The Union
Publications International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Health solutions for the poor
Publications 2010 3
Tobacco control
Lung Health
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Sharing Scientific Knowledge The Union developed its first technical guide in the late 1970s to facilitate the knowledge and technology transfer between consultants with extensive field experience and low-income countries in the throes of establishing national tuberculosis control programmes and policies. Management of Tuberculosis first appeared in 1978 and the sixth edition will be available in early 2010. More than 50,000 copies have been disseminated around the world. The widespread use of this first guide encouraged The Union to develop additional guides. Today, it publishes technical guides, books, CDs, posters, factsheets and other educational resources.
Most Union educational materials are made available at no charge.
Downloadable versions The majority of Union guides may be downloaded free of charge from
Print editions Print editions may be ordered using this catalogue or by e-mailing Union members who subscribe to the print edition of the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD) may order any of the publications in this catalogue at no charge except for shipping and handling (when required). All others will be charged the prices noted on the order form. For free publications, the only charge is for shipping and handling (when required).
Tuberculosis Management of Tuberculosis: A Guide to the Essentials of Good Practice Management of Tuberculosis: A Guide to the Essentials of Good Practice
Technical Consultants of The Union - 2010 - 6th edition English, French, Spanish The 6th edition of the Orange Guide provides practical guidance to health workers on the front line of TB control. It includes sections on HIV, MDR-TB and a review of the recommended treatment regimens.
Epidemiologic Basis of Tuberculosis Control
Tuberculosis Programs: Review, Planning, Technical Support T. Arnadottir 1998 - English This guide describes the extensive experience of The Union, national TB programmes, donors and technical organisations who have worked together to review, plan and provide technical support for TB control.
Interventions for Tuberculosis Control and Elimination
H. Rieder - 1999 - English, French, Spanish, Portuguese*, Russian*, Chinese*, Mongolian* Based on The Union’s international tuberculosis course, this guide covers the epidemiology of TB and delineates the determinants of exposure, infection, disease and death from the disease.
H. Rieder - 2002 English, Spanish* This guide deals with interventions directed against the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex – treatment, prophylaxis, BCG vaccination and preventive chemotherapy – and weighs the role of each in current practice.
A Tuberculosis Guide for Specialist Physicians J. A. Caminero - 2003 English, Spanish, Mongolian* In 18 illustrated chapters, this guide covers the clinical and epidemiological aspects of TB in the context of national TB programmes. It is recommended for specialist physicians working in developing countries.
A Guide for the Procurement of Anti-tuberculosis Drugs A. Trébucq, C. Rambert 2001- English, French* This much-needed guide to improving supplies of essential drugs in low- and middle-income countries is intended for national TB programmes, national drug programmes or central medical stores and their partners.
Tuberculosis and Public Health: Policy and Principles in Tuberculosis Control Thuridur Arnadottir - 2009, English - Book or CD-ROM This book was inspired by the policy model developed in national programmes collaborating with The Union as well as by countless debates with lay people and health professionals both within and outside tuberculosis programmes. The aim in publishing it is to share experiences and thoughts that concern tuberculosis work in high-prevalence countries. This book describes the national tuberculosis programme model for preventing, controlling and treating tuberculosis. It reviews its historical background and scientific basis, as well as considering the context within which it is implemented, that is, countries with a high prevalence of tuberculosis. It addresses the debates taking place not only within the tuberculosis community but also in the wider context of communicable disease control and health services organisation in general.
* Electronic only
Tuberculosis Diagnostic Atlas of Intrathoracic Tuberculosis in Children R. Gie - 2003 - English, French, Russian, Mongolian* Diagnosis of TB in children is difficult. The goal of this illustrated atlas is to assist health care workers practising in low-income countries to interpret chest radiographs of children suspected of having TB.
Controlled Clinical Trials in Tuberculosis Controlled Clinical Trials in Tuberculosis a Guide for Multicentre Trials in High Burden Countries
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
A. Jindani, A. Nunn, D. Enarson - 2004 - English This guide covers how to conduct controlled TB clinical trials, including the design and statistical, operational and laboratory aspects. Its aim is to increase high-burden countries’ capacity to participate in clinical trials.
Tuberculosis Documentation for Health Care Professionals Tuberculosis Documentation for Health Care Professionals 2009
• Union tuberculosis and research publications
• Slide shows (clinical,
epidemiology, interventions)
• Courses (mycobacteriology, operations research)
H. Rieder - 2009 - English This CD-ROM replicates the website with references for understanding global TB control, including Union technical guides, PowerPoint presentations, photographs, and more.
Priorities for Tuberculosis Bacteriology Services in Low-Income Countries H. L. Rieder, A. Van Deun, K. M. Kam et al. - 2007 - 2nd edition, English, French, Chinese* The “Red Book” provides guidance to national officers responsible for reference laboratories on main responsibilities, technical and organisational aspects of smear examination and drug-resistance surveillance.
Guía de Enfermería Para la Implementación y Expansión de la Estrategia DOT E. Alarcón Arrascue 2004 - Spanish Nurses are an essential component of tuberculosis care within public health services. This technical guide is designed to enable them to implement and expand the DOTS strategy.
* Electronic only
Best Practice for the Care of Patients with Tuberculosis: a Guide for Low-Income Countries
Curso de Actualización en Tuberculosis 1. Para Médicos Especialistas 2. Para Personal de Programas de Control J. A. Caminero - 2002 - Spanish The Union has developed a training model for specialist physicians that brings their knowledge fully up-to-date on each topic and discusses the rationale for implementing the different strategies. This entire course is included here as a set of slides.
G. Williams, E. Alarcón, S. Jittimanee et al. - 2007 English, French, Spanish The practical aspects of TB patient care from the onset of symptoms to the completion of treatment are covered in this guide.
Tuberculosis, a Manual for Medical Students N. Aït-Khaled, D. A. Enarson WHO/IUATLD - 1999 English, French, Mongolian* This manual informs medical students and practitioners about the best practices for managing TB patients within a national TB programme context.
Acid-Fast Direct Smear Microscopy Training Package
AFB Microscopy Training Akiko Fujiki / RIT 2005 - English This manual is designed to help trainers teach acid-fast bacilli (AFB) microscopy. This focus is on practical skills and a minimum of theory. It covers only the essential components of microscopy practice.
WHO, CDC, RIT, The Union, APHL - 2006 - English These training materials are designed as a “workshop in a box” that includes all the presentations, exercises, and step -by-step guidance for convening and conducting a 4-5 day practical laboratory workshop.
External Quality Assessment for AFB Microscopy
APHL, CDC, IUATLD, KNCV, RIT, WHO - 2002 - English* This book offers practical guidelines that can assist National Reference Laboratories to establish or implement and sustain EQA programmes for their local AFB microscopy laboratories.
TUBERCULOSIS The Illustrated History of a Disease, Volume 1 J. Chrétien - Hauts-de-France, 1998, English This history of TB recounts its effects on Western society from the perspectives of literature and the arts, and the developments that marked the evolution of TB control. Illustrations include works by artists affected by TB and historical photographs. * Electronic only
Clinical Tuberculosis
H. L. Rieder, C-Y. Chiang, R. P. Gie, D. A. Enarson - Macmillan 2009, 3rd edition - English This is a practical reference for non-specialist doctors and health workers in countries with a high prevalence of TB. It is also useful for doctors in low- prevalence and limited-resource settings.
AFB Smear Staining 2004 – English, Spanish
AFB Quality Issues
2005 - English These sturdy waterproof posters illustrate the Ziehl-Neelsen AFB microscopy technique according to WHO/Union recommendations and highlight quality issues.
Tobacco Control Tobacco Cessation Interventions for Tuberculosis Patients: A Guide For Low-Income Countries
Tobacco Control and Prevention: A Guide for Low-Income Countries K. Slama - 1998 English*, Spanish* This guide suggests an implementation framework for the health district, including structure, management and evaluation of cessation interventions. It also covers topics from the need for legislation to prevention.
K. Slama, C-Y. Chiang, D. Enarson - 2008 - English This guide addresses the association between tobacco smoke and tuberculosis and offers recommendations for health service providers who want to help their patients with TB to stop using tobacco.
Participating in Global Tobacco Research: The Experience of a Low-Income Country, Sudan M. Salieh, S. Bashir, H. Khashm Elmouse et al. - 2009 - English* Tobacco use is a major cause of illness and premature death. This guide describes Sudan’s experience as a developing country fighting tobacco use and participating in global tobacco research.
tobacco-free Futures Action Guides
Tobacco Packaging and Labelling
Tobacco Packaging and Labelling Technical guide
Tobacco-free Educational Campuses
H. Selin, D. Hammond 2009 - English This guide aims to help governments implement packaging and labelling policies for tobacco control and offers evidence to support picture warnings and other packaging measures, step-by-step guidelines and illustrations.
Tobacco-free Healthcare
Tobacco-free Healthcare
A tobacco-free futures action guide
* Electronic only
Tobacco-free Educational Campuses A tobacco-free futures action guide
A. Jones - 2009 - English, Arabic, Russian This guide explains how to develop, implement and support 100% smoke-free environments and implement bans on tobacco advertising, promotion, sponsorship and sale within educational institutions.
Tobacco-free Sports T. Fraser, B. Fishburn - 2009 English, Arabic, Chinese, Russian This guide is part of a toolkit to promote and support tobacco-free policies in all healthcare facilities with the aim of reducing tobacco-related morbidity and mortality among the staff, patients and broader communities.
Tobacco-free Sports
A tobacco-free futures action guide
Smoke-free City Case Studies
Smokefree City Case Studies
A tobacco-free futures action guide
J. Dawson, Dawson Associates 2009 - English This guide explains how to conduct case studies of smoke-free cities that document achievements, provide insight into how cities have taken forward their smoke-free agendas, highlight good practice and draw out key lessons.
Mexico DF: Smoke-free City Case Study A. Jones - 2009 - English This guide shows how to develop, implement and support a tobacco-free policy for sports venues that includes eliminating exposure to tobacco use and ending all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion, sponsorship and sales.
Case Study
Mexico DF: Smokefree City
J. Dawson - 2009 English, Spanish When Mexico DF’s Law for the Protection of the Health of Non-Smokers came into effect in April 2008, public spaces and workplaces were required to be smoke-free. This case study outlines its experience and lessons learned.
A WHO/The Union Monograph on TB and Tobacco Control WHO, The Union 2008 - English This monograph provides guidelines to managers of TB and tobacco control programmes on implementing tobacco control activities as an integral part of TB case management at primary health care facilities.
Tobacco: A Global Threat J. Crofton, D. Simpson - Macmillan 2002 - English, French, Spanish*, Russian*, Hindi*, Indonesian* This book aims to alert people in developing countries to the dangers of tobacco use. It covers all aspects of the tobacco problem, cessation methods and anti-tobacco campaigning. Commissioned by Teaching-Aids At Low Cost (TALC).
* Electronic only
A series of economic reports on tobacco in low- and middleincome countries as well as other resources can be downloaded in various languages from
Lung Health and Non-Communicable Diseases Research Methods for Promotion of Lung Health: A Guide to Protocol Development for Low-Income countries D. Enarson, S. Kennedy, D. Miller, P. Bakke 2001 - English, French, Spanish, Russian*, Chinese* The effective use of research is crucial to building strong lung health and TB control programmes. This guide assists health workers and investigators to develop research protocols relevant to low-income countries.
Manual de Enfermedades Respiratorias P. Cabrera Navarro, F. Rodríguez de Castro 2005, 2nd edition - Spanish This guide is a comprehensive guide to lung diseases in Spanish. It presents current knowledge in 39 concise illustrated chapters covering upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, sleep apnea, emphysema, lung cancer, TB and more.
* Electronic only
CD-ROM: A Comprehensive Approach to Respiratory Illness Prevention and Lung Health Promotion Publication of this CD was made possible thanks to the support of the World Bank
A Comprehensive Approach to Respiratory Illness Prevention and Lung Health Promotion International Union Against Tobacco Cessation Interventions for
A Guide for Low-Income Countries - 2008
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Tuberculosis Patients
Management of the Child with Cough or Difficult Breathing A Guide for Low Income Countries - Second edition, 2005
Inpatient Management of Childhood Pneumonia
Clinical Course: Instructor Manual – Participant Manual – Slide Presentations - 2005 Lung Health Consequences of Exposure to Smoke from Domestic Use of Solid Fuels A guide for low-income countries on what it is and what to do about it - 2009
Management of Asthma
A Guide to the Essentials of Good Clinical Practice - Third edition, 2008
Management of Asthma
Instructor Manual - Participant Manual - Slide Presentations - 2008
Participating in Global Tobacco Research
The Experience of a Low-Income Country, Sudan - 2009
2009 - English With funding from the World Bank, The Union tested a comprehensive approach to improving health services for a broad range of lung diseases. This CD compiles publications based on field experience with childhood pneumonia, smoking cessation and asthma.
Management of Asthma: A Guide to the Essentials of Good Clinical Practice N. Aït-Khaled, D. A. Enarson, C-Y. Chiang et al. - 2008, 3rd edition - English, French*, Spanish*, Chinese* The 3rd edition updates treatment guidelines, given the availability of chlorofluorocarbon-free (CFCfree) metered-dose inhalers. It also offers tools, such as an electronic database, for monitoring patients treated with medicines purchased through The Union’s Asthma Drug Facility.
Lung Health Consequences of Exposure to Smoke from Domestic Use of Solid Fuels: A Guide for Low-Income Countries Lung Health Consequences of
Exposure to Smoke from Domestic Use of Solid Fuels A Guide for Low-Income Countries on what it is and what to do about it 2009
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
D. A. Enarson, N. Aït-Khaled, C-Y. Chiang et al. 2009 - English Indoor air pollution caused by using solid fuels for home cooking and heating is increasingly recognised as contributing to lung disease. This guide offers an overview of the issues and suggestions for ameliorating them.
Management of the Child with Cough or Difficult Breathing P. Enarson, D. Enarson, R. Gie - 2005, 2nd edition English, French The 2nd edition of this guide focuses on pneumonia in children. It incorporates the technical approach to managing childhood pneumonia developed by the World Health Organization and proposes a management system based on The Union’s experience in dealing with TB.
Tobacco Cessation Interventions for Tuberculosis Patients, A Guide For Low-Income Countries - 2008
Management of Tuberculosis: A Guide to the Essentials of Good Practice - 2010
Tobacco Control and Prevention: A Guide for Low-Income Countries - 1998
Tuberculosis Programs: Review, Planning, Technical Support - 1998
Participating in Global Tobacco Research:
The Experience of a Low-Income Country, Sudan - 2009
Price IN €
Tuberculosis and Public Health: Policy and Principles in Tuberculosis Control
guides and books
guides and books
Price IN €
Most Union technical guides may be downloaded free of charge from page
Publications order form F Pdf
3 A Tuberculosis Guide for Specialist Physicians - 2003
6 Tobacco Packaging and Labelling - 2009
3 Epidemiologic Basis of Tuberculosis Control - 1999
6 Tobacco-free Educational Campuses - 2009
6 Smoke-free City Case Studies - 2009
6 Tobacco-free Healthcare - 2009
6 Tobacco-free Sports - 2009
6 Mexico DF: Smoke-Free City Case Study - 2009
A Guide for Low-Income Countries - 2007
Best Practice for the Care of Patients with Tuberculosis:
7 Tobacco: A Global Threat - 2002
Guía de Enfermería Para la Implementación y Expansión de la Estrategia DOTS - 2004
8 Research Methods for Promotion of Lung Health - 2001
Acid-Fast Direct Smear Microscopy Training Package - 2006
8 Manual de Enfermedades Respiratorias - 2005
Interventions for Tuberculosis Control and Elimination - 2002
A Guide for the Procurement of Anti-Tuberculosis drugs - 2001
Diagnostic Atlas of Intrathoracic Tuberculosis in Children - 2003
Controlled Clinical Trials in Tuberculosis - 2004
Priorities for Tuberculosis Bacteriology Services in Low-Income Countries - 2007
Pdf Pdf Pdf
5 AFB Microscopy Training - 2005 5
External Quality Assessment for AFB Microscopy - 2002
5 Clinical Tuberculosis (3rd edition) - 2009 5
TUBERCULOSIS The Illustrated History of a Disease, Volume I - 1998
Not available
A WHO/The Union Monograph on TB and Tobacco Control - 2008
Pdf Pdf
Lung Health Consequences of Exposure to Smoke from Domestic Use of Solid Fuels - 2009
Management of Asthma.
A Guide to the Essentials of Good Clinical Practice - 2008
Management of the Child with Cough or Difficult Breathing - 2005
* See Pdf Pdf only; no print edition Download from for additional languages
F Available at no charge
F F Pdf Pdf
Price IN €
First name:
Publications order form CD-ROMs
Tuberculosis and Public Health: Policy and Principles in Tuberculosis Control - 2009
Tuberculosis Documentation for Health Care Professionals - 2009
Curso de Actualización En Tuberculosis 1. Para Médicos Especialistas - 2002
Curso de Actualización En Tuberculosis 2. Para Personal de Programas de Control - 2002
Tuberculosis, a Manual for Medical Students - 1999
A Comprehensive Approach to Respiratory Illness 8 Prevention and Lung Health Promotion
Last name: Organisation:
City: State: Postal Code: Country:
5 AFB Smear Staining Poster - 2004
5 AFB Quality Issues Poster - 2005
Sub Total Shipping + Handling (5€ per guide, 2€ per CD/poster) Total
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MORE Educational Resources from The Union Conferences Union conferences bring together experts and advocates from around the world to share the latest research developments, progress reports, challenges and opportunities; participate in education and training; and support the fight for global lung health. The Union World Conference on Lung Health is held annually. The Union’s seven regions also hold regular conferences. Visit for details.
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD) The only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to lung health worldwide, the IJTLD’s main aim is the continuing education of physicians and other health personnel and the dissemination of the most up-todate information in the field of TB and lung health. It addresses issues of implementation and assessment of field project in tuberculosis and lung disease, with particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. The IJTLD is available online at The content/iuatld/ijtld, where all International articles from Volume 1 (1997) Journal of Tuberculosis to 6 months prior to the curand Lung Disease rent issue may be downloaded free of charge. Access to the current volume is available to all fully paid-up members and subscribers. VOLUME 12
PA G E S 1 2 2 1 – 1 3 4 6
ISSN 1027 3719
The Union rses Technical Cou
2010 -11
Union Against Internation al Lung Disease Tuberculosis and p o o r ions for the Health solut
Courses � Union technical and management courses provide the knowledge and skills required to develop public health programmes that are clinically sound and administratively effective. Curricula cover both theory and international best practice, with an emphasis on the challenges presented by limited-resource settings. For more information, go to Courses at
The Official Journal of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease EDITORIALS 1221 The Stop TB Partnership and the role of The Union M. A. Espinal 1223 Tuberculosis State of the Art series I. D. Rusen
1295 Second-line drug resistance in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cases of various origins in the Netherlands J. van Ingen, M. J. Boeree, A. Wright, et al.
1224 World COPD Day 2008: where have we been and where are we headed? D. M. Mannino
1300 Relationship between the isoniazid-resistant mutation katGS315T and the prevalence of MDR-/XDR-TB in Osaka, Japan H. Ano, T. Matsumoto, T. Suetake, et al.
S TAT E S O F T H E A R T 1226 The diagnosis and misdiagnosis of tuberculosis P. D. O. Davies, M. Pai
1306 Comparison of MAS-PCR and GenoType MTBDR assay for detection of rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis D. Q. Tho, D. T. M. Ha, P. M. Duy, et al.
1235 Adherence to treatment for latent tuberculosis infection: systematic review of studies in the US and Canada Y. Hirsch-Moverman, A. Daftary, J. Franks, P. W. Colson E D U C AT I O N A L S E R I E S — P R E VA L E N C E S U R V E Y S 1255 How to identify tuberculosis cases in a prevalence survey* M. J. van der Werf, D. A. Enarson, M. W. Borgdorff ORIGINAL ARTICLES 1261 Knowledge, attitudes and risk perceptions about tuberculosis: US National Health Interview Survey S. M. Marks, N. DeLuca, W. Walton 1268 Health seeking and knowledge about tuberculosis among persons with pulmonary symptoms and tuberculosis cases in Bangalore slums P. Suganthi, V. K. Chadha, J. Ahmed, et al.
1274 Public-private mix for control of tuberculosis and TB-HIV in Nairobi, Kenya: outcomes, opportunities and obstacles J. Chakaya, M. Uplekar, J. Mansoer, et al. 1279 Induced sputum improves the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in hospitalized patients in Gaborone, Botswana M. Morse, J. Kessler, S. Albrecht, et al. 1286 Interferon-gamma release assays during follow-up of tuberculin skin test–positive contacts W. P. J. Franken, S. M. Arend, S. F. T. Thijsen, et al.
1313 Nested polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis in Mexican children L. Portillo-Gómez, M. V. Murillo-Neri, J. Gaitan-Mesa, E. G. Sosa-Iglesias 1320 Value of chest radiography in predicting treatment response in children aged 3–59 months with severe pneumonia A. Patel, M. Mamtani, P. L. Hibberd, et al.
Join the union � Individuals and organisations may join The Union. Please go to Membership Services at for details.
1327 Inequalities in smoking profiles in Morocco: the role of educational level K. El Rhazi, C. Nejjari, M. Berraho, et al. S H O R T C O M M U N I C AT I O N S 1333 PPM: ‘public-private’ or ‘private-public’ mix? The case of Ujjain District, India A. De Costa, T. Kazmi, K. Lönnroth, et al. 1336 Female-male differences at various clinical steps of tuberculosis management in rural Bangladesh F. Karim, F. Ahmed, I. Begum, et al. 1340 Laboratory features for presumptive diagnosis of disseminated tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients R. P. dos Santos, K. L. Scheid, L. Z. Goldani 1344 Direct application of the PCR restriction analysis method for identifying NTM species in AFB smear-positive respiratory specimens S. Kim, E. M. Park, O. J. Kwon, et al.
* A version in French of this article is available from the Editorial Office in Paris and from the Union website
Photos: H L Rieder: 5 - Damien Schumann: 7 © 2009 The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
The Union ABOUT
The mission of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) is to bring innovation, expertise, solutions and support to address health challenges in low- and middle-income populations. With nearly 10,000 members and subscribers from 152 countries, The Union has its headquarters in Paris and regional and country offices serving the Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America and South-East Asia regions. Its scientific departments focus on tuberculosis, HIV, lung health and non-communicable diseases, tobacco control and research. Each department engages in research, provides technical assistance and offers training and other capacity-building activities leading to health solutions for the poor. For more information, please visit
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease CONTACT The Union Publications 68, boulevard Saint-Michel – 75006 Paris – France Tel: (+33) 1 44 32 03 60 – Fax: (+33) 1 43 29 90 87 –