Tsar Nicholas I History Pages

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The Tsar Nicholas I

Robert Martyn Bahamas

Let’s go through history pages History is about Nicholas –I, some historians read it positively and some negatively. Let’s check history in details from views of Nicholas Salzano, a historical writer.

NICHOLAS –I – Emperor of Russia • Let’s Check About Nicholas on pages of history. Fin What Ideology he follow , What Achievements he got , His family , life before and after become king and why he get exhausted and written on pages of history as big mark, Is there any scam in his ruled era.

Facts about Nicholas 1 He Join the World to mark a history with his name on 6th July 1976 Tsar Nicholas born on dated 6th of July in 1976 at Saint Petersburg’s Gatchina Palace, Gatchina, Russian Empire. Now become a heritage place with museum museum situated at the place named TSARSKOE SELO State Museum and Heritage Site 7 Sadovaya Street, Pushkin, St Petersburg .

Ruled Time • Tsar Nicholas The king ruled Russia approximates 29 and half years. He was son of Grand Duke Paul (Paul1), the emperor of Russia. His mother name was Grand Duchess Maria. Here are name of two sons’ of Paul-1 Who become emperor of Russia after him. • Alexander I: He was the first child of Paul-1 and become emperor of Russia after death of his father paul-1 (Period 1801 to 1825) • Nicholas -1 : He become emperor of Russia after death of Alexander –(Period 1825 to 1855)

Check Directory • Tsar Nicholas Birth • Tsar Nicholas born on dated 6th of July in 1976 at Saint Petersburg’s Gatchina Palace, Gatchina, Russian Empire. Now become a heritage place with museum museum situated at the place named TSARSKOE SELO State Museum and Heritage Site 7 Sadovaya Street, Pushkin, St Petersburg

Official Website • Visit Memorial Auditorium , All history can be experience with their official site • Official Website for ticket and other follow https://www.tzar.ru/ •


Some Highlights about the place at current ,Plan a visit to place . • • A boat trip on the Great Pond in the Catherine Park was always a favorite pastime with the residents of Tsarskoye Selo. • Electric Car tour • The ferry Services • Russian architecture and landscape gardening • Tsarskoye Selo palaces, park pavilions and structures show all major art styles of the 18th – early 19th centuries • Memorial rooms of Alexander-I • The Romanovs at Tsarskoe Selo. • Court carriages at tsarskoe selo

How he becomes King • There is mystery in story to become a King. He doesn’t have interest in constitution. Nicholas became the Emperor very unexpectedly after death of his elder brother Alexender-1 , Yes he has one more elder brother but • Nicholas turned into the Emperor surprisingly after his senior sibling, Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich had furtively surrendered, and Alexander I died.

Achievement tells about his vision of success. • Nicholas was Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russia from 1825 until 1855 • His motto was “Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality” • Russian Empire reached its peak size of over 7.7 million square miles. • He enhance the geographical marks • He builder up new rail road that is appreciable, planning of the St Petersburg-Moscow railroad. • A few measures attempted to limit the landlords’ powers over their serfs. • He is responsible for reforms of architectural and road construction project in Russia

A Walk to Remember • Getting all such achievement still his ruled time consider as Poor Administration. • Nicholas strove to serve his country’s best interests as he saw them, but his methods were dictatorial.

Failure of emperor • Lets read it from view of Great Historian Barbara Jelarich – He stated about the key failure reason of emperor of Nicholas-I – He “ points to many failures, including the “catastrophic state of Russian finances,” the badly equipped army, the inadequate transportation system, and a bureaucracy “which was characterized by graft, corruption, and inefficiency.

How Nicholas Died • Nicholas died on 2 March 1855, during the Crimean War, at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. He caught a chill, refused medical treatment and died of pneumonia. Some although it is unlikely that Nicholas committed suicide, as several historians have claimed, death did come as liberation to the weary and harassed Russian emperor • Nicholas died on 2 March 1855, during the Crimean War, at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. He got a chill, declined clinical treatment and kicked the bucket of pneumonia. A few although it is improbable that Nicholas ended it all (act of suicide)

Tsar Nicholas Childhood and Education • Read about Nicholas one in details from Sources • Source https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nichola s-I-tsar-of-Russia/Ascent-to-the-throne • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_I_of_R ussia

• The story says he used a ruler to draw the straight line himself. However the false story became popular both at home and abroad as an explanation of how badly the country was governed. By the 1870s, however, Russians were telling a different version, claiming the tsar was wise to overcome local interests that wanted the railway diverted this way and that. What actually happened was that the road was laid out by engineers and he endorsed their advice to build in a straight line

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