k-Fibonacci numbers (A. P. Akande, Maxwell Schneider and Robert Schneider)

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POLYGONAL GENERALIZATIONS OF THE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE A. P. AKANDE, MAXWELL SCHNEIDER AND ROBERT SCHNEIDER Abstract. We define a doubly-indexed sequence of “k-Fibonacci” numbers that generalizes the first three cases of classical polygonal numbers, viz. triangular, square and pentagonal numbers, as well as the Fibonacci sequence itself. Similar considerations also yield doubly-indexed generalizations of Lucas sequences.

In commemoration of Fibonacci Day 2020 Recall the first three cases of classical polygonal numbers, viz. triangular numbers , square numbers k 2 , and pentagonal numbers pk = k(3k−1) , which satisfy the tk = k(k+1) 2 2 respective recursions for k ≥ 1: (1)

tk = tk−1 + k,

k 2 = (k − 1)2 + (2k − 1),

pk = pk−1 + (3k + 1).

Surprisingly, these three sequences are special cases of a more general doubly-indexed sequence, that also contains the classical Fibonacci sequence as a case. For n ≥ 0, recall that the nth Fibonacci number Fn is defined by F0 := 0, F1 := 1, and for n ≥ 2 by the recursion (2)

Fn := Fn−1 + Fn−2 ,

e.g. F2 = 1, F3 = 2, F4 = 3, F5 = 5, etc. (see [2, 3]). The recursion (2) is extended to negative indices F−1 = 1, F−2 = −1, F−3 = 2, F−4 = −3, F−5 = 5, etc., using F−n := (−1)n+1 Fn , n ≥ 0. The Fibonacci numbers enjoy the generating function formula (see [1]) ∞ X x (3) = Fn xn , 1 − x − x2 n=0 where the identity is to be understood in terms of formal power series. In this note, we generalize the polygonal numbers above by defining a double sequence Fn,k of k-Fibonacci numbers, a sequence in the n-index of infinite sequences in the k-index. Definition 1. For fixed k ≥ 1, we define the k-Fibonacci numbers Fn,k , n ≥ 0, by F0,k

k X := (j − 1), j=1

F1,k :=

k X (2j − 1), j=1

and for n ≥ 2, the nth k-Fibonacci number is defined recursively: (4)

Fn,k := Fn−1,k + Fn−2,k .

Clearly F0,k = tk−1 , F1,k = k 2 , and F2,k = tk−1 + k 2 = pk , so the sequence Fn,k contains the triangular, square and pentagonal numbers as the n = 0, 1, 2 cases, respectively, as 1

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