Photo Manipulation Tutorial Step By Step Process

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Photo Manipulation in Photoshop (Tutorial Step By Step). Various photo manipulations are measured with skillful artwork while others are frown upon as unprincipled practices, particularly when used to mislead the public, such as that use for following misinformation, or to create a result or person seem improved.

Photo manipulation date backside to some of the initial photograph capture on glass and tin plates throughout the 19th century. The perform began not lengthy after the formation of the first image (1825) by Joseph NicÊphore NiÊpce who improved heliography and complete the original pictorial print from a photoengraved print plate. Traditional pictorial prints can be changed using different methods and techniques that engage manipulation straight to the print, such as retouch with ink, paint, airbrushing, or scratch Polaroid’s during emergent. Step 1

Begin it by creating a new document by select File > New and put the setting as shown in the picture below.

Step 2

Place the jungle picture to the main manuscript by selecting File > Place Embedded or Place and then put it into the main document. Also, resize it a little bit so it resemble to below photo.

Step 3

We are completing it right now by adding depth to jungle image. To do this, convert the jungle photo into a smart object (right-click on it and decide to change to Smart Object) and then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set the radius value as exposed in the picture below.

Step 4

Trigger up the Brush tool by tapping (B) on the keyboard. Select a soft round black brush. Set its opacity and stream it about 30% then start blurring the selected effect by painting on the layer mask of Gaussian Blur filter.

Here we’ve added deepness to the picture.

Step 5

Create a Brightness & Contrast tuning layer (Layer > New Adjustment layers > Brightness/Contrast) to jungle picture as clipping mask (red one) to decrease glowness of the forest.

Step 6

Use a Color stability adjustment layer to add some blue tones to the jungle.

Here are the outcome.

Step 7

Use the Color adjustment layer to decrease yellow tones from the jungle image.

Here are the outcome.

Step 8

Insert the nebula picture to the scene and resize it as revealed in the picture below so it can cover the whole image.

Create the blend mode of Nebula image to display and decrease the opacity to 33%. Here are the consequences and as here it shown by adding the nebula picture we’ve little bit delightful effect added to the scene.

Step 9

Apply a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to counterpart the color of nebula to the rest of the background of the image.

Step 10

Open up the image PSD file in Photoshop. Place a raven to the main file and also add a Gaussian Blur filter to crow so it can unify with jungle blur parts.

Step 11

Time to make a light source using Brush tool. Make a new layer by tapping (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + N) on the keyboard and name it ‘Light Source’ or whatever you want to name it. Now make active the brush tool by tapping (B) on the keyboard and adjust your foreground color to #1b3a5d this metrics then make a large stroke (use half of the brush) as shown in the picture beneath.

Alter the blend mode of the light basis to Linear Dodge and decrease the opacity to 88% (reducing the opacity depending on you).

Step 12

Open up the starry surface and place the starry picture to the main file. Use the half of the surface as we only want the bright particles not the rest of it. See the image below that how it placed.

Change the blend form of Starry4 to display to get rid of black environment.

Step 13

Equivalent the color of Starry4 surface using a Hue/Saturation adjustments layer by dropping the saturation.

To add some more bright particles to the prospect, make a new layer and name it ‘Little Glow’ or whatever you want. Make active the brush tool and using soft round white brush tool paint a white tiny dot as indicated by red ball.

Step 14

Insert a glow to the little glow layer by adding up an outer glow effect. To add an external glow effect, right click on the ‘little glow’ or the name whatever you have been set up in the layer and take blending options then set the setting as shown in the picture underneath.

Imitate the ‘Little glow’ layer by tapping (CTRL + J)

Step 15

Pull out the deer from its backdrop and place it to the main file.

Hide the legs of deer using a Layer Mask

Step 16

Make some shadow for the deer, to do this makes a new layer and turn on the brush tool by tapping (B) on the keyboard. Make the opacity and flow of brush tool to 30% and then make a shadow for the deer where the deer legs.

Step 17

Decrease the saturation of deer by using Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.

Step 18

The glow of deer doesn’t match with the picture as it got a dark background but deer has more glow than the background. So decrease the brightness of deer by using Curves adjustment layer.

Here is the outcome.

Step 19

Create a Color balance adjustment layer to deer to merge it properly to the picture.

Here are the outcome.

Step 20

Make a new layer and name it “Highlights”.

• •

Modify your foreground color to #2b5463 and then use a soft round brush tool with opacity and run about 30%. Draw some lights on deer parts that are shade up by the light source. See the arrow direction as shown in the picture below.

Now modify the blend mode of show up layer to Linear Dodge and decrease the opacity to 55%.

Step 21

• •

Insert more lights to the image. Now use the full brush as shown in the picture below.

Step 22

Modify the blend mode to Lighten mode and decrease the opacity to 66%.

Step 23

• •

Now to confirm the picture using the Final Adjustment layers. Add the Gradient Map adjustment to the picture in the image below.

Change the mode of Gradient Map to Color Dodge to light up the prospect.

Step 24

Add the Selective Color to eliminate the green color from the jungle.

Here is the outcome.

Step 25

• • •

Insert the Brightness/Contrast and Color Lookup tuning layers to the scene. Also decrease the opacity of Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer to 64% . For Color Lookup decrease it to 55%.

Here is the consequence.

Step 26

Add again a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer to the prospect.

Here is the outcome.

Step 27

On the layer mask of Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer conceal the selected consequence using a soft round black brush to keep some lights in the center.

Here are the consequences.

Step 28

• • •

As you can visibly notice that thickness of layer mask is set to 100%. Now decrease the density of layer mask to 69% by dragging the controller to left. As you decrease thickness of layer you can see that layer mask color now altered from black to gray that means it revealing the effect.

Let’s see the ultimate outcome now.

As you can observe we’ve decreased lightness in the middle by using the thickness of layer mask. Always keep in mind by dragging the modular, on the possessions of layer mask, to left mean it painting with white color and by dragging the modular to right means that it painting on the layer mask with black color. Conclusion So, these are process for manipulating any images by Photoshop. And most of the professional photo editor use Photoshop for its uniqueness of work. And Photoshop can do lots photo editing work like clipping path image and this kind of service basically take photographers who take bulk amount of images. So they don’t have enough time to edit these images this is why they take clipping path service to remove background or takes photo retouching service. For ecommerce business they also do photo editing because of, here main thing is image which actually people can rely on it.

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