Why Choose MERN Stack Development for Flexible & Scalable Web Apps?
To develop a web application, a lot of technologies are used to create a range of simple and complex digital platforms for various industries. The nature of the market has been evolving and so is the technology spectrum. The constantly changing business landscape has a dire need for flexible and scalable web app development technologies. And what could be better than availing of MERN Stack development services and MEAN Stack development services?
MEAN Stack v/s MERN Stack development services, this comparison always comes into the debate for choosing either of the two based on the project requirements and scope. It is undoubtedly the biggest question for anyone looking to build a web application.
Choosing the right technology for your next web app development project is always tricky for any business owner, especially one that is not tech-savvy. This is why consulting the right web app development company is the right thing to do. They will also help you create a great team of web developers, be it hiring MERN Stack developers to accelerate your web app project based on your launch preferences.
Let us first understand the MERN Stack, its need for web application development, and why it is preferred.
What is MERN Stack?
‘Stack’ is a fusion of multiple technologies, be it programming languages, software frameworks, tools, libraries, etc. brought together to build diverse web apps and mobile apps.

MERN Stack comprises four technologies: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. And building a web app using all of these technologies is called MERN Stack development.
1. MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL (non-structured SQL) database used for the flexibility of web applications. It could be used as a multi-cloud data platform to deliver optimum scalability to web applications.
2. Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web app framework that delivers robust features and is used for building RESTful APIs into web apps and mobile apps. It is used by web developers to create backends, reasonably complicated websites, and mobile apps.
3. React.js is a widely popular open-source JavaScript front-end library used to create interactive and beautiful user interfaces based on UI components. The prime goal of this amazing front-end library is to make apps run faster and perform better with reduced development time.
4. Node.js is an open-source server-side environment (backend) used to build fast, scalable, and real-time networking apps. It can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server. With Node.js powered backend, you can faster web app development and web app loading.
Why Choose MERN Stack Development to build Web Apps?
Perks of Using a 3-tier Architecture
MERN Stack empowers web developers to seamlessly build a 3-tier web app architecture that includes front-end, backend, and database components. The power of such technologies combined with the power of JavaScript and JSON is just a match made in heaven.
MERN Stack empowers web developers to seamlessly build a 3-tier web app architecture that includes front-end, backend, and database components. The power of such technologies combined with the power of JavaScript and JSON is just a match made in heaven.
Front-end (React.js)
React.js is an open-source JavaScript framework used to build top-quality client-side applications in HTML with rich UI. React.js simplifies the building of complex interfaces using the library’s simple components and connecting to the backend server to facilitate communication.
Backend (Express.js & Node.js)

Express.js framework works internally with a Node.js server. This framework has in-built modules to match an incoming URL with a server function to handle HTTP responses and requests efficiently. MERN developers connect to Express.js functions that boost your app by making XML HTTP requests or getting POSTs from the React.js front-end. Express.js functions use MongoDB’s drives powered by Node.js through a callback to update and access data in your MongoDB database.
Database (MongoDB)
A seamless and flexible database is needed to work with React.js, Express.js, and Node.js when combined together. And MongoDB as a service is perfect to manage and store various data based on customers, orders, inventory, updates, events, etc. The JSON documents created in React are sent to Express.js for processing in order to get stored instantly in MongoDB for recovery.
Woohoo! MERN is Open-source
The whole technology Stack of MERN is open-source which makes MERN Stack development services free of proprietary licensing. This is the biggest benefit for enterprises and mid-level companies looking to build a great software application. Any top software development company will also prefer to use an open-source MERN stack as it helps the coding team avoid the complications of licensing the written code.
Being an open-source technology stack, the MERN Stack developers can access the tutorials along with exclusive content and stay updated.
Versatile Coding via Codesharing

React.js, a popular JS-based library, gives you access to high-end tools for building frontend applications. Developers use it to design their web apps leveraging UI components. It offers codesharing as MERN developers can use codes written in React.js for both, the browsers and the servers.
The MERN Stack development also allows MERN Stack developers complete flexibility to create pages on servers when required. This reduces time. Greater flexibility, ain’t it?
Choosing MERN = Full-Stack Development = Reduced Costs
Impressed, eh? Yes, it is true. Being open-source, MERN Stack development is even more budget-friendly than one can expect. It is due to community support, lesser learning time, and a faster yet more accessible setup for web app development. The MERN developers will not require to look further than JSON and JavaScript to use the complete stack for creating a web application.
This helps people who are looking to hire MERN Stack developers as they do not need different software engineers having expertise in specific technologies. Of course, this reduces the overall cost significantly. This makes MERN Stack a perfect choice for business web application development.
When To Use MERN Stack?
Even though you may have referred to the detailed comparison of the MEAN VS MERN blog link given above, let us summarize when shall you choose MERN. The following are the various scenarios when MERN is the preferred technology stack.
Rapid Iterations are Expected: Be it an enterprise, an SME, or a startup – any business ecosystem should be ready to test products and launch them as quickly as possible. MERN caters to faster web app development and testing which helps businesses to launch products quickly.
Having Stringent Deadlines: MERN offers a front-end library in the form of React.js with a readily available interface enabling developers to execute code quickly and supporting MVC architecture’s easy development process. MERN Stack development has adhered to industry standards which makes it a wise choice for businesses.
Which Apps are Developed Using MERN Stack?
The flexibility and scalability of MERN stack development have prevailed for years. This has seen many big fishes implementing this amazing technology stack in building a range of applications for diverse industries. Following are some of the many popular applications built using the power of the MERN.
Final Takeaways
Whilst the advantages associated with your selection of MERN stack to build your next web app are many, it all depends on the business and project requirements. This is where our web development experts at Bytes Technolab are ready to help you.
It is critical for business owners to consult with tech experts beforehand to discuss the benefits, shortcomings, and future repercussions of selecting any technology stack before the architecture design.
Choosing MERN stack development services undoubtedly is a brilliant choice if you want to build a budget-friendly web app that requires ultimate performance and UI rendering. Thanks to React.js it will provide a faster rendering of UI components to deliver a smooth and faster UX. Many select MEAN stack for web apps that require heavy loads.
About Bytes Technolab

Have a solid idea but have doubts while selecting a technology stack? Contact us now.
Bytes Technolab is a top MEAN & MERN Stack development company that has been helping global enterprises, SMEs, and Startups to build diverse web apps based upon their custom needs. Leveraging the average experience of the team (+5 years), we deliver end-to-end web app development services with discovery workshops for largescale projects.
Upon a decade-long success, Bytes Technolab has extended its forte in almost all the web and mobile development domains to establish itself as a successful business solutions provider.
Read our blog: https://www.bytestechnolab.com/blog/why-choose-mern-stack-developmentfor-flexible-scalable-web-apps/