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Reserve the right to omit or suspend or alter any advertisement(s) in any of its publications. We also decline any responsibility in the event of one or more of a series of advertisements being omitted for any reason whatever, nor do we accept liability for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of any advertisement. If your advertisement appears incorrectly, contact the Advertising Department immediately, as responsibility cannot be accepted for more than one week’s incorrect insertion. Responsibility cannot be accepted if the complaint is made more than two weeks after insertion. If one places an advertisement for more than one week and then cancels it after the fi rst week, no refund or credit will be given for weeks cancelled. The advertiser undertakes to indemnify the Proprietors against any liability for any civil action arising out of the publication of the advertisement or any other matter printed or published in the City Gazette, Fingal Gazette, South Gazette and West Gazette. The placing of an order or contract will be deemed an acceptance of these conditions.
A SWEET REMINDER NOW THAT the 19th annual lick-tastic Lollipop Day has been and gone (taking place late last week,from February 28-29), the Oesophageal Cancer Fund (OCF) is reminding the public to stay focused on the importance of recognising the early symptoms of this cancer and how vital early diagnosis can be.
Its symptoms include difficulty swallowing food, persistent acid indigestion, heartburn or reflux. For an easy-to-understand and relatable resource to educate and support anyone affected by Oesophageal Cancer, check out the OCF’s recently launched website, at ocf.ie. Pictured helping little Amy Dempsey launch the day are Noelle Ryan, chief executive, Oesophageal Cancer Fund and Minister for Health Simon Harris. Picture: Robbie Reynolds

Drive-thru Ash Wednesday for Catholics on the go A CHURCH in northern Galway hosted a drive-thru on Ash Wednesday for people who couldn’t make it to mass in the morning.
Fr Paddy Mooney, the parish priest for Glenamaddy, said that because people are very busy nowadays, he came up with the idea of a drive-thru ashgiving ceremony at St Patrick’s Church.
People drove through their vehicle through one gate of the church from 8am to 9:30am, got their ashes at their car seat, and then exited through another gate.
Fr Mooney said he came up with the idea a couple of years ago, and it has been popular ever since. The St Patrick’s Church twitter account said this year’s attendance for the drive-thru was the largest “in four years”.

Flashlights for headlights – what could go wrong? A DRIVER in Canada was recently caught with some dangerous additions to his car, after attaching flashlights where his headlights should be.
Police in Vancouver pulled the driver over for having an insecure load on the back of his truck.
However, when Sergeant Mark Christensen pulled him over, they discovered that things weren’t as bright as they seemed.
In a tweet with pictures of the offending flashlights (left), Sergeant Christensen said: “Stopped for insecure load; further examination found flashlights being used as headlights/taillights; no insurance and failed to comply with previous inspection order!”
The driver also didn’t have any insurance, and the driver failed to comply with a previous inspection order. In all, the driver received $1,920 in fines and had their vehicle impounded.
DUBLIN GAZETTE has teamed up with Dogs Trust to help find homes for lost and abandoned dogs.
This week’s dog of the week is Arthur, a stunning five-year-old English Springer Spaniel that has the best head of hair and the most endearing smile. He is quite an energetic boy and is always on the go, so he is looking for someone to match his enthusiastic love of life!
Arthur is very friendly and loves people SO much that he would love a family who is home a lot to keep him company.
He is looking for an experienced dog owner who will continue his positive reward-based training as he sometimes guards his toys and food. He absolutely loves cuddles, food and he is dreaming of a house with an enclosed garden where he can run around and play.
If you have room in your heart and home for Arthur, then please contact Dogs Trust on 01 879 1000. They are based in Finglas, just off exit 5 on the M50. Map and directions can be found on their website www.dogstrust.ie. You can also find them on Facebook www.facebook.com/dogstrustirelandonline or Twitter @DogsTrust_IE. (Remember: Always have your dog on a lead when in public.)