IGNSS2011 IGNSS 2011 15-17 November 2011 IGNSS 2011 PROGRAM Monday 14 November 2011 18.30-19.30 Pre Conference Session: Law Theatre G04, Law Building, UNSW Kensington Campus The Migration Matrix: Marine Vertebrate Navigation in Magnetic Coordinate Space Prof Richard Holdaway, Fixed-term Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, and Palaecol Research Ltd, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. Sponsored by Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research (ACSER)
Tuesday 15 November 2011 09:00-10:15 Session 1: Plenary Session Chair: Matt Higgins Room: Central Lecture Block 7 09:00-09:15 Official Welcome – Mr Matt Higgins, President, IGNSS Society (Inc ESNC & Awards presentations) 09:15-09:45 United Nations Programme on Global Navigation Satellite Systems Ms Sharafat Gadimova, United Nations Office, Vienna, AUSTRIA 09:45-10:15 Status of the European GNSS Programmes: Galileo and EGNOS Mr Edgar M Thielmann, European Commission, Brussels, BELGIUM
10:15-10:45 Morning Tea and Trade Exhibition 10:45-12:15 Session 2: Plenary Session Chair: Brett Biddington Room: Central Lecture Block 7 10:45-11:15 Cornerstones of a Vibrant Australian Space Industry Dr Rosalind Dubs, Chair, Space Industry Innnovation Council, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Canberra, AUSTRALIA 11:15-11:45 Australia’s National Space Policy Mrs Michele Clement, Manager, Space Policy Unit, Department Of Innovation Industry Science & Research, Canberra, AUSTRALIA 11:45-12:15 Panel Session: Does Australia need a Space Agency? Dr Rosalind Dubs, Mrs Michele Clement, Mr Rob Lorimer – Facilitated by Mr Brett Biddington, Chair, Space Industry Association of Australia, Canberra, AUSTRALIA
12:15-13:15 Lunch, Trade Exhibition and Poster Presentations 13:15-14:55
Session 3A: Geodesy Infrastructure
Session 3B: Ionosphere/Troposphere
Session 3C: Weak Signals/AGNSS
Session 3D: Attitude/Formation Flying
Chair: Richard Stanaway Room: Central Lecture Block 7
Chair: Matthew Trinkle Room: Central Lecture Block 3
Chair: Jinghui Wu Room: Central Lecture Block 4
Chair: Qinghua Zeng Room: Central Lecture Block 5
13:15-13:35 National Positioning Infrastructure Delivering Compatible Positioning Services from GNSS Reference Station Networks Mr Grant Hausler, Cooperative Research Centre For Spatial Information, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Analyzing Zenith Path Delay in Dynamically Changing Environment
Efficient Implementation of Collective Detection
Carrier Phase Integer Ambiguity Resolution for GNSS-based Attitude Determination
Dr Kefei Zhang, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Mr Joon Wayn Cheong, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Mr Chen-Yin, Wang, National Central University, TAIWAN,
13:35-13:55 AUSPOS2: An Update to Geoscience Australia’s Online GPS Positioning Service
Consideration of RTZD Estimated from Ground Reference Stations for GNSS Application
Hybrid of Collective Detection with Conventional Detection for Weak Signal Acquisition
Prof Joz Wu, National Central University, Taoyuan, TAIWAN
Mr Joon Wayn Cheong, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Simulation Platform for Relative Navigation using GPS Carrier Phase Measurements for Satellite Formation Flying Missions Mr Rui Li, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Performance Evaluation of Single Frequency based Ionosphere Field Monitor for GBAS
Sensitivity Analysis of Assisted-Galileo Design and Analysis of Satellite Receiver with E1 OS Signal Orbits for the Garada Mission
Dr Seigo Fujita, Electronic Navigation Research Institute, Tokyo, JAPAN
Mr Jeong-Min Lim, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
Dr. Minghai Jia, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, AUSTRALIA 13:55-14:15 An Infrastructure Approach to Determining the “Fitness for use” of GNSS Measurements for Land-Based Applications Mr Peter Ramm, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Dr Li Qiao, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
14:15-14:35 GNSS Modernisation and Implications for Geodesy and Precision Users Prof Chris Rizos, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Recent Developments in Regional Ionospheric Modelling and Monitoring for GNSS Applications
How good is Assisted GPS?
Dr Zahra Bouya, IPS Radio and Space Services, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Dr Binghao Li, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
14:35-14:55 The Australian Space Research Program Project - Platform Technologies for Space Atmosphere and Climate Dr Kefei Zhang, RMIT University, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Proposing a Multi-GNSS Assisted GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), Concept and Performance Mr Ali Sarwar & Dr Eamonn Glennon, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
14:55-15:25 Afternoon Tea and Trade Exhibition 15:25-17:05
Session 4A: Datums & Geodesy
Session 4B: Other Location Systems
Session 4C: GNSS Signal Simulation Session 4D: Indoor Positioning
Chair: Minghai Jia Room: Central Lecture Block 7
Chair: Chia-Chyang Chang Room: Central Lecture Block 3
Chair: Eamonn Glennon Room: Central Lecture Block 4
Chair: Thomas Gallagher Room: Central Lecture Block 5
Visual Odometry and Inertial-SLAM Integration for Large Scale Navigation
A Flexible GNSS Signal Generation and Receiver Characterization Platform
Dr Jonghyuk Kim, Australian National University, Canberra, AUSTRALIA
Mr Kevin Parkinson & Dr Nagaraj Shivaramaiah, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Real-time Indoor Positioning with a Single IMES Transmitter and a Rotation-type Doppler Measurement Unit Mr Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Waseda University, Tokyo, JAPAN
15:45-16:05 Enhancement of the Asia Pacific Reference Frame (APREF) Through Accurate Metadata Maintenance and Time Series Offset Detection Mr Manoj Deo, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, AUSTRALIA
Performance of Mobile WiMAX Geo-location Using Simplified Multipath Mitigation Method in Dense Multipath Environment Mr Ji-Won Park, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
Decision of a Time-efficient Software-based GPS Signal Simulator
16:05-16:25 ITRF Transformations in Deforming Zones to Support CORS-NRTK Applications Mr Richard Stanaway & Dr Craig Roberts, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
A Relative Navigation Scheme Using the AIS Datalink
Design of a GPS L1 C/A Signal Generator using a Multi-core Processor Mr Sung Lyong Cho, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
16:25-16:45 Establishing a Horizontal Velocity Model of Taiwan Using GPS Observations and the Least-Squares Collocation Technique Mr Ching-Jung Hung, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TAIWAN & Prof Ming Yang, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TAIWAN
An DOP Relationship Between TOA and Development of MF-TDMA Based TDOA Navigations Without Clock Bias Satellite Network System Simulation Model
Indoor Positioning Based on FM Signals and Wi-Fi Signals
Mr Jae Young Ko, Chungnam National Mr Sung-Hyung Lee, Ajou University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA University, Gyuoonggi-Do, KOREA
Ms Vahideh Moghtadaiee, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
16:45-17:05 A Combination of Ellipsoidal Height from Satellite Method and Orthometric Height from Geodetic Levelling for Geoid Modelling Mr Kamorudeen Aleem, Yanbu Industrial College, Yanbu, SAUDI ARABIA
Locata: Implications of a New High Accuracy Positioning System
Feasibility Study of Seamless Positioning System Using QZSS IMES
Prof Chris Rizos, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Mr Yutaka Yamada, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, JAPAN
15:25-15:45 The Many Paths to Enlightenment: A Comparison of Transformations Between GDA94 and ITRF Dr Volker Janssen, NSW Land and Property Information, Bathurst, AUSTRALIA
Mr Young Cheol Shin, Chungbuk National University, Chongju, SOUTH KOREA
Mr Soon Lim, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
Preliminary Study on Multi-Station GPS RTK Positioning to Support Emergency Service Operations in Indoor Areas Dr Binghao Li, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA An Enhanced Ranging Scheme Using Adaptive Log Model Based on IEEE 802.11 RSSI Measurements Mr A Sol Kim, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, KOREA
17:15-19:15 Welcome Reception in the Trade Area
IGNSS2011 IGNSS 2011 15-17 November 2011 Wednesday 16 November 2011 08:45-10:45
Session 5: Plenary Session Chair: Chris Rizos Room: Central Lecture Block 7
08:45-09:10 U.S. Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing: A Policy and System Update Ms Maureen Walker, U.S. Department of State Representative to the National Space Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Coordination Office, Washington DC, USA 09:10-09:35 GLONASS Evolution Dr Sergey Karutin, Russian Space Systems, Moscow, RUSSIA 09:35-10:00 The Demonstration Result for the First Satellite of the Quasi Zenith Satellite System, Michibiki Mr Satoshi Kogure, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Ibaraki, JAPAN 10:00-10:15 Update on China’s Beidou System Mr Matt Higgins, President IGNSS Society 10:15-10:30 Update on Light Squared Interference to GPS in the US Prof Andrew Dempster, The University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA 10:30-10:45 NavRange Mr Venkatraman Ramkumar, European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) 2011 Australian Winner
10:45-11:20 Morning Tea and Trade Exhibition 11:20-12:40
Session 6A: CORS - Heights
Session 6B: GPS/Other Sensor Integration (1)
Session 6C: QZSS
Session 6D: Pedestrian Navigation
Chair: Allison Kealy Room: Central Lecture Block 7
Chair: Binghao Li Room: Central Lecture Block 3
Chair: Peter Mumford Room: Central Lecture Block 4
Chair: Nicholas Talbot Room: Central Lecture Block 5
11:20-11:40 Evaluation of NRTK Heighting in Victoria: Impact of a Temporary Reference Station Mr Eldar Rubinov, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Design and Implement of a An Efficient Signal Quality Test of MEMS-based Attitude Reference RTK-GNSS Based on Carrier System and its Integration with GPS to Noise Ratio Assoc Prof Rongbing Li, Nanjing Dr Nobuaki Kubo, Tokyo University University Of Aeronautics And of Marine Science and Technology, Astronautics, Jiangsu Province, CHINA Tokyo, JAPAN
An Ionospheric Delay Model for Pedestrian Navigation in East Asia Pacific Islands Mr An-Lin Tao, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TAIWAN
11:40-12:00 Optimising CORS Heights for Machine Control Using Network RTK
Test Results of a Wireless Sensor Networks Assisted Global Navigation Satellite System (WSN-AGNSS) Mr Ali Sarwar & Dr Eamonn Glennon, The University Of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Effect of L1-SAIF Augmentation in GPS Positioning
High Performance GNSS Augmented Pedestrian Navigation in Signal Degraded Environments Dr Jared Bancroft, University of Calgary, Calgary, CANADA
Design of an Integrated Navigation Algorithm for eLoran/GNSS Receive
Evaluation of Positioning Accuracy of Implementation of GPS RTK/MEMS IMU GNSS with QZSS Augmentation Integrated System using Embedded Platform for Vehicle Navigation Dr Yong Li, The University of New Mr Jong-Hwa Song, Konkuk South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA University, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
Mr Gavin Docherty, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA 12:00-12:20 AHD Coordination of CORS Sites Using GNSS Mr Simon Fuller, Thinkspatial, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA 12:20-12:40
Mr Se Phil Song, Chungnum National University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA Image-Based Positioning with the Use of Geo-referenced SIFT Features
Ms Xun Li , The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Mr Xing Bo, Tokyo University of Marine Science & Technology, Tokyo, JAPAN
QZSS Research at UNSW
A Low-Cost Pedestrian Navigation System Including In-Flight Parameter Correction in a Signal Degraded Environment Dr Eamonn Glennon, The University Ms Younsil Kim, Seoul National of New South Wales, Sydney, University, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA AUSTRALIA
12:40-13:40 Lunch, Trade Exhibition and Poster Presentations 13:40-1500
Session 7A: CORS – Deployment & Use Sponsored by Position Partners
Session 7B: GPS/Other Sensor Integration (2)
Session 7C: Software Receivers
Session 7D: Vehicle Positioning Sponsored by Position Partners
Chair: Cetin Mekik Room: Central Lecture Block 7
Chair: Jared Bancroft Room: Central Lecture Block 3
Chair: Kevin Parkinson Room: Central Lecture Block 4
Chair: Rocco Zito Room: Central Lecture Block 5
13:40-14:00 CORSnet-NSW: Deploying a CORS Network in a Corporate IT Environment Mr Thomas Yan, NSW Land and Property Management Authority, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Study on the Availability of Vector Tracking Loop in Outdoor Field for GPS and Pseudolite System Mr Sanghoon Jeon, Seoul National University, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
Development of a GNSS Software Receiver Platform
GNSS Uptake in Agriculture – Applications and Barriers
14:00-14:20 On CORS Site Stability Monitoring
Comparing the Mathematical Models for GPS & GLONASS Integration
The Witch Navigator – A Software GNSS Receiver for Education and Research
Dr Jinghui Wu & Dr Nagaraj Dr Don Yule, CTF Solutions, Shivaramaiah, The University of New Brisbane, AUSTRALIA South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Studies of Effects of Wireless Communication on GNSS Positioning Performance in High-mobility Vehicle Environment Dr Guorong Hu, Geoscience Australia, Mr Tao Li, The University of New South Dr Pavel Kovar & Prof Frantisek Mr Ming Qu, Queensland University Canberra, AUSTRALIA Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA Vejrazka, Czech Technical University, of Technology, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
14:20-14:40 Network-based RTK Positioning Using Integrated GPS and GLONASS Observations Dr Shaocheng Zhang & Dr Kefei Zhang, RMIT University, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Preciser Positioning and Timing with the Measured Time Offset
Mr Nathan Knight, The University of Mr Sang Wook Hwang, Chungnam New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA National University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
A Particle Filter Based State Estimation of Semitrailer Vehicle for Jackknifing Prevention Ms Hee Won Kang, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
14:40-15:00 Latest Advancements in Network RTK Positioning
GPS/MEMS IMU Integration System Design for Car Black Box
Inertial-Aided Visual Odometry for Automotive Applications
Dr Nick Talbot, Trimble Navigation, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Design of a Correlator using GPU for Real-time GNSS SDRs
High-Precision GPU (Graphic Processing Unit)-Based SoftwareDefined Real-time GNSS Signal Monitoring Receiver Mr Moon Suk Koo, Chungnam National Mr Sung-Hyuck Im, Konkuk University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA University, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
Mr Rocco Zito, University of South Australia, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
15.00-15:30 Afternoon Tea and Trade Exhibition 15:30-17:10
Session 8A: CORS - Regional to Global Sponsored by Position Partners
Session 8B: GPS/Inertial Integration
Session 8C: Namuru & FPGA Receivers
Session 8D: Cooperative Vehicle Positioning
Chair: Ming Yang Room: Central Lecture Block 7
Chair: Jared Bancroft Room: Central Lecture Block 3
Chair: Frantisek Vejrazka Room: Central Lecture Block 4
Chair: Chung-Liang Chang Room: Central Lecture Block 5
15:30-15:50 Positional Stability Study of Continuously Operating Reference Stations: Case Study of Tianjin CORS Ms Ying Xu, Wuhan University, Hubei, CHINA
Enhanced RTK-GPS with IMU and Vehicle Sensors in Urban Environment
Namuru V3.X; the Next Generation of FPGA-Based GNSS Research Receivers Mr Peter Mumford, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
A Cooperative Positioning Method for VANETs using DSRC Carrier Frequency Offset Mr Nima Alam, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
15:50-16:10 Assessment of Network RTK Performance using CORSnet-NSW
A Novel Design for the Ultra-tightly Coupled GPS/INS Navigation Systems
Dr Volker Janssen, NSW Land and Property Information, Bathurst, AUSTRALIA
Mr Dihan Chen & Dr Nobuaki Kubo, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, JAPAN
Prof Dah-Jing Jwo, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, TAIWAN
Aquarius Firmware for UNSW Namuru Evaluation of a Cooperative GPS Receivers Positioning Algorithm by Tight GPS/ DSRC Integration for Vehicular Networks Dr Eamonn Glennon, The University Mr Nima Alam, The University of of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA
16:10-16:30 An Overview on RTK Network of Turkish Republic (TUSAGA-Aktif) Dr Cetin Mekik, Zonguidak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, TURKEY
Analysis of Outlier Separability in Integrated GPS/INS Systems Mr Ali Almagbile, The University Of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
16:30-16:50 AllDayRTK – A National CORS Network for Australia
A Regularized Robust Filter for Baseband Hardware Design for Satellite Attitude Determination System Space-grade Multi-GNSS Receivers with Relative Installation Error of Sensor Tracker
Mr Gavin Docherty, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA 16:50-17:10 The Practicalities of Running CORS Based Services – a SmartNet Perspective Mr Aaron Jordan, SmartNet Aus, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
A Low Cost Namuru V3 receiver for Spacecraft Operation Mr Kevin Parkinson & Mr Peter Mumford, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Performance Boundaries for Cooperative Positioning in VANETs Mr Nima Alam, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Dr Jiongqi Wang & Prof Haiyin Zhou, Dr Nagaraj Shivaramaiah, The National University of Defense University of New South Wales, Technology, Changsha, CHINA Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Next Generation Vehicle Positioning Systems Integrated with Wireless Communications to Address Cooperative ITS Challenges in Australia Prof Yanming Feng, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
Influence of Maneuvers on the Observability of INS/GPS Initial Alignment Prof Xiaosu Xu, Southeast University, Nanjing, CHINA
FPGA Implementation of a GBAS Prototype Receiver for Integrity Monitoring Test-bed Mr Chien-Ho Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TAIWAN
A Filtering Method for Improving the precision of Cooperative Positioning in VANETs Mr Nima Alam, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
17:10-20:00 Networking BBQ (Proudly sponsored by NovAtel Inc)
Thursday 17 November 2011 09:00-10:40
Session 9A: Ambiguity Resolution
Session 9B: Multipath & Reflectometry
Session 9C: Interference 1
Session 9D: Other Applications
Chair: Peter Ramm Room: Central Lecture Block 7
Chair: Nobuaki Kubo Room: Central Lecture Block 3
Chair: Nagaraj Shivaramaiah Room: Central Lecture Block 4
Chair: Don Yule Room: Central Lecture Block 5
GPS Bistatic Radar for Target Detection and Estimation using Antenna Arrays Mr Matthew Trinkle, The Adelaide University, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
Interference Localisation within the GNSS Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) Dr Ediz Cetin, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Development of A Tsunami Monitoring System using GPS Buoy
09:00-09:20 GNSS Carrier Phase Ambiguity Resolution Aided by Float Transformation Mr Yang-Zen Chen, National Central University, Taoyuan, TAIWAN
Prof Yukihiro Terada, Kochi National College of Technology, Kochi, JAPAN
IGNSS2011 IGNSS 2011 15-17 November 2011 09:20-09:40 GNSS Ambiguity Resolution: Which Subset to Fix? Dr Peter Teunissen, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, AUSTRALIA 09:40-10:00 Reliability of Partial Ambiguity Resolution with Multi-GNSS Constellations
Prof Yanming Feng, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA 10:00-10:20 Cycle Slip Detection Algorithm by Integrating Vehicle and Inertial Sensors for Land Vehicle Users Ms Younsil Kim, Seoul National University, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA 10:20-10:40
A Gain/Phase and Mutual Coupling Calibration Algorithm for GPS Antenna Array in the Presence of Multipath Mr Matthew Trinkle, The Adelaide University, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
Detection and Jammer-to-Noise Ratio Estimation of Interferers Using the Automatic Gain Control Mr Ryan Thompson, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Study on Precise Positioning for Maritime Transportation Safety
Assessment of Multipath Mitigation with Vector Tracking Loop
Influence of GPS Satellites CrossCorrelation on the TDOA Measurements within the GNSS Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) Mr Ryan Thompson, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Performance Analysis of Carrier Smoothed DGPS for Swarm Robots
Mr Li-Ta Hsu, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TAIWAN
Mr Deuk Jae Cho, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, Yuseong-Gu, KOREA
Ms Hyun-Ja Im, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, KOREA
Analysis of the Multipath Effect on Interference Angle of Arrival Carrier Smoothed Code Measurements Estimation within the GNSS Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) using Antenna Arrays Mr Heon Ho Choi, Chungnam National Mr Matthew Trinkle, The Adelaide University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA University, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
The Principle of Determining the Geopotential Difference Between Two Points on Ground Using GNSS Signal
Sea Surface Roughness Estimation Using Signals for Multiple GPS Satellites
A Comparative Analysis of Displacement Detection Methods Using Locata Mr Mazher Choudhury, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Dr Kegen Yu, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA
Prof WenBin Shen, Wuhan University, Wuhan, CHINA
10:40-11:10 Morning Tea and Trade Exhibition 11:10-12:50
Session 10A: PPP & Carrier Phase
Session 10B: Chinese Satnav Systems
Session 10C: Interference 2/ Antennas
Session 10D: UAV’s Sponsored by Position Partners
Chair: Peter Teunissen Room: Central Lecture Block 7
Chair: Yanming Feng Room: Central Lecture Block 3
Chair: Ediz Cetin Room: Central Lecture Block 4
Chair: Jinling Wang Room: Central Lecture Block 5
Research on BEIDOU and Modernized GNSS Multi-constellation Integrated Navigation Assoc Prof Qinghua Zeng, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jiangsu CHINA
Bit Error Rate Performance of SFH-Modulation Scheme System under Jamming Mr Kwang-Chun Go, Ajou University, Yeoungtong-Gu, SOUTH KOREA
Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
11:30-11:50 An Accurate Single Point Positioning Method with Prediction Mode for LEO Satellites Ms Yuanyuan Jiao & Dr Jiongqi Wang, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, CHINA
The Transmitting Satellite Navigation System Based on Communication Satellites Dr Lihua Ma, National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, CHINA
GAJT - The First “Off The Shelf” Single Unit GPS Anti-Jam Antenna
Development of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platform for Testing Positioning Technology Mr Jiawei Xie, The University Of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
11:50-12:10 Outlier Detection Performance in Precise Point Positioning
Experimental Evaluation of Fast Beidou Orientation Ambiguity Resolution using the Lengthening Baseline Method Assoc Prof Liangqing Lu, National University Of Defense Technology, Changsha, CHINA
A Lock Detector for Signal Blockage Detection in GPS Receivers Ms Mi Hyun Jin, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
11:10-11:30 Precise Point Positioning – Where are we now? Mr Thomas Grinter, NSW Land & Property Information, Bathurst, AUSTRALIA
Mr Changhui Xu The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Mr Rod MacLeod, NovAtel Inc, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
12:10-12:30 Carrier Phase Based Positioning Algorithms Applied by Gaussian Sum Filters Assoc Prof Yukihiro Kubo, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, JAPAN
Improving GNSS Antennas Using Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures Mr Kevin Parkinson & Dr Eamonn Glennon, The University Of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
12:30-12:50 A Study on Cycle Slip Detection and Correction in Case of Ionospheric Scintillation Dr Wu Chen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, CHINA
Performance Evaluation of Array Antenna Processing with PM Algorithm for GNSS Receivers Mr Yun Sub Choi, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
12:50-13:50 Lunch, Trade Exhibition and Poster Presentations 12:50-16:30 Field Day Demonstrations
Mr Claus-Sebastian Wilkens, Institute of Aerospace Systems, Braunschweig, GERMANY
Use of GPS/INS Observations for Efficient Matching of UAV Images Ms Juan Shi, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Session 11A: Robust CP Positioning
Session 11B: Occultation/ Space Weather
Session 11C: Mixed Stream/ Late Papers
Session 11D: Airborne Applications
Chair: Allison Kealy Room: Central Lecture Block 7
Chair: Matthew Trinkle Room: Central Lecture Block 3
Chair: Yong Li Room: Central Lecture Block 4
Chair: Rod Macleod Room: Central Lecture Block 5
13:50-14:10 Reliability Analysis of Robust Estimation for Use GNSS Positioning, Ms Ling Yang, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Radio Occultation Study Using 3-D Numerical Ray Tracing Dr Robert Norman, RMIT University, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
A Study on Long-Term Predicted Ephemeris for GPS Satellite Ms Cen Xiao & Prof Akio Yasuda, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, JAPAN
The Airborne Science Initiative LiDAR Beach Survey; Development & Results Mr Peter Mumford, The University Of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
14:10-14:30 A-RAIM vs. R-RAIM: A Comparative Study
Constellation Design and Antenna Array Processing for GNSS Radio Occultation Mission Dr Yung-Fu Tsai & Prof Jyh-Ching Juang, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TAIWAN
Correlation of Land Surface Temperature and Vegetation Density Classified from Satellite Images Ms Nang Mya Mya Nwe, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Optimization-based In-flight Alignment for Airborne INS/GPS Navigation Assoc Prof Yuanxin Wu & Dr Xianfei Pan, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, CHINA
The Application of Radio Occultation for Climate and Weather Monitoring and Numerical Weather Prediction in Australian Region Prof John Le Marshall, Bureau of Metereology, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Global Tropopause Derived from COSMIC for Climate Study
Validation of Interacting Multiple Model Estimator in Radar Tracking System
Ms Ying Li, RMIT University, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Mr Yu-Chun Kao, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TAIWAN
Miss Yiping Jiang, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA 14:30-14:50 Effects of Different Reference Receiver Setups on IMT Performance
Mr Hui-Chieh Hsu, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, TAIWAN 14:50-15:10 Performance Improvement of RTK By Using Variable-Mask Strategy Dr Hideki Yamada, Electronic Navigation Research Institute, Tokyo, JAPAN 15:10-15:30 INS Aided Integrated Ambiguity Resolution for Robust Precise Positioning under the Week signal Environment Ms Sul Gee Park, Korea Ocean Research& Development Institute, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
Space Weather Effects on the GPS Scintillation Levels Received From Radio Occultations Dr Brett Carter, RMIT University, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Evaluation of APNT using ADS-B Radio Mr Hou-Jen Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TAIWAN
Investigation of Atmospheric Parameters in the Australian Region Using GPS Radio Occultation Technology Dr Chuan-Sheng Wang, RMIT University, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
15:30-16:30 Close of Educational Sessions – Closing Drinks
Interactive Poster Presentations Tuesday 12:15-13:15 The following Authors will be at their posters during this time POSTER 1
A New Velocity Field from a Dense GPS Array in Southeastern Taiwan Dr Horng-Yue Chen, Institute Of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TAIWAN
Applications of Indoor Locating Technique Based on Various Types of RFID Dr Chia-Chyang Chang, Ching-Yun University, Taoyuan, TAIWAN
A Compressive Sampling Approach to Narrowband Interference Elimination for GNSS Dr Chung-Liang Chang, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung County, TAIWAN
Dynamic Modelling for MEMS-IMU/Magnetometer Integrated Attitude and Heading Reference System Mr Wei Li & Prof Jinling Wang, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Wednesday 12:40 -13:40 The following Authors will be at their posters during this time POSTER 5
Determination of Sudden Crustal Deformation by Earthquake Ms Su-Kyung Kim & Prof Tae-Suk Bae, Sejong University, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
The RAIM Based Airborne Ionosphere Anomaly Monitoring Algorithm Using the Differential Hatch Filters Mr Jun Min Joo, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
Enhanced Time Transfer of Loran-C by Temperature Compensation Dr Chang-Bok Lee, Korea Research Institute Of Standards And Science, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
A TDOA Based BLUE Estimator for a 3-D Localization Dr Young Kyu Lee, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
Thursday 12:50-13:50 The following Authors will be at their posters during this time POSTER 9
Acquisition Complexity Reduction by Multi-stage Partial Cross-Correlation Technique for GPS Receiver Mr Jae-Kil Kim, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA
Impact of the Raw Modeling on the Precision GPS Orbit Determination Prof Tae-Suk Bae & Ms Su-Kyung Kim, Sejong University, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
NOTE: This is a Preliminary Program only. The IGNSS Society reserves the right to change any part of this program prior to the symposium.