monday, June 8tH From 9.30 am to 1 pm, Area Italia: Italian Jurnalists’ Association Seminar (compulsory registration).
5 pm, Teghil Stadium: 4th CSIT World Sports Games Opening Ceremony. Parade, fun and shows with athletes representatives in the presence of International and Italian authorities. Special Guests: old Olympic champions.
Lignano TeghiL sTadium (synTheTic fieLd), PerTegada and Precenicco sTadiums
Mini football
ge.Tur. ViLLage, fieLd i, c, d Lignano TeghiL sTadium, fieLd 3 and 4 Lignano camPing fieLd B
Wheel Gymnastics PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo
Senior 55
ge.Tur. ViLLage
foto Zambelli
foto Zambelli
tueSday, June 9tH
WedneSday, June 10tH
5 pm, Area Italia: “Fair play and ethics: the Olympic spirit and the Sport for All today” A conference with: Welcome by Harald Bauer - CSIT President On. Bruno Molea - CSIT Vice President and AICS President Giovanni Malagò - CONI President On. Giacomo Santini - Panathlon International President Daniele Masala - Olympic Champion Moderator: Enrico Varriale - RAI Journalist
5 pm, Area Italia: Workshop “Women, gender equality and communication in sport”
9.30 am to 12.30 am, Area Italia: TUL Workshop “Youth and Sport” 9.30 am to 12.30 am, Area Italia: New and demonstrative sports Presentation
LaTisana PaLasPorT LaTisana secondary schooL gym
Beach volley Chess Football
ge.Tur. ViLLage Beach ge.Tur. ViLLage, saLa VeLe (1sT fLoor)
Bocciodromo comunaLe Lignano
Lignano TeghiL sTadium (synTheTic fieLd), PerTegada and Precenicco sTadiums
9.30 am to 12.30 am, Area Italia: TUL Workshop “Youth and Sport”
Mini football
Table tennis Tennis Volley indoor
ge.Tur. ViLLage, fieLd i, c, d Lignano TeghiL sTadium, fieLd 3 and 4 Lignano camPing fieLd B ge.Tur. ViLLage, PooL audiTorium
Athletics Basket Beach volley Chess Football Mini football
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo ge.Tur. ViLLage, PaLa ge.Tur. PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
Lignano TeghiL sTadium LaTisana PaLasPorT LaTisana secondary schooL gym ge.Tur. ViLLage Beach ge.Tur. ViLLage, saLa VeLe (1sT fLoor) Lignano TeghiL sTadium (synTheTic fieLd), PerTegada and Precenicco sTadiums
Senior 55
Tug of War Wheel Gymnastics
Regular And Masters
Table tennis Tennis Volley indoor
ge.Tur. ViLLage, PooL audiTorium
Senior 55
ge.Tur. ViLLage
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo ge.Tur. ViLLage, PaLa ge.Tur. PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
ge.Tur. ViLLage
Demonstrative sports
MamaNet Mini golf Nordic Walking Orienteering
Bocciodromo comunaLe Lignano ge.Tur. ViLLage, oLymPic PooL
ge.Tur. ViLLage, fieLd i, c, d Lignano TeghiL sTadium, fieLd 3 and 4 Lignano camPing fieLd B
Wheel Gymnastics PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano Wheel Gymnastics PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
Petanque Swimming
Demonstrative sports
ge.Tur. swimming PooL
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage
9 - 12 am
area iTaLia
9.30 - 12.30 am Presentation and workshop
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo
4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 19
9.30 - 12.30 am / 3 - 6 pm
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
area iTaLia + ge.Tur. ViLLage, BaskeT courT e
9.30 - 12.30 am Workshop and practical experiences
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 19
9.30 - 12.30 am / 3 - 6 pm
Yoga You.FO
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
area iTaLia ge.Tur. Beach
9.30 - 12.30 am Presentation and workshop 3 - 6 pm Practical experiences
Zumba, Fitness and group dancing
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4 / 10 / 17 Lignano PineTa, Beach office nr. 3
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm 10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
Beach tennis Canoeing MamaNet Mini golf Nordic Walking Orienteering Tug of War Wackitball Wheel Gymnastics Yoga You.FO Zumba, Fitness and group dancing
ge.Tur. swimming PooL
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. Beach
3 - 6 pm
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 19
9.30 -12.30 am / 3 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. Beach
4 - 6 pm
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo
4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage
9 - 12 am / 3 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage, BaskeT courT e
10 - 12 am
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. Beach
9 - 12 am / 3 - 6 pm
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4 / 10 / 17 Lignano PineTa, Beach office nr. 3
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm 10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
Friday, June 12tH
tHurSday, June 11tH 9.30 am to 12.30 am, Area Italia: TUL Workshop “Youth and Sport” 6 pm: Start at Parco Unicef (Lignano Riviera), arrival at Terrazza a Mare (Lignano Sabbiadoro). The registration is free and open to everyone. For info and registration: CSIT WSG 2015 Info and Accreditation Center, Ge.Tur. Village (Viale Centrale, 29 Lignano Sabbiadoro) or
Athletics Basket Beach volley Chess Football Mini football
Lignano TeghiL sTadium LaTisana PaLasPorT LaTisana secondary schooL gym ge.Tur. ViLLage Beach ge.Tur. ViLLage, saLa VeLe (1sT fLoor) Lignano TeghiL sTadium (synTheTic fieLd), PerTegada and Precenicco sTadiums ge.Tur. ViLLage, fieLd i, c, d Lignano TeghiL sTadium, fieLd 3 and 4 Lignano camPing fieLd B
Petanque Swimming
Bocciodromo comunaLe Lignano
LaTisana PaLasPorT LaTisana secondary schooL gym
Petanque Swimming
Beach volley Football
ge.Tur. ViLLage Beach
Regular And Masters
Lignano TeghiL sTadium (synTheTic fieLd), PerTegada and Precenicco sTadiums
ge.Tur. ViLLage, PooL audiTorium
Judo Mini football
PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
Table tennis Tennis Volley indoor Wrestling
Senior 55
ge.Tur. ViLLage
ge.Tur. ViLLage, oLymPic PooL
Regular And Masters
Table tennis Tennis Volley indoor
ge.Tur. ViLLage, PooL audiTorium
ge.Tur. ViLLage, PaLa ge.Tur. (saLa arancione)
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo ge.Tur. ViLLage, PaLa ge.Tur. PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
ge.Tur. ViLLage, fieLd i, c, d Lignano TeghiL sTadium, fieLd 3 and 4 Lignano camPing fieLd B
Wheel Gymnastics PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
Bocciodromo comunaLe Lignano ge.Tur. ViLLage, oLymPic PooL
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo ge.Tur. ViLLage, PaLa ge.Tur. ge.Tur. ViLLage, PaLa ge.Tur. (saLa arancione)
Demonstrative sports Wheel Gymnastics PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
Senior 55
ge.Tur. ViLLage
Demonstrative sports Beach tennis MamaNet Mini golf Nordic Walking Tug of War Wackitball Wheel Gymnastics You.FO Zumba, Fitness and group dancing
ge.Tur. swimming PooL
10 - 12 am
ge.Tur. Beach
9 - 12 am / 3 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage
9 - 12 am
ge.Tur. Beach
4 - 6 pm
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo
10 - 12 am
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 19
9.30 - 12.30 am / 3 - 6 pm
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4
10 - 12 am
ge.Tur. ViLLage
9 - 12 am / 3 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage, BaskeT courT e
10 - 12 am
ge.Tur. Beach
9 - 12 am
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4 / 10 / 17 Lignano PineTa, Beach office nr. 3
10 - 12 am 10 - 12 am
Canoeing Greasy pole Mini golf Nordic Walking Orienteering Tambeach Tug of War Wheel Gymnastics Yoga You.FO Zumba, Fitness and group dancing
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 19
9.30 - 12.30 am / 3 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage, P.Le oLimPico
5 - 7 pm
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo
4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. Beach
9 - 12 am / 3 - 6 pm
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage, BaskeT courT e
10 - 12 am
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 19
9.30 - 12.30 am / 3 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. Beach
9 - 12 am
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4 / 10 / 17 Lignano PineTa, Beach office nr. 3
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm 10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
Saturday, June 13tH
Side eventS
10 am, Area Italia: “Feeling better with ourselves and the others: the social value of sports”.
EVERY DAY Organized tours and tourism
A conference with: Welcome by On. Bruno Molea - CSIT Vice President and AICS President Harald Bauer - CSIT President Giorgio Brandolin - Friuli Venezia Giulia CONI President Ciro Turco – AICS Sport Director Gian Piero Turchi - Professor at University of Padova Katarina Raczova - European Fair Play Movement with a contribution of a delegation of the workshop “Youth and Sport”.
During CSIT World Sports Games the Organizing Committee proposes several trips around Lignano to discover beautiful places, history, culture, traditional food and wines. Here you are the different tours and destinations:
9 pm, Beach Arena: 4th CSIT World Sports Games Closing Ceremony.
LaTisana PaLasPorT LaTisana secondary schooL gym
Beach volley Beach wrestling Football
ge.Tur. ViLLage Beach
PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
ge.Tur. ViLLage Beach Lignano TeghiL sTadium (synTheTic fieLd), PerTegada and Precenicco sTadiums
Mini football
ge.Tur. ViLLage, fieLd i, c, d Lignano TeghiL sTadium, fieLd 3 and 4 Lignano camPing fieLd B
ge.Tur. ViLLage, oLymPic PooL
Regular And Masters
Tennis Volley indoor
Lignano Tennis cLuB Tennismo ge.Tur. ViLLage, PaLa ge.Tur.
Parco Avventura “Unicef”. Special rates and discounts.
Special prices for groups. Info and booking at the Accreditation Center in the Ge.Tur. Village (viale Centrale, 29 Lignano Sabbiadoro), Transfer and Touristic Services Desk. Info: or +39 338 1498262.
EVERY NIGHT Wheel Gymnastics PaLazzeTTo comunaLe Lignano
Senior 55
ge.Tur. ViLLage One of Friuli’s most important clubs opens the doors of its terrace in front of the sea to athletes and sport lovers! From June 7th to 14th, free entry and drink card (one drink) for accredited athletes. More info: or
Demonstrative sports Greasy pole Tambeach Tug of War Wheel Gymnastics Zumba, Fitness and group dancing
ge.Tur. ViLLage, P.Le oLimPico
10 - 12 am
ge.Tur. ViLLage
9 - 12 am
ge.Tur. Beach
9 - 12 am / 3 - 6 pm
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
ge.Tur. ViLLage, BaskeT courT e
10 - 12 am
Beach ViLLage Lignano saBBiadoro, Beach office nr. 4
10 - 12 am / 4 - 6 pm
Chiosco Bar Aurora (Lungomare Trieste 9, Lignano Sabbiadoro) Fun and events starting at 9.30 pm! Hawaiian Party (Tuesday 9th) Imagine to lay in a tropical beach, drinking a piña colada and having fun with your friends from every corner of the world! White Party (Wednesday 10th) Flag Party (Friday 12th)