Dun laoghaire

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hey, dolly: A living, breathing creation lies at the heart of a classic ballet, now set in the 1950s P17

December 10-16, 2015

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Set sail for some great gift ideas that are sure to make a splash

see page 24

The best things in life are FREE!

hanging out with the Rookie at Big interview: Reindeer run YouTube and TV chef Donal Skehan is very busy – and cooking up even more ideas Page 16

Yeats fans: Literati gather at an eclectic exhibition celebrating artist’s legacy Page 8

RNLI crewmen Paul Cummins, Michael O’Connor and Ronan Adams are pictured with Rookie the Reindeer at the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) Reindeer Run at Marlay Park recently. The 300-acre suburban park is an idyllic location for a festive fun run, and the group reported that it was a fantastic success. The run was to raise funds for the RNLI – the charity that saves lives at sea, providing a 24-hour search and rescue service with lifeboats, lifeguards, safety advice and flood rescue. A special mention of thanks was given to the marshalls who had to stand around the course in the cold weather for hours. Picture: Rose Comiskey

sport Hurling:

Cuala minors add to club’s trophy haul Page 31

Traffic chaos decades may grind to a halt Draft plan aims to

tackle the long-term Keep reading, keep recycling – thank you

flows affecting Cross Avenue and its environs

 emma nolan Dun Laoghaire locals from Cross Avenue and surrounding streets have welcomed plans this week to ease the level of traffic that has tormented the residents for 25

years. The narrow residential roads are subject to heavy traffic seven days a week. Resident Eoin Kenny who lives on Wolfe Tone Street has been campaigning for traffic-calming measures since 2005.

He told The Gazette: “For the past 20 years there’s been a steady build-up in traffic and ‘rat running’ since George’s Street was realigned, and it’s quite dangerous at times.” A preliminary draft plan

to alleviate the problem, entitled, Cross Avenue and Environs Road Safety Improvement Scheme, was presented to the Dun Laoghaire Area Committee on December 7. Full Story on Page 5

2 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 10 December 2015


The First Lady helps launch Public Participation Network Ireland’s first lady, Sabina Higgins, was on hand to officially launch theDunLaoghaire-Rathdown Public Participation Network. A new framework for public engagement and participation, called the PPN as it is known is currentlybeingdeveloped

Sabina Higgins

within each local authority area. The DLR PPN will be the main link through which the local authority connects with the community, social inclusion and environmental sectors without prejudice to other consultation processes. The aim of its structures and processes is to facilitate and enable the public and the organisations to articulate a diverse range of views and interests within the local government system. It will also allow members of the public to join the network in order to have an active role in the policy making with the council. The event also featured music by the Celtic Choristers, readings by Dr Lucy Collins from A Poet’s Dublin by Eavan Boland, an address by Dearbhla Lawson, director of economic, cultural and community development at Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.

arts | college attends international symposium

IADT showcases Irish photography skills TWO final year photography students from Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art and Design (IADT) exhibited their work at an international photography symposium at the University of West Bohemia, Plzen in the Czech Republic recently. Sophia Harding and David Moore were among a group of students whose work was exhibited at the Ladislava Sutnara Faculty of Design and Art, which was also attended by IADT’s photography programme coordinator, Dr Justin Carville, who was among the keynote speakers at the symposium. Dr Carville told The Gazette: “It was a fan-

 emma nolan enolan@dublingazette.com

tastic opportunity to showcase photography at IADT to an international audience.” Student work from the institutes of participating speakers were exhibited throughout the weeklong symposium, which included work from The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, the Ukraine, France, Austria, USA, the Netherlands and Ireland. Dr Carville said: “It was organised by the University of West Bohemia and invited speakers from a number of countries, and as part of that, they wanted to show the work of students where the speakers taught.” The exhibition dealt with social photography and the two IADT students showcased their final year projects. Sophia Harding, originally from Sligo, presented her project, entitled What ya looking at?,


Matters S u pp o r t local b u s i n e ss

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A work by IADT student David Moore focusing on a road trip in Iran – one of the pieces showcasing Irish photography skills at an international symposium

which she said “questions the role of photography and the role of the viewer when looking at images that showcase the plight of others”. Drawing on what she calls “poverty porn culture” from the widespread viewing of television shows such as My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, Harding’s photos highlight the role of poverty in photojournalism and document when this turns from being a tool of awareness into a spectacle. David Moore, from

Cork, showcased his project, entitled Street View Iran, which documents his time spent there in 2009. He said: “In 2009, I spent a month travelling by bus across Iran from west to east. I sat in the same back seat for the entire journey, photographing what I saw from my window. “This window became my real-life television screen: fixed in position, constantly moving; no pause, no replay button.” Moore’s experiment

in social photography sought to remove the stereotypical view he had of the country by capturing what he saw day to day on the roads. Speaking on his students’ projects, and on representing IADT and Irish photography at the event, Dr Carville said: “I think Irish photography is culturally distinct from a lot of photography in those parts of Europe, so there was a lot of interest in the way that we teach photography, particularly in Dun Laoghaire.”

10 December 2015 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 3

harbour | deputy boyd barrett sumbits changes to bill


A special Christmas concert

Campaign steps up against cruise berth

 emma nolan

THE chairperson of Save Our Seafront, Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett (PBP), has been spearheading a campaign against Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company’s plans to build a giant cruise berth and hundreds of private apartments at Dun Laoghaire Harbour. Deputy Boyd Barrett has submitted 29 amendments to the Harbour’s Bill that was debated in the Dail last week. The amendments are aimed at radically changing the Bill to ensure the dissolution of Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company as a semi-State quango, and to prevent the privatisation of Dun

Laoghaire harbour and other harbours. The Bill provides the necessary legal basis to allow for the transfer of the control of the regional ports, including Dun Laoghaire, to local authority-led governance structures. Deputy Boyd Barrett said: “This Bill is of vital importance not just for Dun Laoghaire but for other major harbours in the State, and I have tabled these amendments to ensure Dun Laoghaire Harbour is not privatised. “A huge campaign has indicated that there is not public support for a giant cruise ship berth, so we want to see this plan and plans for apartments in the harbour

scrapped.” The deputy wants Dun Laoghaire Harbour to be transferred to Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, with the dissolution of Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company, to “make it a fully integrated department of the council”. In a direct response to the deputy’s statement, a spokesperson from Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company told The Gazette: “The planning application in respect of our proposed new cruise berth is currently being considered by An Bord Pleanala. “The retailers in Dun Laoghaire are overwhelmingly in favour of the expansion of cruise calls into our town.”

time to create coders

MICROSOFT held the first Hour Of Code event at Cabinteely Community School recently. Pictured are Cathriona Hallahan, managing director, Microsoft Ireland, and Mary Moloney, chief executive, CoderDojo, with pupils Ciara Whelan and Sebastian Sokolowski. The Hour Of Code is a campaign to broaden global participation in computer science, with Microsoft inviting every school in Ireland to take part in a Minecraft coding tutorial, which is available online. Minecraft is one of the world’s most popular games, tasking players to mine and place blocks to build virtually anything in their worlds, with several enterprising gamers already using the game’s tools to create remarkable inventions, including a basic but working computer. For further information, see www.microsoft.ie/code.

Following sell-out shows for three consecutive years at Pavilion Theatre, the Dun Laoghaire theatre is delighted to welcome Eimear Quinn back for another spectacular Christmas concert on Wednesday, December 16 and Thursday, December 17 Since winning the 1996 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo for her performance of The Voice, Eimear has been composing and performing worldwide. In this intimate evening, Quinn will bring her own special rendition of Christmas songs and carols that make for a memorable, festive treat. Her ethereal voice will blend beautifully with the Mamisa String Quartet which features Maria and Michelle Mason. Tickets cost €19/€21.

4 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 10 December 2015

fundraiser | christmas trees to help saint joseph’s, shankill

Don’t Forget campaign to support dementia ST Joseph’s Shankill – Ireland’s only care home solely dedicated to dementia care – officially launched its Don’t Forget Christmas campaign this week to raise spirits and funds in supporting people with dementia. The Christmas initiative

aims to raise funds to furnish six home-from-home lodges, due to open next year, that will meet the needs of residents living with dementia. As part of this initiative, commuters may have noticed the billboard campaign on the side of the N11 at St John of

God Hospital, Stillorgan, entitled Don’t Forget. The billboards have been set up along the side of the Stillorgan dual carriageway to remind commuters not to forget essential daily activities. On Sunday, a final sign was erected, which read “Don’t for-

get to buy your Christmas Tree Here! Supporting people living with dementia”. The campaign is calling on members of the public to remember people living with dementia and their families this Christmas, and the care provided at St Joseph’s.

Marie Coussay (82), from Ballybrack is a resident of St Joseph’s and one of the faces of the campaign, which hopes to raise €20,000. Her daughter, Francoise, said: “Your support means my mum and all the residents at St Joseph’s will receive the very

best care in a safe, compassionate and home-like caring environment.” Christmas trees are available to purchase at St Joseph’s Shankill, Crinken Lane and St John of God Hospital, Stillorgan every day from now until December 23.

Enjoy some all-time Christmas movie greats at Maritime Museum  emma nolan Smithfield’s Lighthouse Cinema is coming to Dun Laoghaire this Christmas with a host of all-time favourite Christmas movies. Relive your fondest festive memories at the Light House’s pop-up cinema at the Maritime Museum with the Naughty or Nice selection of movies especially chosen so everyone’s seasonal preferences are catered to. Starting Friday, December 11 with a showing of The Gremlins, then Saturday

is a day for all ages with a Frozen sing-along at 4pm followed by Love Actually at 7pm. The rest of the movies, including classics Home Alone, Elf, Scrooged, Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas will be shown over the course of the two weekends finishing on Sunday, December 20 with It’s a Wonderful Life. Each screening costs €8 for an adult and €6 for a child and the pop-up cinema will be located at the Maritime Museum, next to the local Christmas market.

Roger Cole, chairman, DLR 1916 Commemoration Committee with Commandant Stephen Mac Eoin, An Cathaoirleach Barry Saul and journalist, author and historian, Padraig Yeates. Picture: Peter Cavanagh

heritage | 1916 commemoration detailed

County launches its Rising events  emma nolan

LAST week, An Cathaoirleach of Dun LaoghaireRathdow n County Council, Cllr Barry Saul (FG), officially launched the Dun LaoghaireRathdown 1916-2016 programme at a packed County Hall. More than 50 events are planned to celebrate the association between the Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown area and the 1916 Rising. Cllr Saul said: “According to research, more than 170 people from this area took part in the Rising. This is not an insignificant figure.

“Some participants are notable, such as Major John McBride and Sir Roger Casement; others are less well known, but no less important. So, we are commemorating the Rising in a meaningful way.” He urged people to attend as many of the local and national events as possible. Deansgrange Cemetery is a particular focal point for these commemorations as it is the resting place of more than 120 people who fought in the Rising. According to Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown 1916-2016 co-ordinator

Tim Carey, the cemetery is one of the most important sites related to the Rising in the country. To mark this, a piece of sculpture has been especially commissioned by Thomas Glendon, a master craftsman and sculptor from Loughlinstown, which will be unveiled in June. Guest speaker, historian Padraig Yeates, told the audience that Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown was fortunate enough to have within its area the National Maritime Museum, and the archive and research centre of the Genealogical Society, where people can trace

their ancestors, as well as the Life and Lore Oral History Collection. As part of the programme of events, there will be tours of Deansgrange Cemetery, Milltown and Dundrum, as well as Cabinteely House – the home of Joe McGrath, one of the most important, if controversial, founders of the modern Irish State. Commemoration events are also planned for the DLR LexIcon library, the Pavilion Theatre, Marlay House and numerous other venues, ensuring every area of the county will be catered for.

10 December 2015 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 5

transport | prelimary draft plan to tackle area’s issues

Cross Avenue traffic misery could soon end  emma nolan

DUN Laoghaire locals from Cross Avenue and surrounding streets have this week welcomed plans to ease the level of traffic that has tormented the residents for 25 years. The narrow residential roads at Cross Avenue, Library Road, Mulgrave Terrace, Wolfe Tone Street, Tivoli Terrace, Patrick Street and Convent Road are subject to heavy traffic seven days a week. This includes speeding, congestion from large

delivery vehicles, and vehicles driving on the footpath to get past other vehicles on the road. Local resident Eoin Kenny, who lives at Wolf Tone Street, has been campaigning for trafficcalming measures since 2005. He told The Gazette: “For the past 20 years, there’s been a steady build up in traffic and ‘ratrunning’ since George’s Street was realigned, particularly on the Cross Avenue and Convent Roads, [and] the junction between Library Road,

Cross Ave and Patrick Street, and it’s quite dangerous at times.” One of his main concerns is the dangerous conditions that school children from the Dominican Primary School on Convent Road have to manoeuvre on a daily basis. He said: “We are fortunate that there have been no fatalities in recent years; there was one about 20 years ago adjacent to Cross Ave at the end of Tivoli Terrace. “There haven’t been any fatalities since then,

Cross Avenue – one of a number of Dun Laoghaire streets that could finally see traffic-calming measures put in place to tackle long-term issues

but there have been quite a number of crashes and accidents.” A preliminary draft plan, entitled Cross Avenue & Environs Road Safety Improvement Scheme, was presented to the Dun Laoghaire Area Committee on December 7. It examined the traffic volumes and the rat-runs through the area, and sets out four options to allevi-

ate traffic. These include implementing one way traffic flows, widening footpaths, and possibly creating a pocket park on Cross Ave. Cllr Michael Merrigan (Ind) welcomed the move, saying: “Speeding, illegal parking, heavy goods vehicles and the bad state of the pavements and roads in the

study area makes the Draft Cross Avenue and Environs Scheme of vital importance for the safety and quality of life of the residents in this area.” He said that the nonstatutory public consultation on the draft scheme will happen early next year, with the various improvements, if agreed, brought in on a phased basis.

special tour

Santa is coming to Dalkey You better watch out! Santa is coming to Dalkey Castle! T he one and only Mr Clause is coming to Dalkey castle to meet the local children before Christmas. T he tour will include Christmas games, surprises, interactive stories, Victorian Christmas traditions and a visit with the main man himself! The special Christmas Tours will run on four dates over two weekends, on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 and Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 December. The visits will be hourly from 11am till 4pm. Cost €7.50 per ticket with goodie bags for the kids. Early booking is advisable as numbers on each tour are limited.

6 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 10 December 2015

10 December 2015 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 7

8 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 10 December 2015


| Exhibition to celebrate birth date of wb Yeats

Declan Ronan and Eleanor Kelly

Catherine O’Riordan and Jessica Imhoff. Pictures: Stephen Fleming Photography

Peter Fallon and Senator Susan O’ Keeffe (Lab)

Celebrating a master


O FINE Art Editions joined the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the birth of William Butler Yeats recently with the opening of A Lonely Impulse of Delight exhibition at its Anne Street gallery, which features original works from Ireland’s top writers and artists.

Inspired by the poetry of WB Yeats, works included in exhibition are drawn from John Banville, Colm Toibin, Edna O’Brien, Paul Muldoon, Eavan Boland, Donald Teskey, Hughie O’Donoghue, Richard Gorman, Martin Gale, John Behan, Lars Nyberg, Diana Copperwhite, Amelia

Stein, Michael Canning, and Barbara Rae. The exhibition also includes items of historic and artistic interest from Cuala Press, which was set up in 1908 by Elizabeth and Lilly Yeats. The show will tour in Ireland and internationally, starting in Sligo.

John Sibbery

Cast and welded bronze by John Coll

Kate Betts

Kate Lawlor and Dairine McCafferty

10 December 2015 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 9

10 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 10 December 2015


| bi-annual fair is a hit at the royal marine hotel

Eamon Murray

Rene and Lesley Moore with Lilyrose Moore Walsh and Daisy Casey Moore

Sile Rose Henehan

Rosie Mitchell from Finglas, one of the winners of the Junior Best Dressed categories. Pictures: Pearl Phelan

Modern fashion fans turn to vintage styles L

OVERS of all things vintage related were out in force at the Royal Marine Hotel recently, where the bi-annual Dublin Vintage Fair was taking place. This time, the fair fell under the management of Mercedes-Benz Cork Fashion Week Stylist of the Year, Irene

O’Brien, a familiar fixture on Xpose and Ireland AM, as well as on the vintage scene. More than 50 traders were in attendance at the hotel, with everything from vintage fashions to decor, accessories to homewares on sale, offering modern fashionistas and culture vultures an eas-

ily accessible way to add a quirky, yet authentic dash of style to their outfits, homes and lives. Adding to the buzz, bestdressed competitions and retro makeovers helped to bring out the best in attendees, making the fair a hit yet again with all in attendance.

Performance artiste Vintage trading experts “Fussy Galore” and “Deimante”

Eileen Farrell

10 December 2015 DUN LAOGHAIRE Gazette 11


| pJ lynch exhibition goes on show at the lexicon

Studying some of the

Emily Woods has her book autographed by author and

works on show

illustrator PJ Lynch. Pictures: Peter Cavanagh

Pictures perfect Kate Dulohery, Barbara Hughes Lynch, Aisling McDonnell, Deirdre Scully and Georgia Longhurst


RANGE of works by award-winning artist PJ Lynch drew much praise from onlookers at the official launch of an exhibition at DLR LexIcon recently. Pilgrims, Princess and Beardy Old Men has gathered a diverse range of the artist’s work, with his talents for illustrating children’s books

being particularly evident in the lovely paintings on show. An Cathaoirleach, Cllr Barry Saul (FG), highly praised Belfast-born Lynch’s exhibition, which runs until next January 30. The artist will present a free talk at 7pm at the LexIcon on Thursday, January 21.

Author and Laureate na nOg Eoin Colfer

Ciaran Walton

12 dun laoghaire gazette 10 December 2015

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14 Gazette 10 December 2015


diary dublinlife Oceans of fun at Imaginosity IRELAND’S only interactive children’s museum for those under nine years, Imaginosity, is gearing up for Santa’s Science Lab. The little ones can join the Imaginosity elves as they experiment and conjure up festive workshops in the lab in the Plaza in Sandycove. Santa will visit Imaginosity on December 19 for one day only, to meet everyone and get his delivery list prepared. Tickets are €4 in addition to Imaginosity standard admission rates, and each child will leave with a small gift following their chat with Santa. Tickets can be booked by calling 01-2176130. Oceans of Fun with Imaginosity will take place on Sunday, December 20, in the National Maritime Museum of Ireland as part of this year’s

Dun Laoghaire Maritime Christmas Festival. This interactive family experience will include craft-making, storytelling and lots of Christmassy science. Tickets are €5 on Eventbrite. Having recently enjoyed a day out there, The Diary can highly recommend Imaginosity for a couple of hours of fun.

Guinness toasts its many fans THE Guinness Storehouse recently marked its 15th anniversary and celebrated the 14 million visitors from 25 countries it has welcomed in that time. The iconic St James’s Gate site first opened its doors to visitors in December 2000 following a €42m redevelopment of the 113year-old former fermentation plant.

Former US President Bill Clinton was the first in a long line of famous faces to visit the Storehouse in its inaugural year, other famous faces who have visited since include Queen Elizabeth II, Chris Rock, Will Ferrell, Susan Sarandon, Dermot O’Leary, Adam Sandler, Pink, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Conan O’Brien, The Coronas, The Script and Chris O’Dowd. “Our first 15 years have been truly amazing with many highlights but winning the title of Europe’s Leading Tourist Attraction at the World Travel Awards in September is a particularly special one,” said managing director Paul Carty.

Christmas tree dilemma solved THE Christmas tree

Drummers Ronan Brady and Maire Dee get into the swing and are suspended in the pint-shaped centre of the seven-floor visitor attraction. Picture: Andres Poveda

conundrum of whether to go for a real, authentic tree with its beautiful scent and texture or invest in the convenience of an artificial tree that will last for many Christmases to come may

have been solved by the Garden House, Airfield Estate, Dundrum, which stocks a wide selection of both. Bryan Maher, founder of The Garden House, says you cannot have enough lights on a Christmas tree. He makes a number of useful suggestions about how to dress your tree to best effect. In addition, he throws some light on the important issue of lights, again providing many useful tips on how best to use and maximise their effect, including the lights’ tone and those that can be timed to turn

on and off at a certain time each day. For a more comprehensive insight into how to make the most of your Christmas tree this Christmas see www.thegardenhouse.ie or call The Garden House, Airfield Estate, Dundrum on 01 531 2010.

bus users get info for christmas IRELAND’S second National Workplace Radio station 103.2 Dublin City FM and Dublin Bus will work together in the run-up to Christmas to ensure commuters have service

updates about buses in the city. Chief inspectors from Dublin Bus will be located in the traffic control centre at Dublin City Council from where the Livedrive Programme is broadcast. Mick Hanley, chief executive of Dublin City FM, said that while the station had been giving traffic commuters upto-the-minute information each day for over 10 years, this would be the first time information relevant to bus commuters will be broadcast, including the Nitelink services in the city.

10 December 2015 Gazette 15


feature A DAY IN THE LIFE: Suzanne jackson likes to dine out with loved ones

A busy blogger who is always on the go  Keith Bellew

IRELAND’s leading fashion and beauty blogger Suzanne Jackson of So Sue Me is one busy woman. From running her successful blog to starting her own beauty brand, r unning workshops, maintaining a large social media following and public appearances, Jackson somehow manages to squeeze it all in. The Gazette caught up with her to discuss what a day in her hectic life entails. She has just returned from fundraising for charities close to her heart, Dogs Aid and Dogs Trust and says: “I’ve been raising money for this in the run-up to Christmas. There are always a lot of unwanted dogs around this time so they need the extra support.” As for a typical day in her life? Well, there isn’t one. She usually starts each day the same way: “I get up in the morning and I always have breakfast, which gets me ready for the day and gives me energy. I work from home – I did have an office but I just felt that I was more productive at home.” Jackson then sets about organising her emails: “I’ll sit down and spend about an hour on emails. I have a PA who goes through them for me and marks

important ones that I need to get back to. Then I will get myself ready and go about my day. “Generally speaking, I could be going to an appearance so I’ve got to get full glam; I’ll do my hair and make-up and then travel to whatever event I’m appearing at. “I’ll then usually spend about an hour there, just meeting with other guests or doing a talk depending on the type of event.” The later part of the day usually sees Jackson attending another event. “I would usually have a launch party to attend, like the launch of a new make-up palette for example, or a film premier.” Last week, she was a judge at Ms Universe Ireland and before that she appeared as a guest host on TV3’s Xpose, which she loved even though it was somewhat nerve wracking to present one of the country’s most popular shows. “I was really nervous because it’s a show I’ve always watched, and I’ve always looked up to the girls there and admired it for years.” Later in the day, Jackson blogs and manages her social media. “When I come home in the evening, I blog. I’ll probably have my dinner around six and then blog from around seven till 11 at night. This involves

Fashion and beauty blogger Suzanne Jackson

scheduling Facebook posts for the next day and writing blog posts. Then I check my emails one more time and go to bed!”

She rarely gets a chance to switch off, especially with the number of social media followers she has, particularly on Snapchat

where she gets about 65,000 views a snap. “It’s so immediate, it’s so interactive and it’s a more personal way to

connect with followers.” She likes to unwind by eating out with her friends and family. Her favourite spots are Siam Thai in

Malahide and Blue Bar in Skerries. “I manage to fit it in, I have a very active lifestyle. I’m always out and about.”


16 Gazette 10 December 2015


the big interview

donal skehan: perfects his recipe for success

A brilliant year ends with a fresh take on lifestyle  aisling kennedy

DONAL Skehan is, in many ways, not your stereotypical chef. He is, however, one who is ahead of the curve when it comes to bringing new ways of cooking to his fans.

He does this through his YouTube channel, which has amassed a quarter of a million subscribers in a few years. He is also a TV chef, author and all-round hard worker who, in addition to travelling around Ireland and

abroad for work, married his Swedish sweetheart Sofie Larsson in June. Skehan took time out this week to talk to the Gazette about how he maintains work-life balance, and how the first year of married life is going. “Married life is

great; it’s going really well. It’s our first Christmas together as a married couple, which will be great. I don’t think much has changed but it’s been really lovely and it’s a lovely time to kind of step back and look at the year we’ve had. It’s been a really brilliant year. “We will be doing a Swedish Christmas this year. We do it year-on year-off, and so this year is Sophie’s year. They do a different type of Christmas dinner in Sweden because they celebrate Christmas on the evening of Decem- Enjoying the great outdoors at Howth with Max, Donal Skehan is planning to expand ber 24. They have pickled his career horizons in 2016 fish, Christmas ham and a kind of fishy potato dish; every weekend right from that we have such beauti- continues to be. It’s such we’re also going to do a the summer up until ful landscape on our door an amazing world though, traditional Irish Christmas Christmas. I was doing all step so I really enjoyed and we’ve just shot a dinner on Christmas Day sorts and not getting the that side of it...I’m not an documentary about the so I’ll get my Irish Christ- time to eat right or exer- extreme sports person Food Tube phenomenon mas dinner after all.” cise. I wasn’t getting the but I do exercise on a for RTE 2 as part of their Skehan admits that at time to stop and breathe regular basis now.” Reality Bites series.” times he has pushed him- deeply. So the cookbook S ke h a n h a s a l s o His fame on the interself to the limits, and says came out of that. become a global internet net has led him to think this time last year life was “We looked at how sensation on his YouTube about capitalising on the not quite as calm as it is we could translate the channel, with over a quar- online market. “In Irenow. “At the end of last cookbook to TV, and ter of a million subscrib- land, there’s only about year, I came to a point that’s when we came up ers. Jamie Oliver signed a handful of us creating where I knew everything with idea of my TV pro- him up to his FoodTube content and making it a needed a bit of a shake gramme, Cook Eat Burn. channel, which is a first business online from a up. I knew I wasn’t eat- The interesting thing is for any Irish chef. Oliver YouTube perspective. ing the right foods and I how you match exercise has since praised SkeI don’t think Ireland wasn’t exercising prop- with food.” han’s strong work ethic has even got into that rouerly, and I think that was Cook Eat Burn, run- and ambition. tine of watching YouTube the catalyst for me.” ning as a six-part series on “I’m separate to Jamie’s the way the Americans This led him to take RTE, sees Skehan take on Food Tube now; because or the British would. It’s stock of his life and physical challenges such I’ve grow n so many sub- an interesting place to inspired his recently as mountain climbing, scribers we moved on by be, and we’re planning to released book, Fresh. kayaking and coasteer- ourselves. We were with move to LA to pursue a “Fresh is a cookbook ing, during which he got him for the last two years bit of the YouTube side that is all about healthy to see some of Ireland’s though and he’s been fan- of things in February for eating. Last year, I was most beautiful scenery. tastic to us. He’s been a a few months. So watch out working pretty much “We forget as Irish people really great support and this space!”

10 December 2015 Gazette 17

cinema P22

asdfsdaf P27 music P23

OUT&ABOUT Never be out of the loop on what’s happening in Dublin! Let Out&About be your guide to all that is stylish, cultural and essential across the city and beyond this week


style P18

Pets can you be cosmo’s whole universe?

Ballet Ireland lead dancers Kesi Olley-Dorey and James Loffler during final rehearsals for the much loved and witty ballet Coppelia Picture: Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

opera: how one man’s solution to loneliness influenced others

It’s a doll’s life for Coppelia

 keith bellew news@gazettegroup.com

BALLET Ireland’s edgy new take on the 19th century comic ballet, Coppelia, will visit Draiocht, Blanchardstown, on December 18 as part of its national tour. Coppelia tells the story of a dollmaker, who creates an incredibly lifelike doll to ease his loneliness. The result is a doll so realistic that everyone who encounters her thinks she’s a living woman, and one unfortunate young man falls in love with her. In this new production, the action takes place at a 1950s country fair, and Coppelia is the face of a cosmetics line.

Speaking to the Gazette, director Anne Maher says Ballet Ireland always attempts to give its own spin to any production, to make it easier for audiences to identify with. She says the reasoning behind setting it in the 1950s was manifold. One reason was that the feminist movement was very strong in the 1950s, and the heroine of the piece, Swanhilda, is “very much a feisty and independent woman so we thought that would be a great place to set her. We were looking around for different ideas and this sort of jumped out”. She says the idea worked really well. “Musically, the theme is around some of the more traditional pieces of music in the original score; folk danc-

es like the mazurka or the csardas. “Obviously, the large sections of the score have stayed in their original format, but then we’ve taken some parts and tinkered with them a little. “Some of them are set in a more bluegrass style, and because those are originally folk tunes, they transcend beautifully into another kind of idiom. “It worked fantastically well on a musical level and also stylistically, and then from the perspective of the actual libretto and storyline.” She says the most challenging aspect of the show was not in the adaptation or the performance, but containing their ambitions for the show, so they do not exceed the budget “That would be the biggest thing.

We had such fine and fantastically creative collaborators working with us on the production, it was all about containing the amount of ambition that they had to manage as much as we could within the budget that we had,” she says. The show has been on tour for a number of weeks now, performing at numerous venues throughout the country. Maher says it has been very well received. The best part of it, is the audiences really seem to “get it”, she says. Ballet Ireland’s Coppelia will visit Draiocht, Blanchardstown, on December 18 as part of its national tour. For more information visit www. draiocht.com

Dublin Gazette Newspapers has teamed up with Dogs Trust to help find homes for lost and abandoned dogs. Cosmo came to us as a puppy and has been in a home before but has struggled hugely with being left alone and his previous family just didn’t have the time to meet his needs. His devoted team of carers at Dogs Trust have done so much to help him and now he’s ready to find a home to call his own. It’s all he’s ever wanted. If you live in an adult-only home with someone there the vast majority of the time, then Cosmo could be the most perfect companion for you. He will need a little help to learn to settle in to a home again but when he does, you will see just how loving and wonderful he truly is. If you think you can offer Cosmo a loving home, please contact Dogs Trust on 01 879 1000. They are based in Finglas, just off exit 5 on the M50. Map and directions can be found on their website www. dogstrust.ie. You can also find them on Facebook www.facebook.com/ dogstrustirelandonline or Twitter @DogsTrust_ie.



Littlewoods Spot mesh prom dress €35


18 Gazette 10 December 2015

River Island Turquoise gem statement necklace €26

River Island Black bead embellished crop top €65

Debenhams and Shaws

A good foundation is the key to being well-put together Any good stylist worth her salt will say that good undergarments are the foundation to a well-put together look. Now that it’s party dress season, a great strapless bra is a must. Eve’s bra is a great solution to discrete dressing. The bra has been updated too. The new wing bra is under-wired for extra support and the adhesive wings are stronger, again for extra support. While finding the right size bra is often half the battle, tricky necklines, plunging backs, falling straps, and poking underwires are just some of the problems every woman faces at one time or another Eve’s Silicone Bra is the perfect solution. Comprising just cups, it’s a skin friendly selfadhesive silicone bra perfectly attachable to the skin. A strapless and backless bra only consisting of a couple of self-adhesive silicone bra cups. It’s perfect for wearing under any sheer clothing, with backless dresses, party dresses and low-cut necks. The adhesive is extremely strong and can be worn up to 200 times. The bra can be machine washed but it’s recommended to hand wash it for a longer life. Eve’s Bra is available in Shaws and Debenhams nationwide and costs €29.95 . The new Eve’s Bra is in stores from December 1.


LBD  jessica maile

Littlewoods Fringe hem tunic €53

Eve’s Silicone Bra is €29.95 and available at

River Island Black suede lace-up heels €85

the little black dress. Simple and timeless and a staple of the holiday party season. Some say it’s the safe route but I say it can be original and, the best part, it usually can be worn year round. Whether it’s sparkly, fringed, laced or just a simple mini dress, the sky is the limit here. You can always add a shot of colour with some bright heels or a quirky clutch.

Penneys Ruffle front sandal €19

Rochelle Humes Cape mini dress €80

Penneys Jump suit

10 December 2015 Gazette 19


20 Gazette 10 December 2015




These cupcakes will go down a treat

Enjoy tree-mendous Christmas cupcakes THIS week, we have a delicious (and very timely) recipe for Christmas Tree Cupcakes, which makes 10-12 cupcakes, topped off with buttercream. These cupcakes use that timeless Irish kitchen staple, Siucra sugar; for further information, see www.facebook. com/siucraireland, Instagram.com/SiucraIreland or www.siucra.ie. They’ll look great on any Christmas table – but they won’t stay there for long, once hungry eyes spot them!

Cupcakes Ingredients 125g Siucra light golden brown sugar 125g butter, at room temperature 2 medium free-range eggs 150g self-raising flour 3 tbsps milk 2 tsps vanilla extract Preparation • Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan. • Line a bun tin with 12 paper cases. • Beat together the butter and Siucra light golden brown sugar until pale and fluffy. • Beat in the eggs, one at a time. • Mix in the vanilla extract, flour and milk. • Divide the mixture equally between the 12 cases. • Bake for 15-20 minutes, then cool on a wire rack before piping on the buttercream. Buttercream Ingredients 450g Siucra icing sugar 225g butter, at room temperature 3 tspn vanilla extract Green food colouring Sugar decorations: silver balls, stars, circles Preparation • Beat the butter and Siucra icing sugar together. Add the vanilla extract and beat again. It takes a few minutes to turn into buttercream. • Add the green food colouring gradually until you have the desired colour. • Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle. • Pipe onto each cupcake, starting wide at the bottom and getting narrower as you go up. Try to do this in one movement. • Place a star decoration on top and coloured sugar decorations or silver balls around the tree.

The Elephant’s Ear Fusion restaurant

Landscape Road, D14 Come to Churchtown create a comfortable

NEW restaurants are popping up all over Dublin lately, but they’re usually in the city centre. For those of us who live and work in suburbia, it’s like manna from heaven when a new place opens its doors, especially if they are offering something exciting and that is on a par, if not surpasses, what you can get in the city centre. That is the case with The Elephant’s Ear, in Churchtown. Strange name, I know, but nothing is strange about the food – exciting, inventive, colourful and downright tasty are just some of the adjectives that spring to mind. Just above the Glenside Pub, this place has been given a complete overhaul and the soft, muted greys, along with the boothed seating and soft lighting, attribute to the relaxed atmosphere. The maitre-d said they were still working on the music, which is a bit of a mishmash, but if this

and you could be singing the praises of The Elephant’s Ear, above the Glenside pub. Soft, muted tones space – all the better to leave you receptive to the dishes on offer, which certainly don’t disappoint.

The Picky Eater is the only thing they haven’t got right after five weeks in operation, then they are doing well. And, when it comes to the food, they have got everything spot-on. They encourage sharing in this place, and with a selection of “naughty nibbles” or light bites on offer, as well as straight-up starters and mains, there is a big selection to choose from. I would recommend you go for tapas-style dining, and choose from the many delicious small plates on offer.

Taste explosion The fish tacos (€7) were an absolute taste explosion in the mouth, with plenty of sprightly garnish and a dash of lime thrown in for good measure. This dish had us singing, and we couldn’t wait for what was to come. Tuna nachos (€10) with seared tuna fish and plenty of guacamole, were equally as exciting, as

the tacos just came alive on the plate and on the tongue. A gorgonzola dip (€6) with toasted breads had us licking the last droplets from the bowl. Next up were chicken flatbreads (€8), with chicken that felt like it was torn straight from a roasted bird, and came with plenty of peanuts and some satay sauce lashed on top. My sister decided to try a larger plate, just to see what could be expected there, and in the name of research! She loved her pan-roasted rump of lamb with sumac and pomegranate molasses (€15), but in comparison to the smaller plates, there was none ... A dessert combo gave us a sample of a delicious crumble with a crunchy and creamy honeycomb ice cream. A winter fruits jelly and ice ream combo was equally good. The wine list is great too, featuring some adventurous new wines. We chose a Spanish

The colourful dishes were great value, with a taste to match their attractive visuals. Picture: The Picky Eater

Rueda (€26). All in all, this place was a joy from start to finish, with a great team of staff on the floor and in the

kitchen. They also offer brunch and lunch with much of the same menu on offer. I couldn’t recommend it more.

Conclusion AT LAST, someone has remembered the suburbs do exist, and The Elephant’s Ear (at 20 Landscape Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14; tel 089 608 0556) proves a delectable delight, thanks to decent dishes and excellent accompaniments.

10 December 2015 Gazette 21


22 Gazette 10 December 2015



the night before: entertaining, but muddled

Not quite a turkey  dave phillips

IT IS that most wonderful time of the year, when Christmas begins to buoyantly creep into the movies. On cinema screens around the world, films are being angled to become part of the festive pantheon. There is certainly no sense of subtlety in Jonathan Levine’s The Night Before. Smash together The

H a n g ove r a n d B a d Santa, and you’ll have the strange sludge from which Levine has brought to life this full-blown, bad-taste Christmas monster. Taking the tag-team of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen, and pairing them with Anthony Mackie (Captain America: Winter Soldier), Levine sets out to tell a very X-rated Xmas adventure. After the sudden death of Ethan’s (Gordon-Lev-

itt) parents over a decade ago, he and his two stoner high-school buddies have made a point of spending Christmas Eve together. But, as they transition into different stages of their lives, they realise that the tradition of getting festively wasted must be broken. Isaac (Rogen) is on the cusp of becoming a father, and Chris (Mackie) is hitting a new level of fame in his NFL career. Ethan, has

just ended a relationship and is struggling to find his place in the world. The intensity of their last Christmas Eve together is ramped up when Betsy (Jillian Bell) gifts Isaac a smorgasbord of drugs and Isaac finds three tickets to the most exclusive party in town – the Nutcracka Ball ... So begins the 100minute rollercoaster comedy that is The Night Before. It may be Christ-

These three buddies find their typical Christmas routines getting interrupted as real life and grown-up issues interrupt their usual slacker habits

mas Eve, but nothing is sacred here. While it hits more often than it misses, you can’t escape the feeling that there is something lacking. While the script is highly improvised, it lacks that sense of genuine ban-

ter that typifies much of Rogen’s earlier work, and makes you wonder where James Franco was when they were casting leads. For fans of Pineapple Express and Knocked Up schools of comedy, this one will be a hit. But

beyond that, will The Night Before earn a place amid the Christmas pantheon? It seems very unlikely, but strange miracles have been known to happen around this time of year. Verdict: 6/10

10 December 2015 Gazette 23


MUSIC neil young: bluenote cafe

Take a trip through the archive to 1988  colm murray

Ellie Goulding uses big-name producers, including Max Martin on this album and has already announced a world tour to promote her latest offering to the dance scene.

Ellie Goulding: big guns hit marketing mark

Repetitive Delirium not very memorable  colm murray

WITH Delirium (Polydor/Warners), British singer Ellie Goulding has put together what is essentially a playlist of singles destined for frequent repeat on the radio and in the clubs, all with catchy rhythms and her this-can-onlybe-Ellie-Gouldingsinging distinctive vocal style. She’s pulled out the big guns, working with big-name producers like Max Martin, and has already announced a world tour for the

album — there aren’t any ballads as such in the 16 tracks. Overall, Delirium is a polished effort, if not a particularly memorable one. I t i n c l u d e s L ove Me Like You Do, her smash hit from the Fifty Shades of Gray movie as well as the single currently getting airplay, On My Mind. Other highlights are Keep On Dancin’ and Don’t Need Nobody. I t g e t s r e p e t i t i ve , dance track after dance track, and lyrically it’s fairly bland — Love!


‘Part of the problem is the album’s length...it is almost an hour long in its shortest form’


Attraction! Ooh! But if you’re looking for something that will get you to move, this will do it. It is unfortunate that Delirium cannot reach that level more consist-

ently. Part of the problem is the album’s length: Delirium is almost an hour in its shortest form, and there are deluxe versions of the album that stretch out over 25 tracks. Even appreciating Goulding’s prolific output, this suggests she likes these songs so much she can’t bear to let them go. But pop is an ar t form that rewards concision, and this album’s stronger tracks get lost in clumps that do not connect.

FEW artists could keep us entertained with an ongoing series of live releases in an archives series. Neil Young can. Bluenote Cafe (Warner Brothers) is the latest in the series, which has released live albums every one or two years since 2006. Containing seven unreleased songs, the 23-track double album was recorded in 1988 at a variety of venues with the Bluenote Cafe band. Featuring a six-member horn section to play tracks from the 1988 studio album This Notes for You, which also used a horn section on the majority of the album. Young has performed with a variety of bands throughout his career, from Buffalo Springfield, Booker T and the MGs (whom he brought to Slane in 1993), and Crazy Horse, who also feature. Young toured in support of his 1988 album, This Note’s for You, the year it came out

Although he recorded each show, the footage has never been available — until now. The albumn features favourites from this “funky and heartfelt” period of Young’s career, as well as previously unreleased tracks like Soul of a Woman, Bad News Comes to Town, Ain’t It the Truth, I’m Goin’, Crime of the Heart, Doghouse, Fool for Your Love and a 19-minute long rendition of Tonight’s the Night. It is seriously strong with more than two hours of live tracks from what was possibly the funkiest period of Young’s career.

5sos: sounds good feels good

Album without gamble  colm murray

THE album sounds okay and feels exactly like what you’d expect from a band with the sole mission of delivering palatable rock songs to a global audience of teenage girls. 5 Seconds of Summer are not in a position to gamble away their fame by veering too far off course here. The result is Sounds Good Feels Good (Capitol/Warners) , which has 17 tracks that push no musical boundaries and explore no topics so salacious as to deter fans of this generation’s Blink-182.

Permanent Vacation speaks to the underachiever in us all, but the track sounds like every song Green Day might have lef t on the cutting room floor because it was too soft around the edges. Sounds Good Feels Good is obviously more pop than punk – the slick production is peppered with unnecessary vocal overdubs

and the album’s sof test ballad, San Francisco, sounds like One Direction. Cynics will also sneer at some clunky lyrics – “I want to feel your love like the weather, all over me” they sing on Vapor. But then again, there’s plenty here for the band’s teenage fans to relate to. Within the first four songs, 5SOS shout out underachievers, college dropouts and kids battling low self-esteem. No fear, 5SOS will be there for you, just charming enough to deliver songs you’ll disavow liking as soon as you hit college!

Magee Tw eed (www.mage bag €500 e1866.com)

7) rew £26 (c. €3

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€19 as set m t is r h SU C



sc BT Alessi cork

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Vichy Gif t se


No 7 Leg oil €18

www .t al es fo rt ad po les.ie Moomin cu shion €34.95

tmas se

t €52 hris Men’s C Thalgo

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Russell Hobbs Hand blender €32


24 Gazette 10 December 2015

Shaws & Boyers Dice evening bag €25

10 December 2015 Gazette 25



Guinot Complete radiance set €82.75

La Roche-Posay Christmas set €34.99

t €17.99

Ziaja Natural olive se

Thomas Sabo Eau de Karma gift set €54.95

Opportune Eau de toilette €26.46

Boo the ts Be Ball lle o set f €17 .50

ww Pete w.tale r Ra sfo bbit rtad bre pol akfa es st s .ie et € 34. 50

Perfect for THIS week, our gift guide has a strong focus on care and pampering. Whether you’re looking to help soothe skin that’s faced winter weather, ease feet into cosy footwear, or even to give a fun or useful helping hand in the kitchen, we have a wide range of gifts. And, if pampering presents aren’t

Items not to scale

pampering quite your thing, we have a number of other items to consider, too. Set sail for comfort with a Moomin cushion, give tums a treat with tasty chocolate, or get in touch with a loved one using their new phone!

Lindt Chocolate reindeer 100g €3.99

4 pers €9

o Littlew

ggs slip land U e r I s d o

26 dun laoghaire gazette 10 December 2015




Photos & Slides converted to DVD CineFilms Video & Camera Tapes Music & Titles added

(ABC: Group MFD, July–Dec 2014)

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ANNOUNCEMENT We can now officially accept planning & legal notices from all four County Councils in greater Dublin region · Dublin City · Dun Laoghaire South Dublin · Fingal

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10 December 2015 dun laoghaire gazette 27

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Permission is sought for the demolition of an existing two storey building and the construction of a new four storey residence at The Mews 15 Adelaide Street, Dun Laoghaire by Michael Conway and Denis Woods.The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire during its public opening hours.A submission/observation may be made on payment of €20 within a period of 5 weeks from the date the application is received by the planning authority. 25637


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planning Notice DÚN LAOGHAIRE RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL further information

I Alexander Lomov, have applied for full planning permission, for demolition of existing side single storey bedroom / garage extension, removal of rear shed building, and construction of a new two storey semi-detached dwelling house with converted attic space on corner site, using existing vehicular access to serve new dwelling house, and forming new vehicular access to serve existing dwelling house on corner site, at 70 Wyattville Park, Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin. Planning Reference: D15A/0607. In this regard note that Significant Further Information has been furnished to the Planning Authority and is available for inspection or purchase at the offices of the Planning Authority at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, during its public opening hours, and that a submission or observation in relation to the Further Information may be made to the authority in writing and on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within 2 weeks of the date of receipt of the newspaper notice and site notice (within 5 weeks in the case of an application accompanied by an E.I.S) by the Authority and no further fee is required where a valid submission or observation has already been made in respect of this planning application. 25664

Permission is sought for a) re-design of front porch, b) new patio door to front garden, c) 100mm overall external insulation with smooth render finish, d) 8sqm single storey extension to the rear, e) attic conversion to include 2no. Skylights to the front and 2 no. Dormer type window to the rear of the house, g) some internal alterations and associated site works, at no. 88 Springhill Park, Dalkey, Co.DUblin by Mark McGloin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased for a fee not exceeding a reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, during its public opening hours of Monday to Friday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority, on payment of a fee of €20 within 5 weeks of receipt of the application by the Planning Authority. 25652


Twitter: @DublinGazette


28 gazette 10 December 2015


FastSport St Pat’s make early signings for new term: ST PATRICK’S Athletic confirmed the signings of David Cawley from Sligo Rovers and Michael Barker from Bray Wanderers, while also the re-signing of goalkeeper Brendan Clarke this week. Midfielder Cawley joins the Saints having won the League, FAI Cup and the Setanta Sports Cup at the Showgrounds. Defender Barker, 22, joins the Inchicore side having played with Bohemians, UCD and Bray Wanderers where he made 32 appearances in the Premier Division last year. The re-signing of Clarke means the Saints’ keeper is entering his 13th season with the club, having made 169 appearances to date between the posts. Clarke became the first ever Saints’ goalkeeper to be named the PFAI Goalkeeper of the Year in 2013, while he has also won the SSE Airtricity League, FAI Cup, EA Sports Cup and President’s Cup,

cricket: 2016 world cup place secured for irish women’s side

Delany’s runs key in T20 win  sport@dublingazette.com

THE Irish women’s cricket team, made up entirely of players currently with Dublin clubs, finished their T20 World Cup qualifiers with a flourish last Saturday as they saw off Bangladesh in the final in Thailand with a last-ball victory. It was a game that had everything, ending with the umpires forced to adjudge on a “Mankad”style run-out off what would have been the final delivery with the scores tied and thunder and lightning rapidly closing in on the Terdthai Ground in Bangkok. Salma Khatun sent down the 20th over for the Tigers with Ireland needing nine to win but

Leinster CC’s Laura Delany and YMCA’s Lucy O’Reilly managed to get eight runs from the first five balls to tie it up. Khatun then attempted to run out Delany without delivering the last ball but, after much deliberation, the umpires ruled against the bowler’s appeal. O’Reilly gleefully thumped the actual final delivery – a rank long hop – to the midwicket boundary to spark wild celebrations in the Irish camp. It concluded a superb week for the side as they cruised to the showpiece World Cup finals in India which take place in 2016. They swept past the Netherlands, China and Zimbabwe in the group phase before, crucially, beating

Scotland in the semi-final in what was a playoff for the World Cup. With that target assured, Ireland duly won the overall title. Having won the toss and opted to bowl against Bangladesh, Pembroke’s Ciara Metcalfe took wickets in successive balls to reduce the Asian side to 21-2. A 74-run stand between Nigar Sultana and Rumana Ahmed then had Ireland very much on the back foot before Metcalfe again came to the rescue, dismissing the former for an impressive 41. Bangladesh ended with a very competitive 105 for 3 from their allotted overs while for the fielding side, Metcalfe was the standout with 3-14. Merrion’s Cecilia Joyce

The Irish women celebrate their final win over Bangladesh. Picture: Ian Jacobs/ICC

and YMCA’s Clare Shillington gave their side’s reply a solid start with 24 before Shillington was bowled by Ahmed for 12. Three quick wickets fell to get Bangladesh back on top before a valuable stand between Laura Delany and Gaby Lewis edged the batting side into a good position. A pair of run outs threatened to ruin their day. But Delany stood firm at the other end and was there unbeaten on 26 as the frenetic conclusion was played out

before a delighted Isobel Joyce was called forward to receive the trophy. Speaking after the final, a delighted Ireland captain Isobel Joyce said: “It’s an amazing feeling and I’m so proud of my team for getting over the line in really tough conditions. “Bangladesh are an excellent bowling team, especially Salma Khatun who was bowling the last over, who is so experienced and would back herself every time to keep any team under

eight runs. “I’m really delighted for Laura Delany because she didn’t have it her own way during her innings, but she stuck in and was there to help the team and Lucy O’Reilly over the line. “The team took it one ball at a time, which is important especially in Twenty20 rather than thinking about the whole match which can overwhelm you, because if we needed 12 or 13 runs off the last over it might have been too much.”

UCD hold edge over Clontarf for the Christmas break  sport@dublingazette.com

UCD have enjoyed a fine start to the season, reaching the head of UBL Division 1A

UCD will lead the pack going into the New Year following their 20-12 win over Old Belvedere in the ninth round of Ulster Bank League Division 1A. The Students had the benefit of a very strong wind at the Belfield Bowl and duly swept into a 15-0 interval lead. From a 5m scrum on the quarter hour, the ball was moved wide for winger Tom Fletcher to squeeze over in the left corner. Leinster’s Ross Byrne missed the conversion and a tricky

penalty in the 33rd minute, but UCD enjoyed a productive spell approaching half-time. A lineout maul was finished off by former Ireland Under-20 prop Jeremy Loughman, and Byrne tagged on the conversion and a superb penalty from the 10m line. Classy full-back Daniel Riordan threatened early on the resumption, yet UCD played well facing into the elements, with Byrne’s cross-field kick almost finding Hugo Keenan. UCD were unable to capitalise on a yellow card for Belvo lock Jack Kelly and it was not until

the 63rd minute that flanker Peadar Timmins forced his way over following a succession of five-metre scrums. College’s sixth league win looked assured, but Belvo bounced back with two closing tries - the ever-influential Riordan struck in superb fashion in the 74th minute and a prolonged spell of pressure yielded a score for Kelly. However, the latter conversion was missed by Aidan Wynne, meaning they missed out on a losing bonus point. The teams meet again in the Leinster Senior League Cup

final in two weeks’ time. UCD and Clontarf are locked together on 31 points at the top of the table, with an eight-point gap between them and third-placed Belvo. Tarf picked up only their second try-scoring bonus point of the campaign with a 39-25 victory over Garryowen. The north Dubliners’ new allweather pitch showed its worth on a day when Storm Desmond claimed eight league fixtures, including two top flight games - Cork Constitution v Terenure College and Young Munster v Galwegians.

10 December 2015 gazette 29


The swords are out as Rio Olympics near Elite level fencing came to Loughlinstown last week with 21 nations represented at the ninth Irish Open Championships and homegrown athletes are setting sights on the Olympics  james hendicott


THE BATTLE for Olympic fencing qualification came to Ireland this weekend, as the ninth annual Open Fencing Championships saw fighters for 21 nations clash swords for a place at Rio 2016. DLR Leisure Loughlinstown hosted the event, that included Ireland’s men’s senior team as well as a hefty influx of foreign fencing talent, and comes at a time when the sport appears to be on the up in Ireland. Seventeen-year-old Anna Lee is fresh from a bronze medal at the senior Welsh Open in Cardiff, while teams of young Irish fencers have hit highs at cadet (under16) level over the last few months, dominating contests in Belfast and Marburg (Germany),

capturing four gold medals across a range of age categories at the latter event. Locally, the sport is putting the parts in place to capitalise on recent young successes. “We are beginning to see the blossoming of young talent at a junior (Under-20) and cadet (Under-17) level where young Irish fencers are in turn starting to make their mark abroad” explained Irish Fencing Federation (IFF) chairman, Philip Lee, reflecting on the results. “Attracting these top athletes from abroad to compete here in Ireland is part of our strategy of raising our fencers’ level of competition. “We are looking to encourage and develop our young athletes to one day compete at the highest international level and

I believe it’s working.” The championships, which took place over the weekend of November 28-29, forms the latest part in a deliberate strategy from the sport’s national governing body to nurture young Irish talent and build a sustainable base for the sport in Ireland. The governing body is keen to encourage plenty more to get on board, too, pointing to the array of physical benefits that come with battling it out in the sport. “There are a myriad benefits to fencing from fitness and sporting standpoint,” Lee argues. “Balance, power, anaerobic and aerobic fitness, but it also engages the grey matter through tactical and mental awareness. All of that wrapped in the framework of respect and discipline coming from

Bas Vervuijlen, The Netherlands, right, in action against Mateusz Antkiewicz, Poland, during the Irish Open Fencing Championships final. Picture: Cody Glenn/Sportsfile

the great tradition in this Olympic sport.” Most important, perhaps, Lee believes the sport is “great fun”. Those thinking of involving their children in particular are encouraged to contact Olga Velma on info@pembrokefencing. com. Velma will shortly

Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, Netherlands, Italy, Israel, New Zealand, Poland and Turkmenistan and a large contingent from Ireland competed in the world cup event this weekend. While several fencers ranked within the top 50 in the world were includ-


‘Anyone is beatable in this sport; on any given day you can get into the right space and take on anyone’ – Geoffrey Corcoran


be opening a new club in Loughlinstown, at DLR. So what chance do Ireland’s young fencers have against the world’s best? Speaking about the event, Geoffrey Corcoran, who at 21 has already competed at Junior World Championships, is not intimidated. “Anyone is beatable in this sport,” Corcoran says. “On any given day, if you can get yourself into the right space physically and mentally you can take on anyone. That’s a big part of why I love this sport”. The hope is that enthusiasm can be passed down to the even younger generation of fencers who are looking to follow in his footsteps at World Championships and beyond. Fencers from 21 nations including USA, Canada,

ed in the field and were amongst the favourites to take the much coveted international ranking points, the eventual winner was Bas Vervijlen, former World Championship bronze medallist. The man from the Netherlands edged out Mateusz Antkiewicz of Poland in a competitive final. Along with the men’s Epee satellite World Cup event a further five weapons (men and women’s foil, sabre and epee) were contested in a packed weekend of fencing with over 150 competitors competing. Just over 200 competitors are eventually expected to make their way to Rio, equally balanced across men and women, and featuring in 10 different events.


Mini Max McGovern gets reward for super 2015 SANDYFORD’S Harry McGovern, 15, was presented with his trophy for winning the 2015 Mini-Max Karting Championship at the Motorsport Ireland Awards in Dublin last week following a superb year. McGovern added the Motorsport Ireland title to the Munster Mini Max championship and the prestigious “O” Plate and “IRL” Plate championships he also won this year. Having competed in 13 races in 2015, the Medical Banks sponsored driver never finished lower than third and scored an impressive six wins. McGovern drives a Tonykart chassis, runs with the Brennan Tech team and is hugely appreciative of the support he has received from Noel Brennan and the rest of the team. Despite being just 15, he is in his fifth season of karting. In 2012, he won the Most Improved Driver of the Year and, a year later in 2013, he won the Motorsport Ireland Cadet Championship. He then graduated to the faster Mini-Max class and in 2015, won both the C Plate. Looking towards 2016, he will test a Ginetta Junior Ireland car over the winter with a view to possibly competing in that championship but is keen to consider other karting opportunities also. The Motorsport Ireland Awards Ceremony is an annual event in Dublin’s city centre where the champions of all disciplines are honoured by the governing body. This year’s event was held at the Double Tree Hilton hotel and Harry was presented with his award by Brian Kavanagh, chairman of the Motorsport Ireland Karting committee. He was among a number of Dublin winners at the awards event. The award for the national Autocross Grass Surface Saloon Champion went to Ian O’Connell, also from Sandyford. The Ivan Webb Memorial Award for Most Outstanding Contribution to Irish Motorsport went to Frank O’Donoghue, from Clonsilla, who has been an integral part of the Irish motorsport community for many years.


30 DUN LAOGHAIRE gazette 10 December 2015



swimming: Belfield club produces goods at short course meet

Magic eight wins in a row for dominant Hermes HC HERMES’ imperious form at the top of the women’s EY Hockey League continued as they won their eighth successive match of the new competition with plenty to spare in Booterstown. Indeed, they were 2-0 up inside the first quarter, laying the base for another impressive victory. It took them six minutes to get up and running as Chloe Watkins wove her way through the Pembroke defence before her shot was steered home from a well-placed Sinead Loughran, pictured. It was Loughran’s first game of the campaign since returning from the US. Eight minutes later, Watkins picked out Naomi Carroll who turned and shot past Stella Davis. They continued the pressure into the second quarter where Caitriona McGilp’s cracking shot hit the post before Eimear Horan extended the lead to 3-0. She eliminated three players before pinging a shot past Davis. Pembroke enjoyed their best spell in the third quarter and got one back via Alice Ward in the 45th minute but Hermes pulled away in the closing phases. Watkins dragged home a penalty corner before Nikki Evans provided some excellent build-up play and then offloaded for Carroll to finish off. On the men’s side, three set-piece goals saw Glenanne score a shock win over Monkstown, inflicting their first setback of the season at the Merrion Fleet Arena as Shannon Boucher struck twice from corners and David Keogh netted a penalty stroke. Indeed, corners were key with Glenanne scoring two from two while Town missed their first seven and only scored from one in the last two minutes when the game was out of reach. The result sees Monkstown drop to second in the table while Glenanne move up two places to sixth in the EY Hockey League. Andrew Ward did give Town the lead in the first half before Keogh and Boucher changed the game with three perfect goals from set plays. Monkstown got one back via Lee Cole on the switch but Glenanne held on for the last 90 seconds to earn their third win of the campaign.

UCD swimmers Jane Roberts, second from left, with Shani Stallard, second from right, who were among the big winners in Lisburn

UCD sweep up medals sport@dublingazette.com

UCD put in a strong performance at the Irish Short Course Swimming Championship in Lisburn over the weekend, picking up an impressive medal haul over the course of the three-day meet as they cemented their position as one of Ireland’s strongest swimming squads. Five titles came on the very first day, with Jane Roberts kicking off the haul with a victory in the 50m backstroke. She was swiftly followed onto the podium by Darragh Greene, taking home the men’s title in the same

event. The 200m individual medley saw Shani Stallard hit form, before David Prendergast won out in the 100m medley event, and the team topped off a stunning opening night with an impressive victory in the 400m team medley. The last medal of day one saw David Prendergast, Darragh Greene, Jack Keogh and Alex Melennec claim a senior Irish club record for the event, with a time of 3.46.12, smashing a 13-year-old record by very nearly two seconds as they dominated proceedings and set the tone

Joey’s representing Letmon stars in huge win for Metro Girls st joseph’s Girls Shauna Whelan , Kerri Letmon, Lydia Cook and Niamh Sheehan were all part of the Metropolitan Girls League panel that got the better of Wexford 8-0 in their opening WFAI Under-18 inter-league game last Sunday, beginning their title defence in style. Letmon was the star performer, scoring four times in the victory while also playing a part in the creation of a couple of other goals.

for a series of powerful relay performances. More of the same was to come on day two, as Melennec, Keogh and Prendergast joined up with Dean Power to demolish another record, their 3.22.50 an improvement of almost three seconds for the 400m freestyle relay. Astonishingly, the 50m medley relay was added to the list in another record time on the last day of the meet, at 1.41.40. Darragh Greene was back on the podium, too, adding a 100m title to his 50m backstroke, as he proved one of the stand out athletes of the meet

alongside Prendergast. Roberts added a second title in the backstroke, at 100m, while Ards, the event’s other outstanding club, denied UCD a clean sweep of the men’s relays by just 0.04 seconds in the final competition. Ards’ fast finish also saw them top the longest standing record of the weekend, beating a 1985 mark in winning a thrilling 50m freestyle relay. NAC’s Antoinette Neamt, meanwhile, put down a stunning marker as she athlete took a commanding victory in the 800m freestyle. At just 14, Neamt’s

winning margin of over fifteen seconds to win in 8.40.52 marks the Tallaght native as a serious local prospect. That wasn’t all the youngster had to offer, either, with Neamt claiming a second gold in the 400m event on day two, and coming back again on the third day to take a bronze medal in the 200m freestyle, putting her amongst the most successful female athletes at the event. The 400m time of 4.12.83 saw Neamt in a battle to the line with fellow junior Rachel Bethel, seeing off the hometown athlete by just two-tenths of a second.

10 December 2015 DUN LAOGHAIRE gazette 31


Crokes miss out on AFL1 title to Vincent’s  sport@dublingazette.com

K ILMACUD Crokes missed out on the AFL1 title at the hands of St Vincent’s last Sunday in the league final in UCD, losing out 2-10 to 0-12. Points were exchanged between either sides early on but a goal for the Marino men midway through the first half paved the way for their win. Tomas

Quinn did well to break through the Crokes backline on 14 minutes before teeing up Shane Carthy who finished well past David Nestor to raise the green flag. G o a l s w in g a m e s and at the break Vincent’s one gave them a four-point cushion with the score at 1-6 to 0-5. Crokes grabbed the first score after the break but

the second goal of the game soon followed and really put some daylight between the sides. It was the deadly double act of Quinn and Dublin star Diarmuid Connolly who combined to get through the Crokes’ defence and Quinn applied the finish to make it 2-6 to 0-6 seven minutes into the half. Crokes in fairness

never gave up and hit two points after the goal but Vincent’s always kept them at arm’s length with the score at 2-09 to 0-10 with 10 minutes left to play. Despite Brian Kavanagh adding a couple more late on, Crokes left themselves with too much to do and Vin’s were crowned AFL1 champions.

hurling: murphy praises young stars work rate

Club Noticeboard Cuala CUALA are Dublin league and cham-

trailed by nine points at half time but

pionship hurling winners 2015 after

put in a huge second half performance

beating O’Toole’s by 2-10 to 0-9 in

to draw level.

O’Toole Park on Saturday. What an

Vincent’s were limited to four sec-

amazing year it’s been for our senior

ond half points but crucially got the


last two scores against the run of play

Well done to our third adult hurlers who have been promoted to Division 7

to beat a brave Cuala team by 4-9 to 3-10. Congratulations to St Jude’s minor

after being awarded a walkover last Sunday.

camogie team who were the first

Well done to our minor A hurlers

recipients of the Orla Quill Trophy for

who completed the championship

winning the Dublin A minor camogie

double by winning the minor B hurling

championship last Sunday. The Orla

championship final against Ballinteer

Quill Trophy is in honour of Fintan and

on Sunday.

Eileen Quill’s beautiful daughter Orla,

Hard luck to the minor B hurlers

a young Cuala camogie player who

who lost against St Vincent’s in their

passed in January this year. It will be

minor D hurling championship final

presented annually to the winners of

last Sunday. Cuala started slowly and

the Dublin minor A championship.


Cuala’s minor hurlers following their final victory over Ballinteer St John’s

Cuala minors add to club’s huge title haul

minor b hc final Cuala Ballinteer St John’s  nathan kelly

0-16 0-11


THE trophy cabinet at Cuala may need to get an extra shelf fitted soon enough after the Dalkey club took home the Dublin Minor B Hurling championship. A 0-16 to 0-11 win over Ballinteer St John’s on their own turf at Marlay Park secured the win for Finbarr Murphy’s promising side and meant that most of this panel’s last stand as minor players was one to remember.

The Dalkey side found themselves 0-8 to 0-5 behind at the break. The five points came from captain Darragh Twomey, goalkeeper Ryan de Felice who chipped in with two frees and fullforward Justin Byrne who also registered twice. With the wind at their backs after the break and Byrne, Conal O’Kelly and de Felice among others keeping the scoreboard ticking over, Cuala rallied and got the five point win after an hour of top quality championship hurling. “It was very satisfying after what’s been a long

year of hard work on the training field and on match days,” said Murphy afterwards. “The work started last December and it’s really paid off now. “We had a middling season in the league. We set our sights pretty early on focusing on the championship more so than the league so to go on and win it is excellent.” “In terms of the match itself, I think we showed great character on the day which you need plenty of to win your championship. To come from behind, away from home on the opposition’s

own pitch takes a lot and our lads did excellently on the day. “Credit to Ballinteer they played their part in what was an excellent contest, they’re a great side and I’m sure we’ll clash again in the coming future. I’d also like to praise the referee who controlled the game brilliantly and helped it be the great final it was,” added the manager. This year has been packed with success for Cuala and this minor panel will make the jump to and try win further honours in adult hurling.

THE juvenile academy, sponsored by

ing a break before training resumes in

O’Donnell’s Pharmacy, Shankill, and all

preparation for the new season. New

our teams are taking a break for the

players always welcome; contact

Christmas season and will return to

Kevin on 086 8449902.

action on Saturday, January 23, 2106.

The club AGM will be held on Monday,

Our morning of fun and games organ-

February 1, 2016 at 8pm in St Anne’s

ised for last Saturday was a complete

Resource Centre, Shankill. Make a note

wash out and will be reorganised in the

in your diary to come along; new ideas

New Year.

are always welcome.

If you would like your child to join the

For more information, contact sec-

academy or any of our teams just con-

retary.shankill.dublin@gaa.ie or 086

tact us at the e-mail address below

3215087. Follow us on Facebook and

there are no trials, no selection proc-

twitter. Join Shankill GAA Club. Your

esses and no annual subscription. The

community, your family friendly GAA

cost is only €2 for each child.

Club where you’re not just a number

The men’s adult football team is tak-

and everybody knows your name.

Foxrock Cabinteely CONGRATULATIONS to the 2007s who

match reports about this talented

had their graduation on Saturday last.

bunch of players in the years ahead!

Well done to Naomi, Derek and the rest

A final reminder that the AGM will be

of the Academy crew on staging the

held on Thursday next, December 10 at


8pm in the Cabinteely FC Clubhouse.

This team will be managed by

We’re looking forward to seeing

Michelle Colgan next year when they

all members entitled to a vote at the

take part in Go Games. Best of luck to

meeting and help the club build on

Michelle and her management team.

what has been a very successful year

We’re all looking forward to reading

both on and off the field.

Kilmacud Crokes HARD luck to the senior football-

day, December 2 and was enjoyed by all

ers who lost to St Vincent’s by three

in attendance. Thanks to Mick Kinsella

points in the AFL1 league final played

and his staff for hosting. The benevo-

on Sunday in UCD.

lent fund draw is to be held in the club

Commiserations also to the U-21B

on Saturday, December 12. Tickets

hurlers who lost their championship

for the prize draw are available from

match over the weekend.

the office and bar or on the night. All

Hard luck to the minor camogie team who lost out to Ballinteer St John’s in their game over the weekend. A very successful Crokes’ Recalls event was held in the club on Wednes-

donations and prizes can be left in to the club office. The hurling section AGM is on Sunday, December 13 at 8.30pm in the function room.

GazetteSPORT all of your dun laoghaire sports coverage from page 28-31

Minority report: Cuala hurlers add yet another title to growing list from superb 2015 campaign P31

december 10-16, 2015

dublin swords are out: Elite fencing comes to town as Rio hopes grow P29

Brandon Hargreaves, in grey near the centre, en route to leading home a big field at the Athletics Ireland Autumn cross country

Gold and green abounds

Blackrock AC add another two national cross country gold medals to growing list as DSDAC trio look forward to Euros in Hyeres, France

 sport@dublingazette.com

BLACKROCK AC and DSD AC both had reason to celebrate this weekend on the crosscountry stage with national titles and Irish callups abounding. For Blackrock, both Sarah Healy and Amy Rose Farrell ended up as national champions at the juvenile uneven ages championships last Sunday in Dungarvan at an event that just about survived in the aftermath of Storm Desmond. For Healy, whose club commitments were slightly curtailed due to her Leinster hockey exploits back in October, was the red hot favourite in the Under-15 girls 3,500m. And she didn’t disappoint with another com-

manding performance and winning out comfortably. She bided her time on the first loop and made the decisive break on the outer circuit of second lap, never looking back and finishing with her trademark sprint. In doing so, the Blackrock runner continues her remarkable record of picking up cross-country titles in the club championships every year over the last five years – she has six titles at club level alone. In the girls Under-17 4,000m, Farrell was stepping up a grade after taking the Under-16 national title in Santry two weeks earlier. Hopes were high that she could repeat that performance. With the underfoot conditions deteriorating and a highly competitive field taking part,

Farrell set about her race staying out of trouble on a very cagey first lap. Once again, she made the decisive break on the outer circuit and immediately split the field. She kept the change of pace going right up until the last bend where she was able to enjoy the moment as she came across the line as double All-Ireland club champion. She edged out DSDAC and Colaiste Iosagain student Niamh Carey who came home in second place. On the international stage, DSDAC’s Joe Sweeney (men’s senior), Brandon Hargreaves (men’s Under-23) and Sophie Murphy (women’s junior) will all travel to Hyeres in France on Sunday for the European Cross Country Cham-

pionships. And Athletics Ireland high performance director Kevin Ankrom says he is hopeful that they can be part of a team that produces more strong results after a recent good run. “Athletes are planning more to make an effort to be on this team. We’ve got four medals in four years. Let’s make it five medals in five years. “Overall, as a cross country programme we would have an expectation that our teams perform better and we are certainly working towards making our teams to prepare to do that. “I still think cross country and distance running is the cornerstone of the Irish culture. I look forward to the athletes performing at their best.”

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