Turquoise - the gemstone that can impact your life deeply Blue is the most favored color and turquoise is one of the popular gemstones known for its color and special properties. Blue is the color of sky and water which denotes limitless and freedom. The tranquility of the stone gives a sense of freedom, regality and serenity. To possess this gemstone defines royalty and you can craft this stone within fine jewelry. You can wear them with different dresses and create a fashion statement of your own. This gemstone is very known for its color. Since this gemstone is formed at high temperature and pressure in the middle layers of the sedimentary rock, the color differs from region to region. A pure blue color with green undertone is very rare and it is a symbol of purity of the gemstone. Red Mountain turquoise cabochons is a very common name while you are going to buy turquoise. They produce one of the finest gemstones and are certified for its qualities. Let us check how it can influence you: Healing qualities Since ages, it is known for its healing properties. It is believed that this stone gives protection to an individual in case of serious health aliments. Egyptians used it in their amulets for protection. Some astrologers believe that since it has highest concentration of copper, it can increase a person’s immunity and restore peace of mind. It connects various meridians of the body and generates positive energy fields, thus improving the instinctive power of an individual. It is still predominantly used by psychologists and psychiatrist for mediation purpose.