SEPT. 9, 2011
NEWSLETTER News from Robert’s Road
Don’t wait- Act! Debt management for dummies!
NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author and CNN/ Fox News Wealth expert Robert Shemin roams the world while teaching people how to be successful in today’s challenging market. With his ear on the beat and armed with a bag full of solutions, Robert challenges conventional views and offers fresh ideas with witty hands on solutions on how to stay on top of the game and roll with the punches. Join Robert on the road to success fun and fulfillment!!
Yes the economy is in a crisis! We know it, everyone talks about it but all we do it wait for it to blow over and better times to come. But while we wait for our government to ;ind the magical master solution that leads us all to salvation we had better start taking steps to dig ourselves out of the hole. Trust is good action is better! The average household has is over $80 000 in excessive debt. Aside from the obvious problem of this dilemma, it sti;les our economy by putting us in a “tighten the belt and save our pennies” frame of mind. Who’s going to go buy a new car when the bills are crushing our mailbox? Consumer con;idence and spending make up the majority of the U.S and much of the world’s economy. The sad truth is that these problems wont go away by themselves and the only way to move into a better direction is to honestly assess what can be done and take action. So what are the options?
consider a substantial reduction, which goes for all kinds of debt, including credit card debt. 2. Bankruptcy: This should be your last resort, but if you are so far down (or upside down) that there is no reasonable chance you will make it out through diligence this might be the saving grace. If it is, it’s better to get the process started now. As they say: “The only way out is through it”. 3. Lower the interest rate: We are back to negotiating. If a reduction of the debt principal is not an option, try for a reduction of interest rate. Find a decision maker and explain to them that you do want to pay your debt, but with some help from their end. Again, at this point even the ;inancial institutions are in trouble and the last thing they need is you declaring bankruptcy. Get them on your side. 5. Extend the term: Another option is to extend the term of payment. 1. Renegotiate: Banks are desperate too. Don’t’ For example take a 20‐year loan and make it 30 years to underestimate their willingness to get some money now as lower the payment. You might hear several no’s to get opposed to none or sometime in the unforeseeable future. a yes but no one said it would be easy. If you are in true ;inancial hardship most banks will WWW.ROBERTSHEMIN.COM TO BOOK ROBERT PLEASE CONTACT VIVAPR
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