The Loft Hotel Identity Guidelines

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The Loft Identity Guidelines dd19 Robert Soo



o understand the function and value of the Loft Hotel identity, it is important to recognize that every organization has a specific public identity—an identity partly formed by the look of its printed materials, stationery, etc. Each element of communication contributes to the overall impression people have of the organization. When an organization’s identification program is a coordinated one, it projects a unified character which works effectively to reinforce all of its activities. In many cases, it also helps the organization to be more cost-effective in its communication efforts by simplifying certain decision-making processes. The purpose of this manual is to explain the components of the Loft Hotel visual identity program, to define its graphic design standards, and to illustrate how these standards are applied. Many of the standards depend on relative size, proportion, and position. These have been developed through careful consideration of many factors, both functional and aesthetic. Adhering to the graphic design standards will ensure continuity, a high standard of quality, and a clear, consistent identity for the Loft Boutique Hotel.


Basic Elements

Branding Application

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

The Symbol Safety Area The Logo Primary Logo Minimum Area Zone Alternate Applications Colour Colour: Black & White Acceptable Backgrounds Primary Typography Secondary Typography Incorrect Usage

Stationary System 18 19 20 21 22

US Business Card Application Announcement Card Application Mailing Label Application Door Sign Application Hotel Directory, Pg. 1 & 2 Hotel Directory, Pg. 1 & 2 Combined, Pg. 3 Hotel Amenities Men & Woman’s Clothing Umbrella Courtesy Vehicle

Table of Contents

File Directory 35

File Directory

US Business Cards US Letterhead Envelopes Announcement Card Envelope Mailing Label


Basic Elements

The Symbol The Loft symbol is designed to be recognizable and stylistic. The letters both spell out the name of the hotel and also serve as geometric shapes that also alludes to the layout of a room blueprint. Proper use of the symbol, and how it is combined with the Press name to form the Princeton University Press logo, is described on the following pages.





Safety Area



When the symbol is used by itself, a safety area around the symbol will ensure visibility and impact. As illustrated, the minimum safety zone measures 1/4 the width of the symbol. Use the safety area zone between the symbol and other graphic elements such as type, images, and other logos to ensure it retains a strong presence wherever it appears. Where possible, allow even more space around the logo.



The Logo

Black R0G0B0 C 100 M 100 Y 100 K 100

White R 255 G 255 B 255 C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 10

The finalized logo directly relates to the hotel’s focus that wants to deliver an unforgettable experience by capturing the unique character of Vancouver. Like the land itself, the Loft logo is dynamic and mutable, capable of varying moods. The logo makes use of a variety of backings drawn from landscape paintings that capture the majesty of the local environment. These various paintings are unified together by the Loft symbol within them that uses the paintings as a frame. However, the lettering remains 50% transparent, allowing for a hint of the painting to still show through. Paintings that do not match the square configuration of the Logo should be cropped if possible.






Primary Logo Minimum Area Zone

When the symbol is used in conjunction with a landscape portrait it should have a miminum area zone that incorporates at least a minimum amount of the accompanying image.



As illustrated, the minimum area zone measures 1/2 the size of the symbol. The Loft symbol should occupy the central area of the total image. Using this the minimum area zone ensures that the combined image between the symbol and other graphic element retains a strong and singular presence. Where possible, allow even more space around the combined logo.


Alternate Applications Other applications to the Loft logo.







The accompanying paintings provides all the colour for the Loco. Paintings should be chosen and categorized along loose groupings based on mood. These moods should reflect the seasons of winter, spring, summer, and fall. This allows the logo to keep fresh and varied, the paintings can also go to inform the theme and mood of the guest rooms.


Colour: Black & White The black and white logo is simply the symbol within a white square. This maintains consistency between it and its coloured variants and also alludes of the symbol used in the context of a gallery space.


Acceptable Backgrounds Further paintings should be selected based on a number of criteria:





- The painting is a landscape painting - The artist is Canadian - The landscape should reflect the environment of either Vancouver or west coast Canada - The painting is public domain or its rights is owned by the Loft hotel - The painting can be easily cropped to match the Logo standards


Gill Sans MT

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ 1234567890&.,:;’$¢%!?(*) Gill Sans MT Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ 1234567890&.,:;’$¢%!?(*)

Primary Typography One of the key factors in any new identity is the use of a specified type family for text or running copy. Using a consistent family of typefaces visually reinforces the identity of the Loft hotel. Gill Sans MT, Bold and Italic are used for the Logo, titles etc.

Gill Sans MT Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ 1234567890&.,:;’$¢%!?(*) 14

Mrs Eaves OT

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ 1234567890&.,:;’$¢%!?(*) Mrs Eaves OT Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ 1234567890&.,:;’$¢%!?(*)

Secondary Typography Mrs Eaves OT in its various weights and faces can be used for advertisements, brochures, stationery system, address lines, names and other communications when a serif face is appropriate.

Mrs Eaves OT Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ 1234567890&.,:;’$¢%!?(*) 15

The Loft symbol should not take up more area fo the backing painting than prescribed by the Logo minimum area zone.

The Symbol should be centrally located in relation to its backing painting.

Incorrect Usage For visibility, impact and overall integrity, it is important to retain a consistent use of the logo. The logo is fundamental to the communications and should never be compromised. Always reproduce the logo from original artwork.

The Loft Symbol should maintain its combination of solid black with semitransparent white text.

The Loft Symbol should match the orientation of the backing painting.

Protect the integrity of the Loft hotel identity by being aware of the improper logo usage illustrated here. If questions about usage arise please contact the communications department.


Stationary System

3.5’’ Saul Bass

900 West Georgia Street Vancouver, British Columbia T: 604 555 1234 F: 604 555 4321

US Business Cards


3.5” x 2”


Color: Black

Saul Bass

Stock: Translucent Cellulite

T: 604 555 1234 F: 604 555 4321


Type specifications: Employee name is set in 10pt on Mrs Eaves OT. Employee contact information are set in 7pt.

Fold here

Vancouver, British Columbia 900 West Georgia Street

Note: The business card is in actuality clear and measures 3.5’’ x 4’’ in total size. The employee information is split up with half printed on the proper facing while the other half is situated on the back of the cards underside. The clear business card is able to be used as the standard Loft logo by placing it over an image. Recipients are able to fold the card in half for ease of handling and will be able to view the employee’s information in this configuration as well.



0.125’’ 0.125’’









Date Addressee’s Name Company Name Address City, State Zip Salutation: This letter demonstrates the recommended typing format for all correspondence and is an integral part of the letterhead design. The date is top-aligned at 2 inches from the top edge of the paper and 1.25 inches from the left edge, thus setting the margin for the entire letter. The addressee’s name is positioned flush left, two spaces below the date. Title, company name, etc. are positioned flush left under the addressee’s name. The salutation appears three spaces below the address. The body of the letter begins two spaces below the salutation, using single spacing between lines and double spacing between paragraphs. There are no indentations. The maximum line length should not exceed 6.25 inches. All letters should be typed in Mrs Eaves OT 10pt, with 12pt line spacing. A double space separates the body of the letter from the complimentary close, with four spaces to the name of the sender and the title. Complimentary close,

Name of sender Title CC/cc

US Letterhead 8.5” x 11” Color: Black and backing colours Type specifications: Address is set in 10pt Mrs Eaves OT. Typing Format: All letters should be typed in Mrs Eaves 10pt.Margins for typing are listed on the example shown to the left. Electronic Letterhead: A Microsoft Word Template, with the logo and address line embedded, is available for use when an emailable letter is necessary or when printing in-house.

900 West Georgia Street, Vancouver B.C. Canada T 604 555 1234 F 604 555 4321



0.125’’ 0.125’’




900 West Georgia Street, Vancouver B.C. Canada V6C 2W6



#10 Business Envelope 9.5” x 4.125” Color: Black and backing colours Regular flap


Type specifications: Address is set in 9pt Mr Eaves OT. The Loft logo letters are embossed on the rear flap






Announcement Card


Announcement Card 6” x 4” 0.125’’

900 West Georgia Street, Vancouver B.C. Canada T 604 555 1234 F 604 555 4321


Color: Black V flap Type specifications: Address is set in 9pt Mrs Eaves OT. The Loft logo letters are embossed on the rear flap






Mailing Label


0.25’’ 1’’


0.375’’ 900 West Georgia Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2W6

5” x 3.5” Color: Black Type specifications: The Loft Boutique Hotel is set in 18pt Mrs Eaves OT italic. Contact information is set in 10pt Mrs Eaves OT.



Branding Applications


Saul Bass T: 604 555 1234 F: 604 555 4321

US Business Card Application As noted earlier, the clear business card alludes to the standard Loft logo by placing it over an image. Email: Vancouver, British Columbia 900 West Georgia Street


Announcement Card Application


Mailing Label Application

Door Sign Application

Please Do Not Disturb

Please Service My Room

The door sign comprises of two different messages which can be hanged on the guest door knob. Depending on the orientation of the door sign, the staff is informed whether it is alright to access the room or not.

Please Do Not Disturb

Please Service My Room


Hotel Directory, Pg. 1 & 2 The cover page of the hotel directory, like the business card, is clear. The second page displays a changeable image which lies underneath the first page with the logo.

Hotel Directory


Hotel Directory, Combined Pg. 1 & 2 and Pg.3 L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dictum consectetur ligula nec dictum. Vivamus

Donec iaculis sapien et mi pulvinar lacinia. Vivamus posuere consectetur orci, ac blandit nulla tempor at. Quisque ultricies, mauris at interdum accumsan, sapien ante rutrum nulla, vel mollis ante risus nec nisi. In sed mi ac mauris elementum fringilla. Cras placerat fermentum orci ut scelerisque. Etiam eu tortor ut velit eleifend facilisis. Pellentesque eget tortor quis lectus posuere luctus mattis sed mi. Pellentesque arcu eros, fringilla eu cursus ac, bibendum sed odio. Aenean adipiscing posuere orci a ullamcorper. Phasellus accumsan, elit at congue semper, lectus ipsum auctor mi, vitae aliquet nisl turpis vitae quam. Quisque ligula lectus, porta ac volutpat nec, venenatis ut dui. Cras dignissim laoreet elit, sed suscipit arcu laoreet ut.

lorem tortor, faucibus id luctus sit amet, pellentesque eget erat. Phasellus eu lorem in mauris aliquam iaculis non eu velit. Integer a lectus mi. Aliquam porttitor euismod leo in dictum. In nisl elit, hendrerit ut consectetur vel, posuere ut turpis. Nullam diam sapien, eleifend non posuere vitae, feugiat at leo. Sed ac posuere eros. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam et nulla id lorem lacinia pretium vel sit amet eros. Maecenas ultrices cursus erat, nec vestibulum nunc molestie vitae. Etiam non odio sed massa aliquet laoreet a a sapien. Curabitur ac dolor et sem placerat gravida non a turpis. Donec iaculis sapien et mi pulvinar lacinia. Vivamus posuere consectetur orci, ac blandit nulla tempor at. Quisque ultricies, mauris at interdum accumsan, sapien ante rutrum nulla, vel mollis ante risus nec nisi. In sed mi ac mauris elementum fringilla.

Maecenas rhoncus, dui vitae tempor accumsan, sapien quam sodales metus, non egestas ante lorem a dui. Mauris non tellus id est porta pharetra id quis libero. Nam tempor tempor sem sollicitudin pulvinar. Phasellus viverra elit ut est malesuada varius. Mauris hendrerit tristique nibh sit amet lacinia. Sed hendrerit tellus aliquam nulla tristique vel dictum felis gravida. Nullam lacinia lacinia nisi in vehicula. Nulla augue est, laoreet quis porttitor non, aliquam a libero. Maecenas fringilla bibendum justo, ut dignissim enim ornare vitae. Sed ac diam eu urna pulvinar rhoncus et quis lorem. Maecenas eget dignissim tellus. Sed ornare laoreet diam, id lobortis nisi vehicula imperdiet. Donec eget porta libero. Mauris at nisl eget leo luctus imperdiet.

Cras placerat fermentum orci ut scelerisque. Etiam eu tortor ut velit eleifend facilisis. Pellentesque eget tortor quis lectus posuere luctus mattis sed mi. Pellentesque arcu eros, fringilla eu cursus ac, bibendum sed odio. Aenean adipiscing posuere orci a ullamcorper. Phasellus accumsan, elit at congue semper, lectus ipsum auctor mi, vitae aliquet nisl turpis vitae quam. Quisque ligula lectus, porta ac volutpat nec, venenatis ut dui. Cras dignissim laoreet elit, sed suscipit arcu laoreet ut.

Hotel Directory

The first example displays the look of the hotel directory when both Pg.1 and 2 are combined. The following page will provide the Loft hotel’s mission statement before proceeding to the rest of the directory.

Praesent adipiscing viverra ligula, id hendrerit mi pretium ut. Aliquam quam risus, rhoncus quis tristique eget, vulputate eu augue. Donec et orci quis massa pellentesque tincidunt vel sed lacus. Etiam lacus lorem, fermentum id dignissim vel, aliquam et libero. Aenean eu erat nunc. Duis semper tempus justo, tempor faucibus mi euismod a. Aenean in vehicula odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean eget nulla massa, in facilisis ante. Mauris hendrerit congue leo sit amet dignissim. Maecenas fermentum vulputate tortor, at laoreet leo tincidunt quis.

Maecenas rhoncus, dui vitae tempor accumsan, sapien quam sodales metus, non egestas ante lorem a dui. Mauris non tellus id est porta pharetra id quis libero. Nam tempor tempor sem sollicitudin pulvinar. Phasellus viverra elit ut est malesuada varius. Mauris hendrerit tristique nibh sit amet lacinia. Sed hendrerit tellus aliquam nulla tristique vel dictum felis gravida. Nullam lacinia lacinia nisi in vehicula. Nulla augue est, laoreet quis porttitor non, aliquam a libero.



Hotel Amenities


Men & Woman’s Clothing




Courtesy Vehicle


File Directory

File Directory Documents included: - Symbol Vector - Primary Logo and Minimum Safety Zone Vector - Four initial primary painting backings


dd19 Robert Soo 2011

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