Table Of Contents
1. Cover Page 2. Table Of Contents 3. Message from the LCP 4. About AIESEC Université de Lomé 5. AIESEC Université de Lomé of 17.18 Term 6. LCEB 18.19 Focus & Responsibilities 6. LCEB 18.19 Applicant requirement 7. Application Timeline&Procedure 7. Application requirement 8. General Questionnaire 9. Specific Questionnaire 10-15. Functional Questions
Message from the LCP There is a lot of words that I could use to describe how powerful LCEB experience is, but there is no time for talking. It's time for you to make this decision, if you want to spend whole next year contributing for something bigger that you will never forget in your life, if you want to spend next year working with a group of people who believe in AIESEC as much as you believe. Being an LCEB member is not easy, but every second of this experience is worth it. What is more, being LCEB member of AIESEC in Université de Lomé is a huge responsibility of leading over hundred young individuals that are striving every day to become the best version of themselves in an environment where young individuals most biggest problem is unemployment for which they need strong skills and competencies to find their way in the large number of recents graduates. With a belief of Leadership being the Fundamental solution not only for Togo but the world at large, we have become a more Leadership centered organization than before and we present you with this amazing opportunity to discover the leader in you as we craft the Movement of young Leaders together. Are you ready to leave your comfort zone, and embrace a world of challenges? Then welcome to the Executive Board of AIESEC Université de Lomé for the term 18.19. This is my call to the brave ones who dare to fight for the AIESEC in Université they want to see tomorrow.
Segbaya Koffi Robert TEVI, LCP 17.18 3
About AIESEC Université de Lomé Founded in 1998, AIESEC in Université de Lomé is a Local Committee of AIESEC in TOGO. It is located in Université de Lomé the biggest University of Togo. AIESEC Université de Lomé is about twenty years of Leadership development. Since this Local Committee was created, it’s members show a big committment for community development and since 2015 it’s members are passionnate about making Sustainable Development Goals real in the society of Lomé the capital and the biggest city of Togo. Today we are figthing for a better Togo by implementing three community development project aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. By 2020 we want to be the first youth run organization that fight for #GoodHealthAndWellBeing, #QualityEducation, #DecentWorkAndEconomicGrowth, in Togo.
The term 17.18 was one of the challenging term in the story of AIESEC Université de Lomé. From July 2017 to January 2018 we had the chance to lead the organization and aligh the Local Committee timeline to LCs new timeline as recommended by AIESEC INTERNATIONAL. During this term we had a resolution: #MassiveActions, #MassiveResults and this is our legacy for the next term: long term vision and massive actions to achieve more results. We are MADGAIT, the LCEB 17.18 of AIESEC Université de Lomé, the twentieth LCEB of AIESEC UL.
LCEB 18.19 Focus 1. TALENT CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Youth solution box(Internships) Projects and Events adapted to youth problems Young people engagement on Sustainable Development Goals and Volunteering Youth4GlobalGoals
2. BRANDING AIESEC UL Positioning in University of Lomé AIESEC junior Website Corporate LC office Collaboration with students association Online presence
3. FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY Entrepreneur & Agile AIESEC High Exchange Fingers
LCEB 18.19 Responsibilities EB Responsibilities • Local strategy and LC development • Coach members • Participate in team meeting, team day, planning days and BoA meetings. • Build and facilitate local conference. • Prepare and run transition • Share knowledge at local level • Fill in national survey, report and other doc. • Material, knowledge and information management
LCEB 18.19 Appliquants requirement
Applicants must be LA Member Applicants must be at least in his second year at university Applicants must have attended NLDS or NTMS before Applicants must be a full member of AIESEC Université de Lomé Applicants must have been at least Team Leader of one Project/event committee or one LCEB department in AIESEC Applicants must have been member of AIESEC UL for 06 months at least Applicants must have(matched or realized one EP one TN form) Applicants must have a strong knowledge of the AIESEC Way, the AIESEC Values Applicants must have an intensive team management experience at local levels Applicants must have experience in communicating AIESEC direction and contribution to externals.
Application Timeline & Procedure • Application Release
08th Jan.
15th Jan. • Application Submission Deadline
• Applicants Annoucement
17th Jan.
20th Jan. • Interviews 18-19th Jan.
• LCVP Election
• LCVP Annoucement
20th Jan.
All files and Documents should be converted to pdf format and packaged in a WinRAR File. Your APPLICATION FORM must not exceed 12 pages including your front page (font style: Candara; font size: 12) Each Candidate must submit the application package named: Full_Name_LCVP_Portfolio_Application_AIESEC_UL_18.19 Example: Segbaya_TEVI_LCVP_TM_Application_AIESEC_UL_18.19 . Don’t hesitate to contact LCP for any inquiry: 91002412 The application should be sent to: robert.tevi@aiesec.net , aiesec.lome@gmail.com, virgile.loko@gmail.com Send three hard copy to the ELECTORAL COMMISSION PRESIDENT The hard copy must be submitted to the LCP at AIESEC UL Office.
Application requirement 1- Fill out the application questionnaire (if you miss to answer to any single question, your application will be rejected) 2- Four Endorsement letters: 1 from an AIESEC Alumnus 1 from a former LCVP of AIESEC UL of the position you are applying for 1 from a person that lead you in AIESEC( No current LCVP endorsement is allowed) 1 from an external to AIESEC that know you well and follow you as a young active person( It can be your parents) 4- Take this test and join the result to your application form as a separate file: https://www.16personalities.com/fr/test-de-personnalite 5- Write your motivation letter, your CV, Biography and an Executive summary of your Application form (one page for each file) 6- Personal statement which will express your engagement to start and finish loyally the term 18-19 from 1st February 2018 to 31st 2019 (addressed to the LA of AIESEC UL).
General Questionnaire About the Applicant 1. Please provide the following Personal Data: Name, Home address, email, tel., date of birth, Current AIESEC position, Nationality, Degree (graduate or undergraduate, university, course of study, ) and International Languages spoken. Attach your picture. 2. Please outline your AIESEC/Non AIESEC experience, Please identify whether if it is local, national or international) as well as their durations, measurable achievements for each role, skills competencies and personal learning’s gained 3. State Conferences attended with dates/location/role/Key Learning point 4. Please list your technical software experience in the following format ( Software – Skill Level - Specific work you have had experience in using this software) as well as your different languages level in the same format. 5. What is your greatest fear as a person? Tell us why? 4.
1. Why have you decided to apply for LCVP position? What are your life plans and how will this experience contribute to them? 2. Why AIESEC UL LCEB 18.19, and why not any other year? How are you connected to this term? 3. What are your strengths and your weaknesses and how do they affect your role that you are applying for ? 4. What are your most significant leadership experiences in AIESEC? How have they helped you become qualified for LCEB position? 5. Video with this Content: Personal introduction; tell us about the SDG you connect the most to and how your contribution to the term 2016-2017 as LCVP would contribute to reach it. Upload your video onto YouTube and paste the link here. 8
Specific Questionnaire You & AIESEC 1.
What does this sentence mean for you: a. When people think about leadership, they think about AIESEC b. We are youth leadership movement 2. What is your understanding of AIESEC LDM and LEAD? What is the connection between these concepts in AIESEC and how can you ensure that AIESEC LDM and LEAD Spaces are effective in any AIESEC EXPERIENCE? 3. What is “Integrated Experience Program” (IXP)? According to the portfolio you’re applying for, describe your contribution and strategies for the effectiveness of IXP in our LC. 4. List all MoS of AIESEC which are used to make an evaluation of a Local Committee and explain what will be your contribution in relation with the position you’re applying for to have better results. 5. What are the value propositions that AIESEC deliver to these stakeholders? a. Member, b. EP, c. TN taker, d. Society
You & AIESEC UNIVERSITE DE LOME 1. Make a critical SWOT analysis of current state in LC (take in consideration each one of the different portfolios). Based on SWOT analysis define new ideas for each part of your analysis. 2. Make an analysis of AIESEC 2020 achievement in Togo and give two (02) major projects that AIESEC Université de Lomé need to focus on, in other to achieve the mid-term ambition. 3. what do you think about the achievement of the LC from 2015 to 2017? Make an analysis of AIESEC UL exchange result evolution during the last 3 years? Give 3 strategies, in order to involve every members of your team in the exchange process? 4. In your opinion and according to the position you are applying for, what are the biggest challenges for AIESEC Université de Lomé at the moment? Which initiatives will you implement to overcome these challenges? 5. According to your portfolio, how do you see your LC after 2018-2019 ends? What will be your main must-win battles?
Functional Questions LCVP MaC 18.19 Job Description
Brief of Role The LC Vice President of Marketing will lead a team of marketers responsible for the packaging, and delivery of our products to our target markets. He/she will also be responsible for working closely with exchange operations and leading customer research. This is a core role at the heart of all operations, from product packaging to marketing to supporting in exchange sales. The LCVP MaC will play a heavy role and focus in attraction for the oGV programs, while also supporting TM recruitment and ICX promotions.
1. Why are you applying for this position? Which experiences qualify you for this position? In your opinion which qualities does an LCVP MaC need to be a good one? 2. What do you know about Content Creation & Storytelling? How do you think storytelling will help us promote our products? 3. Make a SWOT analysis of AIESEC Université de Lomé Facebook page and Twitter account and propose at least 3 strategies to boost the likes and followers by 200%. 4. Design an organizational communication plan for AIESEC UL for the term 18/19; 5. Describe the innovative strategies you have to use to showcase AIESEC UL brand, attract more people and generate revenue for the LC (also considering your portfolio as a whole in revenue generation) 6. Describe general educational circle in Communication during your term. 7. Please, analyze the system of communication of AIESEC Université de Lomé, hat are the main problems in the internal and external communication sphere and what do we need to improve them? 8. What are the main challenges of converting Sign Ups to Apply then to Approve and how will you overcome them? 9. Propose 3 strategies for converting Sign Ups to Apply then to Approve with clear action steps, timeline, and resources needed. 10. What is your experience in Customer Relationship Management? 10
LCVP MaC Responsibilities • Delivery and tracking of National MKT Strategy on local level. • Co-creating and providing feedback for National Strategy. • Working with National Tracking tools (MKT, PR, DM). • Education of membership on National campaigns • Education and Tracking of Brand Standards: Online & Offline. • Education and consulting of LC members on Marketing: Online + Offline promotion. • Universities Relationship. • Synergy with oGV/oGE, ICX and TM. • Ensure brand experience quality and positioning. • Responsible for the PR and Digital Marketing of the LC. Content creation, Storytelling and Customer Relations management KPIs • % Planned/Achieved Campaign results / • # oGV/oGE Sign-ups. • # oGV/oGE In Progress/Accepted/Approved. • % oGV/oGE Conversion Rates /• # Storytelling collected. • # Publications / Media appearances. • # Likes, fans, followers, subscribers, reach on social media. • # Universities Partnerships
Functional Questions
LCVP OGX 18.19 Job Description Brief of Role LCVP OGX is responsible for managing and growing the OGX program, in the LC. He / she must set the goals and direction for the program, take care of all customers follow their customer flow, and ensure a customer-centric experience for EPs at every stage. To accomplish this, the VP OGX must manage teams effectively to handle our customers. The VP must implement and track customers follow implementation train and coach the Team Leaders to manage their members, and ensure proper education and productivity for every member.
4. LCVP OGX Responsibilities • Outgoing Exchanges process management. • customers follow management (EPs In Progress, Approved, Realized, Complete). • S&S and Leadership Development (Outgoing Preparation Seminar, Reintegration Seminar). • Follow up with EPs. • Marketing synergy – campaign implementation. • Sales Management in universities (tracking and training). • EXPA Management.
7. 8.
KPIs •EXPA flow: #sign-ups, #APVD, #RE, #CO (complete), #returnees reintegrated. • Product management: # of GCDP projects you sell, # of LC partners. • # OPS attendees, # RIS attendees. • # of 16 standards delivered per exchange. • # NPS, % of responses for NPS % of LDM development, % of responses for LDM development.• # of marketing activity, # of social media activity, # of sign-ups
Why are you applying for this position? Which experiences qualify you for this position? In your opinion which qualities does an LCVP OGX need to be a good one? Create a SWOT analysis of Outgoing Exchange from term 17.18 and propose what you would continue and what you would change. In the current state of Togo market, what are OGX's key selling points in Togo? (Mention at least 3 for GV/GE/GT). Give 3 innovative way to sell our product based on student market analysis? What is your numeric goal for OGX of AIESEC UL 18.19? Make a monthly plan to achieve that Goal. List at least 3 challenges AIESEC UL is facing, now regarding to OGX. Set up 3 strategies and actions to overcome these challenge at the end of your term. How will you increase AIESEC UL Integrated Program? What would be the key selling points for leaders to go on exchange and to be re-integrated to take a leadership role? Outline 1 plan with timeline to increase exchange+ Leadership numbers for members. How will you boost Winter Peak and Summer Peak Performance for AIESEC in Université de Lomé. Make a justify analysis of the implementation of the customer flow at AIESEC UL level and propose three concrete actions to move forward. How will you cooperate with LCVPs Talent Management and Business Development for achieving Exchange goals and expand AIESEC UL? The value delivery phase is the most important part for our EPs. How can we fulfill the 16 S&S and what concrete steps will you take to ensure value delivery and satisfaction during every step of our process?
Functional Questions LCVP IGV 18.19 Job Description
Brief of Role The LCVP iGV is in charge of leading, preparing and coaching the local iGV team towards reaching the goals and plans. Downscale the national iGV strategy and implement it at a local level. Final responsible of the local iGV direction, performance and standards delivery of the programme offered to every stakeholders involved. Act as an ambassador of the LC and Bolivia across the network
1- Why have you decided to apply for this position? Which experiences qualify you for this position? In your opinion which qualities does an LCVP IGV need to be a good one? 2- What is your own idea of projects? What are the criteria for a quality project and how will you implement it to get more interns? 3- What are the three main priorities of your term, strategies for each priority and the results you would like to see in each of these areas at the end of your term? 4- Please analyze the positioning and social relevance of AIESEC UL projects. Do you think these projects are relevant? If so, why and if not, explain why. 5- According to your explanation, what new initiatives are you bringing to the LC and how will it make the LC more relevant? 6- Design a GV booklet for all our projects to make its more relevant to make the LC the preferred EP destination. 7- What is your numeric goal for IGV of AIESEC UL 2018-2019; make a monthly plan to achieve that Goal. (add the document to the application form) 8- How will you cooperate with LCVPs Talent Management and Business Development for achieving Exchange goals? 9- Describe the incoming GV process using the GIS. 10- What are the Standards towards incoming GV?
LCVP IGV Responsibilities • Develop local iGV strategies to increase exchange experiences. • Run internal and external market analysis to develop projects. • Ensure the qualitative delivery of iGV for all the Stakeholders involved (Members, Opportunity Takers, Trainees, Sponsors, Collaborators, etc.) • Local and national iGV projects implementation. • Account management for OP takers. • Preparation, coaching and tracking of iGV team. • Create involvement opportunities for the trainees. • Ambassadorship of the LC and Bolivia in the international network. KPIs • # and growth of iGV Opportunities Opened. • # and growth of iGV Opportunities Realized. • iGV Opportunities Realization rate. • iGV Opportunities Delivery time. • % Satisfaction of GCDP Trainees. •# of re-raised GCDP Opportunities
Functional Questionnaire LCVP TM 18.19 Job Description
Brief of Role The LC Vice President of Talent Management is the one that ensure the quality and quantity of the AIESEC experiences, delivering right tools for learning development and increased productivity. Is responsible for the development of the LCs through improving the membership effectiveness (recruitment, education, results orientation, development of exchange culture, quality HR capacity to increase operations).
1- Why have you decided to apply for this position? Which experiences qualify you for this position? In your opinion which qualities does an LCVP TM need to be a good one? 2- What is your understanding of Talent Management? List all of tools that are use in this department to contribute to Talents’ development. 3- a- Describe the current TM process in AIESEC. b- How will you ensure and make successful the recruitments of your LC? 4- What is your strategy to expand AIESEC UL in other Universities of Lomé? 5- Analyze the current team standards implementation in the entity, what initiative can you drive from the LC level to ensure more people are implementing this standards?. 6- What do you know about Talent Pipeline? Propose a template of a Talent pipeline 7- According to you, is the current structure of our operations team good to perform results in exchange? If yes, why? If no, which structure do you want to propose? 8- LCVP TM is the central position of the LCEB. List the others positions of the LCEB 18/19 and say how you would work with each of them to ensure the best performance of LCEB. 9Training, motivation, coaching/mentoring, OCs and member’s evaluation, reward and recognition: what does each of these words means for you? Define your strategies to make each of them successful during the term 18/19 if you are selected. 10- What do you know about AIESEC HUB and how do you plan to make the AIESEC HUB implementation real in AIESEC UL this term?
LCVP TM Responsibilities • Team Standards Implementation. •Recruitment Process (Talent Planning, Talent Marketing & Segmentation, Talent Promotion, Talent Selection, Talent Allocation, Talent Induction). • Education Productivity • IXP Culture. • Membership Retention. • Operations Growth (strategies for Operations Managers). • Internal Communication (Mail groups, Newsletters). KPIs •EXPA flow:#members sign-up on op, # returnees & reintegrated EPs •#members on EXPA, #Teams on EXPA #phone calls, # individual assessments, #LDA Assessment • # OPS attendees. • # of 16 standards delivered per exchange and Team Experiences • # NPS, % of responses for NPS % of LDM development, % of responses for LDM development. • # of marketing activity, # of social media activity, # of sign-ups
Functional Questionnaire LCVP BD&IGT 18.19 Job Description
Brief of Role The LCVP BD & iGE/T is the final responsible of the local BD & iGE/T direction, performance and standards delivery of the programme offered to all Stakeholders involved. He is in charge of leading, preparing and coaching the local BD & iGE/T team towards reaching the goals and plans. Downscale the national BD & iGE/T strategy and implement it at a local level.
1- Why have you decided to apply for this position? Which experiences qualify you for this position? In your opinion which qualities does an LCVP BD & iGT need to be a good one? 2- Create a SWOT analysis of BD Department for the term 17.18 and propose what you would continue and what you would change.? 3- Describe 3 key bottlenecks in iGE/T right now that stop us from growing. Mention 3 strategies and actions that can help us grow. 4- How do you see your role as LCVPBD in financial sustainability of LC? How will you cooperate with LCVP FA to contribute at 50 percent to the LC budget? 5- What are the ways to make AIESEC UL GV projects financially sustainable and what is the role of VPBD in it? 6- Please describe strong and weak sides of Sales Culture in AIESEC UL. Propose at least 4 ideas for its development & improvement. Describe general educational circle in BD for term 18-19 to ensure good management of the data base of our stakeholders. 7- As LCVPBD and IGE/T, you will also ensure IGE/T. What ways will you use to raise and realize new TN takers and save old ones? How many TN takers will you raise and why they should buy our product (what are corporate Exchange benefits)? 8- Design an IGE/T booklet and attach it to your application 9- Describe the incoming GE/T process using EXPA 10- Assess our current relationship level with relevant government institutions and offices, how do you intend to aggressively transform this relationship into one that is largely productive and is of great value to AIESEC UL especially in terms of funding and access to resources?
LCVP BD & iGE/T Responsibilities • Allocate member resources to deliver iGE/T raising, matching, and realization; track and evaluate performance of team members to ensure delivery of exchanges standards • Train and coach IGT team members to raise GT TNs /Selling process for TN raising: • Internal and external market research, cold or warm calls, company meetings, signing TN contracts, match with available TNs • TN realization process: interns’ reception, handling visa, maintaining communication between interns & TN and ensure quality of exchange • Study on market research to find potential sponsors for our LC long term partnership, Breed Sales Culture in the Local Committee by training • Work with MCVP_BD to enforce National BD strategies, initiatives and products and make sure on financial sustainability • Responsible for communication between LC and LC sponsors or partner • Follow up and closing sales with past and current prospects and Developing and Selling both existing and new products KPIs • # and growth of GE/T Opportunities Opened and Realized • GT Opportunities Realization rate. • % Satisfaction of GE/T Trainees. • # of re-raised GE/T Opportunities •# of GE/T Raised, Matched, and Realized •% of incoming exchange realized by country partnerships •Level of communication between LC and partners •# of partnerships
Functional Questionnaire LCVP FA 18.19 Job Description
Brief of Role The main role of LCVP Finance is to support the term goals and increase the long-term sustainability of the local committee, and also is responsible of accounting management. He is responsible This includes but is not limited to overseeing financial obligations involved with contract, budgets, deductibility, and conferences. They also manage the local finance members and are responsible for the financial education of the members, EB and finance team.
1- Why have you decided to apply for this position? Which experiences qualify you for this position? In your opinion which qualities does an LCVP F&A need to be a good one? 2- Give three strategies as VP FA which will be implemented to ensure financial sustainability for the LC through exchange. 3- What is your understanding of “Financial model”? Based on your understanding and the Financial model of AIESEC in TOGO, propose a Financial model for your LC (add it to your application as a separate file). 4- Make a critical analysis on financial situation of AIESEC UL from 2015 to 2017? Based on this analysis propose a solution for financial stability of AIESEC UL? 5- How will you ensure accountability and transparency during your term? What potential challenges or improvements do you see? What will you do? 6- Please describe the strong and weak sides of Financial and Administration Culture in AIESEC UL. Propose at least 05 ideas for its development & improvement. 7- After defining these terms, describe the link between them: Planning, Budget and Cash flow; Investment plan, Financial report and Balance? 8- Describe general educational circle in Finance and Administration during your term. How will you ensure high quality of given knowledge? 9- What are your strategies to make AIESECUL new members pay their membership fees at last 3 months after their induction, and old members 3 months after the beginning of the new term? 10- Design strong financial strategies to make AIESEC members pay their seminar / event fees at last two weeks before the event.
LCVP F & A Responsibilities • Finance management • Legislation and administration. • Internal Audits management. • Cooperation within the network (other LCVPs and NST/MC). • Member education on compendium • Legal compliance. • Banking (general payments).Budgeting. • Financial controlling. Financial resource management. • Financial information generation and analysis. • Building a Financial culture within the LC. KPIs • % of Return on Investment Accomplished • Financial Sustainability of all programs • # Regular accountancies • % Growth in both reserves and current account. • Budget delivered on time. • Budget execution reports.
Deadline 15th January 11:59 A.M GMT
Good Luck 16