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from Citizen Voice
UP2030 Planning Cycle
Citizen Voice is a digital survey tool to collect spatial information from citizens. Citizen Voice is a bottom-up initiative started by academics at TU Delft. The project has received support from various bodies but is still an early-stage initiative. Objectives: Effective, sustainable and inclusive participation and engagement
Ensure that tools are functionally useful with a suitable task-technology-user fit
Enable flexibility in participatory arrangements (individual vs. group settings)
Enable customisation (of tools & processes) to meet the requirements of multiple
Citizen data: critical to ensure that neutrality measures are socially just and do not reinforce existing inequalities https://up2030-he.eu
Digital tools for participation: great potential to reach larger numbers of participants, enabling remote participation and two-way interaction between stakeholders. Digital governance: digital tools can facilitate the monitoring of policies and projects, and support transparency and openness between the government and the public.