Barcode Generator – Bytes Technolab Inc.
Barcode Generator gives the admin the ability to select the barcode prefix in digits if necessary and choose from a variety of barcode types to generate barcode labels and print them in PDF format. The admin must choose the barcode's attribute and the print page's pixel dimensions. Additionally, the admin has the choice to submit and display the brand's logo. Select the properties the admin wants to see on the barcode print page, then adjust their placements and look at the preview.
The admin can print any number of barcode copies for the products from the backend using the "Generate Barcode" action from the "Product" grid. When finished, any type of barcode will be printed, along with product details and an image.
Admin can change the label content based on previously established variables and apply CSS for the barcode.
The admin can print any number of barcode copies for the products from the backend using the "Generate Barcode" action from the "Product" grid.
Easily print the required number of barcode copies using the "Print Barcode" action.
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Please visit our store for more information about this extension. If you have any questions regarding this extension, feel free to contact us at We'd be happy to help you!
Technical Specifications
Type: Stable Build
Documentation: User Guides
License Type: Open Software License 3.0 (OSL-3.0)
Current Version: 1.0.0
Categories: Extensions, Content & Customizations, Personalization & Experience Management, Product Content, Site Search & Navigation
Adobe Commerce platform compatibility:
Source (CE): 2.4 (current)
2.4 (current)
2.4 (current)
Quality Report
All tests were conducted on the latest versions of Adobe Commerce that existed for the compatible release lines at the moment of the extension submission. Latest versions of all other software were used, as applicable.
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