ROBERTO SOLLBERGER JEOLAS Rua Guarará, 261 – ap. 42 Jardim Paulista São Paulo SP (11) 3559-8343 | (11) 9 8540 3435
Owner Partner of HG-Global Hospitality consulting company and management company of hotels and restaurants formed over 06 years with several projects finalized and delivered, the last one being the Blue Mountain hotel in Campos do Jordão and currently finalizing project to the Terravista Complex, Trancoso, Bahia Entrepreneur owner of HIP-Hotels International Partners that today has a portfolio of more than 30 luxury hotels represented in Latin America. I sold my part to be able to leverage and diversify another company called HG Global Hospitality focused on projects, consulting, and operations and restaurants management Solid executive career developed as a Managing Director of the first luxury hotel in Brazil, Hotel Emiliano, responsible for the opening, budgeting, sales and marketing and positioning the brand into the global market. General Manager at Paulista Plaza hotel with 400 apartaments in the,pool of investors , over 200 employees and generating ROI of 2% on monthly average. Food and Beverage manager of Transamerica Hoteis in São Paulo, 125 employees, average of 65.000 monthly covers served, the first Hotel in Brazil to certified as a ISO 9002 Service Manager for Maksoud Plaza, responsible to supervises all the areas of a large hotel, with 400 apartaments. Graduated at Metropolitan State University of Denver and specialized courses at Cornell University
Portuguese – Native Language English-Fluent Spanish-Intermediate | Reading, and conversation. ACADEMIC FORMATION
Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management by Metropolitan State University-DenverColorado (USA) ADDITIONAL TRAINING
Restaurant Purchasing-Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
ROBERTO SOLLBERGER JEOLAS Rua Guarará, 261 – ap. 42 Jardim Paulista São Paulo SP (11) 3559-8343 | (11) 9 8540 3435 Hospitality Industry Engineering Systems-American Hotel & Motel Association Hospitality Marketing seminar – Ceatel/Senac-São Paulo Food and beverage seminar – Ceatel/Senac-São Paulo Facilitator Skills – Qualtec Institute for Competitive Advantage – Palm Beach Team Leader – Qualtec Institute for Competitive Advantage – Palm Beach Hygienic Sanitary control in food and beverages-Senac Quality Function Deployment – Qualtec Institute for Competitive Advantage – Palm Beach Good manufacturing practices – Profiqua – São Paulo Business Process Quality Management – Juran Institute – USA Program for cross-cultural Management-AOTS-Japan Total Productive Maintenance-AOTS-USP Professional Development Center-IBM-Internal Quality Audit 1st National Congress of Productivity and Quality in tourism – Embratur National Quality Award Program – business valuation Professional Development Program-Strategic Hospitality Management-Cornell University, Ithaca New York . Professional Development Program-Planning for Profits: Lodging-Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Professional Development Program-Yield Management-Cornell University-Ithaca, New York – Professional Development Program-Rooms Management-Cornell University-Ithaca, New York INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE
Resident for 09 years in the USA, where I obtained the diploma and operational experience in various hotels such as Fairmont, Hyatt, Westin among others Participation in Tourism Fairs: International Luxury Travel Market (France), EIBTM (Spain), IMEX (Germany), Virtuoso Travel Mart (USA) and Tianguis (Mexico) among other Projects in the USA, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Switzerland and Japan PROFESSIONAL HISTORY
2007 – CURRENT HG-GLOBAL HOSPITALITY National small company active in the segments of luxury, leisure and tourism and corporate events, hotels and restaurants operator, strategic planning, tactical and operational in all areas of a hotel of medium and large companies. Organizational design, operating procedures, hiring and training, budgeting plan, action plan for sales and marketing, controlling, procurement, economic and financial feasibility studies, training in the segments and sales channels, planning of ROI for investors. ü Owner/Partner
ROBERTO SOLLBERGER JEOLAS Rua Guarará, 261 – ap. 42 Jardim Paulista São Paulo SP (11) 3559-8343 | (11) 9 8540 3435 2005-2007 HIP-HOTELS INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS National small company of luxury tourism segment, sales leads and maintenance of hotels affiliated with the internal market Brazil, developing strategic partnerships with Argentina company to develop the representation in Latin American countries. Owner/Partner 2001-2004 HOTEL EMILIANO Responsible for opening the first luxury Hotel in Brazil, market positioning, structuring, hiring of key posts, training, targeting, execution of all strategic planning, operational, and marketing and sales. Action plan for key clients worldwide, sales leads business trips to almost all continents, today market leader in its segment, Market share, return on investment and customer loyalty. General Managing Director PAULISTA PLAZA HOTEL-CHAMBERTIN Management company of hotels and Flats, hotel with 400 apartments, hired as General Manager to run the operational functions of a large hotel and act as liaison between investors and the administrator. Solid line of budget plan and return to investors. General Manager COMPANY TRANSAMERICA HOTELS Large Brazilian company hotelaria segment, considered one of the best hotels 5 stars from Brazil. Beginning as an Assistant in food and beverages, after a year promoted to food and Beverage Manager, responsible for the restructuring of the Department, with more than 120 employees, implementation of ISO 9002 in all processes in the area of foods and drinks, method implementation HACCP-hazard analysis critical control points in the production of food and beverages with six points of sales and events reaching more than 60,000 meals served per month, cost of goods sold in the order of 26% and net profit of 25% of the revenue generated, in some cases surpassing the rooms revenue. Food and Beverage Manager
ROBERTO SOLLBERGER JEOLAS Rua Guarará, 261 – ap. 42 Jardim Paulista São Paulo SP (11) 3559-8343 | (11) 9 8540 3435 EXTRA CURRICULAR HISTORY
The first MBA Professor of Hospitality at the FAAP-Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado – duration of one year Professor in the course of food and beverages from Anhembi Morumbi College – duration of one year Author of the book, Business in the food and Beverage – costs, revenues and results in Food Service through the menu Engineering – Editora critical point-2000 World Future Society-Professional Member – 1999 Who's Who among students in ´ American Junior Colleges – 1986-1987 American Society for Quality Control – 1995
Completing 18 years went to the USA with three friends and 500 USD in the pocket, worked, studied, traveled and learned the meaning of survival, in practice do much with little I obtained my bachelor's degree working in luxury hotels as a r banquet waiter and through scholarship completed the necessary studies in the area of hotel and restaurant management Due to serious illness of my father I have fixed residence back in Brazil after 09 years in the States housing from Florida, California and, finally, in Colorado where I finished studies I started working at the Hotel Maksoud Plaza as Service Manager in a hierarchy extremely familiar and almost professional, because at the time was the best-known hotel and spoken worldwide. I managed to filter what was good and always comparing with my studies and what it should and could be done Shortly after I was invited to work on the , Transamérica Hotels where I joined as an Assistant food and beverage manager and where, after a year, I was promoted to food and beverage manager and able to put into practice the expertise acquired in America. I always knew that the road to the area of food and beverage in a corporate type hotel would be the corporate structure of events, draw plans, projects and worksheets for the increase of the installed capacity, coming to serve 1,200 people in the pre plated system for the American Camera of Commerce, says that if was possible to acquired their loyalty and business due to our development in the area of production and services. We were the first hotel in Latin America to receive the ISO 9002 certificate in all areas of the hotel, mainly in the area of foods and beverages, with almost 120 employees, 8 nutritionists, two chefs, surpassing the recipe of lodgings in a few months and with great net result in the order of 25%. I wrote a book with professional Elias Gomes, ex-controler of the hotel, using the BCG matrix, Boston Consulting Group for the formulation of the sales prices of wines and champagnes where used linearly system to formulate sales prices. We improved in 70% margins and sales using
ROBERTO SOLLBERGER JEOLAS Rua Guarará, 261 – ap. 42 Jardim Paulista São Paulo SP (11) 3559-8343 | (11) 9 8540 3435 this same method in the remaining segments of food and beverage at the hotel Transamerica in São Paulo, after the criteria were used in the Ilha de Comandatuba Hotel and the new Hotel in Salvador. After this journey, I was invited as a General manager at the Paulista Plaza hotel of 400 apartments, where the budget plan was drawn by me and by co-workers, distributing approximately 2% per month to the hotel pool, investors, being the best result ever found after 5 years of existence of the hotel. I was invited by the owner of the Hotel Emiliano, which would be opened in 06 months, to perform the function of implementation consultant, one-year contract that became 03 years and hired as a managing directorl Director of hotel, positioning property in the Luxury segment and with the largest average daily rates already practiced in Brazilian hospitality, around R$ 850.00 at the time, when the national average rate was around R$ 340,00 to the national hospitality 05 stars hotels. After about 6 months, we managed to break even and in the second year we were with return in the order of 8% per year, on the third consolidated as the best luxury hotel in Brazil, with the best Market share, occupancy rate, average daily rate and return on investment.. I began my solo career and entrepreneur. Open a representation company of luxury hotels for the Brazilian domestic market, emissive, export of foreign currency to customers, agencies, tour operators and incentive houses for those people more fortunate, we arrived with nearly 10 hotels represented in the first year and second year nearly 15 hotels and today are already more than 30 hotels in the portfolio.I sold my company and leaves to open a consulting company and management company for hotels, according to the request of some customers. I started with the Pousada do Sandi in Paraty, transforming the small Inn in great participation in the luxury market, brand repositioning, services, and sales team, achieving aboveaverage occupancy rate in the region at that time 45% and 35% of EBITDA . We were requested to perform the transition from the old Hotel do Frade in Angra dos Reis, for the new Frad.E, and work of almost two years, where the works are being finalized for a trust fund We were asked to draft the pre opening of the newest hotel in Campos do jordao, Hotel Blue Mountain, where all actions, planning and execution was in charge of the HG after 03 Years the hotel has reached about 56 percent occupancy, revenues in the order of 18 million and EBITDA of 30%, today the owners are managing the business We were asked to perform a plan of hotel pool, pool services, pay per use, for the Terravista complex, Trancoso, Bahia, more than 06 months running and almost 01 year of planning, which is still in progress, where synergy is facing with the golf course, private airport, MET-
ROBERTO SOLLBERGER JEOLAS Rua Guarará, 261 – ap. 42 Jardim Paulista São Paulo SP (11) 3559-8343 | (11) 9 8540 3435 Music in Trancoso with Amphitheater with a capacity of 2,200 people newly opened, Rio da Barra Beach Restaurant to cater the local clients, tenants, conventions and other users in the region, in addition to performing marriages and social parties.
April 2014.
Additional informations upon request