with.
2. Go on the National Websites to see what their National organization is all about.
3. Talk to other PNMs to get a sense of who may be interested in the same chapter you are interested in. These people could potentially be in your new chapter.
4. If you have questions, feel free to go to the Campus Involvement Office and ask Robert Marias. Robert can be reached by e-mail at ram010@marietta.edu, or at 740-376-4483.
5. If you receive multiple bids, carefully consider each Chapter before deciding on which one seems to fit you best.
6. Make up your own mind. You need to make the decision that is right for YOU, regardless of what other people might say or feel, and regardless of who your friends decide to join. (You can still be friends, even if you’re in a different fraternity/sorority).
Greetings New Students,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Marietta College, and your home for the rest of your collegiate career. This College, your participation in Greek life, and the memories you make will mold you into people of which your parents would be proud. Over the next four years, you will enjoy the opportunities and experiences Marietta College offers while meeting people who will change your life.
Marietta College offers many student organizations that impact the community. On such a small campus, it is important to stay engaged in order to receive the full college experience. It’s hard to take the first step— to leave your room and meet new people—but these actions can lead to friendships that last a lifetime. Whether you become a part of the Pioneer Activities Council, serve as a Resident Assistant, or join Greek life, participation in on-campus activities will help you grow as a person. I encourage you to take the first step by looking into all of the on-campus opportunities Marietta College provides.
One way to get the full college experience is by partaking in Greek Life. Marietta College’s Greek life is arguably the most effective and involved college organization on this campus. Our well established Greek community boasts leaders all over campus.
Greek life is about learning, leading, and lending to the community. At the start of the semester, you will see Greek letters all over campus as we prepare for our various recruitment events. There are numerous opportunities for on-campus involvement, but Greek life leads the charge. When it comes to community service, charity, fun, and overall attendance, Greeks more than pull their weight. This guidebook will hopefully show you a little more of what I gladly call my home here at Marietta College—the Greek community. I look forward to seeing you on campus and wish you best this semester!
Fraternally, Lucas Danford Interfraternity Council President

Fraternity Recruitment Schedule Fall 2019

Nick Grosklos - Sophomore
During PioSoar I got to meet some of the people involved in Greek life and we shared similar interests which allowed me to see that I could be a good fit. Once my first semester started I decided to rush and upon getting to know all three of the fraternities I decided to become a member of Alpha Sigma Phi. Joining Greek life was one of the best choices I’ve made, if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have had the confidence to get help when I needed it in my studies and being in a fraternity you can often find someone that’s in the same major as you that can help you succeed.
President: Ben Hayes bbh002@marietta.edu 419-560-9723

Tyler Walker - Sophomore
Joining Alpha Tau Omega was one of the most important decisions I have made since coming to Marietta College. Besides making numerous friends, building relationships that will last a lifetime, and creating endless memories, being a member of Alpha Tau Omega has helped me develop personally and professionally. I have been able to take on the ideals of the fraternity and shape myself into a better man than I was when I came in.
President: Patrick Taylor ptt001@marietta.edu 614-570-7078

Michael Doran - Senior - Chapter President
Joining Greek life at Marietta has allowed me to grow as a leader and offer me a home away from home. Since joining Greek Life I have been fortunate enough to gain valuable leadership experience, meet new friends and further my professional career through our alumni network which I was able to use to secure an internship after my sophomore year.
President: Michael Doran mcd012@marietta.edu 740-334-8039

Kevin O’Neill - Trustee - Class of 1987
Our fraternity is dedicated to enhancing the collegiate experience by providing personal, professional, and leadership development through a fun brotherhood. Some of the biggest ways our organization is transforming men’s lives is through leadership development, networking opportunities, academic support, and creating opportunities to give back to those around us. Marietta College’s Kappa Alpha Zeta Chapter has a long and proud tradition of producing men of character who not only give back to their communities, but also to their Alma Mater.
We are looking to rebuild our chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha at Marietta College, with men of good character who are committed to academic excellence and engagement within the greater community. This is an opportunity for you to build something new.
Recruitment: Patrick Watson paw003@marietta.edu Ben Heckathorn bwh002@marietta.edu
Are you still searching for the perfect fit in our Greek Community? Do you want to leave a lasting legacy on our campus? Are you and your friends looking to create a unique fraternal experience while at college?
A culturally based fraternity or sorority may be what you need. Contact Robert Marias, Assistant Director of Campus Involvement, to learn more about potential opportunities to bring something new to our historic Greek Community.
ram010@marietta.edu or at 740-376-4483
COMING IN 2019-2020 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
We are forming an Interest Group of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. One of the historically African-American Greek Letter Organizations of the NPHC, this organization is supported by a network of engaged graduate brothers who will assist the undergraduate chapter to establish an opportunity for a culturally based fraternity experience at Marietta College. If interested in obtaining more information please contact Robert Marias in the Office of Campus Involvement: ram010@marietta.edu or 740- 376-4483.

Hello New Students,
On behalf of the Panhellenic community, it is my pleasure to welcome you to an exciting new start at Marietta College! Throughout your time here you will have countless opportunities to get involved on campus and one of the most exiting ways in through Greek Life. Joining our community will not only give you the social experience, but also help you grow through service, strengthen your academics, and gain valuable leadership experience.
Joining a sorority here at Marietta was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I found my home away from home shortly after arriving on campus two years ago as a freshman. Being a part of this community has given me lifelong friends, both in my own organization and in the other chapters on campus. Having a broad support system has had a tremendous impact on my college experience. Having people to celebrate my achievements with me, but to also pick me up when I fall has allowed me to push myself to do things I never thought possible.
I encourage you to have an open mind throughout Formal Recruitment and ask as many questions as you can. I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new and give our community the chance to show you all the amazing things you are capable of in your time at Marietta. Myself, as well as the rest of the Recruitment Team, are here to help you in any way we can through this recruitment journey to find your home. We are so excited to have you here and can’t wait to see where this journey takes you!
Fraternally, Julia Losco Panhellenic President

Hello Everyone!
My name is Audrey Albright and I am your director of recruitment for the fall! I am so excited to meet all of you and assist you while you’re going through primary recruitment. Going through recruitment is more that just picking a sorority, it is finding a new home! This will bring lifelong sisters who share a bond that goes far beyond your four years at Marietta College. Greek life is a wonderful way to get involved, make new connections, and gain leadership experiences. This will be an opportunity for you to find your place in Marietta! Our Greeks make up a community of sorority and fraternity women and men who cultivate a strong support system together on campus. We are so excited to meet you and help you find your home!
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions!
Fraternally, Audrey Albright ala005@marietta.edu

Register for sorority recruitment today at:

1. The right to be treated as an individual. 2. The right to be fully informed about the recruitment process. 3. The right to ask questions and receive true and objective answers from the Panhellenic Executive Board, Rho Gammas, the Greek Advisor and sorority women. 4. The right to be treated with respect. 5. The right to be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized. 6. The right to ask how and who and recieve straight answers. 7. The right to express opinions to Rho Gammas. 8. The right to have inviolabe confidentiality when sharing information with a Rho Gamma. 9. The right to make informed decisions without undo pressure from others. 10. The right to make one’s own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the result of that desicion. 11. The right to have a positive, safe, and enriching recruitment and new member experience.
1. A potential new member excused by the Panhellenic Recruitment Team or Panhellenic Council Advisor for illness or an emergency will be permitted to accept an invitation to the next round of events if she is able to attend.
2. A potential new member must attend all invitations to the maximum number of events scheduled.
3. A potential new member must notify the Recruitment Director and the Panhellenic President if she decides to withdraw from the Formal Recruitment Process.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 (ORIENTATION/INFORMATION SESSION) Jeans/shorts/skirt; a t-shirt/graphic tee/casual shirt; comfortable shoes (you’ll be walking from house to house)
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 (OPEN HOUSES DAY 1) Jeans/shorts/skirt; a t-shirt/graphic tee/casual shirt; comfortable shoes (you’ll be walking from house to house)
FRIDAY DAY, SEPTEMBER 13 (SISTERHOOD DAY 2) Jeans/shorts/skirts; nice tank tops/off the shoulder shirts/casual printed shirts; comfortable sandals/shoes
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 (PHILANTHROPY NIGHT DAY 3) Nice jeans/skirts/sundresses or casual dresses; nice tops; sandals
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 (PREFERENCE NIGHT DAY 4) Dresses or business casual attire, refrain from excessive cleavage; nice sandals or heels (please make sure you are able to comfortably walk in the shoes that you choose to wear)
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21ST (BID DAY) Wear your recuirtment shirts and shorts/jeans along with shoes you can run in to meet your new sisters!

Shelby Millheim - Sophomore - Chapter Events Director
Greek Life at Marietta College immediately impacted my experience in such a positive way. The sisterhood feeling is incomparable to any other organization I am apart of. Going to school six hours from home has been the biggest challenge in my life knowing that I’m unable to share memories and experiences with my sister. However, Greek Life allowed me to find lifelong friends that I can honestly consider my family.
President: Loren Coontz ljc001@marietta.edu 330-842-7528

Jessica Hill - Junior - Treasurer
Joining Chi Omega has been one of the best decisions I could of made at Marietta. I got some of my best friends in my sisters, friends that will last long after I graduate. As a very academic and career driven woman, Chi Omega has helped me reach my goals. The study groups with sisters and the scholarship for dues have pushed me to achieve academic success beyond what I ever thought possible my freshman year to where I have now been honored to recieve highest all sorority GPA for two years in a row! Additionally, the networking within the sorority is truly a blessing. I struggled to find an internship this summer and applied over 20 places. I finally was able to gain my internship thanks to reaching out to an Alumni during homecoming who set me up with the person that interviewed me, and hired me! The sisters here are truly supportive and drive me to be the best I can be.
President: Alli Swisher abs005@marietta.edu 330-861-3702

Brooke Hirsch - Senior
Being abroad you’re never prepared for how much you’ll miss the people you love the most and let me tell ya, Marietta and Sigma Kappa make it so hard!! With an alumni sister I’ve NEVER met reaching out and letting me know she wants to meet and that she lives in Ireland game me such a homey feeling this past week! Without Marietta and Sigma Kappa in my life I’m not sure where I would be, blessed for everyone whose come into my life & who I’ve become because of the two (Sigma Kappa and Marietta College) #semesterabroad
President: Quinci Jones qlj001@marietta.edu 740-624-3027

Rho Gammas 2019