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Three months of work, dozen of meters of silk and stretch tulle, 5 different kinds of lace-embroidery (stitched directly on the dress), hundreds of blue an red pearls, 35 covered buttons: these are some numbers behind this wonderful creation. Through my photos and video I tried to bring my eyes close to the wedding dress, using some macros too, with the aim to show how Mitrani Yarden hand made created this wonderful outfit. So I liked to work on details and particulars, trying to reveal through a close-up the beauty of this wedding dress. The videoclip shows only a little part of the great work by Mitrani Yarden. He really suffered on this dress which also tells the story of an emerging fashion designer who thinks that fashion world need to be renewed and re-found. Born in Tel-Aviv, Mitrani Yarden started his professional way in 2009. In 2010 he won a fashion contest at the Israeli channel 10 “The most expensive dress”. He continued in Paris at ESMOD (luxury and haut couture woman’s fashion) and then he had professional experiences in several French couture fashion houses in Paris

such as Julien Fourniè, Chanel and taking parts on big names runway fashion shows for Rick Owens and Vivienne Westwood. Yarden’s life has been sealed by a dramatic experience. He tells: “I was a soldier in the special forces in paratroopers and I passed the Second Lebanon War. They say that who experienced war know how to take and to give freedom to others. Because it was up to me, I received blessing and wisdom to use my power to deliver a message to the world through my fashion and art! The goal is simply to make people smile, giving them the courage and strength to fight for what is special about them without hiding themselves behind a ‘community’ or a ‘society’ ”. Mitrani Yarden says: “My Creation are cosmic and multifaceted. An infinity and multicultural in reality. My point is to meltinpot all the different and rich uniqueness on earth into modernity, harmony, elegance and soficticated silouhette for offering people the ability and the opportunity to achieves clothes that will get a full and perfect harmony with their personality and their character. The ability for having the perfect way to express and communicate themself to everyone in every moments”.

For Mitrani Yarden, “a designer is like conducting an orchestra … A good conductor knows how to harmonize the different tools. And that’s the same for a good fashion designer! And the most powerful force to shed light on the darkness is love. So let’s just continue to give love and bring hopes to the world through art and fashion!”. Yes, as he did creating this amazing wedding dress.

“CLOTHES ARE A GOOD WAY TO COMMUNICATE WHO WE ARE” I asked Mitrani Yarden to express his personal comments and thoughts about the work he did for his wedding dress. An so, after few minutes, he sent me via email this text: “All we humans are the conclusion of our own past, experiences, education, traumas. Each one of us was born with similiar common sense. But we are all also

different because the way we can understand and interpret experience and the feeling we got can be different, and this is what makes us unique and makes us to be individual in some part from the others”. “Most of the time we are afraid and we hide everything inside because the society criticisms make us feel bad about ourselves (not normal/normal). The wedding dress (see the photo-gallery above and the video below ) have been proving me that if we know how to make our “weeks point” to our “strong points” so it will lead us to be confident to present ourselves without any worries about criticisms! Put an armour of freedom…”. “I was succeeded to release the soul, the character and the personality of person outside by telling his own story and connect the parts with harmony…and the harmony it is what make it shine and presenting the beauty as part with its outside beauty… and together means a double impact!” “A dress should need to give you the freedom to act like an actor in a theater!”, “Theres a lot of different music, each one is good for different mood and the same are clothes”. “The ways of life are very complicated and the same is for human beings… But this is what makes us to be so much interesting, and thanks to that our world can’t be

boring and we can always discovering new things… If we will look the same or acting the same so life will be a boring place! If we want starting to show ourselves, clothes are a good way of communication, because clothes are all about this!”.

THE WEDDING DRESS IN A VIDEOCLIP The spectacular wedding dress made by Mitrani Yarden is also presented in a videoclip For the soundtrack, Yarden suggested a great bossanova by Joao Gilberto and composed by De Moraes/Jobim: “O nosso amor a felicidade”. I immediately agreed with him! So, click on the link below and enjoy the clip: THE WEDDING DRESS BY MITRANI YARDEN - VIDEOCLIP BY ROBERTO ALBORGHETTI

THE WEDDING DRESS BY MITRANI YARDEN © Mitrani Yarden © Roberto Alborghetti 2015

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