
Page 1


the big interview: Irish designer Paul Costelloe

on the joys of coming back to his home town Page 16

Inside: The Coronas are among the stellar line up for New Year’s concert Page 17

Festive fare: See our top tips to take the stress out of Christmas dinner Page 20

sport Rugby:

Clon fourths turn the tables on Stillorgan Page 30

Keep reading, keep recycling – thank you

Woman refuses Muslim doctors  Ian Begley

A female patient in Tallaght Hospital allegedly refused to be treated by two medical consultants on the grounds that they were both Muslim. On December 8, the patient asked the female medical professional if she was Muslim since she was wearing a hijab. After the consultant replied that she was, the patient refused to be treated by her and asked for someone else to tend to her needs. Afterwards, a male medic came out to assist her, but the woman refused him on the grounds that he was Muslim too. Following the controversy that

December 17-23, 2015

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Cllr comes out in support of amazing work by Muslim doctors arose after her statement, Cllr Dermot Looney (Ind) tweeted that Muslim doctors do amazing work around Ireland and in Tallaght. A spokesperson from Tallaght Hospital said it cannot comment on individual patient cases due to patient confidentiality. Full Story on Page 7

soaking up the festive fun at fundraising event melissa and Charlie Moseley were clearly enjoying the Christmas atmosphere around the The Mill Centre in Clondalkin recently as Round Tower GAA juvenile teams joined together for carol singing on the mall, collecting for the homeless

in Clondalkin. There was plenty of other fun activities going on as well with face painters and balloonists entertaining the crowds. See full Gallery on Pages 12-13 Picture: Cathy Weatherston

2 CLONDALKIN Gazette 17 December 2015

special day | Eight-year-old has exciting time being a zookeeper

It’s a dream come true for Saoirse An eight-year-old girl living with cystic fibrosis (CF) had her wish of becoming a zookeeper come true as part of the Make-A-Wish Ireland Foundation. Saoirse Brophy from Tallaght was treated like royalty throughout her special day and was given the opportunity to work alongside head zookeeper Gerry Creighton. Speaking to The Gazette, Saoirse said that her day as a zookeeper was “really fun and exciting”. “My favourite part of the day was feeding the sea lions and seeing the tiger jump up onto the

 ian begley

glass which I thought was really funny. I loved all of the animals and had a very good time at the zoo.” Saoirse’s mam Siobhan said that the whole experience really gave her daughter a boost in confidence, along with priceless memories. “They really made her feel like a movie star. Everyone thought she

was a celebrity because we were taken to the zoo by limo and there was a photographer following us around throughout the day. “One of her idols is David Attenborough and since she adores animals we knew that being a zookeeper was the perfect wish for her. “Saoirse got to see some really exotic and big animals up close like the gorillas and elephants, which she loved. “ We we r e t h e n brought to lunch and she was given her own special menu along with an ice-cream cart and cookies with her name

on them. “A f t e r w a r d s , t h e l i m o p i c ke d u s u p and dropped us to the Rotunda Cafe where we had a special dinner and were again treated like royalty.” Brophy added that when Soairse was first diagnosed with CF it was quite daunting, but said her daughter’s positive attitude towards life makes everything a lot easier. “We initially thought her condition was swine flu, but soon afterwards the doctors at Tallaght Hospital diagnosed her with CF. “She’s my little hero because she goes

Saoirse Brophy was treated like royalty on her special day at the zoo

through a lot with her big routine of physio and medicines each morning. She does everything with a smile, which makes it so much easier for the both of us.”

Make-A-Wish did so much for us and they’re a really great charity to get behind because they do so much for children with all types of different illnesses.” T he Make A Wish

Ireland Foundation are this year’s chosen charity by Christmas FM. The station is run as a not-for-profit operation with 100% of texts and donations going directly to the charity.

17 December 2015 CLONDALKIN Gazette 3

inspiration | Clondalkin Youth Service to hold appreciation night


Free mental health meetings

Young community volunteers honoured  ian begley

Clondalkin Youth Service (CYS) are holding an appreciation night in honour of more than 60 young volunteers who have given up their time to help others within their community. The service, which has community centres based in Bawnogue, Deansrath, Knockmitten and Clondalkin Village, gives young people an opportunity to get involved in activities such as adventure sports, street art, fashion, music, football, summer projects and much more. The Junior Leader night taking place on December 17, is to recognise the commitment and hard work of 60-plus

volunteers, aged 14 to 18, who have helped to run the CYS annual summer camp for young children. Proud

Julieann Hynes, youth development officer of CYS, told The Gazette that she is very proud of the young people who got involved, adding that they have “greatly benefited their community” and are an inspiration to their peers. “As the young people started to get older in the youth service, they showed an interest in wanting to give back to the community. The staff and management have encouraged this interest and as a result the numbers have grown over the years.

“As a thank you for volunteering and help making the summer projects a brilliant experience for all involved, the staff run an appreciation night to thank the junior leaders for their help, support and commitment. “We will be holding this year’s events in our village premises on Monastery Road on Thursday, December 17. It will be a festive themed event and each guest will be wearing a Christmas jumper on the night. We will also have food, a DJ and our own photo booth. “The event is always a great success and it is always a pleasure for staff to have the opportunity to thank the young people for their wonderful contribution,” said Hynes.

graduation ceremony

Pictured at the recent nursing graduation ceremony at Tallaght Hospital are Hilary Daly, director of Nursing, Elaine Sweeney, staff nurse, and Eileen Whelan, chief director of Nursing and Midwifery Services, Dublin Midlands Hospital Group. This Nursing Graduation was an important event as it was the first to be attended by Eileen Whelan since she took up her post at the Hospital Group. It was an equally important moment for those new nurses embarking on the next stage in their nursing career. Elaine Sweeney was awarded the honorary title of Clinical Lecturer in Nursing.

Recovery Self-Help Method Ireland, an Irish charity focused at helping people with mental health problems, are holding weekly meetings at the Pastoral Centre of the Church of the Immaculate, Clondalkin, every Monday at 8pm. The aim of these free meetings is to restore and maintain the mental health of its members. If you have become isolated or withdrawn, you can begin to interact again with others in a safe, sympathetic environment. Recovery meetings are structured, and there is no need to say or do anything, unless you want to. For more information on these meetings, visit www.recoveryireland. ie.

4 CLONDALKIN Gazette 17 December 2015

Live Register | 17,000 unemployed compared to 27,000 people in 2013

Numbers signing on decrease  Ian Begley

The number of people signing on the Live Register in Dublin MidWest has dropped again in November compared to October. In the Clondalkin social welfare office, which also caters for Lucan, the total number of people signing on fell from 6,293 in October to 6,130 in November. Individuals under 25 signing on also fell from 980 in October to 891 in November – a difference of 9%. In the Tallaght social welfare office, the total number signing on

dropped from 8,779 in October to 8,767 in November. The figure for those aged under 25 also dropped from 1,365 in October to 1,331 in November. 17, 0 0 0 p e o p l e i n Dublin Mid-West are now unemployed compared to 27,000 people in 2013, according to figures from the central statistics office. The employment rate for this area has grown slightly from 147,000 to 149,000 so far this year.

Critical The Government are hailing this drop as a sign that the economy is improving, while oppo-

sition parties are critical that other factors are at play. Local Minister Frances Fitzgerald said: “The latest CSO data shows that the Live Register in Dublin Mid-West has fallen by 38% since the launch of the Action Plan for Jobs in 2012, while the national unemployment rate is now 8.9%. “A d r o p i n t h e number of people signing on the Live Register in the Clondalkin office is ver y positive and highlights the growth in the local economy. “I am par ticularly pleased to see a drop in the number of young

people who are unemployed since last month. “Since the beginning of the year, the Live Register figures for under-25 -year-olds has fallen by 24% for the local area, so we can see that there is a significant acceleration in the opportunities for our youth.” However, Cllr Ruth Nolan (PBP) told The Gazette that a lot of new jobs being created are linked through Government-based schemes, like Jobsbridge and are “hardly worth talking about”. She said: “I would like to see how many of these new jobs are being created based on zero con-

Tidy Towns are crystal clear winners Clondalk in Tidy Towns were presented with a crystal plaque by South County Dublin Mayor Sarah Holland (SF) in recognition of their Endeavour Award at this year’s Supervalu National Tidy Towns competition. Clondalkin increased their points by 27 to 260 points this year and is their second Endeavour Award following their success in 2013. They also received a prize fund of €500 for their success. Pat O Sullivan, chairperson of Clondalkin Tidy Towns accepted the award from the mayor, saying that he was delighted to be presented with this “beautiful award” at the official lighting of the Clondalkin Village Christmas.

In the Clondalkin social welfare office the total number of people signing on fell from 6,293 in October to 6,130 in November

tracts or if they’re directly linked to Jobsbridge or Gateway. “T here is a claim being made that jobs are on the increase, but

I beg to differ based on the quality of many of them. Some of the jobs available at the moment are hardly worth talking about.

“Some of my constituents have even told me that they are working for seven euros an hour, which is against the law.”

ABC CERTIFIED 51,340 COPIES EACH WEEK (ABC: Group MFD, March- April 2014).

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17 December 2015 CLONDALKIN Gazette 5

6 CLONDALKIN Gazette 17 December 2015

website | highlighting the benefits of Grange Castle Business Park

Council bids to attract more foreign firms

 Ian Begley

South Dublin County Council (SDCC) has stepped up its campaign to attract more foreign direct investment to the South Dublin area, describing its Grange Castle Business Park (GCBP) as “the finest business park in the world”. Grange Castle is now home to companies with global repu-

tations such as Pfizer, Takeda, Aryzta, Interxion, Google, Grifols and Microsoft. The business park currently accommodates large scale operations offering connectivity to services, markets and a skilled workforce just kilometres from the centre of Dublin. In their bid to attract more foreign direct investment to the area, the council recently

hosted the launch of a new GCBP business expansion strategy with the launch of a new website, and the promotional brochure at Grange Castle Business Park. Daniel McLoughlin, chief executive of South Dublin County Council said: “We have an excellent business park here that has attracted

large multinationals since its development. We want to build on the reputation that Grange Castle has for inward investment and continue to attract large scale corporate investment who are looking to Ireland as a great location for their business. The launch of the website is the first major step in the strategy to highlight all the great things Grange

Castle Business Park has to offer.” Meanwhile Microsoft Ireland has applied for planning permission to construct two data centres at its location in the Grange Castle Business Park. Its application is for two single-storey data centres that will replace the construction of six buildings previously

permitted under a planning application that was granted permission in 2014. Both data centres will contain offices, a computer, support areas and electrical component rooms over a gross floor area of 16,900 sq m. Submissions will be accepted on the application until December 21 with a decision made by February 17.

Aras Chronain | christmas

Life size crib ‘like nothing you will see anywhere’  Ian Begley

Ar as Chronain, the Irish Cultural Centre, Clondalkin, will once again host their annual life size nativity crib, along with an assortment of live animals and actors. Following on from the success of last year, the live crib (An Beithilin Beo) will take place on December 19 and 20 from 2 to 6pm, and promises to be an uplifting, entertaining and spiritual experience with a choreographed movement to a specially collated musical sound track. Construction of the life size stable is being undertaken by Muintir Chronain and the local community in the traditional way, without the use of drills or nails. The crib has been devised by ex-Ros na Run soap star Brendan Murray with the show produced by Brian Gavin of Aras Chronain. The cast and crew are all members of the Clondalkin Youth Theatre and Aisteoiri Chronain.

The live crib promises to be an uplifting, entertaining and spiritual experience

Speaking to The Gazette, Brian Gavin said the presentation is like “nothing you will see anywhere else in the world”. “We build the crib inside Aras Chronain with live animals, live actors and a baby Jesus. “It’s a performance that’s choreographed over the space of 30 minutes to music. Ever yone in the building gets into character for the event and you will meet other people such as lepers and scribes. “The shepherds come in to prepare the crib and then Mar y and Joseph will arrive with

the baby Jesus. “When it’s over we invite all of our guests into the crib and let them interact with the animals. “We will then invite them back into the house where they can relax and have a chat,” he said. Admission to the live crib is free and tea, coffee, hot chocolate and mince pies will be served afterwards. Donations are welcome and will go towards helping the continuation of the presentation each year. For more information, visit w w w.facebook. com/aras.chronain.

17 December 2015 CLONDALKIN Gazette 7

hospital | daughter shares mother’s experience on Facebook

Patient refuses Muslim doctors  Ian Begley

A female patient in Tallaght Hospital allegedly refused to be treated by two medial consultants on the grounds that they were both Muslim. On December 8, the patient asked the female medical professional if she was a Muslim since she was wearing a hijab. After the consultant replied that she was, the patient refused to be treated by her and asked for someone else to tend to her needs. Afterwards, a male medic came out to assist

her, but the woman refused him on the grounds that he was a Muslim too. The daughter of the patient shared her mother’s experience on Facebook, which has since gained a lot of controversy and public debate. She wrote that when the first consultant came to see her mother, she was wearing “a hijab and black sack”. “My mam asked her the obvious, if she was Muslim. The consultant replied yes, to which my mam then told her that she wanted to see someone else. “In walks another

consultant - a big black bearded man. Guess what he was - a Muslim too. My mam stuck to her guns and said ‘well they are just going to have to find me a nonMuslim consultant’. “Hours pass and eventually someone comes into the ward to talk to my mam about it. She was told that they had a board meeting and that the hospital runs a certain way and they were going to have to ask her to leave,” she said. The daughter’s Facebook post also stated that her family is currently lodging an official complaint on Tallaght Hospital due to their

belief that the patient did not receive the respect she deserved. Following the controversy that arose after her statement, Cllr Dermot Looney (Ind) tweeted that Muslim doctors do amazing work around Ireland and in Tallaght. “I despair, not only for doctors but for wonderful Muslim kids I’ve taught who want to become doctors. What vileness they face. “My hear t sinks… Muslim docs do amazing work around Ireland, including in Tallaght.” Responding to The Gazette, a spokesperson from Tallaght Hospital said it cannot comment

Tallaght Hospital: “No patients have been denied appropriate treatment this week.”

on individual patient cases due to patient confidentiality, but confirmed that no patients were denied treatment during the week the woman in question was in the hospital. T he spokesperson

added: “Tallaght Hospital’s values emphasise respect and the hospital’s establishing charter guarantees the free profession and practise of religion by all associated with the hospital and in particular the

members of staff. These values are upheld by all staff and the hospital expects patients to respects these values of fairness and equity. No patients have been denied appropriate treatment this week.”

8 CLONDALKIN Gazette 17 December 2015

message | Season’s greetings at this very special time of the year

Wishing you all a very joyous celebration Frs Liam Belton, Kieran McDermott and John Bracken – Pastoral Area of Dundrum, Ballinteer, Meadowbrook Being together with others is an important dimension of our Christmas celebrations and it reflects something at the heart of the Incarnation. Emmanuel is God-withus. Christmas celebrates the overwhelming love of God that bursts into the world through the conception and birth of Jesus Christ There is a large beautiful crib at the entrance to the Dundrum Town Centre which was recently visited and blessed by representatives of the Christian Churches in Dundrum and Ballinteer. In this traditional representation of the birth of Christ the figures of shepherds and wise men surrounding the Holy Family once again tell a story that is in danger of being forgotten. It silently witnesses to the values of faith that are more important than ever for the well-being of our cities. One of those values is mentioned in the Benedictus, the Song of

Zechariah from St Luke’s Gospel. It speaks of ‘the loving kindness of the heart of our God, who visits us like the dawn from on high’. The story of Jesus’s birth still has the power to move people to be kinder and more considerate towards one another. We are living what we celebrate – a sharing in God’s loving kindness and mercy that comes to us through Christ like the daylight at the beginning of each day.

Reverend Scott Peoples – St Andrew’s Church, Lucan T he first Christmas involved an invitation to shepherds and kings to come and see Jesus. Rich and poor, powerful and weak, insider and outsider are invited to the stable. This Christmas the invitation is repeated as before to rich and poor, powerful and weak, insider or outsider, saint and sinner. The essential message of Christianity is an invitation to connect with the reality of Jesus Christ. Over the Christmas season there will be the opportunity to hear traditional carols, attend

church services of praise and worship but making a personal connection with the living Jesus Christ can begin in private, in this moment, right now. Approaching Jesus as a friend in private prayer will open up the reality of who He really is and invite Him into our lives. Many shy away from this fearing it will limit their lives but following Jesus means opening up our lives to new lifechanging joy, hope and potential. The Response: With any invitation there is a RSVP. What will be our response this Christmas? Will we connect with the life-changing Jesus Christ? The invitation is real and the response is ours. May God bless our homes and families at this Christmas time.

Reverend Sam Mawhinney – Adelaide Road Presbyterian Church, Dublin 2 On behalf of the members of Adelaide Road Presbyterian, I want to wish all the readers of the Dublin Gazette a very happy and peaceful Christmas. May you know the won-

derful truth and encouragement of “Immanuel” God with you in 2016. This Christmas we have celebrated Jesus’ birth already with the children of Sunflower Creche which meets on our premises and with our Church children. This coming Sunday we have a traditional Carols by Candlelight service where we will look at the idea that Jesus is the missing piece in the jigsaw that is the picture of life! All are welcome and we will, as a church family, celebrate our Saviour’s birth on the December 25 at 10am with a family service of worship. One of our members last Christmas experienced the trauma of having their son diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. It has been their testimony that God has been Immanuel to them and they can speak of his living presence and help through that very real issue in their lives. In essence that is the meaning of Christmas. God saw, cared and loved us enough to get involved, to come to us and bring us all the help we need to navigate this often broken world. It is the desire of the Church

Cribs are a lovely way to focus on the true meaning of Christmas, and the legacy of Jesus Christ

in Adelaide Road Presbyterian to offer that hope to others. God bless you all.

Fr Paul Thornton, St Cronan’s Parochial House, Brackenstown Road, Swords The other day I was stopped in my tracks when I heard a phrase my granny used to use in the madness of the lead up to Christmas. ‘Christmas is only for the children, nothing else.’ It can at times seem like that as we listen to the ads, rush from shop to shop, write

cards and plan dinners. What is it all for? In a way my granny was right, it is about children, well one child. But where is Jesus in the middle of all of this? He is all through it in so many ways. When you see the stars hanging from the roof, they are reminding us of his birth. When through the chatter and noise we hear Silent Night or O Come All Ye Faithful we are called like the Shepherds and the Kings. When we take a card from the giving tree, bring food to be shared with those in need, send a card to a neighbour or

simply smile and brighten up someone’s day... then we begin to see that he is here, all around us. When we take the time to stop, look and then act in love we are truly celebrating this child Jesus, who brings the light, love and kindness of God among us. I wish you, your family and friends, those who will share Christmas with you and those who are away from home every blessing. May the year ahead be filled with opportunity and hope and may you always know the compassion and mercy of God.

17 December 2015 CLONDALKIN Gazette 9

courts | Victim feared he would be killed during violent robbery

Brutal attack by teens on man ‘depressing’

A judge has described as “depressing” an attack on a Zimbabwean man during which he was punched 18 times, kicked 13 times, kneed three times to the side of his head, stamped on seven times and stabbed four times. Two teenagers who were captured on CCTV brutally beating the man before robbing his mobile phone were

given five-and-a-half year sentences at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court. Aaron Eccles (18) and Niall Brooks (18) were described by their victim, Charles Goromonzi (57), as “evil”. CCTV footage of the robbery shown in court depicted Mr Goromonzi walking alone at 9.30pm before being randomly set upon by Brooks, Eccles and a

third man. Eccles, of Brookview Close, and Brooks, of The Rise, Kiltipper Gate, Tallaght, Dublin, pleaded guilty to robbery of a Nokia Lumina 625 phone at Sundale Heights, Tallaght, on July 29, 2014. The kicks to the victim were mostly to his head. He was also held on the ground by the pair with his arms outstretched. He

Local Minister Frances Fitzgerald with volunteers at the launch of The Giving Tree

charity | gift donations

Helping to make Christmas a little bit brighter  Ian Begley

Members from the local St Vincent de Paul (SVP) branches in Clondalkin, Lucan and Ballyfermot were shaking their buckets throughout the weekend and encouraging shoppers in Liffey Valley Shopping Centre to pick up something extra and donate it to their Christmas Giving Tree, located within the centre. The Giving Tree is a way for people to help spread the holiday spirit by donating gifts to children whose families cannot afford gifts this Christmas. You can pick up a tag from the Giving Tree

which lists a person and age group, and then buy a new gift for the child or adult on the tag. People can drop their unwrapped gifts to the volunteers in Liffey Valley any time before December 22. Local Minister Frances Fitzgerald, who launched the annual SVP Giving Tree in Liffey Valley Shopping Centre, said: “It’s great to see so many locals collecting for this great cause. The tree, right in the centre of Liffey Valley, is proving an attraction for shoppers and the Morris Brothers from Ballyfermot are spreading Christmas cheer with a sing-along. Christmas

time is the happiest time of the year for many, but for others it’s a financially difficult and hugely stressful time. It’s so important that people who can give to others who need help do; and that’s the message that the Clondalkin, Lucan and Ballyfermot branches of St Vincent de Paul are sending. “Well done to all involved in this initiative. I know many of the women and men of SVP spend the run up to Christmas delivering food hampers and gifts to people in need of support in their area. “I know from families I have met, that their help and kindness is much appreciated.”

suffered wounds to his head, wrists and knees. He described in his victim impact statement how, after coming to Ireland from war-torn Zimbabwe, he feared he would be killed that night. Judge Martin Nolan said anyone who viewed the CCTV footage could not fail to be depressed at the sheer violence of the robbery which had been

carried out for a very small profit. He said it was lucky for everyone that Mr Goromonzi had not sustained far more serious injuries. Judge Nolan said the pair deserved some form of punishment but the overriding concern in sentencing young people was to try to reform them. He noted both accused had similar difficulties in their

background with the principal difference being that Brooks did not have any history of convictions. Judge Nolan suspended the final 18 months for Eccles and suspended the final three years and nine months in the case of Brooks. He ordered 18 months post release supervision by the probation service for both.

10 CLONDALKIN Gazette 17 December 2015

opinion | ‘changes due to take effect from january will help everyone’

2016 will see plenty of new reasons to make work pay Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald looks forward to a range of budget changes on January 1, and future Government plans AT THIS time, it is normal for us to look back on the year that has been, and to look forward to a New Year with hope in our hearts for better prospects for us all. One thing is sure, however: 2016 will be a better year for everybody in our country who goes out to work and for their families and for those who worked for many years and are

now enjoying their later years. In particular, January 1st will be an important day for the workers of Ireland. Firstly, new year’s day will see the coming into effect of the first substantial rate cute to the Universal Social Charge (USC) since it was introduced by the last Government. Reducing the USC

from 7% to 5.5% on people’s earnings between €18,668 and €70,044 will make a significant difference for working families and individuals. As local TD for Dublin Mid West, I know that this reduction in the USC will be welcomed and will help ensure that every worker in Lucan, Clondalkin and the surrounding areas will benefit from the economic

recovery that is under way. This is the second year in a row that the current Government – of which I’m proud to be a member – has reduced the tax burden on low- and middleincome earners. If re-elected, we will get rid of the USC altogether over the lifetime of the next government. In addition, more than 700,000 of the lowest-paid workers will be exempt from paying the USC from January. Overall, our tax cuts reduce the tax rate on low- and middle-income earners to below 50% for the first time since 2009. Our planned income tax cuts will create 15,000 more jobs by encouraging increased workforce participation and entrepreneurship, growing domestic spending and consumer confidence, and encouraging foreign investment. Tax cuts will encourage home our emigrants, and is key for attracting foreign investment, such

as the significant investment we are now seeing being delivered in Grange Castle. Put simply, this Government is delivering on our commitment to reduce taxes on work, to make work pay. January 1st sees another increase in the national minimum wage. This will be the second increase in the minimum wage under the current Government, bringing the minimum wage from €7.65 in 2011 to €9.15 in 2016. We have increased it twice so as to incentivise work and to better protect low-paid workers. Again, this Government is delivering on our commitment to make work pay. A further key part of plans to make work pay involves making childcare more affordable and removing barriers to work from lack of affordable and accessible childcare. I’m happy to report that 2016 will see the extension of free pre-school for children from age three until primary school (up to

Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald

an additional 50 weeks); 8,000 extra community childcare scheme places, two weeks’ paid paternity leave, and a €5 increase in child benefit. We will also extend free GP care to under-12s. We will recruit 2,260 extra teachers and reduce the pupil-teacher ratio from 28:1 to 27:1. As Minister for Justice, I am recruiting a further 600 new Garda in 2016. We are also increasing the weekly pension rate by €3. Our plans are not just good for workers – they are good for families, for communities and the elderly. This is only possible because of the economic recovery, which the current Government has overseen. Ireland now has the highest economic and employment growth in

the EU, and more than 135,000 jobs have been created since this Government launched the Action Plan for Jobs. Our recovery is real, and is helping to improve lives. However, I am aware that many people are still to feel the benefit. We’ll continue to make responsible and prudent decisions to keep the economy strong and the recovery going. With your support, we will continue with our long-term plan, to the benefit of everybody in our society. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous 2016.

Frances Fitzgerald Minister for Justice, and FG deputy for Dublin Mid West

17 December 2015 CLONDALKIN Gazette 11


| the capital glows with christmas atmosphere

Emma Gallagher and fashion stylist Lisa Fitzpatrick at the annual Christmas tree lighting

Cadbury Chorus Line dancers at Grand Canel Dock launching the Cadbury Christmas Cadvent which

ceremony in the Shelbourne

will see Cadbury Christmas trucks throw open their doors to reveal a series of seasonal surprises and

Hotel. Picture: Marc O’Sullivan

events. Picture: Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland

Festive fun enjoyed across Dublin city A

round up of festive fun happenings around town for young and old. Reindeer, angels, chorus line

dancers and Santa’s little helpers add to the cheer in the city, with visits from Santa and his helpers to meet good girls and boys.

Hugh, Eve and Maebh Breathnach at the Shelbourne Hotel Christmas tree lighting ceremony. Picture: Marc O’Sullivan

There are delights for young and old in Dublin this Christmas as we join in the spirit of things with trees, tinsel and glad rags galore!

Nia John from St Joseph’s Nursery in Dublin 8 at the opening of the Dublin City Council live Crib at the Mansion House. Picture: Andres Poveda

Jacob Byrne at the launch of Jeremiasz Czebotar from St

Tesco’s Magical Reindeer Food

Joseph’s Nursery at the opening

Fundraiser in aid of Temple

of the Dublin City Council live Crib.

Sara Sheilch, Rebeea Mussabir and Meena Aiun at the

Street Children’s Hospital.

Picture: Andres Poveda

Shelbourne Hotel. Picture: Marc O’Sullivan

Picture: Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland

Temple Street Hospital ambassador Miriam O’Callaghan

Santa joins children Maja Tazbir, Stephanie Mahon, Aiden O’Dea and

with Eoin Fallon and his sister Freya at Santa Claus’s arrival

Isobel Bailie at Benetton Window, St Stephen’s Green, when details were

Sarah Bartley and Isabella Bartley at the Shelbourne

at Arnotts Department Store. Picture: Conor McCabe

announced of RTE 2fm’s Xmas Appeal in aid of the ISPCC. Picture: Brian McEvoy

Hotel for it’s lighting ceremony. Picture: Marc O’Sullivan

12 CLONDALKIN Gazette 17 December 2015

blanchGazettegallery |

at a major fundraising event for

Aisling Walsh and Aoife Kelly

Celebrating McDonalds 20 years in Clondalkin is manager Vincent Dornan and Ronald McDonald

Alison McGovern with Ella and Niamh Dowdall. Pictures: Cathy Weatherston

Singing their hearts out for a very good cause T

here was a great buzz about the Mill Centre Clondalkin recently as Round Tower GAA Juvenile teams got everyone in the festive spirit as they joined together for carol singing on the mall, collecting for the homeless in Clondalkin. There was plenty of other fun activities going on as well with face painters and balloonists entertaining the crowds.

Robyn Doyle

Joshua Crothers and David Walsh

Aoife Jackson, Cara Lynam Clarke, Grace Keegan and Sue Kelly

17 December 2015 CLONDALKIN Gazette 13

the homeless in Clondalkin as round tower teams sing carols

Luke Hollowed and Oscar Noah Keany

Lorette Egan with Mary and Tom Quinlan

Harriet, Ruby and Sinead Tennant

Kitty Quinlan, Tara Kelly, Emma-Louise Gilvarry and Aaron Callanan



14 Gazette 17 December 2015



It’s a magical wonderland of thrilling attractions This year ’s Winter Funderland has already been very well received by excited thrill seekers nationwide. Open until Sunday, January 11, this year sees the arrival of three brand new attractions amongst over 50 other established rides and attractions. T hese include the

child-friendly Dumbo, Magic Circus and the thrilling Ultra Buzz. One of the largest indoor events of its kind in Europe, Winter Funderland features thrilling roller coasters and a giant Ferris wheel alongside the well-known rides like Extreme, Snowdrop and

Take Off. With top of the range attractions catering for all ages, Bounceworld, The Fun Factory and the Crazy Worm rollercoaster will be sure to capture the hearts and imagination of those younger family members. For those visitors who prefer to keep their heart

Fossetts Christmas Circus can be seen only at Winter Funderland at the RDS. Picture: Jolanta Rossiter

pace at an even keel, there will also be an area filled with games of skill and the chance to win one of the famous Winter Funderland soft toys. For more information, visit

students praised for winning art Twelve Dublin students were invited to the Mansion House last week to receive prizes from Lord Mayor Criona Ni Dhalaigh (SF) for their winning pictures which are featured in the 2016 Dublin Fire Brigade Fire Safety Calendar. Dublin Fire Brigade, as part of Fire Safety Week, invited all the primary school children in Dublin to participate in an art competition with the aim of increasing fire safety awareness among young people. The 12 best fire safety themed pictures were used to create the calendar which will be sent to all Dublin primary schools for display. Chief fire officer Pat Fleming said: “There was a great response to the competition and we would like to thank all those that took part. With Christmas approaching it is important to be aware of the extra hazards that occur at this time of the year. Dublin Fire Brigade would like to wish you all a safe and happy Christmas.”

valuable record of 1916 events The National Library of Ireland (NLI) has

launched its 2016 programme, which includes the release of a unique digital repository of personal papers and photographs that tell the story of the momentous events of 1916. Over 20,000 items related to the seven signatories of the Proclamation will be available online by April 2016. An event was held in the National Library’s iconic premises on Kildare Street to mark the launch and was presented by broadcaster and historian, Dr John Bowman and Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys. Paul Shovlin, chair of the National Library’s Board, said: “In 1916, the National Library was an intellectual and social hub at the heart of Ireland and is proud to take its place in the centenary events 100 years later, through a programme built around our unparalleled collections. “We are delighted to contribute to the commemorations by cataloguing and digitising materials that tell the story of 1916, commencing with the seven signatories of the Proclamation.”

a rare insight into world of doctors Secondary school students will be given a unique insight into the lives of a neurosurgeon, microbiologist and an orthopaedic surgeon in episode two of the RCSI’s (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland) livestreamed video broadcast called So You Want To Be A Doctor? The second episode in the three-part series will profile three doctors based in Dublin’s Beaumont Hospital. Viewers will be shown around the surgical theatre ahead of an operation Dr David O’Brien will perform to mend a patients back. Dr Fidelma Fitzpatrick, senior lecturer in Microbiology and consultant microbiologist at Beaumont Hospital will discuss what exactly a microbiologist does and will also talk about antibiotics and how their overuse has led to the rise of superbugs. Students can get involved in the broadcast as a live-streamed question and answer session will take place at the end of the episode. Students can send in their comments and questions via Twitter and Facebook using #RCSIBeADoc.

17 December 2015 Gazette 15


feature A DAY IN THE LIFE: Seamus Fahy, owner of Voltaire Diamonds

The diamond life is a very busy one  emma nolan

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend and so is Seamus Fahy. Gazette sat down with the owner of Voltaire Diamonds to find out about the day in the life of a diamond dealer. The Limerick-born entrepreneur was working in the financial services industry in London before moving back to Ireland to venture into the diamond by appointment business on King Street South across from Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre. A typical day in the life for Fahy involves liaising with international diamond traders, fine jewellers and, finally, the clients themselves. As for his daily routine, he admits that he’s a bit of an insomniac so is always up early checking emails. He explains that the key to developing and maintaining strong client relationships is to respond to them quickly. “I find the quicker you get back to a customer, the more likely they are to do business with you.” Upon arriving at the office, Fahy’s first task consists of contacting his workshops which are in Dublin and London to get a status report on jewellery that are in the process of being made. After that he contacts

his international diamond suppliers in London and Antwerp. “I’m constantly looking for new stones – there’s all the different diamond shapes, round, brilliant, princess, cushion cut, oval cut – I’m constantly liaising with my suppliers all the time looking for diamonds that match the customers’ budgets.” Fahy starts his appointments after this, all of which are face-to-face and Fahy and his two members of staff meet 10 to 20 clients per afternoon. F a hy e n c o u r a g e s his customers to shop around prior to making an appointment with him so they know what they want. “We talk to all our clients before they come into us and we tell them; number one, congratulations, number two, go to all the high street jewellers and try lots of styles so you know what you’re looking for and then come to us.” Generally customers come with pictures of rings they want and Fahy then sets about having it made to suit their budget, “Because we don’t have the overheads of a high street shop, our prices are a lot more competitive. Fahy then negotiates pricing and the handmade finished product

Seamus Fahy, owner, Voltaire Diamonds

will be ready three to four weeks later. Most of Voltaire’s clients come from word of mouth and online

reviews, social media also plays a big role and takes up about an hour-anda-half of Fahy’s day. He updates the social media

accounts daily with new content. As for downtime, the self-confessed workaholic admits he’s “always look-

ing for the next angle” and doesn’t get much, especially with his weekly trip to Voltaire’s London office, but he enjoys

socialising with friends and going for a nice meal when he gets the chance. “I only sell the dream!” he jokes.


16 Gazette 17 December 2015


the big interview

Paul Costelloe: a man with an eye for style

‘This Christmas will be very much a family occasion’  Aisling Kennedy

Famed worldwide for his beautiful catwalk creations, Paul Costelloe is a man with an eye for style. His designs have graced catwalks from Milan to London and he was one of Princess Diana’s

favourite designers. Flying into Dublin from his home in London to take part in interviews to promote his new jewellery range, the Richmond Collection, Costelloe is relaxed, chatty and fun. He has a dry sense of humour, a trait that has

on occasion landed him in hot water over the years but he is an Irish rogue full of charm and character. Arriving home to Dublin is always a welcome break he explains, as he gets to stay in his mews in Monkstown and enjoy the beautiful views all around

the area. “I grew up in Booterstown and I moved to Monkstown when I got married. I lived in Monkstown for 25 years and I still own a house there to this day. “What’s nice about Monkstown is that it hasn’t changed that much which I love. It has become a lot more fashionable and I have noticed a lot of extra restaurants and shops popping up, but it’s still the same. The atmosphere is still the same. “Hewett’s newsagents is still there and the church is still there and it’s still a lovely place.” Costelloe moved to London from Monkstown in 1999 to expand his Irish fashion business and it is a move that has served him well. Living in the affluent suburbs of Putney with his wife, daughter and six sons, he has built up a fashion, jewellery and beauty empire. Ireland is never far from his thoughts, however, and he explains that he named his new jewellery range after an area in his home town. “The Richmond Collection was inspired by Richmond Hill in Monkstow n because the collection is so elegant, understated and beautiful and that is very much the character of Monkstown. It just has those traits that

Paul Costelloe is a man with an eye for style

are what Monkstown is all about, simplicity and style. It’s not flash like Dalkey! I’ll start a war now!” While living in London, Costelloe leases out his home in Monkstown on a short-term basis but should the mood take him he can return whenever he wants as he also owns a mews that he stays in when he returns. “We still have the house and I do think about coming back a lot,” he explains. “We would love to, we’d love to spend more time here. We love Richmond Hill, it really is beautiful. This morning it looked lovely because the weather was so nice and it has some beautiful traits to it.” Costelloe said that he believes that Irish women have come a long way in their fashion choices and are understated and more aware of how to style themselves. “I think Irish women have a very specific and unique sense of style

now. The Irish have a very strong point of view on fashion and because women are travelling so much now they’ve infused different types of styles together. Irish women have learned that you don’t have to spend a lot to look great. It is more about spending a little more time on what you buy and mixing high street clothes with more high-end clothing. I think that has certainly happened here.” As it is only a little over a week to Christmas, Costelloe was very much in the festive mood as he chatted to the Gazette and he said that he is looking forward to spending time with his family over the Christmas break. “This Christmas will be very much a family occasion. We will get up in the morning, there will be about 13 of us altogether including my two daughter-in-laws and my sons, and it’s just a lovely family day. “We will go to mass and that’s usually fairly

chaotic as we try to get everybody out on time. “We will then head down to the church in two cars and then after mass we will come back and have a small, light breakfast, and then open up the presents. Then we will go out onto Putney Heath and the boys will play rugby and the ladies will go for a stroll with the grandchildren. “After that we will go back and have Christmas dinner at about 5pm and then I suppose we will all end up watching some awful TV which we shouldn’t do but I know we will!” Costelloe reminisces about spending Christmas in Dublin for many years and says: “I do miss going to the 40ft. When we lived in Monkstown we would always go to the 40ft and jump in. I hope to do it again. “For now, London keeps me on my toes and keeps me competitive but I’ve got my 6ft 3-inch legs in both camps so I’m very lucky.”

17 December 2015 Gazette 17

cinema P22

asdfsdaf P27 gift guide P25

OUT&ABOUT Never be out of the loop on what’s happening in Dublin! Let Out&About be your guide to all that is stylish, cultural and essential across the city and beyond this week


travel P21

Pets can you give GUY a new home?

The Coronas are part of the stellar line-up for Dublin’s New Year’s Festival

new location: indoor and outdoor entertainment from dec 30 to jan 1

New Year fest biggest yet

 Keith Bellew

Dublin’s New Year’s Festival (NYF) returns this year and is bigger than ever with a new location, both indoor and outdoor entertainment, a festival of light, world record attempt, a spoken word festival, Love Dublin events, fringe events and cultural trails across the city over December 30, 31 and January 1. Due to Luas Cross City works the Countdown Concert has relocated from Dame Street to the Three Arena, but a new NYF Street Fest will take place in St Stephen’s Green South. Speaking to The Gazette, organiser, Niamh Holohan said this has worked out well as the public have the option of going to the arena where there will

be a stellar line up of home grown and international talent with The Corona’s and Fatboy Slim, or to the Street Fest. “We really wanted to make some of the events more participative as opposed to just being spectator [oriented], so we’re bringing back the Procession of Light [on December 31], which is a really enchanting and magical light parade through Dublin. “We’re allowing people to collect lanterns on the day and all of the donations are going to Focus Ireland,” she said. This will be followed by an attempt to break the world record for the world’s largest bodhran session, currently held by Sydney, Australia with 980 people. “We’re hoping to smash that record with 981, so again proceeds are going

to Focus Ireland. We really wanted to have an eclectic mix. There’s obviously people who want to go out and party and have a good time, but we want to have more of a cultural programme as well. “We have a spoken word programme that we’re running over December 30 and 31. This is bringing together the best in Irish comedy, poetry slam and discussion/debate. “It’s really important for us to have that dimension to the festival for people who want to enjoy day time and night time events,” she said. She added that there is an interesting addition to this year’s festival called Story at Work which has seen live story telling taxis driving around Dublin throughout December with live

cameras and three hand-selected storytelling taxi-men with hilarious and emotional stories. “We’re going to have a rolling film of the footage screened at the festival on December 30 as well. You can actually hop in these taxi’s for the rest of December. They’re completely kitted out with ‘bonkers’ in magnetic letters so you cant miss them,” she said. The celebration continues on New Year’s day with Resolution Day. Events include a New Year’s Day 5km run, children’s story telling and art workshops, evening events with TED-style talks, interspersed with music, comedy and poetry at Christ Church Cathedral. For a full programme of events visit:

Dublin Gazette Newspapers has teamed up with Dogs Trust to help find homes for lost and abandoned dogs. Guy is a male five-year-old Pit bull-cross. He is quite an agile young man who will need a home with a warm, cosy bed inside and a fully secure garden. He is a firm favourite in the rehoming centre with his handsome expressive face and bundles of charm. With the right adopter, he will make an amazing and very loving pet. Guy is very clever and already knows a lot of commands he has been taught by his dedicated carers. He is suitable to live with older children of 16 years of age and over. If you think you can offer Guy a loving home, please contact Dogs Trust on 01 879 1000. They are based in Finglas, just off exit 5 on the M50. Map and directions can be found on their website www. You can also find them on Facebook dogstrustirelandonline or Twitter @DogsTrust_IE. Dogs Trust are asking members of the public to visit www.puppypromise. com and make the puppy promise.


18 Gazette 17 December 2015



ye re

te Glit

New Look Silver sequin scarf €9.99

xt Ne

d€ qua

New Look Embellished collar necklace €19 New Look Gold star bag €24.99

Faux fur jack et

r €29.99

New Look

New Look Novelty jum pe

New Look Faux fur shawl collar coat €32.50

Fleur East for Lipsy Sequin mini dress €96 Lipsy Glitter caged sandals €117

Westend cami €43 Next Sequin

Next Silver sequin dress €71

Next Velvet hareem trousers €34

shopping park, blanchardstown

New Look Gold and brown strappy heel €34.99

CHRISTMAS is a time to sparkle and shine! Add a touch of opulence to your festive wardrobe by incorporating luxurious, rich textures and fabrics such as lush velvets and faux fur. With accessories, opt for statement pieces and peep-toe glittery pumps. Complete your look with dramatic eyes by adding a dash of shimmery metallic powder. All items available now from select stores at Westend Shopping Park, Blanchardstown. Visit for extended Christmas opening hours, and your chance to win great prizes.

New Look Black velvet polka dot mesh panel Bodycon dress €24.99


Next Drape shirt €24; Sequin leggings €30; Ankle boots €68

New Look Silver jacquard dress €44.99

New Look Pearl drop earrings €4.99


Heatons Sequin front multi-coloured top €25

Heatons Lurex A-line skirt €20

17 December 2015 Gazette 19

Avila Lipsett at the Gwen Stefani Urban Decay palette reveal at The Spencer Hotel

New Look Double-breasted coat €49.99





Aoife Walsh at the Jameson Black Barrel Craft Market at The Bernard Shaw Pub

New Look Polo neck top €24.99

River Island Handbag €60

 pearl phelan

STYLISH Dubliners are photographed most nights of the week attending various fashion, art and cultural events across the city. We couldn’t help but notice a colour scheme amongst them: a soft shade of grey. So we hit the shops to see how we could emulate the effortlessly chic looks sported by these fashionistas! Grey pieces will easily blend into your wardrobe, pairing well with black, burgundy and gold trims. Get the look of these smartly dressed ladies with our picks.

Aisling O’Loughlin at the launch of Ireland’s Blue Book 2016 at The Merrion

Pennys Boots €28

New Look Check apron dress €29.99

Penneys Bauble knit hat €4


20 Gazette 17 December 2015



Executive Chef of Howth Castle Susan Bell (right) with Cormac Rowe. Picture: Angela Halpin

A stress-free Christmas dinner  Susan Bell Executive Chef of Howth Castle

One question we are always asked at Howth Castle Cookery School is when should one start cooking Christmas dinner and how do we go about organising it. My answer is always the same - the further in advance you have everything prepared, the better the day and the dinner will go. With three children at home, the last thing I want to do on Christmas morning is spend the day in the kitchen; missing out on the kid’s excitement as they open their Christmas presents, while I worry about what time the turkey needs to go on. I always try to prepare a meal that the whole family will enjoy, the kids as well as granny. On December 23 I do any last minute food shopping, I buy all of the perishables like fresh

vegetables, cream and an extra carton of milk. Then in the afternoon of Christmas Eve I start the preparation for Christmas dinner. Many elements of the meal can be pre-prepared, vegetables can be blanched, soup prepared, potatoes can be peeled and even garnishes can be prepared in advance to add those final flourishes to this very special feast.

Starter: Homemade Parsnip and Chestnut Soup I like to begin our meal with a small bowl of homemade parsnip and chestnut soup. This dish can be made on Christmas Eve. If you have fussy vegetable eaters in the family I would just tell them it’s soup and leave it at that. It always amazes me that my children will eat almost any soup but will snub the same cooked vegetable. Main: Turkey Escalopes with Ham and

Thyme Stuffing One of my favourite Christmas main courses that we teach at Howth Castle Cookery School is our Turkey Escalopes with Ham and Thyme Stuffing. The great news is that these boned, stuffed and rolled pieces of turkey or “ballotines” can be made up to two days in advance. Keep in the fridge tightly wrapped in cling film until ready to cook. On Christmas Day these would take up to 30 minutes max to cook and takes the worry out of trying to fit the turkey in the oven and getting the turkey on with enough time to cook through. The Trim: Roast Root Vegetables, Creamed Brussel Sprouts and Spuds! Peel your potatoes the day before and leave in cold water ready for mash and roasting on the day.

Creamed Brussel Sprouts are a firm favourite and again a day in advance blanch and refresh the shredded sprouts. Then on Christmas Day all you need to do is reduce your cream and re-heat the previously cooked sprouts in the cream. Season and serve. Roast root vegetables finished with cardamon and honey are really delicious. The root vegetables can be prepared and diced a day in advance so Christmas Day, just put on a roasting tray and into the oven an hour before sitting down to dine. Bread sauce can be made Christmas Day by simply heating up milk with a small onion infusing in it for flavour, then adding in your bread a little at a time until the right consistency is achieved. Dessert has caused many arguments over the

years - who wants what. A firm favourite and great family fail safe is Toblerone cheesecake. Again, this can be made on Christmas Eve. Thus bringing us to Christmas Day which should be fairly hassle free, allowing lots of time

table should be considered in advance. Glasses washed and polished, table settings and crackers ready to go with festive napkins and a lovely centre piece at the ready. This could be a Christmas lights within a beau-


‘Many elements of the meal can be pre-prepared in advance to add those final flourishes to this very special feast’


for opening presents and family fun. You don’t need to think about the final cooking of everything until about an hour and a half before dinner is due to be served. Whilst the children are small I leave the setting of the dinner table to the last minute, for those with older children or adults, get them involved in setting the table in advance. The dressing of the

tiful glass bowl dressed with holly or a festive candle framed within a Christmas wreath. Serve the soup from the kitchen in small bowls and have everything else ready to go in serving bowls, gently warming in the oven. These serving bowls can be placed in the middle of the table for family service style once the starter has been cleared. Then sit down with the family and enjoy.

Susan Bell is executive chef at Howth Castle with responsibility for Howth Castle Cookery School, Deer Park Golf’s Club House menu and the estate’s newly launched “The Kitchen in the Castle” catering menu. This new service will see cooker y school’s chefs prepare delicious party food for special events, beautifully packaged and ready to be enjoyed – and impress guests at home. Cooks of all skill levels are invited to take part in upcoming classes at Howth Cookery School. A number of special classes are being presented including ‘Christmas Foodie Gifts’ and ‘Preparing the Perfect C h r i s t m a s D i n n e r ’. Christmas Gift Vouchers are also available. Howth Castle Cookery School, Howth Castle, County Dublin. See or call 01 839 6182.

17 December 2015 Gazette 21

travel treats: surprise your loved ones this christmas

Think outside the box and give the gift of travel

 ian begley

Christmas presents – it’s difficult to continue to surprise and please every year. There are only so many sets of bath salts and lotions, pairs of socks and bottles of wine that you can buy – and giving money is just a tad impersonal. So what to do? Have you thought about giving the gift of travel this Christmas? What better way to get through the dark and dreary winter than looking forward to a holiday or short break in the New Year? Who wouldn’t love a trip to a European city for a long weekend or a week in the sun, whether it’s a romantic trip to Rome, a shopping trip to Milan, a weekend of culture in Berlin, Lisbon or Madrid,

or even a beach break in the Canary Islands. Abbey Travel are now offering a three-night trip to Madrid for Valentine’s weekend from €155, and a seven-night stay in Fuerteventura for €205 in January.




Makes some memories with a luxurious river cruise

If you fancy a memorable, unique getaway in 2016,

then a luxurious river cruise along some of Europe’s many historic rivers may be the perfect holiday for you and your family. One of the range of cruises on offer, organised by Travel Department, include a journey along the River Seine and Normandy, between March and October for eight nights from €1,599pp. Spend your first night in a city centre hotel in Paris and enjoy a guided city tour and welcome dinner with the group before commencing your cruise. Travelling on board the MS Amadeus Diamond, you will then experience the elegance of a boutique hotel as you’re transported along the Seine. On March 31 or June 25, you can sail along the Danube for six nights from €1,299pp. Discover the highlights of the Danube, dotted along the stretch


of river from Germany to Hungary. Spend your first

For parents looking to surprise the kids with an extra treat on Christmas Day imagine the delight on their faces if they found out they were going to meet Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck on a magical trip to Disneyland Paris. A three-night stay for a family of two adults and two kids under seven starts at €528, including three nights staying at Disney’s Santa Fe Hotel with free half-board meals and three days park

night in a city centre hotel in Munich, before travelling to the pretty port town of Passau and commencing your cruise. An additional cruise along the river Danube is on offer on April 4 and June 29 for five nights from €1029pp. For more information about these deals visit The Plaza Mayor in Madrid

tickets. Treat the sports fan in your life to a trip to see their favourite team. The most popular are Liverpool and Manchester United packages. Onenight hotel and match ticket packages to Pre-

miership matches start from €169 per person. Still unsure? Abbey Travel gift vouchers are a great alternative. Call Abbey Travel on 01 8047100 for more information or book online at

Live the high life and hit the slopes this winter  ian begley

Flying solo doesn’t mean that you can’t have an unforgettable ski holiday away. Highlife Ski & Snowboard is offering a range of ski chalet holidays in France for those wanting to embrace a solo adventure. The set-up of a Highlife getaway offers the perfect environment for socialising and meeting your fellow snow bunnies and to ensure you can look forward to the best holiday at the right price, Highlife have waived single supplements to Chalet Carine in Meribel during the weeks commencing from now until April 10. As you arrive in the resort you will be treated to a drinks reception in the comfort of your chalet, providing the ideal oppor-

tunity to meet and get to know other guests over a glass of vin chaud (hot wine). During daylight hours, take advantage of Highlife’s complimentary ski discovery tours where the Highlife team will be available to answer your questions and will also arm you with a route map that includes detailed instructions to make sure you get to see the best of the resorts and ski areas, the best runs and incredible views from the mountain tops. Return to your chalet where the Highlife chef and host will prepare afternoon treats with homemade cakes to be enjoyed over a post-ski catch-up. In the evenings, you can all sit down to a delicious three-course meal with a selection of good wines, rounded off with digestifs and

a cheese board in front of the roaring log fire. Prices for a solo getaway start from just €795 per person (for December date) or €695 per person (for April date). For more information on Highlife’s range of ski chalet holidays in France, visit www. or call 01-6771100.

Have an unforgettable ski holiday away in Meribel, France


22 Gazette 17 December 2015



netflix fix

Have a very, very Murray Christmas IF YOU are on the lookout for something to get you into the festive spirit, then the answer might be on a cinema screen. This year Netflix has released what appears to be the most amount of Christmas that you could possibly cram into a one hour slot, in the shape of A Very Murray Christmas. Directed by Sofia Coppola and starring Bill Murray (who worked together on the stunning 2003 Lost in Translation), this one-off special casts Murray as himself, hosting a star-studded cabaret on Christmas Eve in New York City that goes terribly wrong. A freak snowstorm shuts the city down, and with no audience, a desolate Murray tries to host the live broadcast by himself, before admitting defeat and retreating to the hotel bar – where luckily a bit of Christmas magic is about to take place. With warm colours and many, many famous faces (including Paul Shaffer, George Clooney, Michael Cera, Miley Cyrus, Chris Rock, and Jason

Legendary Lily Tomlin plays Elle, a poet and academic, who is grieving the recent death of her partner who goes on an impromptu road

Schwartzman) A Very Murray Christmas man-

trip with her pregnant teenage grand-daughter

ages to continue that long-standing tradition of watching celebrities poke some fun at themselves. The story quickly descends into back to back renditions of festive classics, some of which work better than others (Fairytale of New York probably should have stayed a duet). There’s nothing beyond the light entertainment, but sometimes that is all you need. If ever there was a time and a place for such a silly romp, it’s Christmas.

Verdict: 6/10

Netflix’s A Very Murray Christmas is directed by Sofia Coppola and starring Bill Murray and includes many famous faces

grandma: a thought-provoking comedy drama

Unfettered Tomlin takes the road less travelled There is no escaping Lily Tomlin’s legendary status. With decades of work in cinema, TV, and in stage productions, the 76-year-old star is famed for her uniquely subversive style of comedy. Tomlin’s infamous expletive-fuelled run-in with director David O Wilson on the set of I Heart Huckabees some years ago showcased another side to the veteran actor. Full of furious acerbicism, the viral video captured somebody who was driven to hostility through exasperation – and you can imagine that this is exactly what Tomlin could connect to in Grandma.

 Dave phillips

Tomlin plays Elle, a poet and academic, who is grieving the recent death of her partner. When Elle’s teenage grand-daughter, Sage (Julia Garner), shows up pregnant and in need of cash for a termination, the two embark on an impromptu road trip that forces long-underlying contentions in each of their lives to be faced. In case you haven’t guessed, you can dispel

any thoughts of doilies and purple rinses. Writer and director Paul Weitz (About a Boy) has a very different image of growing older – a more grounded and holistic view that encompasses the manifold and often contradictory impulses that make up a human being. Elle is a character that is absolutely unfettered, with no filter between her thoughts and the expression of them. But she is also unfettered in the sense that she is now aimless, and for the first time in years forced to think about who she wants to be. Can the lesbian poet, the shrewd academic, the wayward traveller, the

loving mother, and the nurturing grandmother all co-exist? Grandma starts out slow and clumsy with Tomlin caustically dismissing so many of the first-world problems that irk us in the modern world. Elle mischievously tips the sacred cows of civilisation and offers a kind of comeuppanceby-proxy for the viewer, though it feels more like shooting fish in a barrel. Thankfully if you stay a little while with Grandma, you will find there is a wealth of depth just below the surface. Any clunkiness in the comedy dynamic between Tomlin and

Garner dissolves once we begin to meet other characters from Elle’s past and present – including a particularly outstanding scene with Sam Elliott, who plays one of Elle’s old flames. As a bittersweet comedy drama, this film will sadly end up being lost amid the Christmas cinema bustle, but it will no doubt receive award recognition for Tomlin. While it may not offer a conventional subject matter or narrative, Grandma is one of the most thought-provoking and authentically human character studies on screens this year.

Verdict: 8/10

17 December 2015 Gazette 23


HEALTH detox: drinks packed with live enzymes, vitamins, minerals

Juice up your body’s cleansing Tis the season for over indulgence, but why wait till January to start the detox? The juice business in Ireland has been booming over the last year but ahead of the curve was Paula Heaney when she set up Skinny Malinkys in 2013 with the aim of making healthy, nourishing juice accessible to as many people as possible. Currently the premier raw cold-pressed juice company is based

in Northern Ireland, but Paula Heaney has recently started to trade in the Republic: “While initially we only delivered their fresh juices within a three-mile radius of the Titanic Quarter in Belfast, we have now expanded our offering to the UK and Ireland. We provide free delivery across Ireland.’’ The juices are raw, unpasteurised and unadulterated, packed with live enzymes, vita-

mins, trace minerals and other vital elements to your health. Paula explains the reasons to juice: “Juice cleansing is the ideal way to reset your body and kick-start a healthy new you. Living off these liquid nutrients gives your digestive system a well earned break.’’ A little known fact is that solid foods can take up to 10 hours of digestion before it’s nutrients become available to

the cells in your body. A freshly pressed raw juice on the other hand will provide your body with nutrients immediately. “This means that when you drink the juices your cells will get nourished in approximately 15 minutes with little to no effort on your body to digest. “Whilst many associate juice cleansing as a quick fix for weight loss and beating the bloat, there are many more long-term health benefits to cleans-

ing. By introducing daily juices into your lifestyle, they can help control diseases, such as Eczema, Psoriasis, Urticaria, Rosacea and acne. “Our bodies should always be more alkaline than acidic, however when we eat consume processed foods, sugar, alcohol and even coffee we inadvertently create an acidic environment within our body. “However by cleansing we can help to reduce

The juice business in Ireland has been booming

and remove these toxins and make your body a much more healthy environment,” she says. Skinny Malinkys provide a range of juice packages from the full three to five-day juice cleanses,

consisting of six juices per day, to a “juice till dinner” package, for those who might not fathom three days with no food. For more information visit


24 Gazette 17 December 2015


Apple TV 32GB €179/64GB €229 Although people are increasingly ditching watching televisions (yes, we mean that dusty, unloved thing in the corner of the room) to go for all-digital content, Apple may have just the thing to tempt you back to the big(ger) screen – the Apple TV gizmo (available online at From streaming all your favourite digital channels to an apps explosion that’s gathering pace, the Apple TV brings games, apps and – of course – TV shows together into this small gadget that packs quite a punch.

Amazon Fire HD 8” tablet, 8GB €180 Although there are ever more powerful tablets coming on the market, many people just want something to cover the basics – something handy to maybe play a few games, watch their favourite shows

and films on, and to browse their favourite sites on in a cosy chair. Amazon’s tablets have been getting better and better, with its light weight – 300gm – creating a very portable book and media viewer.



PlayStation 4 Star Wars Battlefront 1TB bundle C.€400 With Star Wars fever once again sweeping in to cinema screens and pop culture, fans will have a blast – literally – with this acclaimed shooter (Cert 16, online multiplayer only gaming). The chance to play for the Empire or the Rebels (and step into the shoes of some much-loved heroes and villains) make this great fun.

XBox One Fifa 16 500GB bundle C.€350 There are a number of console ‘bundle’ deals to kick about at the moment, but Microsoft and footie fans sure to shoot straight for this one. Pick up a XBO console with 500GB storage and the latest in the smash-hit Fifa series (now including women’s teams, at long last) for about €350, with many retailers adding another game for €50 extra.

With its decent specs for its budget price, as well as access to Amazon’s vast range of content the Fire HD would make a great gift or a handy second tablet for the whole family to use

 shane dillon

GADGETS and games are a staple part of Christmas gifts these days – so what better time to consider some of the most popular (and useful) tech this season? Whether looking to trade up your phone, or get something useful for a loved one – or something that the kids (and the young-at-heart) will love, here’re a range of great gifts that won’t break the bank ...

Motorola G Third gen C.€140 We’ve mentioned the Moto G series of budget phones before, but for our – and your – money, they represent an awful lot of bang for your buck, making them a great pay-asyou-go present this Christmas. Motorola surprised everyone when they launched the original Moto G a few years ago, with the award-winning budget Android phone offering features and power that rivalled significantly more expensive phones. Since then, the updated Moto G has further refined its feature set and design, making it once again a great (and pocket friendly) phone to recommend.

17 December 2015 Gazette 25

ay Gwen Urban Dec dow €46 Stefani eyesha


GIFT GUIDE Ireland Littlewoods n journal €13 Happy Jackso

Lauryn Rose Jewellery to support The LauraLynn Foundation Online retailer and fashion jewellery specialist Lauryn Rose has teamed up with children’s hospice The LauraLynn Foundation. The Think of Me collection will see 10% of all sales donated to the hospice. For further information, and the range, see

For him, her and you a healthier year ahead, right? Of course! These accessories may help ... But for those looking to feel good without all that exercise malarky, we can point you towards some silky-smooth nightwear. And, last but definitely not least, we have a great way to do some good this Christmas, and beyond, thanks to a lovely way for your gift to help children’s hospice, The LauraLynn Foundation.

RunLogic Led lenser headlamp €30

CHRISTMAS is but a cracker’s length away – but don’t panic if you’re still looking for a great gift for your nearest and dearest (or even if you’re just looking for a treat for yourself). In addition to some “his” or “hers” gift ideas, this week we’re also considering some healthy gifts, as we all know that New Year resolutions are just around the corner, too, and we all want to have



Weir & Sons Henry London watch €129 Thavma lift anti-wrinkle cream €95

Nuxe Nuxellence anti-aging men’s fluid €38

Nivea M en’s ultim ate sports

kit €50

Topdrawer Silk sleep wear From €105 Bed linen specialists Topdrawer now stock a range of luxury silk sleep and lounge wear, with classic French designs inspiring the beautiful range of dressing gowns, nighties and more.

FlipBelt €32

RunLogic Garmin forerunner watch €350 See store at Smock Alley, Temple Bar

26 clondalkin gazette 17 December 2015

clondalkinCLASSIFIEDS N?P 8;M<IK@J< N@K? K?< >8Q<KK<6 C\k fli X[m\ik`j\ij k\cc pfl n_p ied classif s. in the es rtising great succ e e v d a th a at per & of und th ette to be a p fo e e v z th lots We ha of the Ga ulation of rated Also, e n c e n ir g c o ide has secti as. the w ad nt are ers, it Due to reas it cov any differe it up to re al a k m ic loc y p in n a s le u m t the a eop for p g s s o in s e look busin er is free ! erefore for us ap the p cal news th ally works re lo h ir ic e h th ising w advert ins e Coll Lorrain r to c e ir D

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ANNOUNCEMENT We can now officially accept planning & legal notices from all four County Councils in greater Dublin region · Dublin City · Dun Laoghaire South Dublin · Fingal

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I Mark Burns intend to apply to the above Planning authority for Permission for Development at Bawnogue Shopping Centre, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. The Development consists of the following: 1. Amalgamate three retail units into one to provide small local supermarket / convenience shop, 2. Relocate existing Post office from current location within the shopping centre to be incorporated within the new supermarket / convenience shop, 3. Existing car park associated with the shopping centre to be resurfaced and relining, 4. Alterations to front facade to include new signage to new supermarket / convenience shop and 5. All Associated Site Development Works.The Planning Application may be Inspected or Purchased at the offices of South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Town Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 during its public opening hours of Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm and may also be viewed on the Councils website - A submission or Observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to South Dublin County Council on payment of a fee of €20 within 5 weeks of receipt of the application by South Dublin County Council and such submissions or observation will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Mark Burns. 25732

N?P 8;M<IK@J<

DUBLIN N@K? K?< >8Q<KK<6 Gazette C\k fli X[m\ik`j\ij k\cc pfl n_p newspaper HAVE OVER 280,000* READERS EACH WEEK *Publishers Statement

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advertise your business to our readers call 01 60 10 240


ANNOUNCEMENT We can now officially accept planning & legal notices from all four County Councils in greater Dublin region · Dublin City · Dun Laoghaire South Dublin · Fingal


· Standard rate from €75 + VAT · Payment in advance

Ph. 01 601 0255

17 December 2015 clondalkin gazette 27




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28 gazette 17 December 2015


FastSport O’Donoghue on shortlist for world award: Templeogue’S Shane O’Donoghue has been named on the five-person shortlist for hockey’s World Rising Star player of the year award following a superb 2015. The former Glenanne and UCD midfielder helped Ireland qualify for the Olympic Games for the first time since 1908 while he also played a key role in Ireland’s run to bronze at the European Championships, the best Irish finish in the history of the event. On the club front, he helped KHC Dragons win the Belgian league in devastating fashion to cap an incredible year. He is up against players from Australia, India, Canada and Germany. He is one of two Irish players in the mix for the awards with David Harte up for the goalkeeper of the year nomination having won player of the tournament at three separate events in the past 12 months.

hockey: duke leads students to important national league win

UCD back in playoff shake-up 

DEIRDRE Duke’s double saw UCD claim their fourth win of the women’s EY Hockey League campaign as they saw off Ards 3-1 in the second half of their tie in Belf-

ield. She scored in the second minute of the tie when the impressive Aisling Naughton got to the baseline and set up her strike partner for a simple finish. Ards replied in kind

when they won a corner that Hannah Coey scored from in the second phase. And the Ulster side pushed on in the second quarter to pin the hosts back for decent portions of the game. UCD, however, bossed

UCD’s Deirdre Duke celebrates making it 3-1. Picture: Adrian Boehm

Pembroke’s Kylie Deverell, right, takes on Railway Union’s Sarah Canning

the third quarter and got back in front from a Katie Mullan drag-flick. Duke made the game safe with Naughton again to the fore. She drove into the circle and picked out the Irish international for 3-1. Ards, aided by a UCD sin-binning, pushed forward in the last quarter but found Mullan in excellent form to deny many attacks while Sarah Robinson made a key interception to keep out the lively Chloe Brown. Sara Twomey also made a big impact on her return from injury. Elsewhere, Pembroke held Railway Union at bay to earn a point at Serpentine Avenue in the Dublin 4 derby with Stella Davis having a

fine game in the face of a heavy amount of work. Railway coach Colm Blennerhassett, meanwhile, will rue a series of missed penalty corner chances that meant his side dropped a couple of points in their title pursuit. Three first half corners were denied with Davis, Erika Hinkson and Sarah Clarke to the fore while the goalkeeper made some more good saves from play as Railway’s full press worked well but they could not finish off their openings. There was respite of sorts when Emma Smyth took a yellow card in the third quarter while another Railway corner went a begging with Jilly Collins charging it down.

Pembroke upped their work rate in the closing quarter and had their best chance when Maeve Ott went close but they will probably be the happier of the two with the draw. Leaders Hermes were not in action due to the weather conditions with their game against UCC postponed. Nonetheless, their lead at the top was not overly affected with third place Ulster Elks losing 2-1 at home against Pegasus and second place Railway drawing. Hermes face Railway in another Dublin derby next Saturday in the final round of matches before Christmas while UCD play Pembroke in another derby.

St Vincent’s drown opposition in water polo sweep 

The St Vincent’s Leinster senior cup winning team

ST VINCENT’S Water Polo Club proved the dominant force at the Leinster Water Polo Cup Finals for 2015, winning six of the seven finals. The Marino club claimed the men’s Leinster Senior Cup for the third year in succession with a thrilling 9-6 win over North Dublin last week. The end of the first quarter was 1 all with goals from Adam Caulfield from St Vincent’s and Karl Wilkes from North Dublin. But, after that closely fought

opening, Vincent’s made their move in the second quarter as they built a 5-2 lead with goals from Damiano Costa, Eoin Bridgeman, and two goals from Brian Murphy from St Vincent’s and a goal from Steve Nolan from North Dublin. The third quarter saw North Dublin came back with two goals from Brendan Cope and a goal from Jordi Albert for North Dublin leaving the score at five goals each and a reply. Bridgeman replied, though, to give St Vincent’s leaving the score 6-5 for St Vincent’s going into the last quarter. And the

Marino side pulled away in the the fourth quarter with another three goals from Bridgeman, Shane Drumm and Eoin Nolan They had already claimed the Leinster Division 3 cup for men. In addition, they were winners of the four junior cups for both boys and girls at Under-19 and Under-16 level. The St Vincent’s senior ladies teams were also awarded the Leinster Senior Ladies Cup as their opponents withdrew at the last minute. Away from the pool, St Vincent’s have also raised over €3,000 for Temple Street Hos-

pital from bag packs in Tesco Clear Water in Finglas over the last 12 months. The club are holding a bag pack on Saturday, December 19 in Tesco Clear Water in aid of Temple Street Hospital and support would be gratefully appreciated. Leinster Water Polo have been organising matches and leagues in Dublin from the 1880s and have one of the oldest water polo cups in Europe which dates 1881 and is still being presented to the winning ream in the Leinster Senior Cup.

17 December 2015 gazette 29


Just 13 seconds to conquer the world Dubliner Conor McGregor fulfilled all the hype in the most comprehensive fashion possible as he claimed the UFC’s featherweight title with a stunning knock-out of Jose Aldo  nathan kelly

13 SECONDS. That is all it took for Dublin’s Conor McGregor to become the undisputed, unified, UFC featherweight champion of the world. Whether it was a seat in the MGM Garden Arena, or a barstool in Dublin, or the sofa at home, people had barely settled into their seats when the Notorious knocked Jose Aldo to the floor. After a couple of early swing and misses from both fighters in the opening seconds, the Brazilian, and undefeated champion of 10 years threw out a right-jab. In doing so, he left that side of his chin exposed and McGregor landed one of his devas-

tating left-hooks and Aldo collapsed to the canvas, catching the Dubliner with a decent right-hook on the way down. With Aldo dow n, McGregor took his chance and let two clinical hammer punches rain down on his opponent before referee John McCarthy stepped in and ended the bout. The Las Vegas crowd, w h i c h l o o ke d a n d sounded about 80% Irish, erupted as months of talk was finally backed up by a ferocious walk. Speaking in the ring afterwards, the ever-confident and assured Irishman was perhaps more humble than ever before. “Again, nobody can take that left-hand shot,” he said. “But I tell you, he’s powerful and he’s

Conor McGregor, the new world champion

fast. But precision beats power, and timing beats speed, and that’s what you saw there. “I feel for Jose, he was a phenomenal champion. We deserved to go a little bit longer but I still feel at the end of the day, precision beats power and timing beats speed every day of the week so it would have happened sooner or later.” What McGregor does next is already the subject of much debate. Immediately after Sunday morning’s fight, Aldo suggested a rematch. However, the next contender in the 145lbs featherweight division would more likely to be Frankie Edgar, who knocked out Chad Mendes the night before in the main-event of the Ultimate Fighter

finale. Another likely option for the 27-year-old is a move up to the Lightweight Division, a weight which many feel would be more natural to his 5’9” frame. In the UFC 194 postfight press conference, unusually but unsurpris-

does move up to 155lbs, the featherweight belt will remain in his hands. “I tell you one thing that won’t be happening. “If I go up to that lightweight division there’s no way in hell I’m vacating my belt. That’s not happening. “There’ll be a belt on


‘Precision beats power and timing beats speeds and that’s what you saw there’ Conor McGregor


ingly, the Notorious practically ran the event itself, without a moderator. Again, he was respectful towards Aldo and spoke about the possibility of moving up to the 155lbs lightweight division. When asked, having beaten Aldo, if he now believed he was the best pound-for-pound fighter in the sport, McGregor answered: “I believe so. I believe there are many great fighters. “There are many people who do great things but when you combine it all together, the whole package, the whole animal that is the fight game. “I don’t think there is anyone who does it better than me. I think I am the pound-for-pound number one.” Having first held an interim title since July and now the unified title, the SBG fighter insisted if he

one shoulder and a belt on the other shoulder. I understand why previously they would have fighters do that [vacate titles], because many fighters don’t fight as frequently as I do; tell me how many fights I’ve had in the past year, I’m busy, I stay active, I’m fresh. So when I go up and take that lightweight belt I will still be the featherweight champion.” On the possibility of title-defence in Dublin, he didn’t hide his ambition. “If they offer me Croke Park, or they offer me the football stadium, you’re damn right I’m going to take it,” he said. On whether his profile in the UFC means he can demand it, he added: “Maybe I can these days, but for now I’m going to sit back in the shadows for Christmas and plot, then I’ll be back in the New Year with something.”


Garth and Delany called up to Aussie pro league CRICKET stars Kim Garth and Laura Delany have joined up with the Hobart Hurricaines and Perth Scorchers respectively, as the pair were given the opportunity to join the women’s Big Bash League in Australia as part of their rookie programme. Both players were nominated for the rookie programme by Cricket Ireland and selected after performances in the ICC World T20 Qualifiers in Thailand and headed straight to Australia instead of returning home with the rest of the squad. Mount Merrion’s Garth travelled on to Hobart where she joins up with Heather Knight’s Hurricaines squad, while Delany, who went to school at Loreto Beaufort has joined up with England’s Charlotte Edwards in Perth. Garth spoke of her excitement about the program at her first training session with the Hobart Hurricanes this week. “I’m really excited to join the Hurricanes this summer and be part of a professional set up. Getting to play and train with some of the best players in the world and see how they operate is also something I am really looking forward to.” Garth will join players from China, Hong Kong, Papua New Guinea, Ireland, Scotland, Thailand and the Netherlands in the eight Rebel WBBL clubs as part of a joint initiative between Cricket Australia (CA) and International Cricket Council (ICC) development program for emerging players in non-traditional cricket countries. The players were selected following the recent ICC Women’s World T20 Qualifier in Thailand. The programme will provide the players with an opportunity to be involved in the rebel WBBL and be exposed to elite cricket. It also serves as important preparation for players from Ireland, who have qualified for the 2016 ICC Women’s World T20 to be held in India. Each of the rookie players will train with their Rebel WBBL club during a two-week placement and attend home matches during that period. In the event of an injury to a contracted player, Rebel WBBL clubs will be permitted to use their Rookie as a local replacement player, which would not contribute to the club’s overseas player limit.


30 clondalkin gazette 17 December 2015



rugby: gordon park side overturn early season defeat

Bluebell poised for LSL assault after Christmas WHETHER it was the wind, the rain or the Conor McGregor fight in the early hours of Sunday morning, very little football took place in Clondalkin last weekend. The Christmas break is now upon us and brings a chance for all players, managers and clubs to slow down and assess their league tables, get the registration forms out and fix what needs to be fixed. There is plenty to be positive about, however, if we begin with the LSL Senior Sunday Division. The holders, Bluebell United, do look a bit behind sitting in seventh spot but have only played eight games in the league so far this season. Remaining just five points behind leaders Drumcondra with five games in hand will give Andy Noonan and his players plenty of hope in the New Year of adding backto-back titles. In the same division, newly promoted Glenville may very well welcome the break as a chance to work on a start to the season which sees them second from bottom in 13th place. Wayne Kelly’s side have collected just seven points from 11 games with Tolka Rovers the only side with fewer points. Despite the poor start, they do possess a number of quality players possibly just lacking the experience at this level. Should they find their feet, they are only four points from safety and wouldn’t take too long to move up the ladder. In the second-tier, Cherry Orchard sit on top with 23 points from 10 games and look to be promotional certainties, barring a disaster, if not title winners. In the same league, Dublin Bus and St Francis haven’t enjoyed the same first-half of the season. The Bus are parked in ninth place on 13 points with Francis one point and one place behind. In the AUL meanwhile, Kevin Carroll’s Collinstown lead Premier A at Christmas as they look to finally loosen the stranglehold Sheriff have held over the division. The inner-city side do have a number of games in hand in which they can catch the Blues. The same can be said for Kilbarrack United but the addition of Paul Doyle to the backroom team earlier in the season has added further experience to the Town dugout.

Clondalkin on the attack. Picture: Sharon Flanagan

Clon legends Still have class metro division 11 Clondalkin Stillorgan 

20 3

CLONDALKIN fourths got a much needed win this Friday to ensure that the Tom Duffy managed team go into the Christmas break still in the hunt for the play-off spot in their Metro league. Clon were able to field a stronger team to the one that fell to Clontarf two weeks before with the brothers Kevin and Ciaran Cullen both making a rare appearance and former first teamers Phily Byrne and Alan Hickey togging out for their first game of the year.

The opponents for the day were a strong Stillorgan side, who had won the reverse fixture 20-0 earlier this year. Clon got off to a bright start with Conor McCrea, Harvey Rael and Luke Sweetman making big carries. Stillorgan hands in the ruck gifted Clondalkin an early penalty and captain Sweetman opted to hammer home the physical advantage and went to the corner. The lineout was messy but Clon were able to gather and set up the drive which was stopped just short of the line. A pinpoint Alan Hickey pass allowed Phily Byrne go over for the first try with the number 12

cross country Lucan quintet shine at national championship five juvenile athletes from Lucan Har-

riers produced fine performances at the national cross-country uneven championships last week. Eve Noctor and Hannah Moriarty represented Dublin and Lucan Harriers in Under-11 girls with Milly Hughes and Maggie Jez while Millie Reid represented Dublin in the Under-13 girls. Noctor finished in 22nd position and was part of the Dublin team that won the silver medal.

showing he still has pace over 10 yards. Stillorgan were up for the game and were determined to get into the game following the restart. Mick Heaney and Ciaran Cullen both took eye watering hits in defence. A Sweetman turnover allowed John Murphy to clear the lines and the Stillorgan onslaught was lifted. Stillorgan decided to put boot to ball and test fullback Ricky Skelton’s aerial ability. He duly obliged and then fed Rae Conners who carried deep into opposition territory. Stillorgan were on the back foot when John Murphy chipped through

for Skelton to dive over and take the score to 12-0. Clon were looking to assert their dominance but were struggling at lineout time with the ref blowing up for a number of crooked throws. Stillorgan did get on the scoreboard with a penalty to bring the score to 15-3. Clon started the second half with Kevin Cullen leaping in the air for a wondrous take. After good link up play, the ball came loose at a ruck and a kick through set up a race between Eoin Bracken and the defending winger. Bracken scorched home to get the try. Clon were up 20-3 but were still being hampered by the

malfunctioning lineout. A change at hooker saw former first team hard man Ken McMahon enter the fray. McMahon brought added physicality but couldn’t get the lineout to function. Conor Steed sealed the game with 20 minutes to go when he went over for Clondalkin’s fourth try. Sweetman then crossed for the final try of the game and then converted his own try. The final whistle saw the game close 34-3. Man of the match was Harvey Rael who was playing in his last game before returning to Cork from a six-month placement in Dublin.

17 December 2015 CLONDALKIN gazette 31


preseason planning

Collins set to manage Tower’s ladies football

Club Noticeboard Round tower, clondalkin

ladies football will return to Round

Towers for the 2016 season with Michael Collins leading the management team. The group had their first training session on Monday evening with 18 players braving the rain. Full training will resume in the New Year with the league starting in April. If interested in playing, contact Mick Collins at 085 1458988.

THANK you to all who supported our

The book is about a boy living today

cake sale on Saturday and the subse-

who travels back through time to wit-

quent raffle.

ness the events of the Easter Rising.

Our Christmas draw tickets are

Brian is selling the book himself

now available for €5. Please support

directly at €10. It is priced €12+ on

this vital club fundraiser, with great

Amazon and in bookshops.

prizes on offer.

hurling: all-star game produces 16 goals

Well done to all who participated

Tickets are being distributed to

in Under-13, -14 and -15 weekly hurl-

members and we encourage you to

ing workshops. A great success - well

offer them to family, friends, work

done all.

colleagues and people in your wider

Club ties remain available from

circle. Every ticket sold makes a dif-

behind the bar for €15 - an excellent

ference. Thanks in advance for your

stocking filler.


The December 7 lotto jackpot was

Monday, December 21 will be the

€10,000. Numbers drawn were 6, 18,

night of the draw and also players

28 and 29; the bonus ball was 26. No

night 2015. We invite all our players

overall winner and no bonus ball win-

and mentors down to mark the year

ner. Three €100 winners: Joe McGlynn,


Gemma Carr and Kay O’Byrne.

Under-11 mentor Brian Kirk has just

Thanks to all who participated.

published a book aimed at nine- to

Remember you can play our lotto

12-year-olds entitled The Rising Son.

online for as little as €2 per week.

ST pat’s palmerstown THE lotto numbers for this week were 2, 7, 14 and 20. There was no winner so next week’s jackpot will be €6,800. Draw takes place in the Palmer-

and all proceeds donated on the day go towards cancer research. All

10pm and tickets cost €2. Thank you

support is welcomed for such a good

to all our sellers and to all that sup-


Our hurling/camogie skills have

Pat’s Rushe named new Dubs captain


ST PAT’S, Palmerstown’s Liam Rushe has been named the new Dublin senior hurling captain for the 2016 campaign. The 25-year-old was one of a couple of vice captains last season in tandem with Lucan Sarsfields but steps into the main role on his own. It comes after an eventful week for Ger Cunningham’s panel in which Danny Sutcliffe stepped away from the panel for 2016 as he finishes off his studies. Simon Lambert and Alan Nolan were also

released from the setup for next year. Conal Keaney may be another who confirmed he will struggle with the commitment, especially in the wake of Ballyboden St Enda’s run to the club All-Ireland semi-final which will continue into the New Year. Rushe, meanwhile, was in Austin, Texas for the week as part of the 2014 All-Star side that took on their 2015 counterparts in the Opel All-Stars match last weekend at St Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. He was there with Dotsy O’Callaghan as

they played their part in a feast of goals, with the 2015 vintage scoring 9-9 to the 2014 side’s 7-15 – a wildly high-scoring draw. K ilkenny’s R ichie Hogan hit four goals while his Cats teammates, defenders Paul Murphy and Joey Holden, hit 4-2 between them in the exhibition game between the 2015 and 2014 All Stars side in Texas on Sunday. The game, which was hosted by the Austinbased Celtic Cowboys club, was part of the annual GAA/GPA Opel All Stars trip and it was a lively contest played in an excellent spirit.

Heavy rain had briefly threatened the game but it went ahead after a clearance. The downpour turned from raindrops to goals as 16 were scored over the course of the game. The first half was tight and competitive and the 2014 selection led 1-13 to 2-6 at the break. However, it was a veritable feast of goals in the second half as Hogan, Murphy, Holden, Brian Carroll, Patrick Horgan, Wayne McNamara, Lee Chin, Seamus Hickey and David Burke all ended the game with goals to their name.

Sunday, December 27: Paul Hegarty Memorial Cup at 2 pm. All welcome

stown House every Sunday night at

port our lotto every week. Liam Rushe looks on as team mate Shane Dowling attempts to hold off Richie Hogan. Picture: Ray McManus/Sportsfile

another great night for the club.

finished until January.

Any girls or ladies out there interested in playing girls/ladies football please contact the secretary by

Dates for your diary: Friday, Feb-

email secretary.stpatrickspalmer-

ruary 12, 2016, our next big fundrais-, stating date

er. Keep that date free; it should be

of birth.

lucan sarsfields A BIG day on Saturday last for all

for November. Unsurprisingly, Bal-

our academy players: Christmas

lyboden got the December award.

party time. Santa was in situ with

The juvenile awards continue

a gift for all. This was followed by a

with many awards nights happen-

magic show.

ing over the last week. Donal Colfer

The atmosphere was fantas-

and his team of mentors seemed to

tic, and with over 180 players to

have over 50 U-10 camogie players

be catered for; it was a logistical

to marshall.

challenge, very well handled by the team. The camogie minor B were the last team in competitive action for this

The minor hurlers also had their awards night on Saturday night; chicken curry, speeches and awards seems to be their formula.

year in their championship final was

All SDCC pi tches will remain

in Parnells, Coolock on Sunday last.

closed until January 16, 2016. Our

Unfortunately, despite a huge

own grounds are in good shape,

effort, Skerries got the better of

and thanks to Jack O’Neill and a

them. Lucan girls did really well to

borrowed teleporter from Cavan

get there against many A sides.

Developments, so too are our lights

The Dubs Stars awards were presented in the Green Isle Hotel on Thursday night last. The senior football management team attended to pick up player awards and also to receive the Metro Team Of The Month award

and gutters. These are the last few days to get hold of Christmas Draw tickets; these are available from any club mentor or at the club. Lucan Sarsfields Leopardstown Leaps is on Sunday, January 17.

32 clondalkin gazette 17 December 2015

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