Discovery PPP
Receptive Skills (Reading & Listening)
Productive Skills (Speaking & Writing)
Lesson Frameworks The following Lesson Frameworks have been compiled to help you have a clear understanding of the stages the different approaches offer. after
During the course, and hopefully it,
whenever you need to plan for and deliver a
Vocabulary, Functions, Pron.). You will be given the topic for your lesson and the page in the coursebook, but you are to plan your lesson after watching the video and
given and choosing the one you prefer. Skills-focused
here at the end of the document. Enjoy!
PLEASE READ! The following checklists may be used at your discretion. The idea behind them is that of giving you as much support as necessary in those moments when you don't know where to start when planning a lesson!
checklists. They are here to help you see stages and approaches in an organised and systematic way.
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook
Guided Discovery Stage Lead-in/Warmer Introduce ss to the topic of the lesson. Set up the CONTEXT via a visual, a short story, a short listening, etc. Give ss questions to discuss related to the topic. Pre-Teach Vocabulary Only critical items: create motivation by expanding on the context e.g. elicit critical/key vocabulary and check what they know. If they don’t know, QUICKLY pre-teach it in a s-centred way. Gist or Skimming Task Based on Lead-in/Warmer above, ss in pairs, either make predictions (Fdbk & put ideas up on board) or are given a gist question. For this task, ss then read or listen to the text to check their predictions or answer the question. Brief discussion may follow. Guided Discovery A series of graded questions (which focus on MFPU of the TL in the text) students can work on in pairs/on their own/in groups. These questions should guide students in understanding the TL displayed in the con(text). This is usually in the form of a worksheet. You must have researched your topic and know it well to be able to write graded and effective MFPU questions for ss to answer while studying the text. Feedback/Language Clarification Teacher runs whole class feedback, clarifying further when necessary. Avoid T-centred feedback by checking answers 1 by 1. This should be as s-centred as possible e.g. CCQs are a must here, prepare answer keys, show them key for a limited time (30’’), etc. Then, focus on problem areas only.
Aim Generate interest in the theme/context of the TL. Activate schemata.
Provide ss with only the lexis they need to answer the GIST task. (This must not turn into a vocabulary lesson!) Ensure Ss get main idea of either spoken or written text and to confirm (or not) their predictions.
Guide the ss through the TL via questions which make them think about it. Raise level of ss engagement by guiding them while they figure out the M F P U of TL through our questions. Ensure ss have correctly understood the TL they explored in the previous stage. Provide clarification of potential problems which you noticed while monitoring.
Practice Controlled for accuracy in TL. Ss carry out an activity which is controlled in the sense that the answers are predictable and set. Ss can rank vocabulary items, fill gaps, transforms sentences, select the correct tense, etc.
Provide ss with practice of the TL as a way of checking they are using the TL accurately. Give feedback/Error Correction.
Freer for fluency in TL. Ss carry out activities which are more open-ended and which allow them to e.g. discuss the topic while using the TL studied, role-play, write something in response to topic when appropriate, etc.
Provide ss with practice of TL in a freer way to make ss use TL fluently. Give feedback/Error Correction.
On my YouTube channel: Methodology Pill No.6 here. Compiled by Robert Martínez ©
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook Presentation Practice Production
Lead-in/Warmer Introduce ss to the topic of the lesson. Set up the CONTEXT via a visual, a short story, a short listening, etc. Give ss questions to discuss related to the topic.
Generate interest in the theme/context of the TL. Activate schemata.
Presentation Meaning & Usage – use the content to introduce the new vocabulary. Think of an engaging and s-centred way to introduce these items. Give and check instructions. Then, pair and share before fdbk. Make sure you have CCQs to check MFPU of TL.
Be consistent and coherent by developing the context.
Form – Make sure you ask questions that elicit evidence of their understanding of the form i.e. point their attention to noun vs adjective, etc.
Use CCQs to check ss' understanding of TL (MFPU)
Pronunciation – work out which words will be difficult to pronounce and drill them. Use phonemic script to enforce any difficult sounds. Point out stress shift in pron from noun to adj.
Check ss' understanding of Form.
Practice (Controlled) Ss carry out an activity which is controlled in the sense that the answers are predictable and set. Ss can rank vocabulary items, fill gaps, transforms sentences, select the correct tense, etc. Production (Freer) Ss carry out activities which are more openended and which allow them to e.g. discuss the topic while using the TL studied, role-play, write something in response to topic when appropriate, etc.
Use ICQs to ensure ss understand the instructions given.
Provide ss with oral practice of difficult sounds in TL. ACCURACY Provide ss with practice of the TL as a way of checking they are using the TL accurately. Give feedback/Error Correction.
FLUENCY Provide ss with practice of TL in a freer way to make ss use TL fluently. Give feedback/Error Correction.
On my YouTube channel: Methodology Pill No. 7 here.
Compiled by Robert Martínez ©
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook Text-based Presentation
(using reading/listening texts to present language)
Stage Lead-in/Warmer Introduce ss to the topic of the lesson. Set up the CONTEXT via a visual, a short story, a short listening, etc. Give ss questions to discuss related to the topic. Pre-Teach Vocabulary Only critical items: create motivation by expanding on the context e.g. elicit critical/key vocabulary and check what they know. If they don’t know, QUICKLY pre-teach it in a s-centred way. Gist or Skimming Task Based on Lead-in/Warmer above, ss in pairs, either make predictions (Fdbk & put ideas up on board) or are given a gist question. For this task, ss then read or listen to the text to check their predictions or answer the question. Brief discussion may follow. Language Clarification Focus your presentation on MFPU of the TL in the text. Do it as s-centred as possible. You must have researched your topic and know it well to be able to present the TL through graded and effective MFPU. Practice Controlled for accuracy in TL. Ss carry out activities which are controlled in the sense that the answers are predictable and set. Ss can rank vocabulary items, fill gaps, transforms sentences, select the correct tense, etc.
Aim Generate interest in the theme/context of the TL. Activate schemata. Provide ss with only the lexis they need to answer the GIST task. (This must not turn into a vocabulary lesson!) Ensure Ss get main idea of either spoken or written text and to confirm (or not) their predictions.
Clarify M F P U of TL. Ensure ss have correctly understood the TL.
Provide ss with practice of the TL as a way of checking they are using the TL accurately. Give feedback/Error Correction.
Freer for fluency in TL. Ss carry out activities which are more open-ended and which allow them to e.g. discuss the topic while using the TL studied, role-play, write something in response to topic when appropriate, etc.
Provide ss with practice of TL in a freer way to make ss use TL fluently. Give feedback/Error Correction.
On my YouTube channel: Methodology Pill No. 8 here. Compiled by Robert Martínez ©
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook Test Teach Test
Stage Aim Lead-in/Warmer Introduce ss to the topic of the lesson. Generate interest in the Set up the CONTEXT via a visual, a short story, a short theme/context of the TL. listening, etc. Activate schemata. Give ss questions to discuss related to the topic. TEST 1 Ss do diagnostic test on TL e.g. gap fill, definition Ascertain what ss know or matching, categorising, etc. don't know about the TL focus of the lesson. TEACH Clarify the MFPU of the TL with a focus on what they don't know as shown by the test in the previous stage. Do it as s-centred as possible. You must have researched your topic and know it well to be able to present the TL through graded and effective MFPU. TEST 2 Ss do a second test on TL e.g. gap fill, definition matching, categorising, etc. Although the test is still on the same TL it is different in format! FREER PRACTICE Freer for fluency in TL. Ss carry out activities which are more open-ended and which allow them to e.g. discuss the topic while using the TL studied, role-play, write something in response to topic when appropriate, etc.
Clarify M F P U of TL. Ensure ss now understand the TL which they didn't as shown by Test 1.
Provide ss with practice of the TL as a way of checking they are using the TL accurately. Give feedback/Error Correction. Provide ss with practice of TL in a freer way to make ss use TL fluently. Give feedback/Error Correction.
On my YouTube channel: Methodology Pill No. 9 here.
Compiled by Robert MartĂnez Š
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook Task-based Learning
Stage Aim PRE-TASK Introduce ss to the topic of the lesson. Generate interest in the Introduce/revise topic-related lexis theme/context of the TL. T gives written or listening MODEL of the task to come Activate schemata. OR ss listen to people doing task to come. Have ss see/listen to someone doing same task as a MODEL TASK Give ss task to carry out in pairs or small groups. Motivate ss to express their Task is the same as the MODEL they read meaning in any way they about/listened to. can. T monitors but does not intervene. Diagnose what ss can/cannot T gathers info on what they can do. do with TL as shown in Model. Focus on fluency. PLANNING Ss have a go at preparing for the public performance Upgrade ss' accuracy and to come. While they are doing this clarify the MFPU of complexity of TL by looking at M F P U. the TL when necessary. Do it as s-centred as possible. You must have researched your topic and know it Ensure ss fully understand the well to be able to present the TL through graded and TL in the task. effective MFPU. REPORT Provide ss with practice of Ss have another go. Ss use model and useful phrases what they read/heard. to report on their task. Discuss their topic. Write their own if appropriate. LANGUAGE FOCUS ANALYSIS - T uses transcript or text to focus on MFPU of Help ss fully understand/notice TL TL and help ss notice patterns. patterns. PRACTICE - Ss carry out activities which allow them to Help ss notice language in manipulate the TL so as to highlight form/lexis. exposure.
On my YouTube channel: Methodology Pill No. 10 here.
Compiled by Robert MartĂnez Š
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook The frameworks above are dealt with in the videos below in my YouTube channel.
Compiled by Robert MartĂnez Š
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook
Pre Reading/Listening Stage
Receptive Skills Lessons (Reading & Listening) Stage Lead in Introduce ss to the topic of the lesson. Set up the CONTEXT via a visual, a short story, a short listening, etc. (Not a task, simply a way to lead them in to/set the context i.e. a picture, a sound, etc. to activate schema about the context, make predictions, evoke key vocabulary. What would the listener/reader already know in real life before the speech event began? (Field, 2008)) Warmer Give ss questions to discuss or something to do related to the topic to get the juices flowing! (Usually a task to ‘warm them up’ and make them think or do sth about the context.) Pre Teaching Vocabulary Only critical items: create motivation by expanding on the context e.g. elicit critical/key vocabulary and check what they know. If they don’t know, QUICKLY pre-teach it in a s-centred way.
Generate interest in the theme/context of the reading/listening text.
Activate prior knowledge or schemata. Practice making predictions about the text. Ss will be able to check these predictions after the gist task. Clarify potentially problematic items of vocabulary in the written or spoken text which will prevent their understanding of it or the execution of the reading/listening tasks. Do it only if necessary)
Post Reading/Listening Stage
While Reading/Listening Stage
Reading / Listening Skimming for Gist Listening for Gist EXTENSIVELY Based on Lead-in/Warmer above, ss in pairs, either make predictions (Fdbk & put ideas up on board) or are given a gist question. For this task, ss then read or listen to the text to check their predictions or answer the question. Brief discussion may follow. Scanning for: Listening for: INTENSIVELY Detailed info This may be a single item i.e. a name, a place, a colour, a date, a number, etc. i.e. When was he born? In 1990, etc OR May be many pieces of information i.e. Why was he elected? Because a. He was the best prepared candidate; b. had the most votes; c. presented the best plan; d. had the most experience, etc. Drawing or Making Inferences Reading between the lines to figure out exactly what people mean e.g. whether a speaker likes something or not, expressing bias, etc. When doing intensive work, ALLOW ss to read/listen as many times as desired In listening do final play with ss looking at transcript.
Extension Ss respond/react to the content of the text in some way (Ss are given the opportunity to respond to/go beyond the written/spoken text in written or spoken form) THIS IS NOT/CANNOT BE LANGUAGE RELATED WORK because the focus is SKILLS and you have not taught TL! PTV does not count as it is done to remove barriers in the text. Feedback - Error Correction Ss are given specific feedback on their use of language during the extension stage.
Ensure Ss get main idea/have a general/global understanding of the spoken or written text and to confirm (or not) their predictions or answers to any gist question/task set.
Give students the opportunity to develop their scanning skills or reading/listening for detailed info. Ensure the students read/listen to text in search for detailed information via comprehension questions. Give students practice in drawing or making inferences or 'reading between the lines' for information which is not explicitly stated in the (spoken/written) text. **This is not always possible with all texts. Do it only if you have time and it is doable.
Provide students with the possibility to naturally react to the spoken/written text via a productive task (either/or/both speaking/writing).
Give students focused feedback on their language use during extension stage.
On my YouTube channel: Methodology Pill No. 11 here. Compiled by Robert Martínez ©
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook Allen (1999) developed 10 questions to assist teachers in making good decisions about vocabulary instruction. Read them carefully and think about these when selecting vocabulary which you think may prevent students from carrying out the reading/listening tasks. Remember that pre-teaching vocabulary is done only if necessary, again, only if certain vocabulary items will prevent the students from being able to do the tasks. Students can tolerate a fair amount of unknown words (about 15%) and still read with comprehension if these words are not important to the understanding of the text (Anderson, 1983).
Allen’s 10 Questions 1. Which words are most important to the understanding of the text? 2. How much prior knowledge will the students have about this word or its related concepts? 3. Is the word encountered frequently? 4. Does the word have multiple meanings (is it polysemous)? 5. Is the concept significant and does it, therefore, require pre-teaching? 6. Which words can be figured out from context? 7. Are there words that can be grouped together to enhance understanding a concept? 8. What strategies could I employ to help students integrate the concept (and related words) into their lives? 9. How can I make repeated exposures to the word/concept productive and enjoyable? 10. How can I help students use the word/concept in meaningful ways in multiple contexts? Strong readers use any or all of the following strategies when encountering an unknown word: Skip it and read on Re-read Think about what they are reading Sound it out to see if it is a word they know Look at the heading and subheadings of the text Guess at what type of word would go there such as a noun or adjective Associate the parts of the word (prefixes, root word, suffixes) with words they already know (Irvin, 2001).
Compiled by Robert Martínez ©
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook Non-interventionist Teacher Format for a Listening Lesson (Intensive Listening Stage) Field 2008:45
Pre-set Questions First play Ls note down what they understand Second Play Ls check their understanding. Then, they pair and share + discuss. Where pairs disagree, they try to reach agreement. T: no comment except where widespread and serious misunderstanding. Third Play Pairs check to see who is right. Pairs present their understanding to the whole class. T summarises, without commenting on correctness. Fourth Play Class checks to see who is right. T comments. Fifth Play Class listens with transcript T answers questions
Learning Teaching. J. Scrivener. 1994. Macmillan
NB The number of times they listen will depend on the level of the class and the demands of the passage. A higher level class might reach an agreement and agreed interpretation after only 3 plays.
Compiled by Robert Martínez ©
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook Writing Lessons (Possible Stages) Stage Lead-in/Warmer Introduce ss to the topic of the lesson. Set up the CONTEXT via a visual, a short story, a short listening, etc. Give ss questions to discuss related to the topic. Pre-Teach Vocabulary Only critical items: create motivation by expanding on the context e.g. elicit critical/key vocabulary and check what they know. If they don’t know, QUICKLY pre-teach it in a s-centred way. Gist or Skimming Task Based on Lead-in/Warmer above, ss in pairs, either make predictions (Fdbk & put ideas up on board) or are given a gist question. For this task, ss then read or listen to the text to check their predictions or answer the question. Brief discussion may follow. Genre Analysis with a Guided Discovery Approach A series of graded questions (which focus on content and language in the model text) students can work on in pairs/on their own/in groups. These questions should guide students in understanding the key features of the text and highlight the importance of genre. This can be in the form of a worksheet or simply a series of questions to help them notice. You must have researched the area of writing you want to cover and know it well to be able to write graded and effective questions for ss to answer while studying the text. Writing Task Teacher sets up a task similar to the model one analysed and gives clear instructions for ss to carry it out. T monitors while ss are on task and provides feedback when necessary without interrupting the task. Follow-up Task Teacher sets up a task which allows ss to interact with the new texts in as natural a way as we would in everyday life e.g. reading and responding to the information in the texts either in writing or orally. Feedback/Language Clarification Teacher runs whole class feedback, clarifying further when necessary. Avoid T-centred feedback by checking answers 1 by 1. This should be as s-centred as possible e.g. CCQs are a must here, prepare answer keys, show them key for a limited time (30’’), etc. Then, focus on problem areas only.
Aim Generate interest in the theme/context of the TL. Activate schemata.
Provide ss with only the lexis they need to answer the GIST task. (This must not turn into a vocabulary lesson!) Ensure Ss get main idea of either spoken or written text and to confirm (or not) their predictions.
Guide the ss through the model text via questions which make them think about it and help them notice key features. Raise level of ss engagement by guiding them while they notice key features of genre through your questions: type of text, register, target audience, context, purpose of writing, etc. Provide ss with practice of a specific writing sub-skill e.g. writing a paragraph, essay, letter, report, email, etc. Allow ss to read and engage with each other's texts.
Ensure ss have correctly understood the TL they explored in the previous stage. Provide clarification of potential problems which you noticed while monitoring.
On my YouTube channel: Methodology Pill No. 12 here. Compiled by Robert Martínez ©
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook Speaking Lessons Activities in a speaking lesson often follow this broad structure pattern:
Lead-in Practice activities
Post task activities
an introduction to the topic of the lesson plus, sometimes activities focusing on the new language. activities in which learners discuss the topic freely and/or ask the teacher questions about the language used.
or tasks in which learners have opportunities to use the new language
The work done at each stage will depend on the aim for it, that is, whether there is a focus on accuracy or fluency and which specific sub skills want to be developed e.g. phonological clarity, strategies, being able to produce chunks of language, appropriacy (register), understanding elliptical forms, use of other cohesive devices, etc. Some sample activities are: information gap, surveys, questionnaires, pyramid discussion, controversial statements, problem-solving, games, student presentations, etc. It's important to note that a speaking skills lesson cannot be void of language as it is the use of some specific language students will focus on in these tasks in one way or another with the overall aim of developing a specific sub skill. A more detailed staging follows:
Compiled by Robert MartĂnez Š
ESOL Lesson Frameworks eBook Speaking Lesson Stages Stage Set Objectives Introduce the idea of the lesson to the students so that they know the focus is on Speaking. Sell it to the students and help them see the benefits. Lead-in/Warmer Introduce ss to the topic of the lesson. Set up the CONTEXT via a visual, a short story, a short listening, etc. Give ss questions to discuss related to the topic. Presentation of TL Through Text
Aim Ensure students know the direction of the lesson.
Pre-Teach Vocabulary Only critical items: create motivation by expanding on the context e.g. elicit critical/key vocabulary and check what they know. If they don’t know, QUICKLY pre-teach it in a s-centred way.
Provide ss with only the lexis they need to answer the GIST task. (This must not turn into a vocabulary lesson!)
ALTERNATIVELY Introduce the context via visual, video, or audio input, realia, demo it yourself, use a wall chart, a cartoon, a story, timelines, rods, miming or anything you think will enable students to situate themselves in the context required.
Gist or Skimming Task Based on Lead-in/Warmer above, ss in pairs, either make predictions (Fdbk & put ideas up on board) or are given a gist question. For this task, ss then read or listen to the text to check their predictions or answer the question. Brief discussion may follow. PREPARATION Decide the aspect of speaking you want to help ss develop: appropriacy, Connected speech, functions, fluency, accuracy? You must have a clear focus for the lesson - it cannot be: 'Speaking' alone! Speaking is the skill and as with the other skills there are specific sub skills you want to focus on.
Generate interest in the theme/context of the TL. Activate schemata.
Ensure Ss get main idea of either spoken or written text and to confirm (or not) their predictions. Ensure Ss get main idea of either spoken or written situation in which they will be practising their speakning skills.
Provide ss with a clear focus during the lesson. Raise ss' awareness of the many sub skills related to speaking.
Task Analysis T selects activities in line with the ss' level and linguistic ability and which naturally and naturally require ss to use the features of the aspect of speaking intended for the lesson e.g. fluency, accuracy, appropriacy, connected speech, etc. Your job is to test the activities before and think whether ss can actually do them e.g. have the language needed. SOME IDEAS: Clearly demo task. Don't tell them about it! Let them explore the task with their own resources before your input. Monitor from afar encourage independence. Watch the Speaking Skills Methodology Pill!
Raise the ss' level of awareness of type of activity, target audience, context, register and appropriacy.
Controlled Practice Ss carry out speaking activity/ies aimed for accuracy, that is, to encourage accurate use of the specific sub skill focused on in the previous stage. Ideas: Intensive pron work, drilling: individual/choral, pair work, dialogue building, narrative building in preparation for the next stage. Freer Practice Teacher sets up a task/s which allows ss to use the language and focus on the specific sub skills more freely via jigsaw activities, guessing, problem solving, group discussion, info gap activities, role plays, games, discussions, debates, etc. Feedback/Language Clarification Teacher runs whole class feedback, clarifying further when necessary. Avoid T-centred feedback by checking answers 1 by 1. This should be as scentred as possible e.g. CCQs are a must here, prepare answer keys, show them key for a limited time (30’’), etc. Then, focus on problem areas only.
Provide ss with practice of the TL as a way of checking they are using the TL accurately. Give feedback/Error Correction.
Allow exploration of task and observe emergent language. Encourage independence.
Provide ss with practice of TL in a freer way to make ss use TL fluently. Give feedback/Error Correction.
Ensure ss have correctly understood the TL they explored in the previous stage. Provide clarification of potential problems which you noticed while monitoring.
On my YouTube channel: Methodology Pill No. 13 here. Compiled by Robert Martínez ©